
Hope Hicks to Resign as White House Communications Director


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  split-personality  •  7 years ago  •  332 comments

Hope Hicks to Resign as White House Communications Director

Hope Hicks, the White House communications director and one of President Trump’s longest-serving advisers, said Wednesday that she plans to leave the White House in the coming weeks.
Ms. Hicks, 29, a former model who joined Mr. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign without any experience in politics, became known as one of the few aides who understood his personality and style and could challenge the president to change his views.
Ms. Hicks had been considering leaving for several months. She told colleagues that she had accomplished what she felt she could with a job that made her one of the most powerful people in Washington, and that there would never be a perfect moment to leave, according to White House aides.
Her resignation came a day after she testified for eight hours before the House Intelligence Committee, telling the panel that in her job, she had occasionally been required to tell white lies but had never lied about anything connected to the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.

Multiple White House aides said that Ms. Hicks’s departure was unrelated to her appearance before the committee. They said that she had told a small group of people in the days before the session that she had planned to leave her job.
She did not say what her next job would be, and her departure date was unclear, but it is likely to be in the next few weeks.

Ms. Hicks said that she had “no words” to express her gratitude to the president, who responded with his own statement.
“Hope is outstanding and has done great work for the last three years,” Mr. Trump said. “She is as smart and thoughtful as they come, a truly great person. I will miss having her by my side, but when she approached me about pursuing other opportunities, I totally understood. I am sure we will work together again in the future.”

As communications director, Ms. Hicks worked to stabilize, to some extent, a fractious press department of about 40 people who were often at odds with one another in 2017. She maintained one of the lowest public profiles of anyone to ever hold the job, declining to sit for interviews or appear at the White House briefing room podium. That mystique added to the outsize attention she received.
“I quickly realized what so many have learned about Hope: She is strategic, poised and wise beyond her years,” said John F. Kelly, the White House chief of staff. “She became a trusted adviser and counselor, and did a tremendous job overseeing the communications for the president’s agenda including the passage of historic tax reform. She has served her country with great distinction. To say that she will be missed is an understatement.”


Article is LOCKED by author/seeder
Split Personality
Professor Guide
1  seeder  Split Personality    7 years ago

Another Trump Administration resignation.

First rocked by the Porter scandal, Hope Hicks, via the WH, announced her impending resignation the day after an eight hour "grilling" by  the House Intelligence Committee.

Sophomore Quiet
1.1  Skrekk  replied to  Split Personality @1    7 years ago

How ironic that Hicks resigned from the Trump regime because her "white lies" are embarrassing.    I assumed all these folks were pathological liars and immune to embarrassment.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.1.1  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Skrekk @1.1    7 years ago

In May 2017, in response to an article in The Washington Post that said that Trump had a habit of belittling those who work for him, Hicks issued the following statement:

President Trump has a magnetic personality and exudes positive energy, which is infectious to those around him. He has an unparalleled ability to communicate with people, whether he is speaking to a room of three or an arena of 30,000. He has built great relationships throughout his life and treats everyone with respect. He is brilliant with a great sense of humor ... and an amazing ability to make people feel special and aspire to be more than even they thought possible. Wiki

One has to wonder if this was one of those "white lies"  

or something else...

PhD Quiet
1.1.2  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Split Personality @1.1.1    7 years ago

"or something else"

Yea, it was something,

another FUCKEN Something ELSE

Just How Many Something Elses does this Muther F'r get ?

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.1.3  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  igknorantzrulz @1.1.2    7 years ago

Hicks was berated by Trump over her testimony...

The final straw? Hope Hicks resigned hours after 'Trump berated her and asked her how she could be so stupid' for admitting she told 'white lies' for the president during Russia probe testimony
Source close to president has claimed Trump berated Hope Hicks on Tuesday
Hicks spent nine hours testifying Tuesday to the House Intelligence Committee and admitted to telling 'white lies' for Trump
The 29-year-old former model was Trump's right-hand woman first at his company, then on the campaign trail and in the West Wing
Hicks' resignation as the communications director, was announced Wednesday

President calls her 'as smart and thoughtful as they come' and Chief of Staff John Kelly says she is 'wise beyond her years'

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
1.1.4  Vic Eldred  replied to  Skrekk @1.1    7 years ago

Perhaps you should look again at the article, which is very brief:

"Multiple White House aides said that Ms. Hicks’s departure was unrelated to her appearance before the committee. They said that she had told a small group of people in the days before the session that she had planned to leave her job."

Two years in a job like that for a woman of her age is a lot, regardless of the Schiff leaks about her testimony.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.1.5  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Vic Eldred @1.1.4    7 years ago

C'mon Vic.

First she was going to resign when the Porter thing blew up.

Then she never said that.

Now she was going to resign eventually......

and now it's not due to her testimony 

or the story that Trump called her stupid.....

Sounds a lot like White House speak for being politically correct and covering one's ass.

Professor Quiet
1.1.6  sixpick  replied to  Split Personality @1.1.5    7 years ago

I'd like to see the links showing her either vocally or in print saying any of those accusations or is it news from CNN, which would explain it.  Just provide the links of proof.  From what I've heard the Trump calling her stupid is false, but CNN put it out there anyway.  Just provide the links of the proof and I'll concede, otherwise it's just more propaganda from the Fake News Network.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
1.1.7  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  sixpick @1.1.6    7 years ago

Just about every one of the links out there come back to Erica Burnett or CNN.

The AP and Time  are going with the story as well.

However, CNN also reports that the WH denies the story in it's totality,

which we would expect  from any Administration.

I didn't believe any of the newspaper or magazine stories about Nixon until I heard the tapes.

Life happens.

Today's fake news is sometimes tomorrows indictment.


Thanks for staying on topic SP.

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.2  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  Split Personality @1    7 years ago

One by one, the rats are leaving the sinking ship.

Professor Quiet
1.3  cjcold  replied to  Split Personality @1    7 years ago

So does this mean that she won't be sucking the big D off anymore?

Professor Guide
1.3.1  MrFrost  replied to  cjcold @1.3    7 years ago
So does this mean that she won't be sucking the big D off anymore?

No but they will have to pay her in one dollar bills now. 

Professor Quiet
1.3.2  sixpick  replied to  cjcold @1.3    7 years ago

Leave it to the Left to put it in the gutter, their comfort zone.

Professor Guide
1.3.3  MrFrost  replied to  sixpick @1.3.2    7 years ago
Leave it to the Left to put it in the gutter, their comfort zone.


Donny the pussy grabber. 

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
2  Hal A. Lujah    7 years ago

She's only leaving because her abusive boyfriend is jealous that she is more important that him.  She knows what's good for her.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
2.1  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @2    7 years ago

If she is still in any kind of relationship with Porter,

that contradicts every compliment that Trump, Kelly, Huckabee et al.,

have been heaping on her for her intelligence.

Professor Quiet
2.1.2  arkpdx  replied to    7 years ago


Split Personality
Professor Guide
2.1.3  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  arkpdx @2.1.2    7 years ago

Hope Hicks, remember?

Professor Quiet
2.1.4  arkpdx  replied to  Split Personality @2.1.3    7 years ago

No who is "Drumpf"

Split Personality
Professor Guide
2.1.5  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  arkpdx @2.1.4    7 years ago

Oh surely you can figure it out.

How many times have you used Obummer or worse for Obama.

or Shillary or worse for HRC?

At least Drumpf is Trump's Grandfather's actual ancestral name from Europe.

There shouldn't be anything derogatory about a name changed at Ellis Island by prejudiced Immigration officers...

Sophomore Quiet
2.1.6  Randy  replied to  Split Personality @2.1.5    7 years ago

Anyone who asks "Who is Drumpf" already knows, is cranky and spoiling for a fight. Sort of like Trump as when he popped off with these ignorant tariffs for no good goddam reason.

Professor Quiet
2.1.7  arkpdx  replied to  Split Personality @2.1.5    7 years ago
How many times have you used Obummer or worse for Obama.

Ah never! 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
2.1.8  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  arkpdx @2.1.7    7 years ago

C'mon, unless you're claiming typos on your cell phone,

remember we go back quite a few years

and you've been quite vocal about your "feelings" for the former POTUS.

Besides, Drumpf is part of Trumps family history, no shame in it regardless of how it is used.

Sophomore Quiet
2.1.10  Randy  replied to  Texan1211 @2.1.9    7 years ago

I have no doubt whatsoever that there are at least (and I am sure many more) right wingers on this site who use words like libtards and obummers as there are left wingers who use the word Drumpf. In fact it seems that the only people lately who are keeping the Drumpf name alive are right wingers looking for an argument. Give a rest children. Let it die for fucks sake.

In fact why don't you baby right wingers try dropping the childish names for awhile and try some real discussions instead of the "Libtards" and such for once? You might actually find that many Democrats and Independents and even a few Republicans on this site have moved far past the childishness and are discussing real problems and topics and have left you far behind. If you'd like to join the adults then grow the fuck up and try some serious adult talk for once. If you are just here to make petty little insults or start arguments then please go to FOX or REDDIT or some other site. This site has existed many, many years before you came here and damn it you will conform to it and it will not conform to you. Deal.

Professor Quiet
2.1.12  arkpdx  replied to  Split Personality @2.1.8    7 years ago

Off Topic [ph]

Professor Quiet
2.1.13  arkpdx  replied to  Randy @2.1.10    7 years ago

Off Topic [ph]

Split Personality
Professor Guide
2.1.14  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Texan1211 @2.1.9    7 years ago

Continually OFF TOPIC !

Pease desist!

Split Personality
Professor Guide
2.1.15  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  arkpdx @2.1.13    7 years ago

Off topic.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
2.1.16  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Texan1211 @2.1.11    7 years ago

Continually off topic

Split Personality
Professor Guide
2.1.17  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Randy @2.1.10    7 years ago

Sorry R,

but while I agree to a large extent, we have wandered off topic.

Please don't feed the right conservative extremists.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
2.1.18  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  arkpdx @2.1.7    7 years ago

Deleted comment to an extended derail of the topic


Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2.2  Vic Eldred  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @2    7 years ago
She's only leaving because her abusive boyfriend is jealous that she is more important that him.  She knows what's good for her.

More than likely She left because of all the heat this White House gets on a daily basis. I think the 9 hour grilling the 29 year old endured was the final straw

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
2.2.1  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.2    7 years ago

That’s what telling “white lies” to your country will get you.

Junior Participates
2.2.2  epistte  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.2    7 years ago
More than likely She left because of all the heat this White House gets on a daily basis. I think the 9 hour grilling the 29 year old endured was the final straw

She shouldn't have lied. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2.2.3  Vic Eldred  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @2.2.1    7 years ago

As opposed to monstrous lies, the like of which Susan Rice was noted for

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
2.2.4  Vic Eldred  replied to  epistte @2.2.2    7 years ago
She shouldn't have lied.

