Hillary Clinton fractures wrist after slipping in India resort bathtub
Hillary Clinton's visit to India suffered another setback this week as the former secretary of state fractured her wrist after slipping in the bathtub at the five-star resort where she was staying
Pretty sure this week in India is the end of Hillary Clinton as anything but talk show fodder.

Nothing like calling roughly 70% of the geographical United States backwards....However, it's comforting to see it's unlikely she will ever stop shoving her foot in her mouth long enough to get elected to another political position.
Apparently many Democrats feel the same way:
Democratic Senator Says Hillary Can’t Go Away ‘Soon Enough’
I don't think geography votes, but she was quite right that 100% of Trump supporters are regressive and bad for the country. That works out to be less that 26% of the eligible voters.
Yes, what a strong, vigorous, and fit leader she would have been! The old hag is on ongoing national joke.
I'm sure her falling down the stairs TWICE and falling in the bathtub are because she's "dehydrated" again or because she got "pneumonia" or a "stomach virus" again.
At least this time in India, people can't say that the steps were "icy" like they did when she fell in Charleston! Huma's wearing a no sleeve dress.
Did you ever notice that she almost always has 1, 2, or 3 people help her walk?
I am not a fan of Trump myself, but that figure is as ridiculous as the polling figures thrown around during the election. Maybe if you keep repeating and if you spread it long enough it will come true, after all, it worked so well last time/s
Math is not a Trump supporter's strong suit. I've had that same conversation with many of them here. You can demonstrate how math works, but you can't make them learn it.
Maybe one day you'll be able to quit Hillary.
All these bad things that are happening to her, losing the election, fracturing her wrist...etc. Could they be payback for something? Is this Karma?
WTF did the rest of the US do to deserve TRUMP ?
There is NO WAY THIS MANY People deserve this kind of Karma.
Trump is a damn plague upon America
You elected him. Make the best of it or gain nothing by continuing to bitch about it.
NO Buzz ,
I did not elect Trump.
Many around here did not elect Trump.
Many of US actually tried to educate Trump supporters
that were trained and conditioned to hate Hillary so hard, it clouded
their judgment, so as they lost their judgmental impartiality on a technicality
that has turned into quite the calamity for the idiots who still refuse to sea for how
it assaults, charging batteries, while draining currently
clogged arteries too vane to whether or not weather the stormy
this debacle in our WH is going down
sooner is NEVER an OPTION
just our largest endeavor owed rectified.
Maybe YOU and those who voted against him have earned it - maybe it's YOUR karma. Did you ever think in THAT direction? Personally, you know I have no skin in the game - I'm not an American and I don't live in the USA. It's YOUR bed, so sleep in it.
Then how the hECK are you judging US, and based on what, again ?
I live here and feel joy at judging all left wing nut jobs and saying they deserve what is happening to them.
I guess I didn't know that comments and opinions on anything posted on this world-wide social news site were limited to Americans. Perhaps you should tell Perrie that, and ask her to delete the memberships of all non-Americans.
Oh, I AM a North American.
ANY can post here, I asked You Specifically, how & why do you feel WE ALL deserved Trump ?
Well YOU probably don't deserve to live here, as people fought and died so as people without intelligence could live amongst others in a free society, that has been sold out by American & Russian oligarchs, and they have manipulated meager little minds into being cool with that, they, and them, who are seriously fckn with our country, via an ignorant mass ,
who can't stop
ignorant ass
who is an ignorant ass
Don't put words in my mouth. I NEVER said you DESERVED him (that was YOUR word, not mine), I said you may have EARNED him through KARMA. And when I said "you" elected him I was using the term as encompassing all Americans, and are you denying that the American voters did NOT (knowing your electoral system) elect him? In your system majority does not rule.
What right do YOU have to tell Americans they don't deserve to live in the USA just because their opinions are not the same as yours? It has NOT been proven that there was manipulation, so what you have to say is mere opinion, unless you're some kind of Swami with a crystal ball to tell the future.
How does my karma need to punish all the world ?
Ive never been a Hillary supporter, just forced by Trump, to vote for her.
They are Hillary Apples and Trump Oranges
So by voting for Trump you are an Athletic Supporter then, cause he is quite the dick
Once an impasse has been given, you can't respond. [ph]
Synchronized swimming?
actually.. trump is only a plague on "liberal / progressive america
and it is devastating
(march, the time to settle old debts. payment is due and will be colleted.)
Off topic response....not sure anywhere in this story was President Trump mentioned. As to her falling? She's elderly, elderly people fall and their bones are much more fragile. I feel bad for her fragility.
The good news is that you don't get to make the rules. People get to have their opinions. Deleted CoC violation [SP]
Skirting the CoC [ph]
I don't know about you personally but the DNC rigged the primary and tried to shove a lying criminal down the countries throat. I would think how we ended up with Trump is common knowledge by now. Did the country deserve it? We have let the corrupt two party system rule us so long that is certainly debatable.
