Roseanne Barr Apologizes For Racist 'Planet of the Apes' Tweet About Obama Adviser (UPDATE : ROSEANNE SHOW CANCELLED)

Roseanne Barr Apologizes For Racist 'Planet of the Apes' Tweet About Obama Adviser
Ryan Parker 2 hrs ago
(Video provided by New York Daily News)
Roseanne Barr on Monday attacked former President Obama White House adviser Valerie Jarett in a since deleted tweet alleging connections to the Muslim Brotherhood that is being called racist by many.
In the tweet, the ABC star of her self-titled show attacked Jarett, connecting her to the Islamist organization Muslim Brotherhood and the movie Planet of the Apes.
"Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj,” Barr wrote, using Jarrett's initials while replying to a tweet which accused Jarrett of helping to cover up alleged misdeeds for the Obama administration.
© Provided by The Hollywood Reporter When users pointed out that the tweet seemed racist, Barr replied, "Muslims r NOT a race."
Barr, an outspoken supporter of Donald Trump, later tweeted her first tweet was "a joke."
Then, not long after that tweet, Barr issued an apology post: "I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks. I should have known better. Forgive me-my joke was in bad taste."
I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks. I should have known better. Forgive me-my joke was in bad taste.
— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) May 29, 2018
Barr also said she is leaving Twitter.
I apologize. I am now leaving Twitter.
— Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) May 29, 2018
Reps for ABC have not yet replied to The Hollywood Reporter's request for comment.

That is a RACIST comment and Roseanne should be fired by ABC and either her show cancelled or go on without her.
What happened to her? She used to be fairly reasonable.
I was asking myself the same thing.
I think she is an eccentric. She used to be somewhat liberal, I think, at least on some issues.
Using a Planet Of The Apes reference in relation to an individual is straight up racist, there is no two ways about it. She has to suffer a consequence.
Back when she was a liberal, didn't she grab her crotch while singing the national anthem at a baseball game? The mental illness seems to have gotten its start long ago.
Anyone who says that a prominent black individual (or any individual but realistically every racist statement cannot be addressed) comes from "The Planet Of The Apes" has to suffer a consequence. It is blatantly racist.
I can see why she likes the King of the Birthers and why he likes her.
Sweeping Generalizations [ph]
Of course it was something she deserved to be fired for. Your 'she used to be a liberal' was when she grabbed her crotch during her rendition of the national anthsm. And, as far as I'm concerned, she should have been fired then.
Deleted, CoC {SP}
Depends on how you look at it, all the Planet of the Apes movies the apes were the intelligent beings, they were stronger, faster, and the rulers. In the older movies the humans were below monkeys, of low intelligence, and relegated to slaves and in the newer movies humans were becoming progressively less intelligent.
the keyword is "Apes"
Sure it was crude grabbing her crotch, especially during the anthem, but I took at a bit of comedy imitating the adjustments the pitcher made after every pitch.
Exactly. They just can't help themselves.
More like every ball player. She spit too.
She drank the Trump Koolaid.
She fucking chugged it.
I'm an Ape, I suppose now the word "Ape" is going to be relegated to a racial slur depending on who uses it (granted Rosanne probably did mean it as a slur)
She was? As I recall she was always a bit erratic.
Lessons learned:
What she said was blatantly racist.
Was I surprised at how fast ABC dropped a very profitable TV show? Nope, not one bit!
Was I surprised to see some try to link her to Trump? Nope, not one bit.
She is linked to trump as she is an overt trump supporter.
And Louis Farrakhan was an overt Obama supporter.
Fair enough?
I think maybe she was just playing reasonable on TV.
The crotch-grabbing thing ended my respect for her. If she knew she didn't have the voice for the Anthem (and she didn't), she shouldn't have accepted the gig, rather than butcher it and be vulgar when booed.
"What happened to her? She used to be fairly reasonable."
She decided to run for President. That alone is enough to ruin anyone. So when she didn't win the pick, she decided to ride on Trump's coat tails by declaring herself a devoted Trumpian. From then on, she became the rabid Trump azz kisser she is today.
She's got a long history of saying and doing outrageous things.
I don't remember Rosanne being reasonable. Quite the opposite really. Her whole persona is based on not being reasonable.
