Chick-fil-A Is About to Overtake Taco Bell, Wendy's, and Burger King
Chick-fil-A is about to become the third largest fast food restaurant in the United States, overtaking Wendy's, Burger King, and Taco Bell.
Fast food companies are constantly competing to poach potential customers from their competitors, whether it's with an exceedingly witty social media presence or by cashing in on of-the-moment trends. However, sometimes all it takes to gain new customers is dedication to what you're good at and faster, more convenient service. That's evidently been working for Chick-fil-A because the chicken-centric chain is currently on track to become the third largest fast food restaurant in the United States, overtaking behemoth brands like Taco Bell, Wendy's, and Burger King.
Never underestimate the power of a simple, pickle-topped fried chicken sandwich.
News that the Chick-fil-A would soon ascend to number three in the fast food rankings (in terms of sales) was first reported by BuzzFeed News, which claims the brand will rise from the seventh biggest fast food chain to third biggest in the next two years. McDonald's and Starbucks are the current number one and two ranked restaurants, respectively.
And while anyone who's been treated to one of Chick-fil-A's signature sandwiches can attest to their deliciousness, it's tough to imagine it's quietly grown more popular, and bigger, than some of the most prominent players in the fast food game. They're not even open on Sundays. Yet, there are quite a few surprising elements that've helped to catapult the premier purveyors of non-beef on-the-go meals around the country to the top.
As BuzzFeed notes, one of the biggest factors in its growth is its smart incorporation of technology, making the whole customer experience faster and arguably better with mobile ordering options and in-restaurant ordering by tablets. As a result, the average Chick-fil-A location makes more than $4 million in annual sales, which is millions more than any other major fast food chain in America. They've also doubled down on convenience by streamlining the drive-thru experience -- one location in Oklahoma City recently served 216 cars in under one hour, per the report. That's a rate of 3.6 customers per minute just at the drive-thru. The amped up velocity doesn't seem to be detracting from its image as a friendly place, either, since it ranks far above other chains in terms of "satisfaction, positive buzz, and likelihood of purchase," according to the YouGov BrandIndex.
With a relatively small 2,300 total US locations (for perspective, McDonald's has over 14,000 locations), it managed to rake in roughly $9 billion in sales in 2017. If it continues on its trend of opening roughly 100 new locations per year -- like the recently unveiled (and highly controversial) New York flagship -- it projects it will hit number three status by 2020.
Who knows, maybe people just really appreciate cows more than everyone thought.
While down in Mississippi I ate at Chik-Fil-A a few times-their sandwiches are really good and the employees are nice. They opened one up around Buffalo somewhere, but I haven't been there yet, as I don't go to Buffalo if I don't have to....
'Chick-fil-A is about to become the third largest fast food restaurant in the United States, overtaking Wendy's, Burger King, and Taco Bell.'
That's nice.
I've found that the employees are very nice.
I don't go there anymore though because of Dan Cathy's bigoted stance on gays and his funding of anti-gay groups.
What's a bigoted stance, and what groups are you referring to? You can be gay, but you're allowed to eat and work there, but proselytizing about homosexuality while on the job will probably get you fired.
WTF are you babbling about?
how does one "proselytize" about homosexuality since homosexuality isn't a belief system like religion ?
That is a great question. I see Christians proselytizing against homosexuality all the time. In contrast, gays just want the same exact rights as everybody else is given. Presently, they don't receive that. Expecting to be treated equally and fighting for that certainly isn't proselytizing at all.
So, gays are being discriminated against because this company won't sell chicken sandwiches to them?
Um, no. They sell to anyone that wants to buy a sandwich.
apparently to some of the religious conservative minded people - expecting to be treated equally and fighting for that is "proselytizing" and "attacking religion"
So, being able to buy a Chick Fil-A sandwich somehow minimizes Dan Cathy's negative impact on the gay rights movement; a movement designed to give certain CITIZENS all the rights that come with citizenship, which they haven't and don't currently have. That is an interesting perspective.