She was burned out. She was loyal and did a good job. Mercedes Schlapp will have big heels to fill.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
2.2.5  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.2.3    7 years ago

She is trying to claim that her previous FBI interviews were truthful  after admitting to the House committee that her job required her to tell little white lies ( to the nation ) for Trump.

Her credibility is shot, her previous testimony can now be questioned

and she quit because the President berated her and called her stupid.

At the same time Kelly and Huckabee were praising her intelligence.

The final straw? Hope Hicks resigned hours after 'Trump berated her and asked her how she could be so stupid' for admitting she told 'white lies' for the president during Russia probe testimony
Source close to president has claimed Trump berated Hope Hicks on Tuesday
Hicks spent nine hours testifying Tuesday to the House Intelligence Committee and admitted to telling 'white lies' for Trump
The 29-year-old former model was Trump's right-hand woman first at his company, then on the campaign trail and in the West Wing
Hicks' resignation as the communications director, was announced Wednesday
President calls her 'as smart and thoughtful as they come' and Chief of Staff John Kelly says she is 'wise beyond her years'

Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Professor Guide
2.2.6  MrFrost  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.2.3    7 years ago
As opposed to monstrous lies, the like of which Susan Rice was noted for

Or Donald Trump.. who lies 81% of the time. 

1/10 for your deflection efforts. 

Professor Guide
2.2.7  MrFrost  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.2.4    7 years ago
She was burned out.

Weird that she burned out the day after she was questioned by Mueller's team. 

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
2.2.8  Trout Giggles  replied to  MrFrost @2.2.7    7 years ago

Well....9 hours is a long stretch....

Split Personality
Professor Guide
2.2.9  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Trout Giggles @2.2.8    7 years ago

She hung around Trump every minute he was awake, as she apparently was the go between for every Trump tweet no matter the time of day,

but I guess it's different when you're a witness in front of Congress

instead of ........"eye candy" for Donald?

Professor Principal
2.2.10  devangelical  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.2.4    7 years ago

I think you mean knee pads.

Junior Participates
2.2.11  epistte  replied to  Vic Eldred @2.2.4    7 years ago
She was burned out. She was loyal and did a good job.

She only left after she admitted lying to Mueller's investigation.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
2.2.12  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  epistte @2.2.11    7 years ago

I think her position is that she told the truth to the FBI in November

but has told numerous 'white lies' (to the press) while working directly for Trump since January 2016.

Her admission of these lies was to the House committee.

Obviously it now casts doubt on her previous testimony as well.

Professor Principal
3  JohnRussell    7 years ago

She had no qualifications to be a top white house adviser, so good riddance. 

Her claim to fame is that she is a friend of the Trump family. The nation would be better off if everyone considered that a mark of shame instead. 

Junior Quiet
3.2  KDMichigan  replied to  JohnRussell @3    7 years ago
She had no qualifications to be a top white house adviser

I bet she is smart enough to know the difference between a "TOP" White house adviser and a communications director though...

Sophomore Quiet
3.2.1  Skrekk  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2    7 years ago
I bet she is smart enough to know the difference between a "TOP" White house adviser and a communications director though...

Perhaps you should ask what her role was before she took on the job of communications director?

Professor Principal
3.2.2  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2    7 years ago

  • FBI warned top Trump adviser Hope Hicks about …


    Dec 08, 2017 · Hope Hicks, one of President Trump's most trusted advisers, was warned by the FBI that Russian government operatives repeatedly tried …

  • Hope Hicks is resigning from the White House - …

    Hope Hicks is resigning from the White House

    Feb 28, 2018 · White House communications director Hope Hicks, one of President Donald Trump's longest-serving and closest aides, ... the senior adviser for strategic ...

Junior Quiet
3.2.3  KDMichigan  replied to  Skrekk @3.2.1    7 years ago

What you trying to say? Obviously I cant ask her but seeing you want to interject yourself in someone else's ignorant comment Why don't you tell me what her role was. FYI she was never a "TOP" White house adviser no matter how you try to spin it.

Junior Quiet
3.2.4  KDMichigan  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.2    7 years ago

Oh wow you showed me. CNN called her a adviser it must be true. She was never a Adviser. period

Professor Principal
3.2.5  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.3    7 years ago

You don't know what you are talking about. 

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
3.2.6  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2    7 years ago

Here official title was Director of Communications for the White House.   There is no such official title as "top White House advisor" which she could also have been, indeed was. 

Professor Principal
3.2.7  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.4    7 years ago

A position was CREATED for Hope Hicks, that did not exist in previous administrations, in order to get her into a West Wing position.  She was in the middle of the phony explanation of the Trump tower meeting between Trump Jr, Kushner, Manafort, and the Russians. Trump consulted with her as to how to proceed.  She was an adviser. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
3.2.8  Vic Eldred  replied to  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו @3.2.6    7 years ago

I wonder what it was about here that captured Trump's attention?

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
3.2.9  Greg Jones  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.5    7 years ago

You must know by now that CNN is false and fake news. You need to start watching FOX to get the complete and true story.

Professor Principal
3.2.10  JohnRussell  replied to  Greg Jones @3.2.9    7 years ago
You need to start watching FOX to get the complete and true story.

Well now we know what your major malfunction is. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
3.2.11  Vic Eldred  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.7    7 years ago
She was an adviser.

An advisor we looked upon more than listened to. The White House will survive another day

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
3.2.12  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Greg Jones @3.2.9    7 years ago
You need to start watching FOX to get the complete and true story.

laughing dude patience laughing dude talk to the hand laughing dude

Junior Quiet
3.2.13  KDMichigan  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.4    7 years ago

wow ignorance runs in packs it seems.......

Roger Stone
Informal advisor
•Richard Nixon 1972 presidential
•Ronald Reagan 1976 presidential
•Ronald Reagan 1980 presidential
•Ronald Reagan 1984 presidential
•Jack Kemp 1988 presidential
•Donald Trump 2016 presidential

Sam Clovis
Co-chair and policy advisor
•2014 U.S. Senate candidate
•2014 Iowa State Treasurer candidate
•Rick Perry 2016 presidential

Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Senior advisor
•Mike Huckabee 2002 gubernatorial
•George W. Bush 2004 presidential
•Mike Huckabee 2008 presidential
•John Boozman 2010 U.S. Senate
•Tim Pawlenty 2012 presidential
•Tom Cotton 2014 U.S. Senate
•Mike Huckabee 2016 presidential

Michael Biundo
Senior advisor
•Pat Buchanan 1996 presidential
•Frank Guinta 2010 U.S. House, 2005 and 2007 Manchester, NH mayoral
•Rick Santorum 2012 presidential
•Mitt Romney 2012 presidential
•Rand Paul 2016 presidential
•John Kasich 2016 presidential

nope don't see any Hope hicks in a advisory role but hey if three people spew their ignorance on a subject it must be so.

Professor Principal
3.2.14  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.13    7 years ago

What are you going to do, just throw a lot of slop on the screen and hope it means something? 

Junior Quiet
3.2.15  KDMichigan  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.14    7 years ago

Isn't that what you did? 

Skirting the CoC [ph]

Professor Principal
3.2.16  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.14    7 years ago

From January to September 2017, she served as White House Director of Strategic Communications, a role created for her.



Hicks did not become Communications Director until last September after Scaramouche fucked it up. 

Her original position was CREATED for her because she needed a title. She was to be Trump's adviser for public relations. His top adviser for public relations. Most presidents dont have such a top adviser for public relations, but our reality tv president thought that was most important. 

Professor Principal
3.2.17  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.15    7 years ago

Uh, you don't know what you are talking about, but don't let that deter you. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
3.2.18  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.7    7 years ago

She shared Trump's Manhattan office with him as his press secretary and spent so much time with Trump that it ended her 6 year relationship with her boyfriend.

Then she had the "intelligence" to start dating Corey Lewandowski before he got bounced from the Trump campaign.

Next Porter?

no wonder she needs a break...

Professor Participates
3.2.19  bugsy  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.3    7 years ago

Skirting the CoC [ph]

Junior Quiet
3.2.20  KDMichigan  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.17    7 years ago

Didn't I bust you faking headlines before? Even CNN didn't call her a adviser. You doctored you B.S. to make it look like they did. No where in your link do they call her a adviser.

It was not immediately clear who will replace Hicks as White House communications director -- a position that has now been filled by four individuals -- but some of Hicks' duties have increasingly been filled over the last two months by Mercedes Schlapp, the senior adviser for strategic communications.

Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]

Professor Principal
3.2.21  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.20    7 years ago

lol. Which headline do you think I doctored? This should be fun. 

Professor Principal
3.2.22  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.20    7 years ago

Here is another passage from that article

(CNN)White House communications director Hope Hicks, one of President Donald Trump's longest-serving and closest aides, is resigning, the White House confirmed Wednesday.

Hicks' departure capped her meteoric rise from Trump Organization communications aide to the upper crust of power in Washington in just a few years, during which Hicks sought to maintain a remarkably low profile for someone in her position.
Professor Principal
3.2.23  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.20    7 years ago

As the White House Turns: A Guide to the Shifting Power Centers Among Trump's Top Advisers


Guess what?  Hope Hicks' name is on the list. 

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
3.2.24  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.20    7 years ago

some of Hicks' duties have increasingly been filled over the last two months by Mercedes Schlapp, the senior adviser for strategic communications.

Let’s see here - Hicks has duties, some of which have been shared with Schlapp who is a ‘senior advisor’, but somehow Hicks is not an advisor.  Dead end logic.

Junior Quiet
3.2.25  KDMichigan  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.21    7 years ago

Give it a rest. You know what you did. Now your ignorance is taking on a whole new thing.

Hope Hicks was not a TOP Adviser to Trump no matter how you try to twist it. She had a position in his administration that is it. 

pat wilson
Professor Participates
3.2.26  pat wilson  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.20    7 years ago

Ya, cause "director" and "advisor" are soooooo different. 

Junior Quiet
3.2.27  KDMichigan  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @3.2.24    7 years ago

wow another one .....OMFG.

So a adviser taking on some of Hopes Duties makes Hope a adviser.......


Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
3.2.28  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.27    7 years ago

Lol.  You must think Hicks was responsible for changing the stationary in the copy machine and being head of the employee birthday committee.  It’s no surprise when a conservative male jumps to those conclusions.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
3.2.29  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  pat wilson @3.2.26    7 years ago
In June, the White House released salary info for 377 top staffers showing that Hicks was paid $179,700 annually, among the highest amounts on the list.
whereas she only made 92,000 as press secretary for the Trump campaign
Junior Quiet
3.2.30  KDMichigan  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @3.2.28    7 years ago

Skirting the CoC [ph] Jumps to conclusions of what someone's sex is because they try to exhaust one of their repetitive talking points.