Forgive me, for I am old and my memory is faulty. I'm probably just remembering her old show
"lunatic left"
That's very clever! Did you coin that term all by yourself?
What made me notice her was what she said at her marriage to Tom Arnold "We are your biggest fear, white trash with money." I also loved what she said in one of her stand up comedies "When Sears invents a riding vaccume cleaner, I will get serious about house cleaning."
That's why I used to like her. I grew up working class poor and she was ME!
Yet, Monique Judge and Joy Behar still have jobs. Judge called Ben Carson "a monkey" and Behar said similar things about Christians. Frankly, I am upset by the blatant hypocrisy of the Left and their media arms.
The first link is about Judge and the second about Behar.
What happened to freedom of speech?
She has the right to say whatever she wants and be free from government persecution/prosecution. As far as I know the government is taking no action here, so what's your point?
I really have to wonder at people who think this is a free speech issue.....I guess spewing racist nonsense is just fine and dandy in some people's eyes
I agree, it's a workplace thing, that's why I have no problems withthe NFL forcing people to stand for the anthem. Again, it's a workplace issue, not a free speech/constitutional issue.
I know, yet every time somebody gets called out for saying something stupid someone here pipes up with the freedom of speech thing.
I'm inclined to believe what they really want is to be free from ridicule when they say stupid shit.
That's exactly what they want.
"I'm gonna call that guy over there a n**** and you can't say anything about it!"
Possibly but I'm inclined to be a little kinder and think that some just can't understand the limitations of the right to free speech
Now look here, you Trump Toupee-wearing steaming pile of shit!
OMG I've been waiting for a reason to say that since you changed your avatar!! At last I can move on with my life.
But seriously, you are so correct. They feel that with celebrity comes entitlement, and frankly, the unwashed masses (of which I am probably one) have handed it to them on a silver platter. I'm glad to see that the tide might finally be least for the next five minutes.
It's not just celebrities! We have our very own folks right here that think they should be able to say whatever they want free of consequences. You've seen it. People saying the most racist, vilest things and when they get called on it, they scream 'FREE SPEACH"
(I spelled it like that for a reason)
I wonder if there are any conservatives who actually took high school civics and understand how freedom of speech works?
Her freedom of speech only applies to her not being arrested or fined by the government, which hasn't happened. That right doesn't mean that she cannot be fired from a private employer or criticized.
Maggie, you are one of my most favorites here on NT, but, I must answer your question …
What happened to freedom of speech?
Ask the NFL players who take a knee, and, President Jess Willard who tells his minions that he hates political correctness!
She exercised hers, and her employers exercised their right to not have her show on their network.
There are consequences. She's facing them now.
It's only a freedom of speech issue when you're a black football player.
Are you feeling triggered today?
Nope. Just observing how full of shit people are when it comes to these speech issues. I keep hearing how NFL players' right to free speech is being violated, but when Roseanne offends with her speech, suddenly it's "speech has consequences dontcha know! and ABC is a private company, so there!"
And, not that it has to make a big difference, but I'll also point out that NFL players were being offensive while working and Roseanne was being offensive on her own time on Twitter, and not on the show. Of course ABC is still free to fire her over it, but the connection of Roseanne's tweet to ABC is a lot less direct than players' protests are to the NFL.
What the NFL players did was not intended to offend anyone. Roseanne knew she was offending some one.
Now that the owners have told the players to either stay in the locker room or stand up for the anthem, that's a dead issue. Of course, some may want to argue about the forced patriotism but that's for another day.
How exactly were they being offensive? Or are you the sort of conservative who thinks that Rosa Parks was protesting the bus and Gandhi and Mandela were protesting the prison food?
How were NFL players, who refused to stand during the Pledge of Allegiance, being offensive?
Have not watched the re-boot of her show. Don't intend to.
Reading part of her twitter, which is still there, she is a nut job.
I didn't watch her old show, just never appealed to my sense of humor. Plus the whole grabbing the crotch thing really turned me off when it coems to her.
I don't remember the crotch grab thing. I remember she seemed to make a mockery out of the Anthem.
What a confusing and hypocritical thing to say since you cheer the man in the WH who bragged about sexual misconduct and grabbing women's pussies.
So, if a woman grabs her own crotch it's just too much for you to bear but if a man grabs women's pussies you're all for electing him President..... got it.