You brought the subject up. Don't WTF me.
And last time I looked, gays have all the rights I do, perhaps more rights.
What rights are they being denied? Universal acceptance by everyone is not a right.
He’s bigoted because he doesn’t support deviant behavior. So the deviants refuse to eat there in an apparent attempt to make him die laughing as they punish him by helping keep his establishment deviant free.
Still babbling?
That doesn't make any sense and that was never said.
Dan Cathy donates money to anti-gay groups. He's a bigot.
No value {SP}
And what exactly has he done to take away the rights of anyone? Because he doesn't agree with the LGBT movement that actually encompasses, what, less than 10% of the population? Does he have a sexual litmus test for hiring employees? So, please, enlighten us.
Oh yeah, obviously his business resonates with people for whatever reason as they are overtaking some of the other mega-franchises.
So, Dan Cathy doesn't have a right to exercise first amendment rights? as a successful business, I guess he isn't missing the business from you too badly, as his company continues to be successful and is overtaking many other franchise based businesses.
I feel like Tessylo answered this question perfectly in comment 2.2.8
But to answer you as well, when a person actively pursues an anti-gay agenda, by vocally supporting oppression and putting his money behind that, it does great harm to everybody actually.
They have every right to eat there. There is no litmus test for sexual preference in hiring. Seems the outrage is at a person-exercising their first amendment rights. I know, people complain about them exercising their rights, when it is not in lock step with theirs.
It's not about their right to eat at Chick Fil-A. That is where you are getting this wrong.
Chick Fil-A can't legally stop a gay person from eating at a restaurant. Dan Cathy can unfortunately legally promote hate though. Why would we support that?
What rights are gays denied?
At first the company owners were donating millions to anti-gay marriage groups that were attempting to deny gays the right to marry. Later, after the news story exploded the company had a change of heart. In September of 2012 "Civil Rights Agenda Group" announced Chick-fil-A pledged not to donate to such anti-gay organizations anymore. The pressure worked.
"Chick-fil-A has pledged to stop giving money to anti-gay groups and to back off political and social debates after an executive’s comments landed the fast-food chain smack in the middle of the gay marriage debate.
The Civil Rights Agenda Group, which dubs itself the largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocacy group in Illinois, said Chick-fil-A agreed in meetings to stop donating to groups such as Focus on the Family and the National Organization for Marriage. Such groups oppose same-sex marriage.
Chick-fil-A said that its nonprofit arm, the WinShape Foundation, “is now taking a much closer look at the organizations it considers helping, and in that process will remain true to its stated philosophy of not supporting organizations with political agendas,”
So I see no reason not to frequent them now that they changed their support for anti-gay agendas. I'm happy they are enjoying such success after doing the right thing.
You don't have to. I totally get where you're coming from and where LGBTQ folk are when it comes to Dan Cathey and supporting his business.
I still believe he has a First Amendment right to support whatever causes he wants as long as they aren't illegal. I don;t care for his politics, but his politics don't rule my taste buds or stomach. And it sure is nice to go to a fast food place where they are genuinely glad to serve you, no matter who you are.
Don't be obtuse. As far as I'm concerned, eating in a Chik-Fil-A does not signal my support for the owner's position. Much as eating at a Dinosaur BBQ does not signal my support for George Soros.
Thanks, Trout. You said it far more succinctly than I did.
Now tell me more about this Dinosaur BBQ.....
It doesn't signal your support or lack of support. I've never said it did. It does however definitely support Cathey in his efforts, inasmuch as it continues to give him the prominence he needs to push his agenda. Now, that doesn't mean you need to forsake them, but it also doesn't make me wrong for having done so.
How do they have more rights than you? All they want is equality.
You got that right?
ATLANTA (BP) -- Following reports that Chick-fil-A had agreed to stop funding certain traditional family groups in order to get approval for a new Chicago restaurant, company President Dan Cathy said Friday the restaurant made no concessions and "we remain true to who we are."
