Pump your own gas? Eeeeeewwwww!
I did a double take on this when i saw it, thinking maybe it was satire but alas it is real.
New law in Oregon requires folks pump their own gas
Only need one word to describe this:
I did a double take on this when i saw it, thinking maybe it was satire but alas it is real.
New law in Oregon requires folks pump their own gas
Only need one word to describe this:
Wow! The only state that I knew about that had full service was NJ. I live in Georgia and have always pumped my own gas. I haven't even see a full service station unless I was visiting family in NJ. Does anyone know why the people of NJ cannot pump their own gas?
My guess is it has something to do with unions .... jobs ....
Same here on the self serve. I'm old enough to remember when full service stations were the norm but for the most part have always pumped my own gas since i started to drive. It's uncomfortable for me now letting someone else pump it
Thats what my husband and I were thinking when we were talking about it a couple days ago. We went a few years back to visit my aunt and my sister when she lived up there. My husband got out of the car to pump our gas and we were dumbfounded when the attendant told us that it was full service and to get back in the car, they would take care of it LOL.
Attendant unions, never heard of one of those. I did remember fueling in Oregon and made the mistake of stepping out to the pump, I was quickly educated that one was not allowed to self serve. The "attendant" said it was about jobs so I asked him if it would be alright if there was someone to pick out his groceries while he waited up front, of course that was not well received.
The funny thing? Full service is the law in N.J. but gas is cheaper than New York or Pennsylvania, plus you get someone else to pump it for you. On a day like today (and the next few in the Northeast) that's not a bad thing.
Yeah, it's all in the state gas taxes and i think NY and Pa are up there.
SEIU. Google it.
I remember "self service" and "attendant" lanes here in Kansas a very long time ago.
Rather then a union matter, it probably was for safety reasons. Persons could lose control of the spigot handle or just spill gas on the pavement, making a hazardous situation.
In any event, it seems that even if some law were changed, it would still be expected that an attendant would do the job for persons who really needed that, such as disabled persons, drivers having to stay in the car to keep control of children, elderly persons who would have difficulty with the task, etc.
The main reason it went the way of self service WAS for price relief in the 70's. It's was cheaper, faster and simply more convenient for most people to pump their own gas. And filling accidents are statistically far and few between.
For quite some time many stations had both self serve and full service lanes. Over time the full service lanes went the way of the dodo bird. A supply and demand thing i'm sure. In that the demand for the higher priced "full service" fuel dried up to the point it didn't make financial sense keeping attendants on staff.
There's a reason 48 of 50 states don't require full service stations. There are plenty of other options for the aged and folks with disabilities for service in this regard.
the SEIU represent "only" a hundred plus occupations and I would expect there are very few gas station attendants that belong, although I expect you would stand fast that they by having the possibility of being a union member would be overpaid and underworked.
Funny, the SEIU is one of the very largest donors to Democrats, far out pacing the eternal boogeymen of the left, the Kochs.
They have their fingers dug deeply into the wallets of hundreds of thousands of hard working peoople.
A few.....I'd probably say none, unless that gas station had a restaurant attached to it
I would hope then, that the service stations on limited access throughways will provide the option, because they are the "only game in town" when you travel on those roads.
Don't understand these types of laws. Where I am it's the gas stations choice, now most are self-serve cause it's more profitable but there are still some full serves (mostly on highways)
The town I grew up in had a full service station until about 10 years ago or so. It was optional. Even after giving the attendant a tip, it was usually cheaper to fill up there than at other stations, so that's where I went if it wasn't too far out of my way.
LOL .... quoting one of the tweets from an Oregon resident:
"This is a service only qualified people should perform"
WTF over!
It'll change fast now whether they like it or not. i remember when it started changing in my state at first lots of people said they wouldn't pump their own but sooner or later the lower prices are to much to resist especially when gas prices spike and once they start pumping their own and saving money most will never go back.
I can't even think back far enough to when I haven't pumped my own gas. Some time in the last century.....
I don't even think I have ever seen a full service station here in Ga.
Here in Michigan it was the norm through the early 70's. By the mid to late 80's the majority were self serve.
I understand that some are hesitant to pump gas, it's just never been an issue for me My mom always sought out full service stations until they were gone. She hated pumping gas.
Luckily she had a husband/kids who would do it for her when that happened.
Ha! I remember being a kid and begging my mom to let me pump the gas.
My first job, I pumped gas at a Gulf Station, then a BP Station....that was the last time I remember a full service place in New York (mid 70s).
Pump jockeys used to check all of your fluid levels without even being asked to. "just part of the service sir".
When I was a kid it was mostly full serve and maybe 15% self serve. I remember pumping my own gas when I was 9, it was nerve racking trying to pump 40 cents worth into my Honda 50 while not going over 40 cents because that's all I had (no auto stop back then). In case you're wondering the price was 49 cents a gallon.
That would be sometime in the mid-1980s, even for me. I hate places that don't have a full awning over the fuel pumps.
