President Trump Foots the Bill for Christmas Dinner for Military and Secret Service at Mar A Lago
December 25, 2017
President Donald Trump salutes as he steps off Air Force One with first lady Melania Trump and son Barron Trump as he arrives Sunday, Nov. 26, 2017, at Andrews Air Force Base, Md. Trump is returning to Washington after spending Thanksgiving at his Mar-a-Lago estate. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
Donald Trump was not my first choice as a candidate. In fact, in supremely safe act of virtue signaling, I didn’t vote for him. This was the first presidential vote I’ve missed since I turned 18. I say “safe” because I live in Maryland and there was no doubt about what the outcome would be. Having said that, in the past year I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the volume of conservative things that have been accomplished. And while Trump’s personality is not my cup of tea, if one hews to the old maxim that the best mark of a man’s character is how he treats people who can’t help him, to a great extent Trump has shown more character than Obama and certainly more than Hillary Clinton ever did . (Note the network that is reporting this.)
President Trump is spending Christmas day w/ family at Mar A Lago, while providing feast for military & law enforcement, a source tells me
— Noah Gray (@NoahGrayCNN) December 25, 2017
Hundreds of meals being served throughout the day for members of Secret Service, WH Military Office, & Palm Beach Sheriff working the trip
— Noah Gray (@NoahGrayCNN) December 25, 2017
The meals are being paid for privately by the Trump's the source adds
— Noah Gray (@NoahGrayCNN) December 25, 2017
Meals offered from 1p-7p so all shifts working the trip can be served. Includes "a full Christmas spread" featuring Turkey & dessert buffet
I'm kind of the same way, don't particular like his persona and disagree with him on several things, but I can't remember any other President doing everything he ran and has tried as hard to fulfill his promises as much as Trump has. May only two desires were to have anyone other than Hillary as President and start to replenish the courts with judges that made there decisions based on the Constitution. 600 regulations have been wiped out, 200 regulations have been put on hold and 700 regulations have been delayed since Trump has been elected.
He has appointed and had 12 Appeals Judges confirmed.
Since the same court keeps stopping Trump from doing what is his Constitutional right to do by doing everything they can to stop or slow down all these refugees from coming into this country from these high risk countries and now the same court with the same 3 Judges appointed by Bill Clinton trying to screw the Supreme Court out of their ruling, I've become more of a supporter than I ever was before.
And I believe there are many others who are seeing the highest GDP growth they've seen in years with Obama never having a year at 3% during his entire8 years as President have come to the same conclusion. I shutter to think what it would have been if Hillary would have gotten elected.
The unemployment is 4.1% lowest it has been in 17 years. When you're coming out of a recession and many have lost their jobs there's no way to go but up or it is truly Armageddon using screwball Nancy Pelosi's stupid comment. When you already have 4.8% unemployment, to lower it even more is a real accomplishment. I'm not saying during the Obama Administration the rate didn't come down, but it was the slowest recovery overall since the Great Depression and for the last two years of his administration the Dow only went up 2k and it has gone up at least 5k to 7k during Trump's first year. Obama left office with the last quarter which should have been one of the best since it was the time of the season for growth at either 1.5% or 1.9%.
I use to be more concerned and still am concerned with his tweeting, but after a year of looking and listening to the MSM, it doesn't bother me near as much as most of them are part of the Deep State and those who were hoping to fill positions in Hillary's Administration are really pissed after doing so much to get her elected, even having events for her like the Washington Post did and still fail.
Meanwhile 1100 miles away due south, American citizens are still without power and drinking water......
A swear, the area 1100 miles away, has it's own actual government that's been collecting taxes for decades.
And then gets treated like a foreign country by republiscum and their Scumbag-in-Chief when their island is destroyed.
Nonsense. You cannot reverse the result of decades of corruption and bad government that had most of Puerto Rico looking like 3rd world country before Trump ever took office.
And you will not get away with changing the subject in order to justify what a horrible failure your Scumbag-in-Chief is. Well, except for the fact that he excels in scumbaggery.
PREPA treated the tax payer money as a slush fund for fun. They are over 70 billon in the hole for providing as minimal electric as the Puerto Rican Government ALLOWED them to supply !
Corruption is Puerto Rico's Problem, not the United States of America's. Funding Corrupt governments is on the out's these days. Didn't you get the memo ?
