Stormy Daniels interview on 60 Minutes
Anderson Cooper : For sitting here talking to me today you could be fined a million dollars. I mean, aren't you taking a big risk?
Stormy Daniels : I am.
Anderson Cooper : I guess I'm not 100% sure on why you're doing this.
Stormy Daniels : Because it was very important to me to be able to defend myself.
Anderson Cooper : Is part of talking w-- wanting to set the record straight?
Stormy Daniels : 100%.
Anderson Cooper : Why does the record need to be set straight?
Stormy Daniels : Because people are just saying whatever they wanted to say about me, I was perfectly fine saying nothing at all, but I'm not okay with being made out to be a liar, or people thinking that I did this for money and people are like, "Oh, you're an opportunist. You're taking advantage of this. Yes, I'm getting more job offers now, but tell me one person who would turn down a job offer making more than they've been making, doing the same thing that they've always done?
Anderson Cooper : A lotta people are using you for a lotta different agendas.
Stormy Daniels : They're trying to. Like, oh, you know, Stormy Daniels comes out #MeToo. This is not a 'Me Too.' I was not a victim. I've never said I was a victim. I think trying to use me to-- to further someone else's agenda, does horrible damage to people who are true victims.
Stormy Daniels' real name is Stephanie Clifford. She's 39 years old, from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and has been acting in, directing, and writing adult films for nearly 20 years. She was one of the most popular actresses in the adult industry when she was introduced to Mr. Trump at a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe in July, 2006. She says he invited her to dinner, and she met him at his hotel suite.
Anderson Cooper : How was the conversation?
Stormy Daniels : Ummm (LAUGH) it started off-- all about him just talking about himself. And he's like-- "Have you seen my new magazine?"
Anderson Cooper : He was showing you his own picture on the cover of a magazine.
Stormy Daniels : Right, right. And so I was like, "Does this-- does this normally work for you?" And he looked very taken-- taken back, like, he didn't really understand what I was saying. Like, I was, "does, just, you know, talking about yourself normally work?" And I was like, "Someone should take that magazine and spank you with it." (LAUGH) And I'll never forget the look on his face. He was like--
Anderson Cooper : What-- what was his look?
Stormy Daniels : Just, I don't think anyone's ever spoken to him like that, especially, you know, a young woman who looked like me. And I said, you know, "Give me that," and I just remember him going, "You wouldn't." "Hand it over." And-- so he did, and I was like, "turn around, drop 'em."
Anderson Cooper : You-- you told Donald Trump to turn around and take off his pants.
Stormy Daniels : Yes.
Anderson Cooper : And did he?
Stormy Daniels : Yes. So he turned around and pulled his pants down a little -- you know had underwear on and stuff and I just gave him a couple swats.
Anderson Cooper : This was done in a joking manner.
Stormy Daniels : Yes. And-- from that moment on, he was a completely different person.
Anderson Cooper : How so?
Stormy Daniels : He quit talking about himself and he asked me things and I asked him things and it just became like more appropriate.
Anderson Cooper : It became more comfortable.
Stormy Daniels : Yeah. He was like, "Wow, you-- you are special. You remind me of my daughter." You know-- he was like, "You're smart and beautiful, and a woman to be reckoned with, and I like you. I like you."
Anderson Cooper : At this point was he doing The Apprentice?
Stormy Daniels : Yes. And he goes, "Got an idea, honeybunch. Would you ever consider going on and-- and being a contestant?" And I laughed and-- and said, "NBC's never gonna let, you know, an adult film star be on." It's, you know, he goes, "No, no," he goes, "That's why I want you. You're gonna shock a lotta people, you're smart and they won't know what to expect"
Anderson Cooper : Did you think he was serious, or did you think he was kind of dangling to get you to wanna be involved him?
Stormy Daniels : Both.
Anderson Cooper : Melania Trump had recently given birth to-- to a son, just a few months before. Did that-- did he mention his wife or child at all in this?
Stormy Daniels : I asked. And he brushed it aside, said, "Oh yeah, yeah, you know, don't worry about that. We don't even-- we have separate rooms and stuff."
Anderson Cooper : Did you two go out for dinner that night?
Stormy Daniels : No.
Anderson Cooper : You had dinner in the room?
Stormy Daniels : Yes.
Anderson Cooper : What happened next?
Stormy Daniels : I asked him if I could use his restroom and he said, "Yes, you know, it's through those-- through the bedroom, you'll see it." So I-- I excused myself and I went to the-- the restroom. You know, I was in there for a little bit and came out and he was sitting, you know, on the edge of the bed when I walked out, perched.
Anderson Cooper : And when you saw that, what went through your mind?
Stormy Daniels : I realized exactly what I'd gotten myself into. And I was like, "Ugh, here we go." (LAUGH) And I just felt like maybe-- (LAUGH) it was sort of-- I had it coming for making a bad decision for going to someone's room alone and I just heard the voice in my head, "well, you put yourself in a bad situation and bad things happen, so you deserve this."