A. I don't praise the man. I don't run off with my panties in a wad because he was elected president.
B. She did this while singing our national anthem, on nationally broadcast television.
C. Having a tough week that you need to vent by violating the CoC (the whole addressing the story not the member)?
That was the crotch-grabbing episode.
I assume she contracted them from Trump. He's probably got lice too.
Again, addressing me and not the article with your erroneous assumptions.
Wow, ABC cancelled her show.
Not really a surprise, although some may have thought the Trump era has created an accommodation for this sort of thing.
And there it is, the 'must be Trump's Fault' lunacy of the left.......
No, no one would ever connect the King Of The (racist) Birthers to a racial controversy during his presidency. (sarcasm)
Haven't you seen more outbursts of racism and antisemitism since trumpy was elected?
See comment 5.1.1
I've seen far more stories that turn out to not be true, far more media sources lying and having to walk back their stories when they are revealed to be untrue. I've seen a surge of women complaining that a police officer sexually assualted them or acted in a racist manner, only to be debunked by actual bodycam footage. What is true? Whatever one person says? Hard to tell these days.
What exactly has Trump done since taking over the WHite House? Sexual assaults? Affairs with anyone? Theft? No. Nothing. But the press and their left leaning supporters, Comment removed for CoC violation [ph]will take every opportunity to bend anythin into a 'Trump did ____________ bad thing' story, if there is or is not any supporting facts. Calling it Trumpmentia. It seems to be a mental health condition , that if not treated, can lead to total loss of mental control.
Since trumpy has been elected there seems to be no filters on people's mouths any more. They just spew whatever they feel like and if someone takes them to the woodshed for it, they scream injustice and First Amendment.
I don't think I've ever seen our society this bad
And that society includes all the hate filled anti-Trumps.
I know, right? It's just shocking that people would condemn incompetence, bigotry and vile behavior.
You reap what you sow
Deleted, {SP}
Members should refrain from disciplining other members. If someone is violating the CoC, members should make no comment but rather use the flagging system to report it to the moderators.
And I and others have seen bodycam and surveillance camera footage that corroborate charges; it works both ways and each case should be determined based on its own particulars.
What was shocking to me was seeing so many so called "conservatives" bend over and buy into Trumpisms. That was really an eye opener for me.
Wow.....good for ABC
Another one bites the mouth, insert foot. I feel bad the cast, I don't feel bad for her.
I didn't watch either of her shows so this isn't a loss to me. I also didn't see her crotch-grabbing singing live. I did look for her singing the national anthem on YouTube just to see what everybody was talking about. It was cringe-worthy, and I'll never get those wasted moments back.
IMO, none of today's "comedians" can hold a candle to our old timers. The original SNL was great, and even Don Rickles, as offensive as he often was, was damn funny!
I saw Don Rickles in Vegas back when he was still in his prime. He was absolutely hilarious.
I don't remember Don Rickles ever using a racial slur in any of his work, in fact I think he went out of his way to use other words like Hockey Puck when calling someone out.
The clip you're showing is the one were Johnny Carson learned Don Rickles had broken his old cigarette case he kept on the "Tonight Show" desk when he was on the air.
did someone say he did?
watch the video...
I just did.
I don't think what Roseanne said was a joke like she was trying to say but I do wonder about past comedians.
Sometimes I wonder if the likes of George Carlin would be able to survive today.
I don't think so. Too many people are wrapped up in identtiy politics to see the funny in humor these days.
Mel Brooks wouldn't have been able to make "Blazing Saddles" today
The story is that Don Rickles was bombing out one night in front of an audience. He got mad and called one of the hecklers a hockey puck. A legend was born that night.
I just read where Wanda Sykes quit her consulting job on her new show
I'm very surprised that Sykes was ever associated with that show. She doesn't strike me as someone who has any tolerance for that sort of crap, or for Trump supporters in general.
This is an example of virtue signaling. Wanda is trying to save her own career. How long has she known Roseanne? Probably many years. They're probably old friends. I bet Wanda already had a good idea of whether or not Roseanne is actually racist. This tweet didn't change that, but she wants to be seen to be doing the righteous thing.
