Melania Shows Incredible Class, Invites Special Guests to Bush Funeral
First lady Melania Trump is showing her class again. This time, it’s evident in who she invited to the funeral of one of her predecessors, former first lady Barbara Bush.
According to The Hill, Melania took two White House staffers with close connections to the Bush family as her guests when she went to the funeral in Houston.
White House usher Buddy Carter and former White House head maitre d’ George Hainey were guests of the first lady at the service on Saturday.
“She knew they were very close to the Bush family and wanted them to be able to pay their respects,” a spokeswoman for Trump said.
Bush passed away last week at the age of 92.
According to the Washington Examiner, she died after an evening of talking to friends on the phone and sipping bourbon.
Tributes poured in from around the world, including from Melania Trump, who said Bush was “a woman of indisputable character and grace.”
“It was my honor to travel to Houston to give my respects to Barbara Bush and the remarkable life she led as a mother, wife, and fearless First Lady,” Melania said in a statement.
President Donald Trump did not attend the service, although he did watch from his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida.
Bush, who attended Smith College, was known as a very unassuming first lady. “All I ever did was marry and birth well,” she once quipped.
Much like her daughter-in-law Laura Bush, she made literacy the keystone cause of her time as first lady.
Melania, of course, also seems to have taken up this mantle, as the current first lady is frequently seen reading to youngsters.
And just like Barbara Bush, Melania is also pretty classy. The fact that she would take two White House staffers who knew Bush along with her as official guests is definitely a telling thing when it comes to her character.
Barbara Bush was mourned by millions of Americans, all because of her class, dignity and devotion to important causes. These are all attributes that Melania Trump possesses, too.
Melania, of course, isn’t likely to pass away any time soon. However, her performance as first lady should make Americans proud in the same way they were proud of Bush.
When her funeral comes — hopefully many, many years in the future — one hopes she’ll be remembered in the same way.
First lady Melania Trump brought two White House staff members who were close to the Bush family as her guests to former first lady Barbara Bush’s funeral on Saturday in Houston.
Trump was accompanied by former White House head maitre d' George Hainey and current White House usher Buddy Carter, the first lady’s office said.
“She knew they were very close to the Bush family and wanted them to be able to pay their respects,” spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham said.
In a statement following the service, Trump praised Bush as “a woman of indisputable character and grace."
“It was my honor to travel to Houston to give my respects to Barbara Bush and the remarkable life she led as a mother, wife, and fearless First Lady,” she said.
I've heard her secret service gang bangs were legendary, but needing to bring along a maître d' and an usher is pretty impressive.
The First Lady showed class and has an air of dignity. You could learn from that.
Be careful, Melania is part of Donald Trump's support system and the left is out to destroy it
It didn't take long for the usual Trump-bashing to begin!
Seed unlocked! I’m back!
This is my favorite takeaway from that funeral (other than all of the lovely tributes).
I wonder what he was 🤔 thinking 💭then???
Duh! He's seen her Russian porn in the daily briefings for years. Too bad it can't be posted here.
Why don't you stop?
Ask for another happy pill.
I wouldn't need one if you would say something positive for a change.
Create an email address and post it here. I'll send you some videos of the job skills that got Melania her green card.
She's done a lot of good deeds on video.
The funny thing is, she speaks 5 languages and shows class and dignity in everything she does. Probably far more than that poster has ever done or any women that he/she knows. But some people can't help themselves-when you grow up with no class, it's hard to identify when you actually see it.
Not a big fan of her more recent girl on girl stuff. Her earlier gagging and dodging videos are more fun to watch.
You are impossible.
Meh, knowing the phrases "where's my money first", and "not in my hair" in 4 different Russian dialects probably isn't all that unique among most members of the current administration in DC.
Just wow. A totally positive seed about someone in the news and the trolls come out and try to ruin it.
Seems like America went thru this not long ago:
"You KNOW if it says Trump anywhere, the haters will sniff it out and start their usual bitchfest!"
You KNOW if it says Obama anywhere, the haters will sniff it out and start their usual bitchfest!
The times have changed, the parties have changed places ...NO I am not surprised. I'm used to it.
Give it a few years you will be too.
And then totally disappear for 12 hours and don't lock it, like everyone else does. The CoC clearly says that you are supposed to be part of the moderation.
never mind... I think I
Because this was such a negative and controversial seed and topic that the pet trolls couldn’t restrain themselves. This seed shouldn’t have gotten more than about a dozen responses. Some should stop making excuses for the trolling that goes on around here.
I dont try to make excuses, I just like to point out facts.
As a long term independent I've yet to see crap that doesn't fly both ways, first ladies are usually no exception. So why would I be surprised ? Why would anyone including the seeder of the article ?
There was nothing controversial about the seed. It was a feel good positive story about an act of kindness. Nothing more.
ANYTHING about many people is controversial if only because of how they are viewed by the masses.
Good or bad, news is news, people go off subject and "talk" that's life.