If debt is a sign of corruption then no state should get disaster relief and especially states that need it so often like FL and TX. Try another bogus argument to justify scumbaggery.
You should read more about Puerto Rico !
Did you know....and you probably didn't....their Electrical infrastructure is a century behind where it should be ?
Can you guess why ?
It doesn't matter how up-to-date or not, it was because this storm would have destroyed it in any case. You seem to be advocating for not rebuilding it at all. So, time to try another bogus argument (and I'm sure you've got plenty of them).
Yeah, it's called the United States government who's President was too busy golfing and taking photo ops than to worry about US citizens?
No one is saying that it needs to be reversed, but to sit here and try to right off the devastation and abandonment of OUR people by making that claim is a pathetic attempt at excusing Trump
And what the hell does that got to do with the fact that there are people on that island (a US CITY), that after 3 months STILL do not have drinking water!
It's grid system was already on life support.
It's power outages was 5 times higher than anything in this country, and it was having BIG problems supply even the most basic of electric at times.
Did you know that the underground lines they do have, didn't have one problem ? The rest of their decaying above ground system FAILED, and FAILS without a storm like Irma and Maria. Their FAILING system will need much more than replacing just downed poles and cables. The entire system of generation, transmission and distribution system needs to be rebuilt, including replacing of ALL high-voltage transmission lines.
Actually, they do, if you read EVERYTHING but the :Left: stuff.
Of course, then you have the power grid problem which powers wells, but the :Left: thinks the entire infrastructure of Puerto Rico can be fixed in days.
I remember the days when Trump lifted the ban on shipments into the international waters of Puerto Rico. Remember that ?
I didn't know it was rescinded.
It's so cute when the :Left: uses the Golfing meme as a gotchya moment in their lives.
Why isn't he making PR a priority to rid it of the corruption then? It isn't a foreign country. It is part of the US so if he wants to make the USA great again, why not start there?
Oh you mean the ban that he initially refused to waive , but then after political pressure was put finally waived it? That ban?
You mean the ban that was waived for Texas and Florida almost immediately but waited 8 days to waive it for Puerto Rico, that ban?
Damn, then I guess you don’t know much about this ban you are trying to bring up then! (It’s called the Jones Act by the way)…..and it was a temporary waiver that expired for Puerto Rico after 10 days of him waiving it! So yeah his waive was rescinded over 3 months ago!
….But yet you claim to remember those days!
That's an idea!
Ummm......yeah! New Orleans had power up and going 2 months after Hurricane Katrina hit, in spite of the same claims and excuses from ineptitude to corruption to delay of recovery efforts that you all are spouting off about Puerto Rico!
In other words (Real Words)......THERE IS NO BAN on International shipments !
Weird huh.
"So yeah his waive was rescinded over 3 months ago!" Real Words.....Congress's rule/Law came back into effect. Trump stopped NOTHING !
And it's pathetic how the right like to get selective amnesia about the Golfing meme in order to justify their hypocrisy!
So you blame Republicans and President Trump for what Puerto Rican governors and local officials did not do for decades that would have improved their own infrastructure? Ha ha ha!!
I've NEVER brought up Golfing anywhere on this site. Not once.
Again though, it was a cute try at gotchya !
So the part about the BAN (Which is called the Jones Act) WAS ONLY WAIVED FOR 10 DAYS went right over your head right?
Damn, then I guess you don’t know much about this ban you are trying to bring up then! ( It’s called the Jones Act by the way)…..and it was a temporary waiver that expired for Puerto Rico after 10 days of him waiving it !
Weird huh?
Umm.....wrong again! Trump had to option of extending the waiver, which is fully within Presidential power, but he chose not to!.....Since you want to claim real words, even you claimed that Trump lifted a ban! So why would you now claim that Trump stopped nothing when your Real Words claimed that he did lift a ban that was set forth by Congress rule?!
You sure you remember those same days?!
And how is that Trump's fault?
Did I claim you did?!
You do realize it's not all about you! (gotcha!)
Rex, by now you should know that e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g is Trump's fault to Trump haters. I visited Puerto Rico in the 1970s and again a few years ago. Unless you stay in the hotel or more affluent areas, the island is still in poverty and the people live in hovels. But, Puerto Rico not fixing its own infrastructure for decades is somehow Trump's fault to the haters.
By the way - Breaking News: All of the snow that Erie, PA got on Christmas was Trump's fault!