My mother, who is 86, has never ever pumped gas. My father always did it for her when self-serve pumps started.
I can remember attendants, would be nice again in the winter.
I had jobs pumping gas and fueling trucks when I was going to college
Were you the man who wore the star?
Had the Texaco Star at the Virginian Truckstop and Assistant Foreman tab because college boy could do shift check out
I remember when I was a kid and my mom pulled into a Texico, 3 young men in white uniforms would come running out. One did the gas. One did the oil check. One did the windows. How their uniforms stayed so nice and white considering the environment they worked in always amazed my mother. If any posters here are too young to know what it was like, watch Back To The Future. When Marty first gets to the town in the past, they show a scene with how it used to be.
Never had to do that job. I pretty much worked the trades since i was about 15.
Had a GF who worked the counter at one though. Drove me nuts with all the low lifes and D-bags creeping on her when she worked there.
Quite a collection of Americana that frequents gas stations late night that's for sure.
Drove an 18 wheeler for a long time and always stuck a pistol in my pants for late-night fueling.
Unfortunately, I am old enough to remember.
A lot of company trucks had regular orders and some drivers would leave truck in line and go to restaurant, we were to pull them down and fuel them. I got in one to move it and second driver was still in sleeper and he came out with a pistol. Next week he brought me a bottle of whiskey. Sure did scare me at the time
I was stationed on Okianawa form 79 to 81. The off base gas stations werre liked that. Cleanly dressed attendants, a few of them would come out. Gas was near 4 bucks a gallon at the time (at the base it was 70 cents a gallon), so we didn't go there often.
Pumped fuel all through high school in Maine, that winter wonderland of snow and ice that flies sideways.
Yeah, yeah .... you ain't lived winter until you've lived in an area that gets "Lake Effect" snow from the Great Lakes. Lake Effect snow is like a box of chocolates ..... you never know what you're going to get.
We are already more than double our average snowfall for this time of year. Just over 75" right now.
C'mon January thaw!
The station I worked for most of those years was directly across a large river and while most snowfalls were not dramatic the wind would roar and it was so common on a fill up for the gas to gush back when the pump tripped and spray you down, ahhh the romance!
shot of Brandy helps.
I'm working on installing a "cup holder" on my snowblower.
LOL, 9mm....That's why we used to call people from southern MN., ''flatlanders''....Those were normal winter days for us in the ''Great North''.
The weather report from Leech Lake MN. Rob Fairbanks your rez reporter (my cousin)...Have a laugh
Ice cold Dr. Pepper out of both nostrils. Yeah. It hurt.
BTW, if this was Part 2, where's Part 1?
old Indian trick, tires and ................lol
It's a shame about what we missed due to the "breeze",
There are a number of reports from Fairbanks..The Rez reporter...His fishing report is classic and it's on the same video as this one, just let them run all the way through.
Yeah, that one even had me laughing, cuz we used to do it...LMAO
Had a great New Year, hope you had the same.
It's GREAT GREAT GRANDFATHER...LMAO, it makes me even older..5 generations...
Summer in northern MN is a Tuesday afternoon in August...LOL
You'll love this weather report, from Crystal ND, Rob Fairbanks strikes again.
That was funny!
I grew up in NE Ohio and have a lot of experience with Lake Effect. It can be cold and nice and then 3 miles away you are driving 35MPH on the highway in a complete whiteout with it snowing sideways. It's fun when that happens at night. I've learned to turn off the headlights and just use the running lights and the flashers to see because the headlights generate the same effect as high beams in fog.
People who have snowblowers have a lot of friends.
I rigged a snowblower to have a flashlight so I can see at night.
You know that it is cold when the snow squeaks when you walk on it.
my neighbor wears a headlamp to mow his lawn at night.
Yeah man, around here a light is a required option.
Rarely at home during daylight hours during the week this time of year
Lol ..... spoken like a man who hasn't had to "push and pile" snow out of the way very much. Did i mention we've had nearly 80" of snow already this year?
I don't like cold much either but i'll tell you, during Lake Effect snow storms you pray for cold weather. The colder it gets the more it lessens the volume of LE snow.
Crazy thing about LE snow. You can be driving in zero visibility one minute and enjoying sunshine the next. It's a crazy weather phenomenon.
Don't i know it. In my neighborhood when it's really bad and plows don't come through for days, you see most of us out there snowblowing the road.
It's pretty funny.
My neighbor is the supervisor of the street department so our street and the alley are always done by 5:00 am. It's nice to have friends who work for the city. I just wish they wouldn't plow my driveway in with the icy snow. I only have a little 5hp single-stage blower so it doesn't have the power to cut through that compacted mess.
There are 4 people on my street that have blowers so we take turns making sure the sidewalks and driveways are cleaned. I will even do the other side of the street, just to be nice.
I'm a night owl, but I have never thought of doing that. I have neighbors who call the cops if you use power equipment after 8:30 pm or on Sundays.
me either. cracked me up the first time I saw him.