Cathy's statement, posted on Mike Huckabee's website, came one day after the company released its own statement saying that its corporate giving has "been mischaracterized" for many months and that it will continue to fund programs that "strengthen and enrich marriages."
Said Cathy, "There continues to be erroneous implications in the media that Chick-fil-A changed our practices and priorities in order to obtain permission for a new restaurant in Chicago. That is incorrect. Chick-fil-A made no such concessions, and we remain true to who we are and who we have been."
Focus on the Family President Jim Daly -- whose organization supposedly had been de-funded by Chick-fil-A -- also has spoken up for the company. And gay activist groups -- who initially applauded Chick-fil-A's supposed move -- now are criticizing the restaurant once again.
Chick-fil-A was facing a backlash after Chicago Alderman Joe Moreno and an Illinois gay activist group announced in Wednesday (Sept. 19) news reports that Chick-fil-A had agreed to no longer fund groups opposed to gay marriage, such as Focus on the Family. That alleged agreement led Moreno -- who had criticized Chick-fil-A during the summer for its president's comments affirming traditional marriage -- to stop blocking a new franchise from being built in his ward. In comments to the Chicago Tribune, Moreno called it a "big win."
Media stories nationwide then gave Chick-fil-A another public relations headache. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution's headline read, "Chick-fil-A said to change stance." The Los Angeles Times' headline: "Chick-fil-A promises to stop giving money to anti-gay groups."
The problem? Chick-fil-A's base of support remains largely in conservative states, and those customers hardly consider Focus on the Family and other groups "anti-gay." Many felt Chick-fil-A had caved.
Earlier this summer, hundreds of thousands of customers took part in Chick-fil-A Appreciation after company president Dan Cathy was criticized for comments supporting the biblical definition of marriage. Chick-fil-A's stance on values is well-known: It is closed on Sundays, and its corporate statement includes the desire to "glorify God."
In the 24 hours after the story out of Chicago broke, Chick-fil-A's Facebook page was flooded with criticism of the new policy.
"I'm disgusted that your faith is so weak," one person wrote. "You sure raked in the bucks on Chick Fil A day huh? So when do you start opening on Sunday? 'As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord'"
Chick-fil-A released a statement Thursday (Sept. 20), saying that "for many months now, Chick-fil-A's corporate giving has been mischaracterized."
"And while our sincere intent has been to remain out of this political and social debate, events from Chicago this week have once again resulted in questions around our giving," the statement said. "For that reason, we want to provide some context and clarity around who we are, what we believe and our priorities in relation to corporate giving.
"A part of our corporate commitment is to be responsible stewards of all that God has entrusted to us. Because of this commitment, Chick-fil-A's giving heritage is focused on programs that educate youth, strengthen families and enrich marriages, and support communities. We will continue to focus our giving in those areas. Our intent is not to support political or social agendas."
The company also released a document that had been referenced in the media called "Chick-fil-A: Who We Are." In it, the company repeats language from this summer and says its tradition is to "treat every person with honor, dignity and respect -- regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender."
The Who We Are document also says Chick-fil-A "supports programs and marriage retreats to help strengthen and enrich marriages," which more than 4,000 couples attend annually.
The document did not address whether Chick-fil-A has indeed agreed to stop funding certain groups, and if so, which groups. It's also unclear how the company's policy will appease gay activist groups, because marriage enrichment programs often are traditional-focused and biblically based and typically define marriage as between a man and a woman.
In fact, the Human Rights Campaign -- the nation's largest gay group -- expressed disappointment in Chick-fil-A's new statement, particularly its pledge to fund marriage enrichment programs.
"The truth is, Chick-fil-A is still donating money to anti-LGBT groups -- they are just, once again, using the language of their mission statement to deflect attention," a statement on HRC's website said. "... What that language essentially means is that they will continue to support groups with rabidly anti-LGBT agendas, but they certainly would never want anyone to think that their support should be taken as an endorsement of any particular political agenda."
