Anyone here interested in forming a NT "Stormy Daniels" Fan Club" Group?
Photo: The Presidents paramour is a highly accomplished and well respected professional.
While the "fake news" media seems intent on portraying her as nothing more than a sleazy cheap slut. (Although having sex with Donald Trump and then receiving 130 large to keep her big yap shut is not all that cheap, if ya catch my drift!), let's face it-- the lady is sharp as a whip in other ways as well:
President Trump’s lawyers have threatened Stormy Daniels with a $20 million lawsuit in advance of her “60 Minutes” interview.
But it is her Twitter account that should make them nervous.
The adult film star, who gained worldwide notoriety following reports that she had an affair with Donald Trump years ago, slammed her critic Tuesday, as she hurled some interesting tit-bits about her relationship with the president. And boy, can she throw serious shade.
Important Related Articles & Shocking Photos {blush}:
1. Porn Industry Beams With Pride Over Stormy Daniels Coup: ‘We’ve Never Had Anything Like This’
2. Actual Photos of the Great Woman Herself!
3. BREAKING NEWS: Stormy Daniels was actually threatened with physical harm if she revealed having sex with Trump
Responding to a tweet suggesting Daniels should “just disappear,” because “no one cares you were a slut and slept with POTUS 12 yrs ago,” Daniels gave an epic clapback:
“Technically I didn’t sleep with the POTUS 12 years ago. There was no sleeping (hehe) and he was just a goofy reality TV star.”
When another critic told her 15 minutes were almost up, Daniels — whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford — responded with this:
“Do you seriously think I give a flying f— if people “like” me?” I’d have become a kindergarten teacher if that was my goal in life.”
And them, maybe, be licensed to carry! (No, not those -- I mean carry a gun!)
Stormy Daniels 2020!! Why not?
Some people already have PENCE 2018 bumper stickers:
Whoa-- wait a minute. There's no presidential election in 2018. How could Pence possibly become president in 2018-- there's no way. (Or is there?).
Subtle? Heh
Pence as President in 2018? Entirely possible at the rate Trump is running his mouth (tweets).
I bet some smart guy in Arkansas created those
And is making good money on them except in Indiana, where he was Governor and they are terrified of him as President!
Might have been the game plan all along. Trump could pull a Palin and forever claim that he always won in everything he tried.
Of course if Trump had to make that claim from the confines of Fort Leavenworth Military Prison that claim would always have an asterisk.
Apparently she is a lady of unlimited talents!
She has much better moral values than Trump too!
Not difficult, since he has no morals or values whatsoever.
All the Presidents men couldn't stop the Storm...
I respect her for her intelligence. Physically Trump and I have different types...
I hope she is instrumental in bringing down Trump. That said, you have to question the wisdom of any woman that would allow Trump’s penis to enter her vagina.
Unless she had great foresight?
And a douche filled with Clorox, a long handled toilet scrubber, and a strong antibiotic.
I don't believe anyone should shame her, she made choices and is open and honest about them. That is more than I can give any politician. Her honesty alone deserves a fan club.
The adult film star, who gained worldwide notoriety following reports that she had an affair with Donald Trump years ago, apparently needs more publicity. Not someone I'd take home to even' shore !
Just another one of those HOLLY-WOOD-DO-IT-FOR-MONEY types !
I'm dead sure she'd feel the same way.
but your still YOU really don't know.
Just like your tRUMP!
You must luv's you some Trump then. HollysWOOD is great huh.
You're hot for her, Sammy, admit it!
mmm....mmm....mmmm...Stormy Blank Daniels....mmm....mmm....mmm.