Somewhere between dirt and rocks...LOL, hey man it's called experience, not much I haven't had to deal with in life...
Our family generally lives to a very old age...Uncle Sam was 106 when he walked on. We are guessing 106, but he didn't have a birth certificate so some say, including Uncle Sam, that he was 110...
Many of the rellies have lived past 100...I'm going for 150.
Your Cousin? Is that the one known as "Can't Catch Fish"?
Yep......he does sound related to you, Kavika. That was a pretty good 'fish' story he was telling. (big grin)
Sometimes, there is just no other way to say it than to say it than in a way people will really get the message. (grin)
nope, that's his cousin, which makes him my cousin, or course it's my cousin, cousin.
We are all related...LOL
But at least you have crocodiles.
Ah....yeah....it's good to have extended family members, especially, those that can tell a good story. (grin)
Isn't he the same guy who, while working in Bismark a couple of years back, told everybody in North Dakota (while on the air) that it was going to get cold enough to freeze their balls off?
One and the same..LOL
Added a Plow to my ATV......works wonders and the neighbor strives to stay in my good graces.
That also works, but I'd want a windshield.
Yeah, I don't have one, but stay pretty bundled up and the snow pushing is at rather low speed.....looks like I may have to do it again tonight.
That one cracked me up, too.
I had my very own full service gas guy. His name was Daddy. It's not as snowflake-ish as it sounds, though. He never let my mom or me put gas in our cars because he felt that girls had no business going anywhere near a gas station. I had actually forgotten about it until I saw this article. This is the first time I've smiled in regard to anything father-related in a long, long time. Alzheimer's has a way of clouding even the best of memories for familial care-takers. This particular memory was a nice surprise because he remembered it, too.
My Father and his Father both owned Cosden gas stations in Ft Worth. Both were full service stations and even had a repair garage. When I would visit either station to get gas, I was not allowed to even sit in the car while the gas was being pumped into my car. I was told that girls were not supposed to smell like gasoline. It was not lady like. That was before they came up with the kind of gas tanks and nozzles that trapped the gas fumes.
When I moved to So Calif gender didn't matter when it came to pumping gas, you pumped your own.
A neighbor of mine had to have a friend show her how to pump gas after her husband died. He had always done it for her. He thought of it as taking care of her, but it left her a bit lost once he was gone.
He was taking care of her, all the times she didn't have to pump gas. I'm sure she appreciates that even more now that he is gone and she has to pump her own gas.
IMO, she'd have been better cared for if she had been helped to be more self-sufficient.
I'm not questioning his motives, just his method.
My guess is she was quite self sufficient. She just preferred to not pump gas. I mean really ...... oh my gawd right?
I don't think someone who has to have her friend show her how to pump gas in her 70s is self-sufficient.
Like I said, I believe he was being chivalrous, but she was left at a loss once he was gone.
She has since passed, as well.
You opinion and self sufficient means different things to different people. That said, learning to pump gas? Not that big a deal. Even for a 70 year old.
It seems to me that you're arguing just to be arguing.
Seems familiar.
Yeah, I guess you consider having a different opinion arguing.
Definately sounds familiar.
I've never needed any help pumping ethel.
I'm checking with Ethel on that, devangelical.
You guys are too funny.
The law doesn't require anything. It just allows rural Oregonians to pump their own gas instead of waiting for a gas station attendant to come over to pump it for them and allows gas stations in rural areas to be self-serve if they so desire. The vast majority of stations are still going to be full service.
Thanks for the clarification
I hated it when full service became a thing of the past. I still hate it. They not only pumped gas, but cleaned the windshield, checked oil and water.
The good old days!
Well, there you go. your million dollar idea.
Bring back full service and make a bundle mags
Don't I wish?
I haven't seen a full service gas station since I left Texas in 1963. No matter where I have lived or visited I have had to pump my own gas, unless someone I am with does it. But, even for handicapped people, there are only a very few stations I have seen that will pump the gas for them. So yeah, I was astonished to read that Oregon has just now joined the self service trend, and even more surprised at the reaction to that change by those who live there. Kind of laughable that they seem to feel so unfairly treated to have to put gas in their own vehicle.
But, I guess some people feel the need to be waited on in some things.
It is not a question of being "waited on". It was a service of getting the oil checked, water. etc, I don't know how to check my oil. So, I go to a fast lube joint and get it done. Cost about 50 bucks when finished. That's a far cry from full service at the pumps.
Lol! Does that, also, apply to changing the spark plugs, battery, rotating and balancing my tires? Hell, I don't even know how to replace my regulator or do a tune up.
I should not be driving a car!
No, I don't. Do you just put it in your hand he eats?
Took this along Rt. 66!
© A. Mac/A.G.
Been along Route 66 going to CA. Great photo.
Glad you like it … I have some others unique to Rt. 66, but, they would not be "on topic" for this article … another day possibly.
Last time I seen a full service station was in Cambridge, Minnesota, around the year of 1979.
Lol Wasetenau AB in early Dec 2017