Focus on the Family's Daly said in an article at Focus on the Family's CitizenLink that he supports the company. He did not directly address whether Chick-fil-A was no longer funding Focus on the Family
"Dan and Bubba Cathy are my Christian brothers and good friends. They and their company have long shared Focus on the Family's commitment to helping build strong and thriving families -- and they have in no way deviated from that deeply held and biblically inspired passion while working with the city of Chicago to open Chick-fil-A restaurants there," Daly said.
"I feel bad the Cathys are having once again to endure media accounts mischaracterizing their values and charitable efforts -- and, unfortunately, I know how they feel. Focus on the Family has for 35 years been dedicated to saving and strengthening marriages, helping couples raise happy, resilient kids and encouraging and empowering men and women to advocate for God's truth with Christ's heart. And still, in stories like some of those about Chick-fil-A's efforts to expand in Chicago, we are described as being 'hateful' toward certain groups of people.
"How is an organization that helps save one marriage every six minutes and helps parents navigate through a crisis involving their children every 90 seconds deemed 'anti' anything but 'anti-family breakdown'?" Daly concluded. "That's a question we would hope the media begins to ask with more regularity of those who disagree with us and with Chick-fil-A for bringing our Christian values to bear on the work we do in the public square."
Gay groups also were upset that Dan Cathy was helping raise money for traditional groups. The Advocate gay website took issue with Cathy taking part Tuesday (Sept. 18) in a fundraiser known as the WinShape Ride for the Family. The money, the Advocate said, will benefit the Marriage and Family Foundation, which it said funds the Marriage CoMission, a traditional group.
"Granted, the group's sole focus isn't on same-sex marriage," the Advocate reported. "The CoMission emphasizes lowering the divorce rate and making couples more satisfied in their marriages, for example. But even in those instances, the group has made clear it's worried only about heterosexuals being happy in their marriages and avoiding divorce."
The Human Rights Campaign's website referenced the Advocate story in a blog under the headline: "Chick-fil-A Fails to Live Up to Promises of Stricter Donation Guidelines."
Actually Dan Cathy lied about that - he's still donating to anti-gay hate groups.
How exactly does a person proselytize about homosexuality? I've never heard of this possibility. Are there raffle tickets that can be redeemed in person at any gay bar? Does he also give makeup tips for drag queens and kings?
I hope that he explains what the secret gay agenda is.
How can LGB people have more rights than you? What right do they enjoy that you do not?
Do you feel that there are people in the US who have more constitutional rights than you do?
It's really good BBQ Food (for north of the Mason-Dixon Line). There are a few locations out here (Syracuse-they say it's the original, Rochester and I heard one in Buffalo that's new-seems there are 6-7 now). Real good BBQ, done really well.
Review comment 2.2.18 from Dismayed Patriot. So, you are still mad, even though they have changed what they support?
I agree with you. Their food is good. Their employees have always been helpful and friendly.
Like I give a shit?
I've always wondered about this gay agenda. Hmmm. Is being fabulous Number 1 on the list?
Re-review MY COMMENT. Dan Cathy is still a bigot. He still supports these rabid anti-gay groups. He just lies about it now.
Fine christian 'qualities' you support there. Bigotry, lying, hypocrisy.
I'll WTF anytime I please! (Deleted)
Skirting {SP}
They have, but Cathy himself hasn't and is still an active supporter of at least one anti gay group.
Well, isn't that just good for you! CAre to ellucidate on your opinion, or just a bump and run comment again?
No need to elucidate. If you couldn't understand what I said, that's your problem.
I understand your meaning. You have nothing to say.
Not good for me. Just a personal choice.
'I understand your meaning. You have nothing to say.'
Right back at ya there dude.
Redacted - PRF
Dear Friend Spikegary: If they expand along route 31, I think you and I know the first choice for lunch that day.
This being Passover, I cannot yet go to the Sunrise Cafe due to the rye bread toast served with breakfast.
Next week, if it isn't another April Fools blizzard I will call you to set something up.