Anderson Cooper : And you had sex with him.
Stormy Daniels : Yes.
Anderson Cooper : You were 27, he was 60. Were you physically attracted to him?
Stormy Daniels : No.
Anderson Cooper : Not at all?
Stormy Daniels : No.
Anderson Cooper : Did you want to have sex with him?
Stormy Daniels : No. But I didn't-- I didn't say no. I'm not a victim, I'm not--
Anderson Cooper : It was entirely consensual.
Stormy Daniels : Oh, yes, yes.
Anderson Cooper : You work in an industry where condom use is-- is an issue. Did-- did he use a condom?
Stormy Daniels : No.
Anderson Cooper : Did you ask him to?
Stormy Daniels : No. I honestly didn't say anything.
Anderson Cooper : After you had sex, what happened?
Stormy Daniels : He said that it was great, he had-- a great evening, and it was nothing like he expected, that I really surprised him, that a lotta people must underestimate me-- that he hoped that I would be willing to see him again and that we would discuss the things we had talked about earlier in the evening.
Anderson Cooper : Being on The Apprentice.
Stormy Daniels : Right.
Daniels says she and Mr. Trump stayed in touch. She says he invited her to a Trump Vodka launch party in California, as well as to his office in Trump Tower in New York.
Anderson Cooper : So he definitely wanted to continue to see you.
Stormy Daniels : Oh, for sure. Yes.
Stormy Daniels : And this was not a secret. He never asked me not to tell anyone. He called several times when I was in front of many people and I would be like, "Oh my God, he's calling." They were like, "Shut up, the Donald?" And I'd put him on speakerphone, and he wanted to know what I was up to and, "When can we get together again? I just wanted to give you a quick update, we had a meeting, it went great. There's-- it's gonna be spectacular, they're totally into the idea," and I was like mhmm that part I never believed.
Anderson Cooper : Did you still get the sense that he was kind of dangling it in front of you--
Stormy Daniels : Oh, for sure, oh yeah.
Anderson Cooper : To keep you interested, to keep you coming back.
Stormy Daniels : Of course, of course. I mean, I'm not blind. But at the same time, maybe it'll work out, you know?
Anderson Cooper : Did you view it as this is a potential opportunity. "I'm gonna see where it goes?"
Stormy Daniels : I thought of it as a business deal.
"A guy walked up on me and said to me, 'Leave Trump alone. Forget the story.'"
In July 2007 -- a year after they met -- Daniels says Mr. Trump asked to meet with her privately at his bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles to discuss a development regarding her possible appearance on Celebrity Apprentice.
Stormy Daniels : I remember arriving, and he was watching Shark Week. He made me sit and watch an entire documentary about shark attacks.
Anderson Cooper : It wasn't at that point a business meeting, it was just watching Shark Week.
Stormy Daniels : Yeah.
Anderson Cooper : Did you have sex with him again?
Stormy Daniels : No.
Anderson Cooper : Did he want to?
Stormy Daniels : Yes.
Anderson Cooper : How do you know he wanted to?
Stormy Daniels : Because he came and sat next to me and, you know, touched my hair, and put his hand on my leg, and r-- referenced back to how great it was the last time.
Anderson Cooper : How did you get out of it?
Stormy Daniels : Well, I'd been there for, like, four hours. And so I then was like, "Well, before, you know, can we talk about what's the development?" And he was like, "I'm almost there. I'll have an answer for you next week." And I was like, "Okay, cool. Well-- I guess call me next week." And I just took my purse and left.
According to Daniels, Mr. Trump called her the following month to say he'd not been able to get her a spot on Celebrity Apprentice . She says they never met again and only had sex in that first meeting in 2006. In May 2011, Daniels agreed to tell her story to a sister publication of In Touch magazine for $15,000 dollars. Two former employees of the magazine told us the story never ran because after the magazine called Mr. Trump seeking comment, his attorney Michael Cohen threatened to sue. Daniels says she was never paid, and says a few weeks later, she was threatened by a man who approached her in Las Vegas.
Stormy Daniels : I was in a parking lot, going to a fitness class with my infant daughter. T-- taking, you know, the seats facing backwards in the backseat, diaper bag, you know, gettin' all the stuff out. And a guy walked up on me and said to me, "Leave Trump alone. Forget the story." And then he leaned around and looked at my daughter and said, "That's a beautiful little girl. It'd be a shame if something happened to her mom." And then he was gone.
Anderson Cooper : You took it as a direct threat?
Stormy Daniels : Absolutely.
Stormy Daniels : I was rattled. I remember going into the workout class. And my hands are shaking so much, I was afraid I was gonna-- drop her.
Anderson Cooper : Did you ever see that person again?