I'm quite sure she knows that Roseanne is a racist, an Islamophobe, an antisemite and a rather clueless person who supports Trump and believes loony right wing conspiracy theories. These aren't exactly revelations.......besides which who other than a racist moron would support the King of the Birthers?
She should have stopped right there, because she's correct. She had nothing to apologize for, because Islam is a religion; it is not a race of people.
I do find it interesting that many on the Left haven't been outraged whenever Left-wing comedian Michelle Wolf ridicules Republican Sarah Sanders' looks AND personality but is outraged over a non-racist comment that a Right wing comedian makes about a Democrat woman.
Nice try. Not really. Her "racist" comment was that Valerie Jarrett is a product of The Planet Of The Apes.
"Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj”
Sorry Jasper, that is blatant racism.
Jasper, it sounds like you need to hug your Trumpy Bear.
Michelle Wolfe didn't dehumanize any one the way Rosanne dehumanized Valerie Jarrett.
Well, I suppose that body shaming and calling someone's personality "ugly" isn't dehumanization to some people. I also suppose that mocking Trump by calling him an "orange orangutan" isn't dehumanizing or "racist" as well. <sigh>
No it isn't dehumanizing to call someones personality ugly. As far as I know her comments did not body shame Sarah. Commenting about a perfect smokey eye isn't body shaming. Many women strive for that when wearing makeup.
It could be argued that it's dehumanizing, but not racist. Note that I have never called him orange orangutan.
I have referred to Trump as being "orangutan tinged" but that references his orange hue not his race...
We all say stupid crap. Unfortunately those in the public eye have more opportunity to have their stupid crap picked up on and further broadcast out.
I don't know what Roseanne was thinking when she decided to tweet about VJ but it cost her co-stars their jobs.
I hope she apologizes to them
I bet the show gets picked up by another network.
AMC, USA, FX, A&E or the like ...... time will tell.
An allusion that connects people of color, particularly blacks, to The Planet Of The Apes qualifies as a no brainer. I was not surprised she was fired.
I doubt anyone will pick it up but that could depend on if she can rehabilitate herself in some way.
Time will tell.
Plenty of actors and comedians have said/done similar or worse things and are still generally accepted.
One of your liberals darlings immediately comes to mind.
Alec Baldwin.
Is a 2nd rate parody of Donald Trump now offensive? Is that now racism because Alex Baldwin's natural skin color differs from that of a navel orange?
Interesting you would go there .... well not really since that's the sort of redirect we've come to expect from you. Nah, i was talking more about things like calling his 11 year old daughter a little pig or calling a black photographer a coon, drug dealer, crackhead, etc. The hits go on with this prick.
When you're liberal giving a pass to a dick like Alec Baldwin is apparently okay while at the same time you're attacking Trump for what you call the same type behavior.
Hypocrisy is getting to be a real problem for some of you.
Skirting The CoC "BF"
Hope it is 'cause it's a good show.
A lot of people were watching it.
Kathy Griffin isn't the subject here.
Comment removed sweeping generalizations [ph]
She likely figured she may as well cancel her show, as the complaints would do that for her anyway. Too late for her to save face though....she already opened her big, loud, racist mouth and covered herself with crap that won't wash off with a simple. insincere apology.
But, I feel sorry for her other cast mates and those who worked hard to bring her prior glory back to life. And she murdered it in one flip of her acid tongue.
Wow Raven, do you really believe that?
Sweeping generalizations [ph]
Because like most sweeping generalizations it isn't true but hey ..... whatever trips your trigger .....
I wonder how quickly Trump will invite Rosanne to the WH to personally congratulate her on her well placed racist. After all, she is almost as good at it as he is.
This will be CNN's breaking news 24/7 for a good two weeks.
They are busy bashing morgan freeman.
Why not? Fox News has been trash talking Obama 24/7 for the past 10 + years, even the past year and a half that he was not even President. But, that's OK. Right?
awe poor Obama has one channel that challenges his Presidency.
Poor poor Obama....give him a good pity party.
Almost as long as TRUMP tweeting and bitching about those politically incorrect, NFL black millionaire S.O.B.s … huh?
It already made the front page of the online NYT and will be the front page headliner in full mode tomorrow ... ROFL!!
Now her talent agency dropped her.
Oh well, I guess it's back to her home in Liberal Hawaii.
If all else fails she can always get a job at Fox News. I'm not kidding either. They would put her on one of their shows in an instant.