By then I will be able locally to go to the Full Belly Deli in Henrietta.
They have a Glutton's Gluten Gala sandwich. Three layers of whole wheat bread stuffed with thinly sliced rye, white and multi grain It is crowned with a topping of baked San Francisco sourdough.
"It's Carbolicious".
Enoch, shmearing some egg and onion matzo with peanut butter and Bonne Maaman fig preserves.
Sounds like a plan! I was kind of wondering where our next gastronomical experiment would happen!
Dan Cathey is entitled to his opinion, fortunately, his opinion doesn't matter anymore since gays can get married now. He never discriminated against them in his business as far as I know.
Chk-Fil-A makes a tasty product. I like how they don't put mayo on all their sandwiches, you have to ask for it. Their spicy chicken deluxe is a must try if you ever go there. I just wish they would bring back their chix salad sandwich and have chips as an option (I don't like waffle fries)
I agree. It's food. I also still go to the Dinosaur BBQ when I can becuase the food is good. I don't really care it is a Soros' owned business chain or not.
Last I heard he didn't own any fast food franchises.
As usual, you don't really know what you're talking about. Do some research and get back with us.
Let's call him a partial owner in junk food and fast food:
I went to the website for Dinosaur BBQ and, found this.
First paragraph in the company bio,
Yup and since then, have expanded to multiple more locations, due to investment capital from Soros.
My mistake. I didn't know he had investments in fast food franchises. I apologize.
(deleted) CoC {SP}
Don't get me wrong, I'm not apologizing to you spike. I owe you absolutely nothing apology wise. I made a mistake and I'm willing to admit it unlike some folks around here who hail from Tex-Ass.
And this folks ..... is how a liberal apologizes. That is to say ..... kinda but not really ....
To be fair, you don't see a lot of conservative apologies, so the bar is unusually low in general.
If there was something here to apologize about, I would, but the only one that needs to apologize for taunting/bullying/rude/etc. etc. says she won't apologize-not that that's a surprise.
I'm no bully. You must be referring to the turd in chief.
I'm not referring to you specifically. It was a general statement meant to demonstrate that nobody ever really feels like apologizing and generally speaking, people will rationalize why they shouldn't rather than just ante up and do so when appropriate.
I agree that is generally true, especially on the net but it isn't true for all of us in here. Many of us can and have "man up" when wrong. Others .... not so much. Some people are never wrong, even when they are wrong but i will agree that "party" has little to do with that level of arrogance.
Ignorance/arrogance is an equal opportunity employer.
Which was (and is) fully on display above.
I think that's like sacrilegious isn't it ???
With gravy they are really good, though I don't think Chik-Fil-A has gravy....
I'll try them again, but I just haven't met a waffle fry yet that I like
Yes they serve that with a side of "heart stent" at some places.
There's a place right outside the Buffalo Airport called 'Charlie the Buthcher's'. Used to have to go to the private side of the airport every other Thursday. We'd stop there for lunch becuase it was Prime Rib sandwich day, with a side of cottage fries and a cup of beef, now i have to clean up the drool off my desk.
The Frito Burrito was the start of the decline for Taco Bell. Trouble with fast food tacos is that, at least in my neck of the woods, you can go sit down and get a much better meal for the same price or less at a restaurant, and be in and out in 20 minutes.
Fast food burgers are about the same. Why go to Wendy's or the King, when I can go to the greasy spoon across the road, and get a far superior burger?
Chik-Fil-A does the drive through right. Even when the line is snaking around the building, you can get in and out in a matter of minutes.
I agree, there are several places to go to get a real dining experience, but in the world of fast food, they are moving up and as to Taco Bell.......(we have Mighty Taco here-far superior)
I want a Taco Bueno close to where I live or work.
We used to have Taco Hut. Better tacos, still no playground.
We had a Colossal Taco open up near our building.....but the guys went there and were underwhelmed......