Umm.....Trump is the POTUS and as POTUS it's his responsibility to insure that the American people are taken care of is it not?
He claims that Puerto Rico's recovery is a 10, so if people are without drinking water despite him rating it a 10, should he be getting something done to rectify that?
I guess to you, the buck went down to 2 cents when it regards to Trump huh?
BULLSHIT!!...I'm calling straight up bullshit on that one! My wife and I went to Puerto Rico a couple years back with some friends, and they showed us around the real Puerto Rico...I can see the same makeup of the area in Southern Florida! As a matter of fact our friend's mother house was destroyed during the hurricane and it was a nice little two story house that wasn't in any affluent area!
Rick Reilly, the sportswriter who hit the links with Trump for his 2004 book “ Who’s Your Caddy? ” — in which Reilly lugged clubs for several of the world’s best golfers and VIP amateurs.
As for Trump? “When it comes to cheating, he’s an 11 on a scale of one to 10,” Reilly said.
Reilly told The Washington Post about an afternoon when Trump wrote down scores he didn’t actually achieve on his scorecard, conceded putts to himself by raking the ball into the hole with his putter rather than striking it properly.
“He took the world’s first gimme chip-in,” Reilly said.
Mark Mulvoy, then the managing editor of Sports Illustrated said Trump told him during a round of golf "“Ahh, the guys I play with cheat all the time, I have to cheat just to keep up with them.”
The rock star Alice Cooper was asked if he was “The worst celebrity golf cheat?” to which he replied “I wish I could tell you that. It would be a shocker. I played with Donald Trump one time. That’s all I’m going to say.”.
Jonathan Carr who spent the 2007 and 2008 golf seasons caddying at Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J. said everyone who caddied there had heard of Trumps rule breaking reputation. “The caddies would say, ‘If I get on his bag, I’m going to make sure he always has a good lie,’ ” Carr said, meaning that even if Trump shanked a ball, the caddies would do what they could to place it on the fairway.
Good golfer? More like a professional cheat.
Democrats, Republicans, or pink elephants it does not matter to me. If they are corrupt they need to go.
Talk to willjay9 about his comment 3. He's the one who derailed with Puerto Rico's hurricane devastation when the topic is Christmas at Mar-a-Lago/military/Secret Service meals.
You gotta love people who call others losers and don't know themselves how to spell such a commonly used word. You lose this time Norman.
Maybe I'll post a couple of the many stories of Trump cheating at golf, just for laughs. In the meantime we can all laugh at this.
Most people believe he is wearing adult diapers in this scene.
Mr. Russell. Have a Happy New Year.
Rather than cooking for two days, I sure wish we could have had some of that awesome free food. But, that's their jobs just like when I worked at the local hospital and my Christmas was spent there. I can assure you that we did not get Christmas dinner, but I had a cheese sandwich I brought from home. Got a Coke from the vending machine and that was it. Actually, I wouldn't change it. Even though we were worn out tired, we knew why we were there. I worked on the Oncology Floor.
you don't know anything about him. only what you see in the news.
that is not even his body.
who cares if he cheats?
obviously not you. He also lies constantly , and is a business fraud. What are your thoughts about those? Good to go?
You actually don't believe he is fat? That is funny in itself.
actually it is. maybe they caught him at a bad angle.
skirting the CoC [ph]
guess who?
Is that a picture of Jumbo?
Ya, all these photos were photo-shopped.....right.
Her and DT are a love match
This is photo-shop...
Good find Pat.
No, it's not, you can see the cut and past line at his neck, his lower neck has a dark tan, where as his upper neck and head are way whiter.
He's a fat ass Jasper. That's the way the Bic Mac crumbles.
Here ya go....this isn't photo-shopped
Of course He's president of all 50 states. But the image of all being red is ridiculous.
Have you ever looked at the election results map by county? The above picture isnt too far off
If it is a photo tilted at an angle, and not a hill, why is he out of breath?
Including every single one of his deplorable supporters.
How nice of you to toot your own horn. So selfless of you.
Reminds of that judge in the movie Caddyshack - when he would cheat and tell his caddy to ignore it because he was interfered with. Rump gets nothing by merit. He's a cheat!!!!!!!!!!!
He lies and cheats and screws over everyone but his family. Except he screws Ivanka - regularly - since she was 12.
There was another instance where he fucked over another family member for daddy's inheritance and refused to help a very sick relative.