She is done. But she can bitch for months about how she is being mistreated like Kathy Griffin did.
Never liked Griffin but I don't think she will ever recover.
Roseanne, time will tell I guess but I think she is done too.
she is touring now . She had bookings at Carnegie Hall and the Kennedy center. I have never liked her brand of comedy and that stunt she did was in extremely poor taste. But I am all for letting her and Roseanne redeem themselves.
We are supposed to be able to forgive...every one of us has made colossally stupid mistakes. Unlike the famous, we don't usually have the heat of the spotlight when we do stupid things.
And remember, boys and girls, Trump & Company encourages POLITICAL INCORRECTNESS …
… you know, like when NFL players take a knee in protest against certain disparate treatment of minorities.
Let the selective indignation equivocation begin!
Oh! And don't forget to attack the big, black fonts.
I see she tweeted that out at 1:45 a.m. Probably up all night swilling gin.
One has to wonder why Roseanne even bothered to care about Valerie Jarrett enough to tweet about her. Jarrett is out of the limelight and most people will never hear about her again, except for things like this.
She still works for Obama so I read.
Actually, she is shacking up with the Obamas planning the left's presumed victories in the midterms and 2020. Dumb move by the network, lost a lot of views for a petty reason. An apology should have sufficed.
"Actually, she is shacking up with the Obamas planning the left's presumed victories in the midterms and 2020"
Proof? Or is it simply your own biased opinion?
I assumed that the revival of Roseanne's show was just another sign of the apocalypse like Trump's election and the impending collision of a giant meteor with the earth.
Don't Forget about the sun going supernova.
I'm more concerned about an EMP attack.
I missed the Niburu fly by, or whatever that fucking kamikaze planet was called.
Human beings ARE a type of ape. African apes are more closely related to us than they are to Asian apes
Human beings are primates as are apes. Human beings are not apes.
Not by my understanding of genetics. You can't group the apes together without including humans. Everyone likes to distance humans from apes but we are too closely related to them to not be considered a type. But we're getting off topic here...
Cats are not tigers. Dogs are not wolves. They share genetics but are not the same. Apes and humans are primates, but are not the same.
Sorry lenny, but Verona is right. While humans and apes share some genetic similarities, genetically we are a different species.
Cats are not as closely related to tigers as different types of tigers are to each other. African apes like chimps are more closely related to humans than they are to Asian apes like orangutans.
Closely related is the key phrase.
Some? We share 95% of our DNA with chimps. We are EXTREMELY closely related to them, which is what is pertinent here. Classifications are simply man-made constructs. I'm looking at it from a strictly genetic point of view.
And we share 90% with cats - doesn't make us cats.
Also over 90% with pigs - doesn't make us swine.
Nearly 90% with mice - doesn't make us rodents.
There is a huge difference between sharing 90% and sharing 95% For the third time, we are more closely related to African apes than Asian apes are. If you want to say we are not a type of ape, that's fine, and maybe we technically aren't, but we are definitely closely enough related to be reasonably considered a type of ape
Thank you for your permission. Although I didn't ask or need it. "Technically" we are not apes...thank you.....
Sorry JR, I shall depart the thread so it can get back on topic.
As Veronica pointed out, "closely related" is the key phrase. Despite the close relation, we are still a different and separate species. Classifications are taxonomical ranking and nomenclature of organisms, from Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species.
Humans and apes are the Order of primates. But humans are of the (Genus) Homo (Species) Sapiens while apes are (Genus) Gorilla (species) gorilla.
Lol, I have something to say about that but we are getting really out of hand here. Sorry JR. And I ain't done with you yet witchy woman! We're apes!
I look forward to what you have to say. BTW, we're not apes. It's more accurate to say we're primates or hominids.
Actually Lenny is correct. Humans, chimps, gorillas and orangutans are all "Great Apes" (or homin ids ) as well as "Apes" (homin oids ), with the latter group also including gibbons. And of course we're all primates, but so are lemurs and lorises.
Humans are part of the Hominid Family taxonomic rank, along with apes, chimps, ect. Homininae is a subfamily. "Great apes" is more of an umbrella term for species falling within that category. However, all this really means is that humans and "apes" are evolutionarily related. But the genus and species (including subcategories) are different. So to call humans apes, while not entirely inaccurate, is also something of a misnomer.