I'm trying to remember the fast food taco joint I went to in San Antonio. I think it was a Taco Bueno and I liked it very much. There's a TB down the road, and I mean down the road from where I work (about 30 miles) but I'm not going there for lunch.
Yeah, that is the best of the bunch. They actually make pretty much everything right in front of you, including the tortillas.
haha...the crazy left wingers made them famous.
Kinda of like the increase in gun sales when lefties start demanding more gun control.
The left hating you should be in every business plan.
Love their peach shakes
Never ate at one of these places in my life. The only one around here, that I know of, is in the food court at the mall. Never go there.
Hardly ever eat fast food. Not a fan of a heart attack in a wrapper.
Huh? As in wgaf.
Then why are you wearing out preciously needed brain cells here?
If I'm going to have fast food, I'm going with " In and Out Burger''....The best of the best.
Best fast food Burger is Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger. You even order by weight and all patties are made fresh. Yum!
You've probably never had a In and Out Burger since they are mainly on the West Coast...But, another is the World Famous Tommy's Original....their chili burger is to die for.
The burger wars have started.....
LOL, yes they have.....
I might have to create a thread about the fast food/restaurant cravings of this forum. Maybe that could be non-political. maybe............
please do it
In-and-Out is hands down the best burger ever, though Fatburger is great too. But at In-and-Out you get a two double double cheeseburgers plain, just the meat, the cheese and the bun, with a drink and you are good to go. Heaven!. Ignore the fries because their fries are just not that great.
I liked it when I was in Biloxi at classes over the years.
Never had one of those but i put Five Guys and In & Out burger in the same category.
Killer burgers at both places but no one beats the burgers at Casa Sparty.
Damn, now i've a got a taste for one and will be grilling burgers in the snow tonite.
Would you do an article? IT sounds like it would be fun.
I'd consider writing an article. 200-300 words, maybe.
We could have the very first NT Food Fight!
No doubt!
Hey. We're talking about chicken here......LOL.......but if you're talking Burgers, we don't have any good fast food places, but there are some local the one serving Cheeseburger soup (more famous now that they've been on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives) called Grovers in Western New die for....
I like David's Burgers which is a local chain here. They put one in about 2 miles down from the house right on the corner.
Damn them!
Not a chicken fan...I want meat not fowl.
My favorite chicken.
Sorry to be off topic, speaking of burgers, there is a burger place here called Mugshots. They actually have a burger with peanut butter on it and one with mac and cheese on it. Really weird menu. Most of it sounded gross to me.
I remember the cheeseburger soup.
I love that show, even if he acts like a drunken frat boy 75% of the time.
I miss beef on weck when I pass through the area.
I've been to a 'Mugshots' in Biloxi. Right next tot he mall where the Chik-Fil-A is. Their burgers were good, the buns were especially tasty.
WHy would you miss it when you drive throguh the area? Wouldn't that be the perfect time not to miss it? LOL
You need to go to Le Rivage in NYC....they have a french onion soup burger to die for.......
That looks so good but I'd eat it with a knife and fork so I don't end up wearing it.
For actual "fast food", they are definitely tops in the burger world. I'm not a great fan of animal style, but in general, they're really good. Just ask this dude:
LMAO, the eating machine.
I can't watch stuff like that. I will puke
I wonder what's in the cup that he keeps pouring and dunking his sandwich in.
I kind of thought it looked like a shake. Not sure what flavor.
The point to all these Rah Rah Chick-Fil-A articles seems to be, "Ha Ha Ha! The bigots win one". Congratulations?
And yet, here you are. You obviously didn't read the article. Definitely not for comprehension. No mention of religions, beliefs, morals, etc., etc. BUt here you are injrcting it....sounds like it's not a Chik-Fil-A problem......
Why is this chain so popular? Besides fast and inexpensive what makes them such a winner?
I don't eat there, but not just for political reasons (though there this that). But I never really ate there before anyway because I just don't like their chicken. It's bland and just not very good tasting. KFC is a lot better and so is Popeye's.