Nah, that would be Bill Clinton.
That sounds like why Donald Rump goes golfing every fucking weekend and then some - so it can remember what it is like to handle real balls - his are in his supporters mouths or Ivanka is fondling them.
He's such a fat and ugly pig.
Yes it is - he is a fat and ugly gross pig. He never exercises. Eats nothing but fast food and junk.
That's obviously photoshopped.
Yes !
Why direct a statement like that at me if you didn't ?
You do realize, it's you and I posting to each other, and not your imaginary friend.....right ?
And that's his BEST quality!
New Orleans didn't have decades of a failing system. Much easier to fix.
WTF does Rosie O'Donnell have to do with the fat pig in chief?
Why else do you think she is in the now White Trash House? Melania is too old for him to be handling his balls or screwing him now.
Nah...his ass is really that fat and lumpy. Instead of an ass he has cellulite's Steve Bannon!
No way is he climbing a hill to get his own ball. That's a job for the servants, m'dear
My husband plays golf a lot. If I learned that he cheated, I would read him the riot act. I don't like cheaters, it says a lot about their character
He didn't even photoshop them himself. Check it out ......
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
Not true! You did and do support hillary clinton any and every chance you get. She cheated big time in the democrat primaries, isnt that right Bernie?
Wiljay changed the subject. Might want to light into that person. BTW, a little hint? Wiljay is not on the right side of the aisle.
Hey, Atheist told you to knock that crap off. Atheist believes that he/she is in charge here (When we all know it's BF anyway).
Some of you people are an absolute riot. I tilted the picture 45 degrees so as to make the ground appear flat, as Norm and others seem to think was the case. Now we have Trump crawling around on his hands and knees apparently looking for his ball. I have played golf probably a hundred times and I have never seen anyone crawl around on their hands and knees looking for a ball. It is hilariously absurd unless someone was doing it for comic effect.
Trump cheats at golf. He would simply drop another ball in a more favorable spot if he couldn't find the ball he had hit. People who don't cheat even do that to save time. That is why golfers carry at least a dozen balls in their bag.
You don't know fuck all about me so put that in your ass and shove it!
I didn't support that woman during the primaries, I wanted so badly for Bernie to get it. I supported her in the general only because the other choice was just too much to bear.
I don't support her now or will in the future. So why don't you take your know-it-all crystal ball and crush it into a nice zirconium for the little Mrs and never presume to tell me who I support again!
Jesus...some of you people are unfucking believable!
Happy fucking New Year
Why ?
I suck at Golf, though I enjoy it. I tell my friends that I get much more of my money's worth as I get to take far more swings than they do.
Because I never liked Hillary Clinton. I don't trust her and I don't think she really is a progressive. She gets paid by Wall Street
And a lot more exercise which I understand is the whole point of the sport anyway
And Bernie made you feel ? He is a "democrat" he runs on all the time. Why would you "Trust" someone that says they are a "Progressive"....but is "Afraid" to run under that label when it comes to keeping his tax payer funded "Job" ? Seems he's really selfish that way.
I'm not going to discuss this or any other subject with you. You are never satisfied with the answers to your questions so you ask the same questions over and over. Please go find a small mammal to torture, I'm unavailable
I didn't know we ever posted to each other that much. it that you can't explain why the candidate you wanted just can't be who he says he is.
Is that the problem ?
"Please go find a small mammal to torture"
Are you a cephalopod or something else ?
Don't be giving him any ideas, Trout!
We MUST go sometime, Spike, I bet I could lose to you!
What lies - about this piece of shit that you call president?
Have you tried conversing with him? It's like banging your head against the wall. He's never satisfied with any answer and keeps repeating himself.
I won't give him the satisfaction, just as I'm about to do to most of the cons here. I've had it with their nit picking, name calling, and insults.
Are YOU a mammal ?
Do you "Support" a candidate that "Won't" run on a real "Progressive" label too ?
I tend to keep our back and forths on the light side. It's impossible to have a serious conversation with Sammy, I know exactly what you mean.
Why, yes Sammy, I AM a mammal, aren't you?
If he had even a smidgen of a sense of humor, I would try. But I'm done with him
Good luck
I found the "Small" Trout said to go for.
Now....about Bernie and the support for someone that "Hides" behind the "Democrat" label, instead of running on who you "Think" he is....a "Progressive" !