Junior Quiet
3.2.31  KDMichigan  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.2    7 years ago
President Donald Trump's longest-serving and closest aides, ... the senior

You edited the adviser in there to make it look like they were talking about her and all your ignorant little friends came to back you up. LMFAO. Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]

Feb 28, 2018 · White House communications director Hope Hicks, one of President Donald Trump's longest-serving and closest aides, ... the senior adviser for strategic ...
Professor Principal
3.2.32  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.31    7 years ago

FBI warned top Trump adviser Hope Hicks about …


Dec 08, 2017 · Hope Hicks, one of President Trump's most trusted advisers, was warned by the FBI that Russian government operatives repeatedly tried …

Hope Hicks Resigns: Donald Trump's Long-ServingAdviser

Fortune2 hours ago

Feb 28, 2018 · Hope Hicks, the White House communications director and adviser to President Donald Trump, said Wednesday she plans to leave her job.

Trump adviser Hope Hicks 'quits White House …

https://news.sky.com/story/trump-adviser-hope...2 hours ago

Hope Hicks, a long-serving adviser to Donald Trump, has quit her role as White House communications director, US media reports.

Hope Hicks, White House communications director and …

www.radioaustralia.net.au › Home › News2 hours ago

Mar 01, 2018 · Long-time Donald Trump adviser Hope Hicks is resigning from her job as White House communications director. Skip to Content Skip to Navigation. ... Top ...

Trump top communications aide, trusted adviser Hicks ...

https://www.nasdaq.com/article/trump-top...53 minutes ago

Feb 28, 2018 · WASHINGTON, Feb 28- Hope Hicks, one of U.S. President Donald Trump'slongest-serving, most trusted aides, is resigning from her job as White House.

Trump adviser Hope Hicks quits White House …


Feb 28, 2018 · Hope Hicks, a long-serving adviser to Donald Trump, has quit her role as White House communications director.

Trump aide Hope Hicks expected before House …

Longtime Trump aide Hope Hicks reportedly expected to testify before congressional committee this week 
New York Daily News · 1 day ago

Feb 26, 2018 · Hicks was a trusted adviser to Donald Trump long before he became President. Trending: ... Trump aide Hope Hicks expected before House committee this week.

Hope Hicks to resign: President Trump losing trustedadviser


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POZR2zSaSVw President Trump's top communicationsadviser's decision comes one day after her …

Top Trump Aide Hope Hicks Hires Lawyer for Russia …


Sep 09, 2017 · Top Trump Aide Hope Hicks Hires ... including the resignation of Michael Flynn from his position as National Security Adviser. Hicks is now one of six ...

Professor Principal
3.2.33  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.30    7 years ago

You arent even a challenge KD Michigan

Professor Principal
3.2.34  JohnRussell  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.31    7 years ago


It took Hope Hicks seven years to go from college graduate to White House communications director.

She spent about five of those years working for the Trumps, developing a strong relationship with the future US President and his family, and now stands as one of President Donald Trump's longest-serving and most trusted aides.

But it's that role as a top Trump confidante, with an office steps from the Oval Office, that has landed her in special counsel Robert Mueller's hot seat.

Professor Guide
3.2.35  MrFrost  replied to  Greg Jones @3.2.9    7 years ago
You must know by now that CNN is false and fake news.

Can you list all the false and fake news stories that they have ran? We'll wait...

pat wilson
Professor Participates
3.2.36  pat wilson  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.27    7 years ago

You're in over your head here. Maybe a less challenging forum would be a better fit for you.

Sophomore Quiet
3.2.37  Randy  replied to  Split Personality @3.2.18    7 years ago
She shared Trump's Manhattan office with him as his press secretary and spent so much time with Trump that it ended her 6 year relationship with her boyfriend.

The book "Fire and Fury", Michael Wolff said that many White House aides told him that Trump has been having an on going affair with someone close to him in the White House who travels with him frequently on Air Force One, including while on the plane itself.

Professor Guide
3.2.38  MrFrost  replied to  pat wilson @3.2.36    7 years ago

Does romper room have a blog? Might be perfect for them. 

Professor Guide
3.2.39  MrFrost  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.30    7 years ago

Hey, funny thing happened today during your, "I hate liberals" rant. Hope Hicks resigned. 

Junior Participates
3.2.40  epistte  replied to  Greg Jones @3.2.9    7 years ago

You need to start watching FOX to get the complete and true story.

You have got to be joking that Fox News is accurate and factual.

Should I explain how a confirmation bias works?

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
3.2.41  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  Greg Jones @3.2.9    7 years ago
You need to start watching FOX to get the complete and true story.

If you insist.

“She became a trusted adviser and counselor and did a tremendous job overseeing the communications for the President’s agenda, including the passage of historic tax reform," Kelly said. "To say that she will be missed, is an understatement.”

Fox News quotes White House Chief of Staff, John Kelly.  Dispute that, Mary.

Professor Guide
3.2.42  MrFrost  replied to  Vic Eldred @3.2.8    7 years ago

Probably her 76 IQ. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
3.2.43  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.4    7 years ago

Hope Hicks title was created to give her a job title while she served the President.

We know she made $92,000 while she worked for the campaign.

We assume from the list below that she made the same salary as Dir of strategic communications as she did as  Communications Director which also paid her $179,900.00

That is the maximum a staffer/adviser/assistant can make in the WH

Here is a partial list of the top "staffers" in the WH

Here are the salaries of some of the top officials in the current White House:
Reince Priebus, chief of staff, assistant to the president — $179,700
Steve Bannon, chief strategist, assistant to the president — $179,700
Kellyanne Conway, senior counselor to the president, assistant to the president — $179,700
Sean Spicer, press secretary, assistant to the president — $179,700
Hope Hicks, director of strategic communications, assistant to the president — $179,700
Dan Scavino, director of social media, assistant to the president — $179,700
Stephen Miller, senior policy adviser, assistant to the president — $179,700
Marc Short, director of the Office of Legislative Affairs, assistant to the president — $179,700
Retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, executive secretary and chief of staff for the National Security Council, assistant to the president — $179,700
Andrew Bremberg, director of the Domestic Policy Council, assistant to the president — $179,700
Rick Dearborn, deputy chief of staff for legislative, Cabinet, intergovernmental affairs and implementation, assistant to the president — $179,700
Omarosa Manigault, director of communications for the Office of Public Liaison, assistant to the president — $179,700.00
Don McGahn, counsel to the president, assistant to the president — $179,700
Tom Bossert, assistant to the president for homeland security and counterterrorism — $179,700
Dina Powell, deputy national security adviser for strategy, assistant to the president — $179,700

So if your going for semantic accuracy, maybe we should settle on the "assistant to the president" label that the WH apparently prefers

Otherwise, Yes, she was a top adviser, in the top pay bracket.

Professor Quiet
3.2.44  cjcold  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.3    7 years ago

Pretty sure that Trump admired her oral skills over her typing skills.

Professor Principal
3.2.45  JohnRussell  replied to  Split Personality @3.2.43    7 years ago

Trump so badly wanted her to be with him in close proximity to the oval office that he had a job title, that did not exist prior, created for Hope Hicks. That indicates as clearly as anything that he considered her very important to his administration. 

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
3.2.46  Hal A. Lujah  replied to  KDMichigan @3.2.30    7 years ago

It's no surprise that some dumbass Liberal Jumps to conclusions of what someone's sex is because they try to exhaust one of their repetitive talking points.

I see two CoCs and one skirt from you in this article, and yet it's blatantly obvious that you are calling me a dumbass in plain English without an additional violation.  Our god of moderation works in mysterious ways.

Professor Quiet
3.2.47  sixpick  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.33    7 years ago

You arent even a challenge KD Michigan

Sophomania anyone?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
3.2.48  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Hal A. Lujah @3.2.46    7 years ago

My bad. I wrote up the violation without removing it. 

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
3.2.49  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Split Personality @3.2.43    7 years ago

Christ, they all make more than the average salary of a pediatrician in this goddam country.

Professor Participates
3.2.50  1stwarrior  replied to  JohnRussell @3.2.45    7 years ago

John - jjjjeeeezzzzz bud - do some friggin' research before you post inane responses like that -

" Trump so badly wanted her to be with him in close proximity to the oval office that he had a job title, t hat did not exist prior,"

Communication's Director/Director of Communications -The  White House Communications Director  or  White House Director of Communications , also known as  Assistant to the President for Communications , is part of the senior staff of the President of the United States, and is responsible for developing and promoting the agenda of the President and leading its media campaign. The director, along with his or her staff, works on speeches such as the inaugural address and the State of the Union Address. The Communications Director, who is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the President without the need for Senate confirmation, is usually given an office in the West Wing of the White House.

The White House Office of Communications was established by Herbert G. Klein in January 1969 during the Nixon administration.  It was separate from the Office of the Press Secretary from 1969 to 1974.

Officeholder Term start Term end Term duration President
Herb Klein [5] January 20, 1969 July 1, 1973 4 years, 162 days Richard Nixon
Ken Clawson January 30, 1974 November 4, 1974 278 days
Gerald Ford
Jerry Warren [6] November 4, 1974 August 15, 1975 284 days
Margita White [7] August 15, 1975 July 12, 1976 332 days
David Gergen [8] July 12, 1976 January 20, 1977 192 days
Gerald Rafshoon July 1, 1978 August 14, 1979 1 year, 44 days Jimmy Carter
Frank Ursomarso [9] [10] February 23, 1981 June 17, 1981 114 days Ronald Reagan
David Gergen [11] June 17, 1981 January 15, 1984 2 years, 212 days
Michael A. McManus Jr. [6] January 15, 1984 February 6, 1985 1 year, 22 days
Pat Buchanan February 6, 1985 March 1, 1987 2 years, 23 days
Jack Koehler [12] March 1, 1987 March 13, 1987 11 days
Tom Griscom April 2, 1987 July 1, 1988 1 year, 90 days
Mari Maseng July 1, 1988 January 20, 1989 203 days
David Demarest January 20, 1989 August 23, 1992 3 years, 216 days George H. W. Bush
Margaret Tutwiler [13] August 23, 1992 January 20, 1993 150 days
George Stephanopoulos January 20, 1993 June 7, 1993 138 days Bill Clinton
Mark Gearan [14] June 7, 1993 August 14, 1995 2 years, 68 days
Don Baer August 14, 1995 July 31, 1997 1 year, 351 days
Ann Lewis July 31, 1997 March 10, 1999 1 year, 222 days
Loretta Ucelli March 10, 1999 January 20, 2001 1 year, 316 days
Karen Hughes January 20, 2001 October 2, 2001 255 days George W. Bush
Dan Bartlett [15] October 2, 2001 January 5, 2005 3 years, 95 days
Nicolle Wallace January 5, 2005 July 24, 2006 1 year, 200 days
Kevin Sullivan July 24, 2006 January 20, 2009 2 years, 180 days
Ellen Moran January 20, 2009 April 21, 2009 91 days Barack Obama
Anita Dunn Acting April 21, 2009 November 30, 2009 223 days
Dan Pfeiffer November 30, 2009 January 25, 2013 3 years, 56 days
Jennifer Palmieri January 25, 2013 April 1, 2015 2 years, 66 days
Jen Psaki April 1, 2015 January 20, 2017 1 year, 294 days

Split Personality
Professor Guide
3.2.51  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  1stwarrior @3.2.50    7 years ago

Hope Hicks, director of strategic communications, assistant to the president — $179,700

until she was promoted to replace Sean Spicer.........the original Director of Communications 

Or the Mooch if you count his 10 days of "glory"...

there is no Wiki page for WH director of strategic  communications......

if you google it

it goes straight to the one and only Hope Hicks, promoted to WH Director of Communications August 2017

Don't you feel better now?