As I see it only very few seeded articles on here are "neutral" enough not to bring controversial comments. Those include stuff like "Whats your favorite sandwich" or "What group do you listen to" BUT bring up almost any famous person and you will see controversial comments on here.
Zero accountability as usual.
Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]
No value [ph]
No value [ph]
Removed for context {SP}
Skirting the CoC [ph]
It really is nice to see Melania looking relaxed, and even smiling. That is something we have seen much of from her. She seems very comfortable sitting next to former President Obama.
That people can act like human beings?
How can anyone not feel human sympathy for Mrs. Trump? It can't be easy. Through daily discussions of Russian prostitutes, porn stars, playmates and Trump's routine genital grabbing Mrs. Trump has maintained her own dignity and done an admirable job, so far, of sheltering their son Barron from the untenable situation he is in for a young lad. I do not imagine there is any way of really sheltering a young man of his age from the daily drip drip drip regarding all of Trump's extracurricular sexual escapades. I can almost see Melania shrugging while sheepishly saying, "I know. Right?'" Monica's blue dress and Clinton's blurjibbers seem positively tame compared with the decadence being revealed to the American People under Trump. This White House is turning out to be positively Caligulan. Mrs. Trump performed her duties admirably alone yesterday. She seemed at ease and comfortable by herself. She is turning out to be quite the sympathetic figure...
It's easy to be at ease and enjoy one's self when you're in the company of world class people who you can actually respect.
To bad about the circumstances but I'm glad she got a break from what she has to put up with in her married life.
Unlike Hillary or Michelle Melania isn't one of the World's Most Respected Women but she is pitiable...
Word is that President Obama leaned over to Melania and said 'How could you marry THAT man?'
First Lady Trump leaned over and said to him, 'How could you marry THAT man?'
No one cares what you think.........take your butthurt elsewhere.
You got that right on both counts.
I have had no opinion on Ms. Trump good, bad or indifferent. The only item I can find a flaw in, is perhaps her choice of spouses, kind of feel a bit sorry for her.
Although as my Sainted Mother might have said: You've made your bed, now you can lie in it.
Substitute the word pee for lie and you have the Russian version of that saying.
Melania Trump is beautiful.......beautiful!
She is not anyone else. She Is herself and doesn't really care a frig if you like her or not.
Plastic surgery? Who cares? If you can be that beautiful with a nick here and there, I suggest you do it. You would, probably, not be as beautiful.
She is not some naïve little girl who didn't know what marrying Donald Trump involved, but I don't think being FLOTUS was in her thinking. She is playing the hand that was dealt her and her main concern is Barron.
This is obvious by her photo shoots.
I'm sure she's playing the hand dealt her but, I wonder if she has concern for Barron, I think the Nanny might care more.
I hope that Barron does have a nanny who is really looking out for him.
It is not as if I don't have enough to worry about, I worry about this little boy.
Barron allegedly doesn't have a nanny. His grandparents live in Washington, DC and spend a lot of time at the WH with him when his mother has First Lady obligations to fulfill. It sounds similar to the Obamas, except Melania's parents don't live in the WH like Michelle's mother did for 8 years.
Thank you. That's good to know.
Do you have a problem with Michelle's mother living in the White House for eight years? It sounds that way.
Not at all. She was able to care for her granddaughters while their parents were busy.
That's your problem, not mine.
Well said. Great answer!
Thank you. I typically ignore hostile, baiting questions, but that one needed to be nipped in the bud.
I’m glad you did it. These progressives need to be called out 24/7.
As I said the way it was written, it did sound like you had an issue with Michelle's mother living in the WH but, if you say there wasn't one, then I guess I should say that I'm sorry for making the assumption.
I appreciate your apology.
Meh, I have no problem with her, she seems nice enough. I don't have any idea how she tolerates her husband though, of course money can make people put up with a lot.
We can say the same about Hillary, but that's for another time.
This is an orphan seed. You left it for 19 hours before returning to it. Then you come back on 19 hours later and start selectively flagging off for off comment. You are not supposed to leave your articles unattended for 19 hours, and then expect the mods to clean up. Please either lock your articles or be around to moderate better.
Absolutely and totally false. I posted on it last night before going to sleep and again this morning when I got up and then again this afternoon after getting off work. See 2.1.28 for which I make no apologies and stand by.
OK so you were on 11 hours ago.. one comment. Nothing to try to moderate the off topic comments, and all the off topic comments you flagged were not fairly metered out. Everyone else here follows these rules, except for you and I expect you to follow them, too.