Your thoughts about trustworthiness ?
butthurt runs deep, huh?
I don't remember obummer ever paying out of pocket for anything for the troops, please cite where he ever did that.
you can't fix a corrupt government that is essentially a self governing "territory "...That said, our government people and the military are still is a massive mess that also is competing with Texas and Florida for resources like utility poles and such.
It is NOT a "US CITY" is a territory of the US and is self governing...geez, people.
Guess they forgot about Obama playing during crisis moments -
Trump does golf quite a bit on his own private courses and often with foreign dignitaries.
Obama throws like a girl and swings like a
God forbid you actually compliment the guy for doing something nice.
It's sad but many of you are so hardwired to hate Trump he could cure Cancer and you'd be pissed off because he didn't do it sooner.
But ..... haters gotta hate i guess.
Donald Trump is an asshole. he has proven that beyond a shadow of a doubt over and over in the last three years, and even before that (birtherism, sexual assaults, cheating laborers and trades people out of money) .
Can an asshole do something nice occasionally? Sure, but he's still an asshole.
skirting the CoC [ph]
Yep i understand, like i said haters gotta hate.
Hate on John, you go booooyeee.
I think you and the fish agree with JR 100%. Everyone knows Trump's an asshole. To many on the right, this is just one more reason they like him.
Dude! Trump did nothing nice...this was PR! Do you realize there are two cities no more than 20 miles from West Palm Beach, one predominately white, one predominately black, who are well below the poverty level, instead of feeding people at his lavish resort, maybe he could have used the money he spent there feeding the poor people of those two cities instead!
Oh! and before you pull that why didn't you do it crap.....I was at BOTH those cities Christmas Eve and Christmas Day doing just that
...during the 1948 Presidential election campaign . In Bremerton, Washington , Truman delivered a speech attacking the Republicans . During the speech, a supporter yelled out, "Give 'em Hell, Harry!". Truman replied, " I don't give them Hell. I just tell the truth about them, and they think it's Hell."
Well see there's your problem again, trying to think.
Worker harder next time and try to inject more pith for effect.
Dude .... i understand that's what you would think and why. Keep on hating there Willy.
Feeling better now?
Off topic, this seed is about Trump not Truman. Please stay on topic John.
Not being alive at the time, the answer would have to be no.
The seeder is the only one who can call off-topic.
You know the funny part about all this.....Trump could have easily invited the families of these men and women he was feeding to the resort and throw a party for them......but he didn't did he? That would have been the nice thing to do! The funny part about this is the predominately white town were most Trump voters!
Now on a side note I hope they don't get food poisoning from all that food!
Regulations are for losers, you know that, Will.
Yeah he could have done that and you would have just found another reason to hate on him.
This reminds me of dealing with a dementia ridden parent. The analogy i use for that is i could give you a jar with 100 pennies in it. 99 of the pennies are shiny and new and one penny is tarnished and old.
You would pick through all those good pennies until you found the bad one and say .... see .... this one is bad. The 99 good ones don't matter when you have a mind full of hate. Only the one bad one matters.
That is some seriously crossed wiring in my book.
To many on the right, this is just one more reason they like him.
True that! His bluntness and coarseness are among of his best qualities.
What you call bluntness other, more perceptive, people call pathological lying.
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
Thank-you for admitting that Rex. There are many others like you, who want the President to be a loud-mouthed, swaggering bully, but they aren't honest enough to admit it. The right wingers got exactly what they wanted in a president this time. In a strange way, I'm actually kind of happy for them!
Lets face it, since i'm not a Trump hater like you that's the only direction you could go with it but kissing Trumps ass? No thanks. Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
That's actually kinda sad when you think about it.
Those same qualities are the sole reason many dislike him. The President doesn't play the PC game and so many don't like that.
It's not that he's un-PC (and I really don't believe that he is), he's supposed to be an educated man. He could use a little more couth when he speaks to the American people. And a dictionary/thesaurus
Umm....I think that's exactly what rich liberals are doing! Or are you saying the POTUS should be outdone by some rich liberal?!
On that note i'm pushing for a line on the new 1040 where anyone can can give back the tax benefit they receive from this new tax bill. I'm sure as socially responsible as most liberals are you will all give back any benefit you receive. Especially the rich liberals.
Yep, i'm sure of it.
If a mob boss gives to a charity, do you dismiss all the illegal activities and all those people he's hurt to get that money and just compliment him on his donation?