I'm a KFC fan myself, extra crispy chicken. The Chick-fil-a chicken is too greasy for me, and I don't like the breading. Popeye's is not bad, but, KFC has them beat.
I only like Popeye's if I get the extra spicy. Even then I have to be in the mood for spicy chicken. But your right, few things beat KFC extra crispy, though man the prices have gone up!
Yeah...the prices have gone up at KFC. But, the have also gone up in many other chain operations as well. Only one thing I like better that KFC's chicken tenders, and that's McDonalds Buttermilk crispy tenders. They are really better than KFC's. But, KFC's a good too. I myself am not fond of the spicy chicken. Nor BBQ'd chicken. Never have cared for it. It's about the only thing I don't like BBQ'd. For spicy food, I prefer either Mexican or Cajun.
Is there ever not a time for Extra Spicy Chicken? LOL
I like Popeyes occasionally, but it's a 30 mile trip.
I only like Popeyes with virgin Olive Oil
I'm a big popeyes fan....took forever, but there is finally one in Niagara Falls. But for a quick danwich-yeah, Chik-Fil-A is an option for decent chicken sandwiches and a decent attitude form employees. KFC has been off my list for years...nothing like mashed potatoes that taste like styrafoam.
Popeye's is opening up across the street from where I work.
Damn them!
(I was hoping for a Dairy Queen because I'm just not fat enough)
Though I may not agree with the ownerships certain, let us call them outlooks on particular subjects they do make a good sandwich. Just making their way into the Northeast.
Now that I have that out of the way, politicizing Fast Food. Really?
Well, for those that read the story, there is no politics in it-I posrted it as news, because they are moving into terrirotry once owned by some other mega-chains. Then we have the 'perpetually offended' crowd show up.......and well, you can read the results........
I was referring to the shower of political comments (as you noted) made, not the article.
Understood. was adding to, not objecting to your post.
I'll take a cheeseburger or burrito over a thumper chicken sandwich any day. But they really should open their drive-up windows on Sunday and give free sandwiches to everyone that shows they were born again and got their jesus cards punched in church that day. I think that might be a nice gesture. Schedule all the non-true believer employees to work.
Now, there's a business model. A shitty one, but one nonetheless. No wonder you are so successful......LOL. And the business chooses not to be open on sunday, becuase it is the owners' belief that Sunday should be a day of rest.
How dare they!
They should be open on Sunday's so the haters can hate on them seven days a week and not just six. Taking away the ability to boycott on that seventh day is unconscionable.
Oh the humanity!
Us haters take Sunday off too.
Do you actually hear yourselves?
Now that really IS funny!
Knee slapping, spit-taking hilarious actually.
We always hear you. You're the one yelling while regular people are talking like adults.
The Mortician Association of America is ecstatic about this news. Sick Fil-A is great for their business!
One can't live forever.....
Who would want to? (besides clueless evangelicals)
certainly not me
I want this life to be over before my retirement runs out
skirting the CoC [ph]
In my area, Chick-fil-A has grown quite a bit. Two years ago, there were none within a 15 mile radius. Now, there are 4. They're always busy, and their customer service is fantastic.
Dear Friend Spikegary: Breaking News!
A new chicken franchise has opened up at the village of Inland Port.
At the corner of Young and Foolish in a wishbone shaped edifice is the grand opening of Chicken Atrocious.
Their menu features the following classic culinary chicken selections.
General Tso's Ptomaine: No one who ever ordered it was heard to complain about its flavor.
Bird Flu Burger: Internet reviews have gone viral.
Family Bucket of Beaks and Bones: I recommend the extra crunchy. If you order the they throw in for no extra charge a side of siding (vinyl is final), and your choice of Ebola Cola or Coke Au Fin (Seafood Soda).
The motto at Chicken Atrocious is: "Fast Food You Cannot Praise Too Highly".
Enoch, On My Way to the E.R.
Kind of like the motto for the first commuter bus company I worked for in D.C.? 'Take A Chance'.
Good one!