Actually it was 10. From when I posted before leaving for my sons school and work where there is rarely data to posting after a 9 hour work day and commute to the next post. There’s not enough time between getting up and leaving to comment on the seeds and lock them all. Oh and then off course we are to lock our seeds for 6-8 hours at bed time so no one goes crazy while we sleep. So what is being suggested is that those of us who work only comment and allow our seeds up for others comments for 2-4 hours a day. Almost no one does that. Few seeds are actually closed most of the time. Also, our foreign members couldn’t comment on anyone’s seeds as we’d all be at work or sleeping when they are awake in Australia and China. Even a U.K. person would have a hard time. Lastly,if most seeds were closed large portions of time, the place would get fewer hits and less advertising revenue. Actually one final point. This seed was a positive human interest story about long time pair of White House aides going to a funeral of someone they cared about, and the person who made it possible. As uncontroversial a seed as possible. There was no excuse for the bull crap that afflicted this seed.
But I'm not sure you would even allow such a trashy and disgusting thread to continue for all that time, as it really has no discernible value, no matter what side of the fence you are on. Just sayin'
See a mod can't ever win. If I close it, I am overstepping my boundaries. If I leave it open and the owner doesn't do what they should, I get blamed. Now really does that sound fair?
He can close his own thread. He knows this. So please put the blame where it belongs.
That's Ok, I still love ya. You ain't a him but, you know.
The thing is that this was a puff piece feel good story with no controversy to it at all. It shouldn’t have needed any moderation at all. On all seeds especially one like this all responsibility for violations of the coc resides with the posters who post coc violating posts.
So... Let me see if I have this right...
Melania trump supports her husband, who has admitted that he has paid off porn stars he had sex with, while she was home with their 4 month old son. Plaegerized a speech from Michelle Obama, almost word for word, lied about her college transcripts and posted her nude photos on the internet, violated her work visa, making her an illegal criminal invader... But... The right covets her, says how wonderful she the same time, vilifying.....
Michelle Obama....
Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama (born January 17, 1964) is an American lawyer and writer who was the First Lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017. She is married to the 44th President of the United States , Barack Obama , and is the first African American First Lady. Raised on the South Side of Chicago, Illinois, Obama is a graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School , and spent her early legal career working at the law firm Sidley Austin , where she met her husband. She subsequently worked as the Associate Dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago and the Vice President for Community and External Affairs of the University of Chicago Medical Center . Barack and Michelle married in 1992 and have two daughters.
Now tell me.... How the fuck is Malaria "the whore" trump, "better", than Michelle Obama?
Well, for one thing, Melania has a nicer ass!
Happy 48th birthday 🎂 🎁 Melania!
Wow! Is she really nearing the big 50 birthday? Looks like Trump will be looking for a younger woman to take her place before long.His ego can't stand having to admit that HE is getting old, so a younger woman would somehow make HIM look younger as well. Right?
He's been auditioning replacements since Baron was born.
Happy Birthday First Lady & many more
Thanks for the positive response to the mentioning that yesterday was her birthday.
A $50 investment 25 years ago would have paid for a video worth many thousands to Trump now.
Indeed. The down side of that is that Donny, during his rant yesterday said he didn't have time to shop for a gift for his wife's birthday. But he apparently had 30 minutes to embarrass himself, once again, on life tv and he certainly seems to have a LOT of spare time to golf. But no time to jump on Amazon and buy his wife a gift, (which would literally take less than 5 minutes)? Or pick something, (anything), and ask a staffer to go get it? We all have busy lives, but picking out a gift for your spouse doesn't take hours of planning. FFS, he could have at LEAST gotten her a damn card.
And you know what he did or didn’t do to celebrate 🎉 her birthday 🎁 🎂 how?
Dear Friends: As I understand it, the thrust of this article is that someone showed sensitivity and compassion for those who mourn someone important to their lives.
I support, respect and admire those who bring comfort to the mourning.
It is a time of raw emotion.
Those who use power responsibly to enable those who want to show respect, say last goodbyes, and heal with all possible comfort merit praise.
Peace and Abundant Blessings To One and All.
Well said, my friend. There are those that know nothing besides how to dengrate others. It's a sad life they live and they could learn much from our first lady.
It's more about blatant hypocrisy.
Michelle Obama was always well dressed, well mannered, educated, respectful and by all accounts, a good parent. Her cause, while FLOTUS was to get kids to eat better and exercise. How did the right wing react? They ripped her to shreds for it. Called her an ape, a monkey, a man, a gorilla....over and over and over again for eight years.
I will give Melania points for being attractive, well dressed, well mannered and she is clearly not dumb. Her cause seems to be online bullying....and I am forced to wonder if she has ever read any of her husbands tweets. She has posed nude, and posted them on the internet, many times over, and they are easily found, (cannot post them here, TOS). She blatantly plagiarized a speech by Michelle Obama. She violated her visa when she came to the USA, which technically makes her an illegal alien. She lied about her college transcripts, she said she graduated when the records themselves show that she dropped out.
So there it is. The right bashed Michelle for trying to get kids to eat better and exercise, but Melania posts nudes of herself on line and the right wing screams about how great and, "classy" she is? That's hypocrisy taken to the next level.
Well said. You captured the point of the seeded article 100% correctly. Thanks for your fine post here.