Sophomore Quiet
4  lennylynx    7 years ago

I'm guessing that Hope was a top AND bottom 'adviser' in the White House!  Happy

Sophomore Silent
4.1  Rmando  replied to  lennylynx @4    7 years ago

Is that the sort of thing you fantasize about?

Sophomore Quiet
4.1.1  lennylynx  replied to  Rmando @4.1    7 years ago

Constantly Armando!  Happy

Professor Quiet
4.1.2  cjcold  replied to  lennylynx @4.1.1    7 years ago


Trump hired her from just seeing a photograph. I guess we all have our priorities.

Professor Guide
5  MrFrost    7 years ago

This administration is hopeless.

Sophomore Quiet
5.1  lennylynx  replied to  MrFrost @5    7 years ago

Totally, as are their supporters.

Sophomore Silent
6  Rmando    7 years ago

I was going to say let the left wing nut conspiracies begin, but I see I'm already too late. I swear liberals would die of boredom if they didn't have the palace intrigue at the White House to keep them entertained.

Sophomore Quiet
6.1  lennylynx  replied to  Rmando @6    7 years ago

Aww, cmon Armando, you gotta admit, Trump and company ARE very entertaining! 

Professor Guide
6.2  MrFrost  replied to  Rmando @6    7 years ago
I was going to say let the left wing nut conspiracies begin

Let me guess, hope hicks didn't actually resign? 

Sophomore Quiet
6.2.1  Randy  replied to  MrFrost @6.2    7 years ago

Let me guess, hope hicks didn't actually resign?

It's a false flag operation. Just ask Alex Jones.

Sophomore Silent
6.2.2  Rmando  replied to  MrFrost @6.2    7 years ago

She resigned but I'm sure the left wing gossip mill will come up with all sorts of conspiracy theories about it.

Professor Guide
6.2.3  MrFrost  replied to  Rmando @6.2.2    7 years ago

She resigned the day after being questioned by Mueller. And that doesn't raise even one red flag for you? I mean, you are STILL ranting and raving about Hillary after 9 failed investigations, but this....hope hicks resigning, doesn't strike you as even a little bit odd? 


Why am I not surprised. 

Professor Quiet
6.2.4  cjcold  replied to  Rmando @6.2.2    7 years ago

Pretty sure that the fact that she was fucking Trump had nothing to do with it.

Sophomore Quiet
7  lennylynx    7 years ago

Are they taking out the stripper pole now, or are they replacing Hope?

Professor Quiet
7.1  cjcold  replied to  lennylynx @7    7 years ago

The stripper pole in AF1 must remain as it is a structural airframe member.

Sophomore Quiet
8  Randy    7 years ago

I wonder how long it will be until we hear the breaking news of "Hope Hicks surprised everyone by appearing in Federal Court today to plead guilty to one count of lying to the FBI in exchange for her full cooperation with the Mueller Russia investigation."?

Sophomore Silent
8.1  Rmando  replied to  Randy @8    7 years ago

The same Mueller investigation that so far has only uncovered pro Bernie/ Stein Russian trolls and pre Trump crimes by Manafort?

Junior Participates
8.1.1  epistte  replied to  Rmando @8.1    7 years ago
The same Mueller investigation that so far has only uncovered pro Bernie/ Stein Russian trolls and pre Trump crimes by Manafort?

Bernie wasn't  a candidate and the Russians were trying to bleed off progressive votes that might have went to Hillary and get them to vote a for a protest candidate such as Jill Stein as a way to cut into Hillary's vote count.  

Professor Quiet
8.1.2  cjcold  replied to  Rmando @8.1    7 years ago

Pretty sure that neither you nor I know how much ammo Mueller has in his big gun. Bet that Trump does.

Sophomore Quiet
8.1.3  Randy  replied to  cjcold @8.1.2    7 years ago

I would suspect that we don't know 1/10 of the tip of the iceberg of what Mueller knows. He is moving with a smooth confidence that if I were guilty of anything at all and he was investigating me would scare the hell out of me. I am a liberal and he is a Republican, but back when I heard that Bush had appointed him as head of the FBI I told my wife that he could not have found a more perfect choice and he was approved by the Senate 98-0. When Obama asked the Senate to appoint him for 2 more years they approved him by a vote of 100-0 and the Senate never agrees completely on anything. So when Rod Rosenstein picked him to be the Special Counsel I again told Joan that he could not have picked a more perfect person. Mueller's reputation and integrity are impeccable and unassailable. Only lies can be told about him if some one wants to attack his impartiality and non-partisanship. He is probably the only qualified investigator in the world, again despite being a Republican, that if he says in his final report (no, not right now, not until he is finished) that Donald Trump is completely clean from the 2016 election and in his relationship with Russia, I will accept it 100%, say fine and walk away knowing that there was a fair, complete and honest investigation and that the conclusion was the same.

Professor Quiet
8.1.4  cjcold  replied to  Randy @8.1.3    7 years ago

Firing Comey will end up in obstruction of justice charges.

Professor Participates
8.1.5  1stwarrior  replied to  cjcold @8.1.4    7 years ago

Why?  As President, Trump can fire anyone of his Secretary's or Directors.  His choice, not yours.

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
8.1.6  Thrawn 31  replied to  Randy @8.1.3    7 years ago

I completely agree on Mueller. There is absolutely no one I trust more to conduct a professional, non political investigation more than him. 

Junior Participates
8.1.7  epistte  replied to  1stwarrior @8.1.5    7 years ago
As President, Trump can fire anyone of his Secretary's or Directors.

Its the reason why he chose to fire Comey. Trump wanted Comey to pledge allegiance to Trump and drop the Russia investigation. Comey said no and was fired for obeying the law.

Sophomore Silent
8.1.8  Rmando  replied to  epistte @8.1.7    7 years ago

Comey was fired for being a total disgrace of a leader and letting Hillary plants McCabe and Strzok try to stage a coup on the rightfully elected president.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
8.1.9  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Rmando @8.1.8    7 years ago

What are you smoking?

Strozk insisted that Comey reopen the Hillary e mail case based on Weiners laptop copies of possibly "new" emails from SoS Clinton.

Comey reopened it mere weeks before the election, probably costing her the election.

How does that make them or McCabe "plants" for, or by Hillary?

Professor Quiet
8.1.10  arkpdx  replied to  Split Personality @8.1.9    7 years ago
Comey reopened it mere weeks before the election, probably costing her the election.

Wait!  I though it was the Russians that cost her the election! Which is it?  Can you puck just one if the many excuses for why she lost?!

Sophomore Silent
8.1.11  Rmando  replied to  Split Personality @8.1.9    7 years ago

Comey reopened the email investigation because McCabe knew since September about the emails on Weiners laptop and said nothing. Strzok was the agent who changed the language in Comeys statement to "extremely careless". I'm not saying Comey was the ringleader. I'm just saying he had to be blind or powerless not to see what was going on under his nose.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
8.1.12  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  arkpdx @8.1.10    7 years ago

She lost three or four states by 60 to 70 thousand votes, losing all of the electoral votes.

Take your own "puck".  A few hundred thousand to either her email "issues"

or Russian bots on Facebook.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
8.1.13  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Rmando @8.1.11    7 years ago

Split Personality
Professor Guide
8.1.14  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Split Personality @8.1.13    7 years ago

Text messages exchanged between two FBI officials - Peter Strzok and Lisa Page - show that McCabe knew of the newly found emails by September 28, 2016

On October 28, 2016, eleven days before the election, then-FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to Congress

Comey informed lawmakers that more emails were found on the laptop belonging to disgraced former Rep Anthony Weiner

Thousands of email messages on Weiner's laptop led the bureau to re-visit the investigation into Clinton's use of a private email server

But the FBI concluded that there was nothing in those emails that warranted indicting Clinton

Still, Clinton says Comey's letter cost her the election to Donald Trump

Professor Quiet
8.1.16  arkpdx  replied to  Split Personality @8.1.12    7 years ago

And prove that either one or any of the other excuses given by the left had any influence on any of that. 

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
8.1.17  Sean Treacy  replied to  Texan1211 @8.1.15    7 years ago

Bullshit it cost her the election.

Regardless, Clinton started the whole chain in motion by trying to hide classified emails from mandated oversight. If she would have simply followed protocall, the FBI wouldn't have been involved. She's responsible for everything that occurred after she decided she was above the rules. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
8.1.19  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Sean Treacy @8.1.17    7 years ago

Agreed, as far as the email server itself, HRC owns it.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
8.1.20  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  arkpdx @8.1.16    7 years ago

You know that it cannot be proven easily if at all.

Certainly some people were influenced by the 'fake news' proliferated by Facebook & Twitter, but we'll never know the actual numbers who switched.

Now, if you don't think Comey's letter to Congress 11 days before the election didn't have some degree of a negative affect on her campaign then I cannot help you.

Both of my Aunts said it was the last straw and early voted for Trump in Phila., PA.

Both were horrified when Comey cleared Clinton 2 days before the election.

I'm certain that given the slim margin of Trump's victory in PA, Comey's on again, off again announcements hurt HRC's vote count.

It's a reasonable conclusion.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
8.1.21  seeder  Split Personality  replied to    7 years ago

Pure supposition.

She lost.

We'll never know what she would have done.

We're not Germany.

You are very far off topic.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
8.1.22  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Texan1211 @8.1.15    7 years ago

See my response to arkpdx.

Professor Quiet
8.1.24  sixpick  replied to  Thrawn 31 @8.1.6    7 years ago
I completely agree on Mueller. There is absolutely no one I trust more to conduct a professional, non political investigation more than him.

