Iowa man says his dog shot him while they were playing
With best friends like these, who needs enemies?
An Iowa man says his dog inadvertently shot him while they were roughhousing Wednesday.
Fifty-one-year-old Richard Remme, of Fort Dodge , told police he was playing with his dog, Balew, on the couch and tossed the dog off his lap. He says when the pit bull-Labrador mix bounded back up, he must have disabled the safety on the gun in his belly band and stepped on the trigger.
The gun fired, striking one of Remme's legs. He was treated at a hospital and released later that day.
Remme told The Messenger newspaper that Balew is a "big wuss" and lay down beside him and cried because he thought he had done something wrong.
What sort of safety mechanism can be disabled by a dog ?
Gun lovers are funny.
It’s possible with many actually. Switches, levers, buttons, etc
Gun haters are funny.
One could also wonder why he had a pistol strapped to his waist while he was sitting on his couch playing with his dog.
Maybe "Obama hordes" were reported in the vicinity and he was taking all reasonable precautions.
your intellectual capacity never lets me down. too funny
a lot of things go over your head. it is to be expected.
true, I am fairly adept at ducking under the bullschit.
thanks for noticing
It was a joke. Lighten up Francis.
Yeah i can agree with you there. Not real smart but who knew a his dog could operate a gun safety?
Not him evidently.
Aren't you captain oblivious? Oh sorry, obvious. LOL
You know, I've never felt safer with a gun in my waistband.
A mini doxie smarter than a gun owner...LMAO...
I find that very plausible. I know my Buster was smarter than many people I knew, and he was not all that bright (he was a Beagle).
Wiki Warrior Wonder Wiener, is an expert with all firearms...Oh, and a Tomahawk as well.
I have no doubt of Wiki's abilities.
Don't you feel safer knowing that you could be walking down the sidewalk in your neighborhood, with gun loving morons like this wrestling their dogs a few feet away?
you will hit the lottery well over 15 times before some dog in a park shoots you.
the amount of fear contained in some people is frightful.
A dog is just one of many avenues for an idiot with a gun to ruin some innocent person's life.
Your life may be inconsequential trial bullshit, but mine and my family's is not.
what is quote reasonable is debateable.
for the left "reasonable is hindering people who have not committed a crime.
for the right" reasonable is hindering the people who have commited a gun crime
big difference in "reasonable" between the two.
other people might say "reasonable is actually following current sentencing laws without exception
my version of reasonable?
That is your response? Seriously? Your life lesson isn't going to do any service to a dead kid in a stroller being taken for a walk.
facts of life my friend. liberty and freedom come at a cost.
more kids die from drunk driving.. do we ban cars and/or beer? nope.
instead of going after people for owning a gun try going after the criminals using guns... you will get more support in that endeavor
The cost in this case should be the permanent removal of this moron's firearms.
the city should also press charges on the dog for unlawful discharge of a firearm... LOL
good day
national security is a pain like that and it is true our rights are a double-edged sword.
however, your feigned concern about me and my family? you only make me laugh.
want to save kids? end abortion... tks
as long as the lefts proposed legislation hinders legal gun owners? there will be no compromise available on a federal level. however, what states do with their militias and resources is another issue.
Do you think he should be allowed to own firearms?
Omg. So until his carelessly, recklessly, randomly fired bullet kills somebody, no problem for you. That has to be the most idiotic opinion I could have hoped for. You never fail to deliver in that department.
No, really - keep going. Give us more reasoning why a guy who can’t manage to keep his own gun from accidentally shooting himself is worthy of owning a gun, and not a threat to innocent people around him. Don’t give up now, you’re on a roll.
Discharging a firearm in the neighborhood he lives in is against the law, genius. That’s because it is incredibly reckless and a threat to public health to have guns going off in densely populated areas. There’s no question of his guilt, as he had to have the bullet removed from his dumb ass.
This took about four minutes. Skirting the CoC [ph]
9.04.080 - Discharging firearms.
No person shall discharge any gun, pistol, or any other firearm within the city limits, provided that this section does not apply to the United States, state, county or city officers, in the execution of their duties such as officers.
(Ord. 510 § 17).
It's called a variance, or a special use permit, and it would come with very stringent criteria and by no means would it be a slam dunk to obtain one. You really shouldn't try to one-up a land development professional on matters of land development when you don't even have the ambition to use google to answer your questions first.
Lol - suuuurrre ... it was an accident. A dog released the safety and pulled the trigger. It couldn't possibly be that the idiot mishandled his gun and shot himself. I mean who wouldn't believe that it was his thumbless dog who was the guilty party. He may as well have said that a UFO visited him, and the aliens accidentally shot him when they were investigating his things, and probing his anus. People like you would gladly accept that explanation, as long as this dumbass's rights to accidentally shoot someone else in the future were firmly protected.
Can you fucking read?
It couldn't possibly be that the idiot mishandled his gun and shot himself.
Here's what's funny - one of you gun nuts here (can't remember which one but this applies to pretty much all of you) has said repetedly in the past that there is no such thing as a gun accident. According to them, the discharge of a firearm is never an accident, it is either intentional and for purpose, or gross negligence on the part of the gun handler. Now it's only an accident when it's most convenient for you guys.
Worry more about all the dillweeds texting while driving or about natural disasters or about getting beaned by a meteorite .... just to name a few more realistic worries for you.
That moron would most likely be a gang banger thug!
No one seems to consider that it was intentional on the dogs part.
Well, it's obvious that the dog had it in for him.
But you have to be careful these days.. even the smallest of pets could be dangerous:
too cute
Holy crap, what is that?
A .00556 mm round? You could put a eye with that thing .....
Not to mention all the gerbil gang violence where the real problems exist .....
Oh the humanity!
Yo! Who you be calling a gerbil. That is one mean and lean hamster..
Learn your rodents.. they may be out to get you!
I was just in a gerbil free zone, alll is well ..... oorah!
thug life
Now that's what i call riding dirty
Вы можете побежать, но Вы не можете скрыться (you can run but you can't hide)
Heavily "pawed"
Oh no, not the dreaded "Red Dog". It's the "Milk Bone Theory" coming for us.
better dead than red .....
That depends on the person. Personally being a Red man I prefer staying alive (from the BeeGee's). You, of course, can choose being dead, it's a choice.
Different kind of red but of course you knew that ......
Nech sluzi
I’ll take a vodka tonic, lean on the bottle a little bit please.
I'm busy right now having to get the shooter dogs under control. Damn cornfield thug dogs...Bad to the bone.
What is going on in Iowa..Another dog shoots human story.
Must be a lot of thugs hiding in the corn fields.
Dogs rule in Iowa.
Forget Iowa - in Oklahoma the wieners are killing people without guns!
Pack of wiener dogs mauls woman to death
If guns are outlawed....only dogs will have guns!
That would probably be a good thing, since dogs seem to show a hell of a lot more sense than a lot of humans.