Stormy Daniels : No. But I-- if I did, I would know it right away.
Anderson Cooper : You'd be able to-- you'd be able to recognize that person?
Stormy Daniels : 100%. Even now, all these years later. If he walked in this door right now, I would instantly know.
Anderson Cooper : Did you go to the police?
Stormy Daniels: No.
Anderson Cooper : Why?
Stormy Daniels : Because I was scared.
Now ya'all that wanted to know if I was in the room with Stormy and, the Dumpster can read the transcript for yourselves and, if you can't read, then you can listen to it by following the link I provided.
Okay, one side of a story. She had sex for free.....hmmmm.....not the norm in her career. And this was in 2006? Not while in an elected office, or running for an elected office.
When you say we shouldn't ever mention the Clinton scandals, it kinda rings hollow......
Spikegary, you seem to miss the point, like a lot of your side do with this, it isn't about the consensual sex, it is about what followed, later, the harassment, the threats and, the in kind payment to the Trump campaign my Mr. Cohen, which is illegal in the U.S.
Which there are no witnesses to, at least none that have come forward. BUt, you also miss the point, that you and your ilk are eager to believe anyhting that casts a bad light on the President and you let logic sink and ride your emotions becuase it fits what you want to hear.
Pot meet Kettle. It seems to me there is another politician or, two that you have done the same thing to, does the name Al Frankin ring a bell?
No, there's something better, documents, that prove there was an in kind payment to the Trump Campaign.
Better than a witness-- the person who actually made the payment to Stormy (the $130,000 hush money) did come forward. He admitted to doing it . (Trump's attorney).Of course he could be lying, but yes-- Trump's attorney claimed he paid Stormy $130,000.
Longtime Trump attorney says he made $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels with his money
There is a difference between a porn star and a prostitute.
Now, you want to talk about the Clinton scandals again? I think we've heard it all over and over from republicans, and NOW there is a new scandal and it is Trump's scandal. You loved talking about them, we all heard it over and over, and now its your turn.
Funny you mention that, as I'm willing to go out on a limb and guess you were one of those that condoned President Clinton's escapades (and I'm only talking about in the White House) as nothing more than consensual sex between adults, though he was her boss and held enormous influence over a starry eyed 20-something.
In the military, people are thrown out and/or court martialed for the same thing.
I was one of those people who didn't give a crap about the Clinton scandal. I was coming from where we were back in the day. I don't give a crap about Trumps extramarital sex either, just so you don't think I've changed my position. The change is where we are as a society. When I was young we (women) thought we had to be more like guys, be tough and take whatever was dished out. No, it wasn't right, but we were still in early stages of women's rights. It was what it was, and now it is what it is. New awareness of how much further we still had to go, my generation didn't finish the job, we settled for less, and younger women are not going to do that. I'm not sure what your point was to be honest. I could care less about Stormy and the other women in terms of the sex, but I do dig the karma for Trump and the GOP, and I do think its delicious that women are causing him so much grief. Trump invited Clinton women like Paula Jones to the debate with Hillary, do you think Stormy and the others should come to the next one? Who are the hypocrites?
Lib and, Gary, this is about Trump, I know that Lib is trying to stay on topic, to a point but, let's not take this down a Rabbit Hole that doesn't need to be taken.
I think, objectively, the interview was a little bit of a letdown or disappointment. Everything she said was pretty much known before the interview. But that's show biz.
Trump is still a POS either way.
Did you really think her lawyer was going to let her spill the beans before it went to court?
That's what hesaid-- at this point he shouldn't reveal all the details.
BTWF, has anyone seen her lawyer live (on TV?). He strikes me as a really brilliant lawyer.
And in addition to the legal case, he's really good at making his case in "the court of public opinion".
BULLSHIT. She want's her 15 minutes.
Then Trump was elected President and she say dollar signs.
So what? Trump sees dollar signs in everything and is right now making money off the office and that doesn't seem to bother you. Trump went after Clinton as if SHE had the affairs and even brought some of the women to the debate. Trump and republicans have used the Clinton scandal for DECADES. Why are you all having such a time having the same standards brought to bear? It's also a little funny hearing you diss her because she wants her 15 minutes. While you praise the biggest attention whore in history. There is way too much hypocrisy there.
Didn't seem to bother you when somebody else made money off the office. Why worry about it now?
She has already had her 15 minutes, in fact she has had many of them, all available for your viewing on the internet.
Along with 16 other women claiming he sexually assaulted them and, who knows how many, with extra-marital affairs. She is just 1 more in an ever expanding field.
And it's all "he said, she said". My question is how many come forward BEFORE he decided to run for President?
No it's not. If that we're truly your question, you would have looked up the answer on Google.
The fact is that you probably have looked it up, know the answer, and since it doesn't fit in your rhetoric have decided to ignore it.