I guess with all Democrat attorneys and Hillary supporters, we can expect a complete honest witch hunt.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
8.1.25  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Texan1211 @8.1.23    7 years ago

Ask Kushner?

After ALL of the criticism and legal histrionics of HRC and her server ( and lack of security with Huma & Weiner )

Jared and Ivanka decided, after the election, that they needed a personal server to coordinate all of their emails.

all of Kushner's emails from January to August have now been copied to his WH email for compliance.

One gets the impression that at the Cabinet level and above, some people just think they are above the rules.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
8.1.26  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Texan1211 @8.1.23    7 years ago
Most (the vast majority) had made up their minds LONG before Comey's letter to Congress about Weiner's laptop having emails on it.

Prove it?

You can't.

One can only guess based on bias and opinion.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
8.1.28  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Texan1211 @8.1.27    7 years ago

Trump, your great white Abuelo,  won by less than one percentage point in the three decisive states

Michigan (0.2 percent), Pennsylvania (0.7 percent) and Wisconsin (0.8 percent) where the winner takes all Electoral College points.

If Comey’s letter shifted the race by even one point across the board nationally, then, it will have changed the result.

Can it be proven, no.

Will it change your opinion or mine, obviously not.

Please don't ever ask anyone on this forum to "kindly" stop offering their "proof" or opinions

until you can do the same.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
8.1.32  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Texan1211 @8.1.30    7 years ago
And why is it that Democrats ALWAYS seem to forget that their beloved Abuela was CLEARED BY COMEY?? WHY NO MENTION OF THAT? Because it destroys your arguments that Comey cost Abuela the election? Because it is a proven FACT?

Well which is it Tex, Everyone's mind was made up months before the election

or no one was swayed by Comey's lame "clearing" of Clinton on November 6 , what, 72 hours before the polls opened?

Let's agree to disagree, again

and get back on the topic which is Hope Hicks.........

Split Personality
Professor Guide
8.1.33  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Texan1211 @8.1.31    7 years ago

Already debunked many times.

It's your own personal hang up about Clinton.

I'd ask you to kindly refrain from using Abuela but it says so much about you,

carry on.

But get back on topic.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
8.1.36  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Texan1211 @8.1.23    7 years ago
WHY did Weiner's laptop even HAVE any emails that could even be considered to be top-secret on it anyways?

It didn't.  There were no top secret emails ever.  In fact, the FBI determined that there were no properly marked classified emails of any level for Clinton's emails that got onto Weiner's laptop (somehow via his wife's computer).

Split Personality
Professor Guide
8.1.37  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Texan1211 @8.1.35    7 years ago

and we have discussed this before,

It was an ill advised post on her web page on December 22

it backfired ( as you plainly know ) and the story died by Christmas. ( that's 3 days )

NYT tried to revise it 01/08 and within hours scrubbed the word abuela from its postings.

Done, Nada, forgotten

except by one NT poster

who thinks it some badge of some sort.

Like I said, carry on, it says more about you than anything you can say about Hillary.

Last time.

Get back on the topic of the seed please.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
8.1.39  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Texan1211 @8.1.38    7 years ago

Off topic

get back to the topic or leave please.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
8.1.40  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  arkpdx @8.1.10    7 years ago

Off Topic [ph]

Sophomore Quiet
8.1.41  Skrekk  replied to  1stwarrior @8.1.5    7 years ago
Why?  As President, Trump can fire anyone of his Secretary's or Directors.  His choice, not yours.

Sure he can, just not for the reasons he plainly admitted to.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
8.1.43  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Texan1211 @8.1.42    7 years ago

Off Topic [ph]

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
8.1.44  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  1stwarrior @8.1.5    7 years ago
As President, Trump can fire anyone of his Secretary's or Directors.

I hope he does start firing the people investigating his crimes.  That will be the guilty cherry on the shitcake of his obstruction of justice criminality.  It would certainly hurry up his political demise. 

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
8.1.46  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Texan1211 @8.1.45    7 years ago

Off topic [ph]

Professor Quiet
8.1.47  arkpdx  replied to  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו @8.1.46    7 years ago

Off Topic [ph]

Split Personality
Professor Guide
8.1.48  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  arkpdx @8.1.47    7 years ago

Collusion is a word that the media, (all of them),  have settled on to cover the various and sometimes subjective interpretations as 

violations of the Logan Act that are being investigated  by the House, Senate and FBI Special Prosecutor.

Having said that, I don't need or want a response 

unless it has something to do with Hope Hick's resignation.

lady in black
Professor Silent
9  lady in black    7 years ago

Liar, liar pants on fire

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
10  Uncle Bruce    7 years ago

Wait...this is a surprise to you people?

Let's review.

Setting aside the article's reporting that she was planning on leaving anyway (which reminds me of the liberal's jaw yapping about McCabe resigning, since it was reported he was planning on quitting anyway), She testified that she was not always truthful in everything she tells people.  In other words, she tells "little white lies".  

Now, from an every day civilian standpoint, this is not a big deal.  

And in business, this is not always a problem, if it's designed to further your company's interest, and isn't illegal.

But she is now working for the Government.  And any admission of untruthfulness, regardless of where, when, to who, or why, is very damaging.  

Were I the President, and I learned one of my staff said this, you better believe I would be expecting their resignation.

On the other hand, if this were the Obama administration, they'd probably give her a medal or something.  Corner office with a view.  Free parking space up front.  Employee of the Qtr.

pat wilson
Professor Participates
10.1  pat wilson  replied to  Uncle Bruce @10    7 years ago

Please. The Trump administration makes Obama look like Mr. Clean.

Professor Guide
10.1.2  MrFrost  replied to  Have Opinion Will Travel @10.1.1    7 years ago
Do you have any idea what Mr. Clean looks like?

Here is a hint. "Mr. Clean" had no indictments in 8 years, trump is up to 15 in less than a year. 

Junior Participates
10.1.3  epistte  replied to  pat wilson @10.1    7 years ago
Please. The Trump administration makes Obama look like Mr. Clean.

Trump makes Reagan and W. Bush's administrative debacles look like a bad day in Mr. Roger's neighborhood.

I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with a new constitutional Amendment to prevent this from happening in the future after it is finished.

Professor Quiet
10.1.4  arkpdx  replied to  epistte @10.1.3    7 years ago

To prevent what exactly and how would you propose to prevent whatever it is from happening .

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
10.1.5  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  arkpdx @10.1.4    7 years ago

Things like this,

Split Personality
Professor Guide
10.1.6  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Galen Marvin Ross @10.1.5    7 years ago

Much of the Administration's issues can be traced back to the mountains of folders of training material and lists of potential candidates for different positions created by Chris Christy for the transition.

Christy was dismissed and 

very little of the material was used, in fact, ethics training was ignored completely, leading to the resignation of Walter Shaub, the Director of the OGE.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
10.1.7  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  Split Personality @10.1.6    7 years ago
very little of the material was used, in fact, ethics training was ignored completely, leading to the resignation of Walter Shaub, the Director of the OGE.

Yep, I have to agree here, the Trump Administrations mantra is, "Ethics, we don't need no stinking ethics."

Sophomore Quiet
10.1.8  Skrekk  replied to  pat wilson @10.1    7 years ago
The Trump administration makes Obama look like Mr. Clean.

Pretty much any other President does.

But Trump makes the Dulles brothers look like angels.

Professor Principal
10.2  JohnRussell  replied to  Uncle Bruce @10    7 years ago

One of the committee members asked Hicks if President Trump ever asked her to lie for him. Hope Hicks went into consultation with her lawyer and then came back and said she had told "white" lies. 

Her idea and Trump's idea of "white lies", and the rest of the world's , are probably two different things. 

Professor Quiet
10.3  sixpick  replied to  Uncle Bruce @10    7 years ago
if this were the Obama administration, they'd probably give her a medal or something.

Or use Executive Privilege to say both their asses.

Professor Guide
11  MrFrost    7 years ago

Hope Hicks LIED to the FBI..."white lies"... She does understand that white lies are.....still lies, right? She must not be all that bright....unless her boyfriend is throwing a lamp at her. 

pat wilson
Professor Participates
11.1  pat wilson  replied to  MrFrost @11    7 years ago

laughing dude

Uncle Bruce
Professor Quiet
11.2  Uncle Bruce  replied to  MrFrost @11    7 years ago
Hope Hicks LIED to the FBI.

Where does it say that?

Split Personality
Professor Guide
11.2.1  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Uncle Bruce @11.2    7 years ago

In fact. it doesn't.

What she stated was that, per her position in the WH, she has had to tell "white lies" for the President

but that her FBI testimony ( the questions she agreed to answer ) were truthful.

As a witness, she is now tainted, and in spite of Trump's ager and calling her stupid,

maybe Kelly and Huckabee were correct about her intelligence.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
11.2.2  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Split Personality @11.2.1    7 years ago
her FBI testimony ( the questions she agreed to answer ) were truthful.

Just an informational point:  The testimony in which she admitted to "white lies" was before the House Intel Cmte. this week.  I don't know if she's also been interviewed by the FBI or Mueller yet. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
11.2.3  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו @11.2.2    7 years ago

Interesting article from Daily Caller UK stating that the FBI interviewed her before December 1 2017.

This is prior to the allegation that Hicks said Trump Jrs emails "will never get out" on February 01.

Professor Quiet
11.3  sixpick  replied to  MrFrost @11    7 years ago
Hope Hicks LIED to the FBI..."white lies"... She does understand that white lies are.....still lies, right?

With this witch hunt telling the Mueller your car is scarlet when the manufacturer says it's red will get you in trouble.  If they can't find any collusion or anything relating to Trump and collusion, they have to get people on crap like this.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
11.3.1  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  sixpick @11.3    7 years ago
With this witch hunt telling the Mueller your car is scarlet when the manufacturer says it's red will get you in trouble.

Obviously you haven't been paying attention, this "witch hunt" has netted five "witches" so far, it looks like Kuschner is next on the list of "witches" that will be caught in it.

Sophomore Quiet
11.3.2  Skrekk  replied to  sixpick @11.3    7 years ago

It's not a witch hunt when they really are witches.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
11.3.3  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  sixpick @11.3    7 years ago
With this witch hunt telling the Mueller your car is scarlet when the manufacturer says it's red will get you in trouble.

You can keep deluding yourself 'til the chickens come home to roost.  But they are coming and it's not going to be good for your Shitbag of a president.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
11.4  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  MrFrost @11    7 years ago
"white lies"... She does understand that white lies are

In her mind they're lies told by white people. She and this administration believe if you're white enough, your lies aren't really bad things, they're positive thinking. When Trump said his inauguration crowd was the biggest ever, sure it wasn't true, but he thinks if you believe something hard enough, and stare in a mirror and repeat it over and over, it'll come true.

