Railroaded: The Real Reasons Al Franken Is No Longer A Senator
Three weeks after volunteering as Democratic Party tribute Hunger-Games-Style, Al Franken has finally relinquished his Senate seat. Operation: Moral High Ground, the Democrats’ transparent plan to claim victory in America’s #metoo moment, was a simple one.
Step One: Run Al Franken out of town. No ethics investigation. No consideration of Minnesota voters. No censure or lesser discipline. Just an aggressive Franken-ectomoy.
Step Two: Sit back and wait for alleged pedophile Roy Moore to win a Senate seat in Alabama’s special election.
Step Three: Make sure Franken’s exit shares a news cycle with Roy Moore’s entrance. It would have been the Holy Grail of partisan juxtaposition—the split-screen video image to end all split screen video images.
Step Four: Scream into the echo chamber that Republicans are the Roy Moore party and Democrats are the party of women.
But Roy Moore lost, and Operation: Moral High Ground turned out to be an Acme rocket that blew up Al Franken and left Senate Republicans Meep-Meeping as they ran down the road to tax reform. In the end, the Democratic Party sacrificed one of their most high profile senators without gaining one square inch of moral high ground.
There should have been an ethics investigation. Unfortunately for Franken, there wasn’t time for any sort of fact-finding or due process; there was only time for politically expedient, angry mob justice.
Franken’s fellow Senate Democrat Joe Manchin said on Politico’s Off- Message Podcast that Franken got “railroaded by fellow Democrats” and that what happened to Franken was “the most hypocritical thing I’ve ever seen done to a human being.”
Here are of few of the real reasons that Democrats saw fit to undo an election decided by Minnesota voters:
1. Because Roy Moore was winning in the polls
Democrats can’t seem stop getting burned by the polls. If a majority of the polls had shown Jones winning comfortably, Franken would still be a senator. But Moore was up, and the inevitable “Republicans hate women” narrative proved too tantalizing to resist.o stop getting burned by the polls.
2. Because Minnesota has a Democrat governor
Anyone believe the Democrats would have demanded Al Franken resign if it meant they’d lose a Senate vote? Anyone believe if a Republican governor was waiting in the wings to replace Al Franken with a Republican senator that he’d be going anywhere? Of course not! Democrat Governor Mark Dayton is appointing Democrat Lt. Governor and former vice president of public affairs for Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota Tina Smith to a one year term that will end in 2019.
3. Because Kristen Gillibrand wants to be president
It wouldn’t surprise me to see Kristen Gillibrand win the nomination in 2020 because she’s absolutely ruthless. Hours after Franken was first accused of sexual misconduct by Leanne Tweeden, Gillibrand told The New York Times that Bill Clinton should have resigned. Phillipe Reines, a former Clinton aide called her out on twitter saying, “Over 20 yrs you took the Clintons’ endorsements, money, and seat. Hypocrite.
Not only did Gillibrand seize the opportunity to be a national leader of the #metoo movement by calling for Franken’s resignation, she also took down someone who may have proven a major competitor for the Democratic nomination.
To the ultra-casual or ultra-partisan observer, it may look like the Democrats took a stand against sexual misconduct, but that’s not what happened. What really happened was they vetoed a fair election and destroyed the career of one of their own Senators in a desperate attempt to win a political narrative.
Stupid Liberals. Always fucking themselves since 2010 !
Time for the "Pussy Brigade" to hold another "Eat Out Their Own" Rally ?
The Left tries to pretend to be transparent, but it's never to show true support or defense of abused women or women in general. Their only goal is to (hopefully) keep some of their voter base.
Oh, they're transparent all right ! Some just don't want to SEE !
The real war on women is being waged by the LWNJ's
So it all revolves around either left or right? How sad that there is no common ground in your world.
Interesting that you singled me out for that comment. Perhaps you should have also posted it to your left-wing NT associates to level the playing field for "common ground".
In case you didn't notice, the seeded article's topics focus on Al Franken and the Left's hypocrisy ... not me.
