Flicker Show
THe Yellow-shafted Flicker is
an American woodpecker that often feeds on ants on the ground. Genus Colaptes, family Picidae: several species, in particular the common flicker ( C. auratus ), occurring in two forms that are distinguished by the underside of the tail and wings, which may be yellow ( yellow-shafted flicker ) or salmon red ( red-shafted flicker )
and not easily photographed, at least not in the years I've tried to get just a single, decent shot. Until today. Finally.
Yellow-shafted Flicker (All Rights Reserved/ A. Mac/A.G.)
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First time for everything.
Good shot - worth waiting for.
Wow, what a beautiful bird! I saw some birds yesterday while I was out and about. I know I should know what they were. They stood out from any of the other birds I normally see. If I had been in a better position I would have taken some pictures of them. They were black with a red spot very red on both sides of them. Right now I'm too tired to look for them, but you probably know the bird and I should. Black with a red looking spot not on the head but either the the wings or mid body. I would say a red winged black bird.
I'm not sure, but it seems like this may be the bird, which I think I've seen before but not in a long time.
Congratulations on your success aftde so many years!!
I would wish they were a desert bird as we are now coming into out ant season and could use the help.
You're right - it's a Red-Winged Blackbird.