With how much Trump lies to everyone else, i'm sure his staff lie to him all the time to feed his ego. Hope and everyone else around him have a primary job of lying to Donald, even his doctors follow suit.

"Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and, doggonit, people like me! " - Donald Trump looking in the mirror every morning...

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
12  Sean Treacy    7 years ago

IF nothing else, threads like this are amusing. You get to see a game of telephone played out by deranged liberals where the facts  gets so  far and distorted from the actual news reports so as to be unrecognizable.

In about 50 posts, liberals will be hyperventilating that Bob Woodward claims Hope Hicks and Melania Trump had an affair and lied it about to the Supreme Court. 

Professor Guide
12.1  MrFrost  replied to  Sean Treacy @12    7 years ago
deranged liberals where the facts  gets so  far and distorted from the actual news

PIZZAGATE!!!! And you say liberals distort the facts? Maybe, but at least they don't just make up FAKE NEWS like the right wing does. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
12.1.1  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  MrFrost @12.1    7 years ago

Do you mean like Breitbart?

President Trump asked Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to add her “assault weapons” ban to the overarching school safety bill during a bipartisan meeting with lawmakers on Wednesday.

Oh wait, that's true......

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
12.1.2  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Split Personality @12.1.1    7 years ago

You know what they say about blind squirrels and Breitbart is filthy with blind squirrels.

Professor Quiet
12.2  sixpick  replied to  Sean Treacy @12    7 years ago
IF nothing else, threads like this are amusing.


Professor Guide
12.2.1  MrFrost  replied to  sixpick @12.2    7 years ago


Masters Quiet
13  PJ    7 years ago

This Presidency and Administration has me exhausted.  This constant turmoil and chaos is disturbing.  I'm trying to wait to hear the final results of the investigation but I admit that my earliest fears were nothing close to what they should have been as I watch this play out in real time.

Professor Guide
13.1  MrFrost  replied to  PJ @13    7 years ago

But the right wing insists, STILL, that the trump white house and administration is a "finely oiled machine". laughing dude

Masters Quiet
13.1.1  PJ  replied to  MrFrost @13.1    7 years ago

To the staunch supporters I don't think it will matter what the investigation presents.   In my opinion the damage has been done and the country will not be united for quite a long time I suspect.

Junior Silent
13.1.2  livefreeordie  replied to  MrFrost @13.1    7 years ago

No, what we insist is that Trump is a million percent better than having either a FDR Marxist Fascist Democrat or a Bernie commie Democrat in the White House.  Trump has surprised us by being the most conservative Republican in the White House since Reagan and perhaps even more so, since Coolidge. 

With all of his flaws, we can take comfort that he is not an anti-American Democrat or Establishment Republican.  Both are bad for our country

Junior Silent
13.1.3  livefreeordie  replied to  PJ @13.1.1    7 years ago

We haven’t been united in decades.  Conservative Americans and the left have nothing to unite us.  Our values and view of government are diametrically opposite

Masters Quiet
13.1.4  PJ  replied to  livefreeordie @13.1.3    7 years ago


Freshman Silent
13.1.5  DRHunk  replied to  livefreeordie @13.1.3    7 years ago

Yes, Dems, Independents and "establishment" Republicans are actually "For the People" while the crazy ass people called "Conservatives" are in it for themselves.

Junior Silent
13.1.6  livefreeordie  replied to  DRHunk @13.1.5    7 years ago

Nonsense.  The Marxist fascist Dems and the Establishment Republicans are about the submission to the state and not the people.

Lumping independents in this is ignorant.  Many independents are like myself who vote 3rd party because we recognize that the Dems and Establishment Republicans despise the Constitution and individualism 

the Dems are ideologically driven to see everyone enslaved to the state and the Establishment Republicans don’t have a problem with that

those who support them are evidently comfortable with this enslavement rather than the uncertainty (risk/reward) that comes from individualism

Trout Giggles
Professor Principal
13.1.7  Trout Giggles  replied to  livefreeordie @13.1.2    7 years ago

Yeah, trump is so conservative he's already asking congress to take guns away and then take the perps to court...

TRUMP wants to take guns away from people!!!!!

Junior Silent
13.1.8  livefreeordie  replied to  Trout Giggles @13.1.7    7 years ago

Obviously he’s wrong and that should never happen..

but he’s so far been our most conservative president since Reagan. I hope he goes on to match the conservatism of Coolidge who was one of our greatest presidents

Split Personality
Professor Guide
13.1.9  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  livefreeordie @13.1.8    7 years ago
I hope he goes on to match the conservatism of Coolidge who was one of our greatest presidents

Well, I cannot disagree more.  Harding & Coolidge's hands off conservative policies led directly to the Wall Street collapse of 1929.

We're just over Bush's collapse of 2007.

While in office Coolidge said little and did less.

When the news reported his death, other writers asked "How can you tell"?

Junior Silent
13.1.10  livefreeordie  replied to  Split Personality @13.1.9    7 years ago

Hoover aided the onset of the Depression by engaging in leftist policies- raising taxes, increasing regulations, initiating marxist redistribution of wealth social programs. FDR campaigned against Hoover accusing Hoover of being a socialist and against States Rights. If was a subterfuge as FDR immediately then sought to magnify Hoover's marxist policies.

If you believe in our Constitutional Republic of limited Government and the Sovereignty of the Individual; if you believe in capitalism and the evils of the income tax against liberty, Coolidge is beyond a doubt our best president. If you believe in FDR's marxist Fascist Statism, then he is a bad president.

Poll- Coolidge is best president ever

Why Coolidge was best president EVERLASTING

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
13.1.11  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  livefreeordie @13.1.10    7 years ago

Gawd, rightwing revisionist upside history is hilarious,  weird and worrisome to behold.

Junior Silent
13.1.12  livefreeordie  replied to  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו @13.1.11    7 years ago

All facts, especially those about Hoover and FDR.  It’s just that your Marxist public school teachers lied to you

Freshman Silent
13.1.13  DRHunk  replied to  livefreeordie @13.1.10    7 years ago

Income tax against liberty??  WTF is that.

Freshman Silent
13.1.14  DRHunk  replied to  livefreeordie @13.1.6    7 years ago

Independents are normally the middle of the road folks in my mind, you on the other hand seem to be more Tea Party Conservative.

Junior Silent
13.1.15  livefreeordie  replied to  Split Personality @13.1.9    7 years ago

Coolidge actually said quite a bit on a wide range of subjects. He spoke on equality, the role of government, the civil war, religious liberty, immigration, our founding ideals,

Coolidge examples

Coolidge speech at Memorial Continental Hall | June 30, 1924 (excerpt)

“A government which lays taxes on the people not required by urgent public necessity and sound public policy is not a protector of liberty, but an instrument of tyranny. It condemns the citizen to servitude. One of the first signs of the breaking down of free government is a disregard by the taxing power of the right of the people to their own property. It makes little difference whether such a condition is brought about through the will of a dictator, through the power of a military force, or through the pressure of an organized minority. The result is the same. Unless the people can enjoy that reasonable security in the possession of their property, which is guaranteed by the Constitution, against unreasonable taxation, freedom is at an end. The common man is restrained and hampered in his ability to secure food and clothing and shelter. His wages are decreased, his hours of labor are lengthened. Against the recurring tendency in this direction there must be interposed the constant effort of an informed electorate and of patriotic public servants. The importance of a constant reiteration of these principles can not be overestimated. They can not be denied. They must not be ignored.”

Calvin Coolidge's First State of the Union Address (6 December 1923)
* Numbered among our population are some 12,000,000 colored people. Under our Constitution their rights are just as sacred as those of any other citizen. It is both a public and a private duty to protect those rights. The Congress ought to exercise all its powers of prevention and punishment against the hideous crime of lynching, of which the negroes are by no means the sole sufferers, but for which they furnish a majority of the victims.

Professor Principal
13.1.16  JohnRussell  replied to  livefreeordie @13.1.10    7 years ago

Your two links both lead to the same video. I guess there is only this one woman who thinks he is the best president ever. 

Professor Principal
13.1.17  JohnRussell  replied to  livefreeordie @13.1.15    7 years ago

Calvin Coolidge came out against lynching !

Let's build a statue of him!

Split Personality
Professor Guide
13.1.19  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  livefreeordie @13.1.10    7 years ago
Hoover aided the onset of the Depression by engaging in leftist policies

No POTUS can crash an entire economy in just 7 months.

E. Effects of Coolidge's and Harding's policies
1. Rich got richer and poor got poorer.
2. Wild speculation on stocks
3. Agricultural overproduction and farm foreclosures.
4. Continuing decrease international trade caused by a terrible depression in Europe and our protective tariffs.

Well I can see why you would equate Coolidge with Trump...

btw Coolidge was also a golfer until he left the WH.

Generally in polls and studies Coolidge falls dead in the middle of the pack of best or worst Presidents usually between 22nd and 30th place .

Split Personality
Professor Guide
13.1.20  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Split Personality @13.1.19    7 years ago

Great  Coolidge quotes

If you don't say anything, you won't be called on to repeat it.

You can't know too much, but you can say too much.

I have never been hurt by what I have not said.

No one every listened themselves out of a job.

When a great many people are unable to find work, unemployment results.

Junior Participates
13.1.21  epistte  replied to  livefreeordie @13.1.6    7 years ago
the Dems are ideologically driven to see everyone enslaved to the state and the Establishment Republicans don’t have a problem with that

How is anyone being enslaved to the state? What rights have been taken away from you? 

Junior Participates
13.1.22  epistte  replied to  livefreeordie @13.1.8    7 years ago
but he’s so far been our most conservative president since Reagan. I hope he goes on to match the conservatism of Coolidge who was one of our greatest presidents

Calvin Coolidge was a mistake, almost as much as Grant, Reagan Dubya, Jackson and Hoover.   The last decent Republican was Eisenhower.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
13.1.23  Sean Treacy  replied to  epistte @13.1.22    7 years ago

I can only laugh at your comment.  I hope it was a joke.

Junior Participates
13.1.24  epistte  replied to  JohnRussell @13.1.17    7 years ago
Calvin Coolidge came out against lynching !

That outraged the southern conservatives who believed in racial justice...........

In the streets and parks.

Junior Participates
13.1.25  epistte  replied to  Sean Treacy @13.1.23    7 years ago
I can only laugh at your comment. Thank you.

What constitutional right or freedom has been taken away from you by the state that others people enjoy?

Junior Participates
13.1.27  epistte  replied to    7 years ago
Some idiot will now come along and claim they are all republicans now...3......2.....1......