He didn't get where he is in the business world being PC or using soft language. We're talking about a man who has been working internationally for decades. Kissing ass when it's needed and telling people off when needed. Right now, many in the US are not used to being told off. And that's something that is long overdue. I'm not referring to just one specific group. Across the board, RNC, DNC, Left, Right, Liberals, Conservatives, Centrists alike, the ass chewing are long over due.
Because of his extreme narcissism and need to always promote himself as right, and always be praised, Trump is a pathological liar. This is common knowledge at this point. It is amazing the lengths Trumpsters will go to delude themselves.
So is every other politician. Do you have a point or are you going to keep throwing your tantrum?
And we are supposed to think his opponent is better? THAT is some delusional thinking.
Trump thinks that this is some kind of contest, he has to win the lying contest or, he just can't stand it so, he try's to tell more lies than anyone else.
Nah, that's a RWer trait.
Every year in Colorado Springs, the "rich liberals" get together and foot the bill at area restaurants and, a place called "Good Fellows" and, serve Thankgiving dinner for all the homeless in the area.
If you truly believe that then you haven't been paying very good attention.
No excuses needed .... continue to hate on .... tis the season for liberals after all ....
Who died and made you king of turd mountain?
Only to deplorables who support the rump.
Not presidential material in any way, shape or form.
Others value diplomacy like President Obama
Educated men don't speak like that.
The dictionary/thesaurus is a good idea - his vocabulary is so limited.
Is this how assistant RA's are supposed to behave?
Obama's famous ' A New Beginning ' speech in Cairo saw the President declare he was seeking a fresh start "between the United States and Muslims around the world", increasing hopes he would be the antidote to George W. Bush's controversial term.
Almost six years later, Mr Obama has approved military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and now Syria.
Diplomacy at it's "BEST" ?
Seems to me....the "Peace" President should give his "Million Dollar Prize" back after all that "Diplomacy" he rained down on everyone.
"In spite of the wildly speculative and false stories of arms for hostages and alleged ransom payments, we did not—repeat, did not—trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we." - Ronald Reagan Nov 1986
"A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not." - Ronald Reagan March 1987
So true of the repukes
I hear John Gotti loved his family....
Only those like you who like getting the short end of any negotiation, appeasement and subsribe to " making America mediocre".
Personally I prefer to make and keep America great!
Bill Gates didn't bully people in public, still doesn't and up until yesterday was the richest man in America. I understand that Jeff Bezos doesn't bully people in public, either. He IS the richest man.
And honestly, let's think about America's bully-in-chief being a so-called successful businessman. How many bankruptcies? How many lawsuits? How much money did daddy give him to start his own company? The two richest businessmen in America didn't need daddy's money to be successful.
Or Warren Buffet.
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
Him , too. thanks, Kav
He may well be an asshole. I have to take the word of the left on that, becuase they actually define the word, so they can recognize it much easier than normal people.
BTW, he's still your president.
And yet, here you are.
Sounds like you and your donald rump supporting buds.
What does the true stuff I post and a 'perceived slight' have to do with each other?
What true stuff would that be? The next true thing you post will be your first.
He should foot the bill for the military that have to be with him on Christmas. All those airman who work Air Force One could have spent the day with their families if they didn't have to fly to Florida for Christmas
Did President Obama do that? Did President Clinton? If not (and they didn't), why should President Trump?
Another, if your going to have standards, you should have twice as many, you know, like Double type of comment from you.
Why should my standards be better than yours?
That would be, it wouldn't be. I don't expext 2 people to be held by entirely different standards in the same situation. That would be a difference between us.
I'm not understanding you so let's quit talking
Oh, please don't pretend that you apply your "standards" equally to everyone. That's a hoot and a half.
Nice try but his is a double standard, pure and simple.
If Obama did this most of you Trump naysayers here would be falling all over yourselves in praise.
Just man up and admit it if you can.
Gosh, whose this feeding the troops at Christmas?
Whats your point?
let's quit talking period
yeah, she's taking the low road out, like usual.
Sorry, but this is not about me. Try toi stay on topic. okay?
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
go sideways
So you felt just as upset when Obama flew to Hawaii for Christmas every year he was president?
Has your Scumbag-in-Chief played more rounds of golf than Obama did in all 8 years yet?
Your kind was very upset anytime the Obamas went to Hawaii for a vacation.