Situational ethics......you use the ethics you need to so you can win. I wonder how much money she got from Weinstein? It's sad, as New Yorkers we had great hopes for her, as an upstate New Yorker........turns out she's just as much a hypocrite as Schumer.
It was all about the money for Liberals....until it wasn't.
That John Kerry "Voted for it before he didn't", is a plague Liberals keep feeding !
In Gillibrand's case, when it came to Clinton's issue, Apparently she "Didn't vote for it, before she did" ..... NOW !
If the Minnesota governor was a Republican, Franken would never have been forced by his party to resign. As a bumbling backbencher, he was eminently replaceable , so the democratic party deemed him expendable.
The real reasons?
I thought he resigned because he was photographed with his hands on a woman's chest.
Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar...
Tell that to Bill Clinton.
It wasn't a cigar, it was just a joke said the left wingers. If it's cigars you're talking about, you need to talk to Bill Clinton, who's a good friend of Jeffy Epstein, the pedophile and registered sexual offender, and rides along with him on the "Lolita Express".
Frequent flier miles on the Lolita express.
That's pretty funny.
The left claims to have the intellectual edge on the rest of us. Whether or not the picture was staged, there was the appearance of wrongdoing.
Nuance doesn't work when you only apply it to what you want to.
C'mon man!
You know that it simply depends on what the definition of "is" is.
Thank you for that one Bubba! A comment that will live on forever in infamy.
Yeah, it's all a scam and fake outrage by the left. That being side I have absolutely zero sympathy for that little twerp. I hope he's miserable.
Pretty much !
All for the Hope of Political gain by the Left. THEY CARE !
What about the other members of the left who are on their way out also, also for sexual misconduct?
The Left will find a way to calm the hysteria from the Left down. They have to....or they'll ALL be out of office soon.
by the way....any idea where ALL those Roy Moore accusers went ?
Good question!
Same place the Trump accusers went. They must have a meeting hall where they wait for the next assignment.
Odd isn't it. Just like the Herman Cain accusers. Poof....just gone.
I don't doubt that one bit.
Since you're alluding to knowing something that nobody else knows, tell us where all of those Roy Moore accusers went and what the status is for each of their allegations. All of them were front page news only a few weeks ago. Ready ... set ... go !
I just looked it up and got a few tidbits. He passed polygraph test; one, said, he, probably doesn't remember her and no comments from other two.
The entire Roy Moore debacle was a left-wing witch hunt. Gloria Allred supposedly had an iron-clad case against him ... I wonder which ambulance she's chasing these days, because she hasn't been in front of a microphone for weeks on this case.
Roy lost....so her job is done there.
Can't wait for Gloria's next endeavor.
She should be very careful there. It could come back and bite her in the butt, this defamation thing that is. Roy's attorneys could turn that around back at her, real quick !
Of course "I" don't.
Just weird how this ALL OF A SUDDEN exploded !
Wonder where they all were years ago.
Thanks for the link. We'll all have to wait to see how Corfman's decades-old shady allegations against Moore play out in a court of law, because all are unprovable. Until then, Moore is innocent.
In addition, Split Personality -- You sourced only one "victim", Leigh Corfman. Her allegations consist of unprovable and/or contradictory/ statements. For starters:
Yep, based on her personal and legal history, she's got a solid case against Roy Moore. /sarc
By the way -- What happened to all of Moore's other accusers who alleged sexual misconduct/abuse especially Gloria Allred's little crocodile tears pet with the phony yearbook? Old Gloria was positive that it was true, but she wouldn't let ANYONE perform DNA and other forensic testing on it. To date, there haven't been any legitimate forensic reports released about this phony yearbook.
I feel no pity for him. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Maybe he will keep his butt grabbing hands to himself.
That's plenty as a starting point for not being mentally and neurologically capable of performing his job:
NY Times:
Liberals go with the flow with no minds of their own. Now, it's cigarette smoking is bad for you, but pot smoking isn't. Franken was railroaded, but Moore wasn't.