Who are the current southern white racist Democrats? How many of the Klan voted for Hillary or Bernie?

How can you not know about Nixon's southern straetegy that was fnished by Reagan when he pandered to the white evangelicals to get elected in 1980?   

In 1980, Republican candidate Ronald Reagan made a much-noted appearance at the Neshoba County Fair.His speech there contained the phrase "I believe in states' rights" [note 1] and was cited as evidence that the Republican Party was building upon the Southern strategy again.Reagan's campaigns used racially coded rhetoric, making attacks on the " welfare state " and leveraging resentment towards affirmative action . Dan Carter explains "Reagan showed that he could use coded language with the best of them, lambasting welfare queens , busing , and affirmative action as the need arose." During his 1976 and 1980 campaigns Reagan employed stereotypes of welfare recipients, often invoking the case of a "welfare queen" with a large house and a Cadillac using multiple names to collect over $150,000 in tax-free income. Aistrup described Reagan's campaign statements as "seemingly race neutral" but explained how whites interpret this in a racial manner, citing a DNC funded study conducted by CRG Communications. Though Reagan did not overtly mention the race of the welfare recipient, the unstated impression in whites' minds were black people and Reagan's rhetoric resonated with Southern white perceptions of black people

Sophomore Quiet
13.1.28  Skrekk  replied to  epistte @13.1.22    7 years ago
The last decent Republican was Eisenhower.

And while Eisenhower himself might have been decent the men he appointed to key positions of power were some of the most corrupt in US history.   We're still dealing with the consequences of what the Dulles brothers did to line their pockets, and the Trump admin is even worse.

Junior Participates
13.1.30  epistte  replied to    7 years ago
He is also the guy who signed the the law merging Robert E Lee's birthday with the Federal Holiday signed by Reagan for Martin Luther King, this made it easier for him and his klan buddies to celebrate. so I would say Hillary had the klan vote locked up.

Thats why the Klan were chanting Lock Her Up.........?

David Duke, the former KKK grand wizard, is unambiguous about what Saturday’s alt-right and neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, means to him: It’s the fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s vision for America.

“We are determined to take our country back,” Duke said from the rally, calling it a “turning point.” “We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in. That’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back.”

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
13.1.31  Sean Treacy  replied to    7 years ago
ho are the current southern white racist Democrats?

If you believe the left wing statistics blog 538.com, there are about as many white racist democrats as there are white racist republicans.:

 "There are white racists in both parties. By most questions, they represent a minority of white voters in both parties. They probably represent a slightly larger minority of white Republicans than white Democrats.

Fortunately, the expression of racism by whites toward blacks has decreased over time, and for Americans in both parties — at least, according to this survey. In 1990, the index of negative racial attitudes stood at 40 percent for white Democrats and 41 percent for white Republicans.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
13.1.32  Dean Moriarty  replied to  Sean Treacy @13.1.31    7 years ago

I believe the Dems also have a lock on the black racists vote as well. 

Junior Participates
13.1.33  epistte  replied to    7 years ago

I don't see many Hillary hats.

Junior Participates
13.1.34  epistte  replied to  Dean Moriarty @13.1.32    7 years ago
I believe the Dems also have a lock on the black racists vote as well.

I'd like to see this evidence. 

Junior Participates
13.1.35  epistte  replied to    7 years ago
He is also the guy who signed the the law merging Robert E Lee's birthday with the Federal Holiday signed by Reagan for Martin Luther King, this made it easier for him and his klan buddies to celebrate. so I would say Hillary had the klan vote locked up.

Bill was the two-term governor of Arkansas in the 1980s. He knew how to pander to get elected.

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
13.1.36  Sean Treacy  replied to  epistte @13.1.27    7 years ago
on in whites' minds were black people and Reagan's rhetoric resonated with Southern white perceptions of black people

More bullshit propaganda. Too many ignorant people on this site parrot far left fake history that they have no knowledge about. As Sean Trende wrote:

"Reagan spoke for 15 minutes at the Neshoba County Fair, about seven miles outside of Philadelphia, in that politically "in-play" state carried by Jimmy Carter four years earlier by 14,000 votes. Eight years later, Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis spoke at the same Neshoba fair.

Here's what Reagan said at the fair about "states' rights": "Programs like education and others that should be turned back to the states and the local communities with the tax sources to fund them. I believe in states' rights. I believe in people doing as much as they can for themselves at the community level and the private level."

Not exactly, "Turn back the clock!" And immediately following his speech, Reagan headed to New York, where he spoke before the Urban League, one of the nation's oldest black civil rights organizations."

The idea that statement was some sort racist code is typical moonbattery from the modern left. They see Russians and racists under every bed. 

Junior Participates
13.1.40  epistte  replied to    7 years ago

That was 50+ years ago. I don't see any Hillary hats either. 

 Show me one current klan or Neo-Nazi member wearing a Hillary hat or tshirt.  I dare you.

Junior Participates
13.1.42  epistte  replied to    7 years ago
and then once he left the klan the democrats kicked him out? that David Duke?

David Duke became a Republican in 1988

In December 1988, Duke changed his political affiliation from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party . [

The GOP refuses to ban Duke because they would lose many of his racist followers, and they aren't ready to accept those losses.

Louisiana Republicans decided this weekend that it’s not worth the political capital to ban former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke and other white supremacists from running for office on their ticket.

The state’s GOP was scheduled to hold a vote Saturday on whether to amend its bylaws to automatically ban any former felons and to allow a vote to ban anyone else party officials dislike from running on the Republican ticket. The vote could have prevented the former KKK leader from running in state elections after November.

David Duke endorsed the racist Steve King of Iowa after Steve King came out in support of Geert Wilders. I don't see many racist Democrats or progressives in the news. 

Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King, who has a history of controversial statements on immigration and race, is drawing condemnation for a Sunday tweet in support of a right-wing Dutch politician, in which King wrote, "We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies."

Junior Participates
13.1.45  epistte  replied to    7 years ago

Where is your proof that Slick Willy is a member of the KKK?

Sean Treacy
Professor Principal
13.1.46  Sean Treacy  replied to  epistte @13.1.42    7 years ago

e GOP refuses to ban Duke because they would lose many of his racist followers, and they aren't ready to accept those losses.

The David Duke every Republican of consequence has denounced since he switched parties? The David Duke who received a whopping 3% of the vote despite the  millions in free advertising he received from the media  the last time he ran in a Louisiana primary?

Yeah, what a political powerhouse!

Professor Quiet
13.1.47  sixpick  replied to  Trout Giggles @13.1.7    7 years ago
Yeah, trump is so conservative he's already asking congress to take guns away and then take the perps to court...

He's just fishing.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
13.1.48  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  sixpick @13.1.47    7 years ago
Yeah, trump is so conservative he's already asking congress to take guns away and then take the perps to court...

He's just fishing

The problem is, Trump has no bait on the hook. This isn't Thursday Trump, this is Tuesday Trump, by next week he'll be saying that we don't need any regulations on guns at all and, that the kids in Parkland need to "suck it up". Should be good for the Dems in the midterms.

Professor Guide
13.1.49  MrFrost  replied to  livefreeordie @13.1.2    7 years ago
he is not an anti-American Democrat

No, he is a pro-russian putin tool. 

Sophomore Quiet
13.1.50  Skrekk  replied to    7 years ago
The David duke that was a democrat and head of the Klan?

Duke is a Republican because that's the only party he was able to win election in, and he's quite happy that Trump is our new Fuhrer.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
13.1.51  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  livefreeordie @13.1.2    7 years ago
we can take comfort that he is not an anti-American Democrat or Establishment Republican.

You also take comfort with his being a Putin puppet and that sure aint pro-American.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
13.1.52  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Skrekk @13.1.50    7 years ago

Isn't it "funny" how all these fascist/racist "Democrats" of the distant past all found refuge in today's Republican party?

Professor Guide
13.1.53  MrFrost  replied to    7 years ago
The David duke that was a democrat and head of the Klan?

The david duke that just ran as a republican and praised trump for his racist views? 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
13.1.54  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  MrFrost @13.1.53    7 years ago

The same President that was a Democrat and ran as a Republican?


Junior Silent
13.1.55  livefreeordie  replied to  epistte @13.1.21    7 years ago

Off topic [ph]

Split Personality
Professor Guide
13.1.56  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  livefreeordie @13.1.55    7 years ago

Flagged for going off topic in a major way.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
13.1.57  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  livefreeordie @13.1.55    7 years ago

Maybe you'd be more happy in Russia since you seem to be shilling for it most of the time.  Was it you (or someone just like) who claimed this country was founded on the idea of the "Sovereignty of the Individual?"  You might want to actually read the Constitution instead of just making up what you think it says.  There is no such concept, much less actual wording, in that document that even suggests that this country operates under that idea which is really just a fancy way of saying anarchy. 

Professor Principal
14  JohnRussell    7 years ago

CNN: Trump 'berated' Hicks after House Intel testimony

Erin Burnett reported one of Trump’s “close allies” told CNN that Trump asked Hicks after her testimony “how she could be so stupid.”

“Apparently, that was the final straw for Hope Hicks,” Burnett said.

Hicks, one of Trump’s closest advisers, announced her resignation from the White House Wednesday.


Professor Principal
14.1  JohnRussell  replied to  JohnRussell @14    7 years ago


Earlier today, the White House used the New York Times to spread disinformation about Hope Hicks' resignation. The cover story was that it had "nothing to do" with her questioning by Congress and that her decision to leave had been made "months" earlier. Then CNN said "weeks."

Now CNN is reporting that Hicks made the decision to resign after she was berated by President Trump for her *truthful* testimony—under penalty of prosecution—before Congress. She testified—*truthfully*—that on occasion she had told "white lies" to protect Trump's interests.

"How could you be so *stupid*?" Trump is reported to have said to her—apparently with such force and a desire to confront that, per CNN, it was the proximate (if admittedly not the only) cause of her resigning her position. If true, this puts Trump in *new legal jeopardy*.

In context, there is simply no reasonable possibility that Trump was berating Hicks for (in his view) *lying*. You wouldn't say "How could you be so *stupid*?" if what you were doing was complaining that someone had maliciously made up a lie about—well—*lying to protect you*.

No—what Trump was doing was berating a subordinate who he knew was a witness in a pending criminal investigation (an investigation in which he is a target) for *telling the truth* about having had to lie for him on occasion. This is a textbook case of felony witness tampering.

Trump's intent is established by his knowledge that Hicks was a potential witness against him; that her truthful testimony hurt him; his tone and words in speaking to Hicks; by the obvious—powerful—effect their force and anger had on her; and by bare common sense as to motive.

It's further established by it being a modus operandi for Trump to contact witnesses in the case against him and express whatever his feelings were/are about their cooperation/non-cooperation in an investigation in which he was/is a target. Like telling Flynn to "stay strong."