And no, I didn't. I admit that I hate trump, tho. Your kind won't admit that you hated Obama and his family. I just hate trump, not his family
And...........that has relevance in a story about providing meals to military and law enforcement HOW again? Well except for major amounts of deflection......................
Oh and psssst, he is your Scumbag-In-Chief also.........And no amount of fingers in ears lalalalalalala can change that.......unless you renounce your citizenship and move out of country.
Trump's scumbaggery is always relevant since it's on display every minute of every day.
You don't even know 'our kind', you're still a new kid here. And you should start growing up. Maturation is a process, you should at least start.
Really? You weren't on Newsvine for years?
And I wouldn't be so glib about telling others to grow up
Don't be so hard on yourself.
It's so much fun when you people pretend you're invisible. You're transparent as hell, but that's a different thing altogether.
Spike is a "moderate" . He has said so himself. His "moderation" on issues always falls significantly right of center though. Maybe he is not honest with himself?
We can always hope that will happen. Unfortunately even if he said ge would do just that. Liberal rarely follow thru with their promises
People lie on NT???
Say it isn't so, John.
Here they come, piling on like is the habit for some.
Interestingly the only people using negatively charged, bigoted phrases like "you people" and "your kind" in this thread are the folks doing the piling on.
It speaks for itself where the problem is.
Did he now?
Why should she be? President Obama never said he wouldn't take a vacation or play golf. That's what your president - your turd in chief said. "I won't have time to play golf or take vacation. I'll be too busy" LOL!
Sounds like it's okay for you that donald rump does the opposite of everything he says he will do and the opposite of everything President Obama did.
I was on NV from late 2008 until about 2011. I think I went back one time to that cesspool and looked around and saw the incredible foolishness that abounded there. I'm glad it's gone-it lost it's pursuit of 'Get Smarter Here' in 2011 when the Nations came along. It turned into a shit show. I'm sure you miss it.
Now, back to the topic. Try to stay focused.
bite me
my father's dead and you don't get to tell me what to do
John, the only thing that fits your narrative is the extreme ends of the political spectrum. You are so far left that the Nascar Guys couldn't turn that tight to keep up with you. You are so far left that you can't even see anyone that isn't on the same extreme as you or on the other extreme. And you choose to view it that way. It's not the real world.
BTW, the topic is not me, what you are doing is participating in derailing. Try to focus on the article.
Did you feel that way about obama and his Hawaii Christmases?
Or not. I recall that in my time in the service that I spent several Christmases away from my family.
Yeah, as most of us did. People on the outside looking in always have their own idea about military members and what they could have done. It is kind of funny.
Does that Tech Sergeant look young to you? They just get younger every day
Yeah...that's right, I know what a tech sgt is. The guy next to him is a Master Sgt. I don't know fuck-all about the military because I only spent 10 years in it.
wonder if Obama did the same when he went to Hawaii for Christmas?
Sure did, i'm sure they got all the MRE's they could eat compliments of the Obama's.
What Obama never did was tell the widow of a soldier that her husband asked for it and then trot his chief of staff to come out to call her a liar.
so he didn't
But your Scumbag-in-Chief did.
Until you get rid of your vitrole, why don't you find a nice blog site to visit and harass? My personal opinion is that you haven't added any benefit to NT - sad to say.
You support Donald Trump, a pathological liar.
Do you think supporting someone like Trump is adding anything to the site?
Some people troll other members and seed articles about poo and farting and transvestites , and some other members talk about the unqualified president of the United States. I guess it takes all kinds.
No, I supported Gary Johnson - a much better candidate, albeit less financially endowed, than your losing candidate.
Yes, folks can and do make supporting comments about our current President - something you obviously have missed.
I have seen you make comments that appear to be supportive of Trump. If you want to denounce him here and now, fine.
Not supportive of Trump - supportive of many of the programs he has implemented. Trump has a lot to learn and a long way to go. I'll give him the same amount of time I gave Barry - one term. If he doesn't come up to par, time for a new CiC.
He's a pathological liar, an incredibly self-centered psychologically disturbed extreme narcissist, a tax cheat, someone who cheated the investors in his publicly owned casino company, defrauded customers of his phony real estate "university", cheated laborers on building projects out of wages, refused to pay hundreds of small business owners for services rendered, sexually harrassed and assaulted women, and lied about where the then sitting president of the United States was born. What more evidence did you need before you decided to give him a "chance"?