Actually, it is.
If I meant that, I would have said that. I'm not a liberal, you won't tell me what I mean or what to say.
Then what is the answer? You obviously have access to the internet, please provide us to the answer to your "question".
I already stated the answer. Maybe you should re-read my statements.
Nope, not in that statement.
That's 2 down, still no answer.
Apparently you're also not saying what you said that you said... 3 statements down and still no answer.
Last one, and we ended up right where we started, you lying again. 4 statements, no answers.
But it does shut him up when you show how full of it he is.
She never asked for any money, it was OFFERED by Cohen. You should really listen to the interview.
And there is your problem. The money was offered by COHEN. NOT the President. The left seems to gloss right over that fact.
Who is that?
Oh what's wrong? You upset because I don't share your childish mentality toward President Trump? That sounds like something you should work through.
Here ya go, try reading this.
And, this is just three of the story's detailing why this is illegal. Remember Edwards? He paid hush money out of his campaign to keep someone quite about an affair and, the Right demanded his hide so, why aren't you guys up in arms about Trump? Oh yeah, I forgot, IOKIYAR.
You stated that she ASKED for money from Trump, when it was OFFERED by Trumps lawyer, to keep her quite, talk about "glossing over the facts."
Gee, congratulations
Yes-- an extremely smart woman indeed!
(there's a stereotype of porn stars as mostly being stupid "bimbos"-- but this one is really smart.)
If you say so.
Sequence of events:
1) Trump talks about himself.
2) Stormy spanks Trump.
3) Trumps says: "Wow, you-- you are special. You remind me of my daughter."
4) They have sex.
Soooo, I wonder how many times Ivanka has spanked Daddy.
Hey, don't blame me for Trumps comments about his daughter, after all he was the one that said he'd F his own daughter.
Well, you're right. He said if she hadn't been his daughter, he'd have "dated" (i.e., fucked) her. But if it isn't creepy and sick enough for you that he entertained both ideas of his daughter and fucking her in his mind simultaneously, I feel really sorry for you.
He might not have said it straight out but, you might want to look at this.
You got nothin'.
Nooooo, I told an alternative fact.
Yet, you're the one who thinks that Trump imagining fucking his daughter is no big deal. BTW, he actually told Stormy that she reminded him of his daughter right before he fucked her. And you don't bat an eye at that. No wonder you thought Roy Moore was a stand-up guy.
Atheist, don't go down this path, first warning. Stay on topic, I'll take care of the BS they put out.
My seed, I'll tell people what to do on it. The link I posted above shows Trump did think about it, if you don't like maybe you voted for the wrong guy.
I've asked for a moderator review of your comments here.
No, I didn't lie, he might not have come right out and, said the word fuck but, he did say he wanted to date his daughter and, all indications that he would have sex with her are in the testimony of Stormy Daniels and, Karen Mcdougal.
Flagged for taunting. Go play somewhere else. I didn't lie, I said what I did and, provided a link to several times Trump said he wanted to have sex with his daughter Ivanka, you don't like it so, go away.
No, but, she is mentioned by the person who is the subject of this seed, so, it is fair to mention her.
No, I didn't.
“Ivanka posing for Playboy would be really disappointing… not really. But it would depend on what was inside the magazine…I don’t think Ivanka would [do a nude shoot] inside the magazine, Although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her. ”
Read more:
Don't come on my seed and, try to tell me who to post to, ON MY SEED. Go away.
You said this about Atheist for one. From that point on it only got worse, now, like I said, leave my seed.
And, there ya go, another personal remark.
Wow! Freudian slip or just an interesting choice of words?
Do you really feel the need to tell people what to do on your threads?
Well honestly i'm not sure they meant it that way which is why i asked the question. I really hope they meant they "monitored" their thread as expected by COC.
The wording does appear to be a little telling on surface though.
I thought this was about Trump, Galen.
Well, alternative facts are real facts. (Just ask Donald and his merrie band of Trumpkins!)
Of course they are not actually true facts-- but they are facts (its just that they are untrue facts).
But we are not talking about fucking anyone-- we are tasking about wanting to fuck someone.
Sorry, I've been offline for a few days, family turmoil. As for what you are referencing it was a slip but, not a Freudian one and, it was referring to one of the posters trying to tell someone on my seed and, me what we should be responding to. As has been said on here this is a public site but, I do reserve the right to tell folks what is allowed on my seeds and, what isn't.
See, that's where you made your mistake, this is about Stormy Daniels interview about her affair with Trump. Reading is fundamental.
Look at those shoulders!!! What a woman, I guess.
Are you saying that Trump has bad taste in the women he fucks while cheating on his wife?
That's a matter of opinion-- but it misses the point of what he did.
With her.
And that ex-playmate bimbo.
(And those are just the 2 we know about).
"(And those are just the 2 we know about)."
So far.