Actually we are members of the Great Ape family. Human beings are apes, in the same family as gorillas, chimps, and orangutans.
Only if you're trying to distinguish humans from other kids of apes. But taxonomically humans belong to "great apes" and "apes."
Thanks Skrekk, I didn't want to continue with Gordy because I thought we were off topic, but I guess it was ok as nothing got pulled. The opposition to the idea that humans are apes seemed very emotional to me. like it really upset those pushing back. I'm not sure why, we are very closely related to the other apes regardless of how we get classified, and every living thing is related to every other living thing anyway.
I'm quite sure that Gordy wasn't coming from that viewpoint. I think we're all in agreement here about the biology itself and the relation of humans to other hominoids. The problem is that "ape" has both a lay definition and a taxonomical definition that are a bit different. And then of course there's the racist definition used by Trump supporters like Roseanne.
If you really want to get technical about it, then yes, humans are along those same lines. Unless one is a creationist. Then you're just speaking blasphemous nonsense Skrekk. LOL
Not at all.
This is true. From my experience, most people tend to go along the lay definition lines, especially if they do not understand the taxonomical classification system. I was simply pointing out apes and humans are of a difference genus and species, even though we are related. My apologies if that wasn't clear.
Yeah, I certainly wasn't referring to that one. lol
Off topic maybe. But I'm always up for a scientific discussion.
I wasn't opposed to the idea, nor upset. In general, I think we're in agreement. I was focused on specific genus and species classification whereas I think you took a more "whole picture" approach. Skrekk's subsequent reply seems to sum it up nicely as far as viewpoints go. So it's all good.
From an evolutionary standpoint, we are closely related to apes, as well as everything else to varying degrees. Classification allows us to see those degrees of relation as it were.
Jokes that attack a person's appearance are cheap and stupid anyway. I admit being surprised at the allegation that the joke was racist. Jarrett's ethnicity is not obvious to me.
The racism was obvious, but knowing her history its impossible to miss. If you don't see it, I suggest that is part of the overall problem.
So you are commenting (and minimizing) something you just admitted you know nothing about. I see a lot of people doing it on both sides, but it's special when the knee jerk reaction is to disbelieve and downplay her intent. Again, that is part of the problem and why racism has come out into the light with Trump. It really is abhorrent. Try knowing Rosanne's history. I actually am pissed she screwed up a show I had hopes could lead to a bridge in America, as stupid as that sounds now. The other cast and writers were great and I could see good things down the road. Should have known she couldn't hold up. Roseanne has always been a fringer and has a history, which can be looked up.
It's not obvious because I don't know her. I looked at a picture and saw a woman with straight hair, a very light complexion, and European features. She is not obviously black. When you have to Google a person to find out if they're black, the racism is not obvious.
Then there's the obvious hypocrisy of it all. I've lost count of the famous people on the Left who have called Donald Trump an Orangutan, but that's ok. Plus it's wrong for him to call criminals "animals" but not wrong to call him an ape. I see a lot of virtue signaling in this story.
Perhaps Mr. Trump may learn something from Ms. Barr, such as think before you tweet.
That was an expensive whoops for the lady.
She kind of an idiot isn't she? Glad her career didn't mean all that much to her, or the careers of everyone else on the show (not Goodman, he will be just fine but the rest of the cast and crew).
Who? Valerie Jarrett?
I think she is of AA descent.
Jarrett was born in Shiraz , Iran, [1] during the Pahlavi dynasty , to American parents James E. Bowman and Barbara T. Bowman . One of her maternal great-grandfathers, Robert Robinson Taylor , was the first accredited African American architect, and the first African American student enrolled at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology . [4]
All four of Valerie Jarrett's grandparents were African-American. Right wing conspiracy nuts started the rumor she is Iranian due to the fact, as you note, that she was born in Iran while her parents were working there. It is interesting to note, although it will fly over most of the right wingers heads, that while Jarrett's parents were in Iran , Iran was considered a great ally of the US under the Shah Pahlavi. So nutcases, get the idea out of your heads that the Jarrett's were disloyal Americans by going to Iran.
I looked a little at Roseanne's twitter feed. I am afraid this woman has mental issues. Her tweets are filled with alt right conspiracy crap and robotic pro-Trump propaganda. .