I've worked witness tampering cases. I never represented a poor person who wouldn't be charged with Witness Tampering on these facts—in large part because of the position of power Trump wields with respect to Hicks and his words/tone in speaking to her of *truthful* testimony.

Remember: Trump has been *instructed* by an *army of top criminal defense attorneys* to *never* have *any* conversation with *any* witness in the pending federal criminal investigation now targeting him. He *literally shouldn't have opened his mouth* to Hicks on this topic.

In this context, expect Mueller to now speak to Hicks a second time, as she now becomes a witness in a new Obstruction and/or Witness Tampering investigation ("intimidation" sub-clause). I said long ago that if Trump didn't restrain himself he'd dig a deeper hole—and he has.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
14.1.1  Greg Jones  replied to  JohnRussell @14.1    7 years ago

Trump's way ahead of you. This was a pre-arranged "resignation" that will take her out of the limelight and allow her to advise him as a non government employee. I have this information from a credible and trusted source. Looks like the liberals are foolishly chasing yet another rabbit down into that hidey hole.


Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
14.1.2  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Greg Jones @14.1.1    7 years ago
This was a pre-arranged "resignation" that will take her out of the limelight and allow her to advise him as a non government employee

You'll believe anything, wontcha.

Freshman Silent
14.1.3  DRHunk  replied to  Greg Jones @14.1.1    7 years ago

because advise from a non government employee is better than advise from a gov employee even if its the same person....??? What ???

Professor Quiet
14.1.4  sixpick  replied to  JohnRussell @14.1    7 years ago
"How could you be so *stupid*?" Trump is reported to have said to her

And the White House is saying that is false information.  Even the most insignificant statement anyone says is subject to getting in trouble with the Mueller Witch Hunt.  They can't find anything else.  All the charges they have up to this point have nothing to do with Trump.  I can't wait until all this over so we can get down to the real investigations.

Galen Marvin Ross
Sophomore Participates
14.1.5  Galen Marvin Ross  replied to  sixpick @14.1.4    7 years ago
I can't wait until all this over so we can get down to the real investigations.

Be careful what you wish for six.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
14.1.7  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  sixpick @14.1.4    7 years ago
All the charges they have up to this point have nothing to do with Trump.

Trump is the one thing they all have in common is he not?

Where there is smoke, there is usually fire,

jest sayin'............

Trump's not going anywhere soon, neither is Mueller.

We had to sit and wait for sevens years of Watergate investigations which ended in a whimper...........

Buy some popcorn.

Professor Guide
14.1.8  MrFrost  replied to  Greg Jones @14.1.1    7 years ago

Ah yes, those unnamed sources that we hear the right complaining about on a daily basis. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
15  seeder  Split Personality    7 years ago

I need to do some chores and watch the news.

Locked till the morning folks...


Freshman Silent
16  freepress    7 years ago

She should have resigned over the Porter scandal, but not only does she have really bad taste in men but really bad taste in her choice of job going along when she knew she was totally out of her depth.

Trump does not hire the best people. Look at the entire list of the following departures, the entire list of those who were denied a position or pulled their bid for a position, and finally look at the number of indictments and guilty pleas from Trump's closest campaign advisors and those who worked on his campaign.

This whole mess is not a "Nothing Burger" it is a Triple Big Mac with Cheese and Quadruple toppings.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
16.1  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  freepress @16    7 years ago
but not only does she have really bad taste in men

Her hours working for the Trump organization in 2014 killed her 6 relationship with her fiancé.

Then when she became the campaign press secretary she dated Cory Lewandowski while he was still married........

Split Personality
Professor Guide
16.1.1  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Split Personality @16.1    7 years ago

6 year relationship...

Professor Quiet
17  Pedro    7 years ago

I can believe that hope has left the White House. End of days for those folks and their political careers.

Greg Jones
Professor Participates
17.1  Greg Jones  replied to  Pedro @17    7 years ago

That's what you said last year. When Mueller report comes out and clears Trump and his associates of any and all wrong doing, we'll be sure to gloat and keep reminding the left wing whack jobs of how wrong they were.

Split Personality
Professor Guide
17.1.1  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Greg Jones @17.1    7 years ago
When Mueller report comes out and clears Trump and his associates of any and all wrong doing

Good Lord, Greg, several of Trumps "associates" have already been indicted.

The best Trump can hope for is that he gets treated like Hillary and gets chastised for stupidity and sloppiness.

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
17.1.2  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו  replied to  Greg Jones @17.1    7 years ago
When Mueller report comes out and clears Trump and his associates of any and all wrong doing, we'll be sure to gloat and keep reminding the left wing whack jobs of how wrong they were.

Oh, the hard fall you're heading for, Greg. 

Professor Participates
17.1.3  bugsy  replied to  Split Personality @17.1.1    7 years ago
Good Lord, Greg, several of Trumps "associates" have already been indicted.

What do those indictments have to do with Trump or his campaign?

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
17.1.4  Thrawn 31  replied to  Greg Jones @17.1    7 years ago

I have been saying since the start that I will wait to see what the investigation ultimately reveals and not jump to any conclusions. That is still my position, but by this point it is essentially impossible to suggest that Trump will come out of this unscathed. Even if he was totally innocent of any collusion, he has fucked up the handling of this situation from the get go and very likely placed himself in legal trouble by being such a fucking idiot and trying to intimidate/influence persons of interest, the investigation and those conducting it.

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
17.1.5  Thrawn 31  replied to  bugsy @17.1.3    7 years ago

Because either Trump knew about what was going on with them, or he is so goddamn incompetent that he is unfit for office. 

Professor Quiet
17.1.6  arkpdx  replied to  Thrawn 31 @17.1.5    7 years ago

You must have thought Obama was incompetent. He claimed he knew nothing about the IRS holding up TeaParty applications. How knew nothing about Fast and Furious (at least not until they were reported in the news). He claimed he knew nothing about Clinton's private server and email even though he sent several email to her account on it under an assomued name. That all seems pretty incompetent to me .

Professor Quiet
18  Pedro    7 years ago

Sophomore Quiet
18.1  Skrekk  replied to  Pedro @18    7 years ago

I happened to listen to that last night and I thought Maddow did a great job explaining why criminal conspiracy to obstruct justice will be one of the likely charges against Trump, Hicks and their co-conspirators.    Even before the public learned why Corallo had resigned it was already clear that Trump had significant exposure over his role in fabricating a false story about Don Jr's meeting with Russian agents, but the fact that Corallo resigned because he didn't want to be part of that conspiracy to bury evidence pretty much made Mueller's case against Trump.......particularly since Corallo made contemporaneous documentation and statements to others.

Professor Quiet
18.1.1  Pedro  replied to  Skrekk @18.1    7 years ago

Yeah, she and her team are very thorough and very analytical. 

Junior Participates
18.1.2  epistte  replied to  Skrekk @18.1    7 years ago

I watch Rachel just for the sarcasm. Her body language is hilarious.

She needs to learn not to be so partisan because last night she let her personal views color what she was saying just a bit too much. 

Professor Quiet
18.1.3  arkpdx  replied to  epistte @18.1.2    7 years ago
last night she let her personal views color what she was saying

Last night?  Try every night her show is on the air! 

Junior Participates
18.1.4  epistte  replied to  arkpdx @18.1.3    7 years ago
Try every night her show is on the air!

Why do you care when you are watching Hannity?

She uses too many big words and complicated concepts for conservatives. 

Professor Quiet
18.1.5  arkpdx  replied to  epistte @18.1.4    7 years ago
Why do you care when you are watching Hannity?

I am?  Feeling that's news to me!  I haven't seen his show since I finished my stay with my sister and brother in law after my surgery. 

Professor Quiet
18.1.6  sixpick  replied to  epistte @18.1.2    7 years ago
She needs to learn not to be so partisan because last night she let her personal views color what she was saying just a bit too much.

Now that's a really funny one!!!! LOL

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
19  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו    7 years ago

Apparently, Sessions wanted this job so badly that he's going to force the Shitbag to fire him before he knuckles under.  After all the lying he did under oath as to all his contacts with Russians during the campaign in his confirmation hearings, he knew he'd have to recuse himself from the investigation.  He dined last night with both Rosenstein and the Solicitor General (whose name I can't recall) and made sure  a picture of it would make the national news.  It is widely taken to be a brush off signal to Trump. 

Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו
Junior Quiet
20  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו    7 years ago

Oh, yeah.  This was a prearranged resignation that "just happened" to occur the day after Hopie admitted to lying to cover for her Mar-a-LagoShitbag boss.  If that were to be true we'd have to believe that no one in the WH would have recognized what it was going to look like and quickly postponed the announcement, especially since it's not an immediate (or we're told) departure. So it was yet another massively bungled event in this massively bungling WH or it wasn't prearranged at all.  That makes it much more likely, as someone reported above, that Shitbag blew his top and it was Hicks's decision to announce it right now, whether it was to have been later or not.

Thrawn 31
Professor Participates
20.1  Thrawn 31  replied to  Atheist יוחנן בן אברהם אבינו @20    7 years ago

That is a pretty accurate assessment of the situation. Either this is a direct result of what she said in that hearing, and what Trump reportedly said to her afterwards, or this is just another total fuck up on the part of the WH when it comes to something that should be easy to handle. Either way, it looks bad no matter what. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
21  seeder  Split Personality    7 years ago

I'm locking this for the evening.

IF I open it tomorrow

I will be making a better effort to keep it on topic, report offenders or lock it permanently.

this wasn't intended to degenerate into a slap fight about which political party is more racist.....

have a good night.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
22  Dismayed Patriot    7 years ago

I wonder how many conservative heads would have exploded in outrage if it were President Obama's communication director admitting to telling "little white lies" on Obama's behalf.

Professor Quiet
23  arkpdx    7 years ago


Professor Guide
23.1  MrFrost  replied to  arkpdx @23    7 years ago

Hope HIcks, the gal donny was humping behind his wife's back... You know, like stormy daniels...and....and.....and.......and........and........and....... Well, you get the idea. 

Split Personality
Professor Guide
23.1.1  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  MrFrost @23.1    7 years ago

Maybe she quit when she did the math.

Daniels $130,000 for one or two nights and a couple phone calls.

Hicks - $92,000 for  one year on the campaign and $179,700 for 13 months in the WH.


Split Personality
Professor Guide
24  seeder  Split Personality    7 years ago

well I suppose former NV members are very lucky ,

their previous comment histories are only available in Chinese it would appear.........

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Split Personality
Professor Guide
24.1  seeder  Split Personality  replied to  Split Personality @24    7 years ago

Perrie please feel free to delete as off topic also.........


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