Why do you keep on repeating you same old same old? Don't you have any NEW evidence of how corrupt he's become from the time his g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g grand-parents got married?
Seriously John, trying to go back 75 years on a person who is only in his late 60's is pathetic. How 'bout listing some of the shite you yourself did 30 years ago? Can we lock your ass up now?
trump is at least 70 if not older, definitely not in his late 60's. He probably wishes he was that young
Donald Trump was a birther until last year (he actually still is but he did finally admit it last year). ANYONE who was a birther should have been permanently disqualified from office, as either being too stupid or too dishonest to be president. The State of Hawaii publicly announced in both 2008 and 2009 that Obama's birth certificate had been inspected in the state archives. Trump became a public birther in 2011.
He continues to lie and cheat up til today. What does that have to do with 60 years ago?
I personally don't think that Atheist provides anything less than a few others here on NT, and in many cases, much more than those who profess to be such pious Christians. We are a community here on NT, and that includes those who may not meet our own personal bar.
I for one welcome the diversity we have here on NT, as it is an opportunity for learning if one is willing to open their minds and not expect everyone else to follow in their own foot steps.
Just my opinion.
Hear, Hear.
Speaking of gas, best stay clear of this after he's eaten a bag of burritos.
Liberal rule #44:
Body shaming is bad, don't do it, unless of course you don't agree with the person politically or philosophically.
Then by all means, body shame them vigorously. One must operate in this manner to insure one doesn't lose their "i'm superior" liberal card.
I expect this from your president but is this how an Assistant RA should behave?
You supported a freaking whackjob which was also a vote for the now liar in chief.
He treats everyone like shit except for Putin and Ivanka (he's putin's cock holster and Ivanka is rump's cock holster). He helps no one but Donald Rump and those who bought their positions in his cabinet.
Though it would be nice if Atheist stopped with the personal attacks and near constant derailing of topics, but not sure that's possible for that person.
It's pretty funny that Trump's supporters are foisting a supposedly gifted meal as evidence of what a great guy he is. It's a meal, supposedly paid for by a mega millionaire. In PR, he threw out paper towels. Trump had a "charity" foundation that he didn't even contribute his own money into, and then used $20,000 from it to buy a six foot tall painting of himself. How quickly they forget. It would be 100% unsurprising to learn that this meal was composed of leftovers from a different event that were about to spoil.
Trump should foot the bill every time he goes anywhere. It's the least he can do for the people around him who have to put up with such an asshole.
Definitely could say the same thing about the former loser-in-chief we had for eight years. No, not Bush - well, maybe - but Obama, the most worthless President during my life time.
Obama entered the WH with a net worth of $1.3M and left with a net worth of $20.2M and he grabbed all the benefits he could from the "people" - $1.3M vacations to Hawaii - wife and mother-in-law and daughters spending $2.1M on European vacation - Martha's Vineyard to the tune of $1.1M and $895K - plus other expenses we taxpayers footed.
Trump on pace to surpass 8 years of Obama's travel spending in one year
From what I have seen is those that worked in the White House from 1992-2000 should still be being compensated for having to deal wuth the treatment givento them by the Clintons, especially hillary. From what I have heard, the Trumps treat those that work in their household staff quite well.
Actually there are a lot of people who support Trump's policies. Policies to put Americans first, conservative policies to bring jobs back to the USA, policies to help our allies and save the world from crazy dictators with nuclear weapons, policies to put conservative judges in the SCOTUS, policies to hault the United Nations from wasting our money and voting against our allies, policies to allow even the poorest to have an opportunity to ride in the front of the bus if they have the ambition and perseverance to accept responsibility for themselves instead of accepting the progressive policies that had held them back for so many years and policies to look forward to a growing economy everyone can share in, but they've had to remain anonymous until they cast their votes in order to save themselves from the Lefties who are attacking them daily.
As far as staying on subject, I've yet to see an article with more than a dozen comments stay on topic on this site if it has anything to do with politics, so in saying that, I know the topic is going to vary throughout the article. The only thing that is important to me is try to have a conversation that is productive, worthwhile and lacking in personal attacks or insults. Any by the way, I don't mind things that are put forth in a joking manner, whether I agree or not with the comment.
Progressives never change. Notice he says 'taken care of'.
Article closed due to authors help in moderation.
Ah, too bad.