You weren't ALLOWED to use the "Write-in" portion of the voting ballot instead ?
It's a liberal thing.
Never heard of any of the third parties either I suppose.
I've had quite a few conservatives here at NT tell me to get the hell out of the country because they didn't like what I said. So it's not just a "liberal thing".
I wasn't able to do a write in in the general election. If I could, they certainly didn't make it easy or have clear instructions.
And sometimes you just want the pain to stop.
I am not sure exactly what was said....just speculating, but to be clear if someone says something like "if you like socialism so much you should move to Venezuela" that is not really the same as telling you that you should get the hell out of the country. Just sayin.
Ah...yes it is.
If I told you if you like totalitarianism so much, move to Russia....I'm telling you to get the hell out of the country.
Ah, you're educating someone?
Using common sense and logical reasoning.
In other words you gave us Trump.
You're right. Let me check the scorebboard. Yup. Once. Try for a second one!
So, do you have anything of merit to comment on about the article itself, or just more insults to people you don't like?
Global stock markets have gained $26 trillion since Trump's election win
Doesn't look like the world is being punished to me.
It might be just age. I hope not though, she's only a year older than I am and several years younger than you.
Don't know about the rest of the US but I know what the Democatic Party did. They chose to lie, cheat and steal the nomination for a pompous, corrupt, dishonest dirtbag who then proceeded to trash the very people she needed to win. No one had to train or condition us to hate Hillary. All that was needed was for us to listen to the supercilious garbage that she put out during the campaign and has been putting out for the last twenty years. Here's a little advice about what the Democrats should do if they want to beat Trump in 2020. Find a right wing Democrat with an unimpeachable reputation for truth and honesty and who does not consider us to be Deplorables. Put that person into the candidacy and you might actually win. I'd recommend someone like Joe Mancian from Pennsylvania. He might actually do it. No one to the left of him is going to. No Socialists. Don't care about how nice a guy or how honest Bernie Sanders is. A nice, honest Socialist is still a Socialist.
And when the Gallup Poll indicates that Americans support Israel more than almost ever before, why would anyone support a candidate who trashes Israel, Bernie Sanders being Jewish or not. He and Noam Chomsky would get along fine together.
I hope the Democrats run Ellison - he fits their philosophy well, and he can have Farrakhan as his spiritual advisor.
Here, Here, Rock.
Have no idea how many people in the world slipped/fell and injured themselves today.
But I do know the right wing conservatives will trash and foul anything that happens to anybody that is decent and honest.
Well, Hillary is about as far from being decent and honest as a person could be and still be considered human. And she is still the de facto leader of the Democrat party, whether they like it or not!
I will disagree. At least she is not traitorous and selling out America to Russian oligarchs like the stench currently fouling the WH. Putin feared Clinton and this is why nonsense such as this seed persists. The Russians are still here.
Like Hell. She may not be willing to sell us to Putin (he probably didn't offer a big enough bribe) but, back in the 1960's, she and her friends in the protest movement were only too willing to sell us out to the Soviet Union. "Bill and I despise the military". I heard her say it on the television during the 1972 campaign. Guess what, some of us have long memories and we never forgive.
bs. Russian bot bs.
I never heard that--that "she and Bill despises the military."
I served in Vietnam 68-69. Lost a cousin over there in 71. It was bad war. Didn't serve our interests.
Skirting the CoC [SP]H. Clinton has a million times more integrity and patriotism than the fraud that currently infests the WH. Trump is a "Manchurian Candidate." He is a traitor.
scary how many actually still defending this traitor
Oops, 1992 campaign.
I find it hillarious how you people are all still running around screaming "the russians are coming, the russians are coming!" Considering how your Boy obama joked on Romney about the russians being a left over of the '80s!
Never mind that Muller has had over a year to find any Trump-Russia connection, and can not do so!
Keep digging, democrats are digging their own grave at this point!
You are trying to pedal Hillary as "decent and HONEST"?!?!? REALLY????
She's an old lady. She fell and broke her wrist. So? I fall all the frackin' time.
You people act like she plans on running for president again. I think she's toast. She needs to hang it up and go spoil the grand baby.
She'll run towards anything she thinks she deserves !
It's a "Left" thing dontyaknow !
you again.....
Luv Ya back.
ewww.....I don't like you so please stop
Stop what ?
responding to me
just leave me alone
Not very inclusive are ya !
Not once have I made my comments about you personally. Why do you take make comments personal ?
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
I just don't like you. Most of your posts don;'t make any sense and I do think you target specific people. So, please, I'm asking you nicely to stop commenting to me.
Hmmmm.....I don't have any respect for you! So why would you talk to someone who doesn;t like you or respect you?
Now shoo!
I target comments ....not people !
"I just don't like you."
I like you !!!!
Oh well.....Your loss.....not mine !
SO !!!!!!!!!!
I should care ?
deleted CoC {SP}
Article locked for lack of authors attention.