Last night Roseanne defenders were out with the "what about?" defense. Candace Owens asked "what about Joy Behar and Keith Olbermann/" Behar has said unkind things about Mike Pence and evangelicals on The View. Olbermann tweeted that Trump is a Nazi and "Fuck Trump."
Well, they are different from Roseanne, Candace. The View is an opinion program and Joy Behar is paid to give her opinion about Mike Pence and other people and things in the news. You may think she's an idiot, but attacking Mike Pence over his hypocrisy(a CHOICE) (according to Behar) is not close to Roseanne attacking Jarrett for what race she was BORN into.
As for Olbermann, he says that Trump is a Nazi because that is how he perceives Trump's behavior and policies, again not an attack over something that Trump has no control over, like his race. As for him saying "Fuck Trump", that type of statement is so common on both sides of politics it's not worth discussing.
Keith Olberman might be a blow hard, but he's no racist or bigot.
This whole episode did not just happen in a vacuum. Roseanne's racist remark about Valerie Jarrett was merely the proverbial straw that broke ode Rosie's spell on the network. Clearly having someone so plainly unstable leading such an important sitcom was dangerous for the network and so nobody should be surprised the network decided to bail before Hurricane Roseanne caused even more mayhem and dammage. Like everyone, I have sympathy for the cast and crew but they signed onto Roseann's ship knowing it had a great big olde hole in it. A Titanic Gash...
People are trying desperately to conflate the issue. So and so said this, so and so said that...
It almost sounds like some people are trying to defend racism. I hate to break it to them yet saying racist things is not the same as calling some one an idiot.
Will President Trump comment at all?
Before this he threw her and the show acculades. After this....crickets.
A way to keep the cast and crew together in some way?
The cast includes an academy award winner (Beverly/Bonnie And Clyde). David is currently on one of the highest rated comedies (The Big Bang Theory). Darlene is part of an award winning talk show (The Talk). They and the rest of the cast will be fine career wise, but it is the crew who will suffer the most. Hopefully other production companies will reach out and give the crew members employment.
Roseanne Barr, once a big Hillary supporter, then against Hillary, ran for President as a far left Green Party candidate and then as a "Peace and Freedom Party" nominee, encouraged by her good friend Michael Moore. Grabbing her crouch at the end of her atrocious rendition of the National Anthem paused the Left, but she still remained a nasty darling of the Left until they could use her for a few days of criticizing Republicans.
And Joy Reid giving moral advice on MSNBC, takes the cake. Bernie Sanders received less blame for the nut, James Hodgkinson, a Bernie Sanders supporter and volunteer for him who tried to kill all the Republican Congressmen at the ballpark than Roseanne Barr. Roseanne Barr is also a nut and has always had her roots in the Democrat Party.
The Democrats are desperate. Looks like the corruption of the real Russian collusion, along with the corruption at the top of our Intelligence Agencies and our last Administration will eventually become common knowledge and the generic voting polls for 2018 has gone from a 15 point lead to 0. They will use anything they can from now until the elections are over to gain their power over the American Citizens. The only thing that stands in the way are our votes. We can expect no limits to what they will be doing for the next few months.
I do not condone Roseanne Barr's tweets in any way, but considering what a Left Wing Nut she has always been since the first time I saw her, I am not surprised at anything she would do. In all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't going to cancel her program anyway, but needed a good political reason and kew she would give it to them eventually. I'm pretty sure, even with the high ratings, they were receiving gazillion complaints from their viewers.
LOL. That explains why she's a Trump supporter who retweets loony right-wing antisemitic conspiracy theories about George Soros.
She would drink his bath water if he let her.
Not unexpectedly, Trump has decided that the Roseanne Barr scandal is all about him.
What Roseanne did was rude and stupid, but there is a double standard here. She apologized a few hours later before threats or pressure to do so even had a chance to develop. What's more, her apology was a pretty good one. Within hours of that apology, she was being condemned by her colleagues and her show was cancelled - all as if she hadn't even apologized.
Meanwhile ABC also airs The View, and a few months ago, on the air, during the show (not on Twitter), Joy Behar said Christians were mentally ill for their beliefs. It took weeks for ABC and Behar to even acknowledge the offense. Behar was allowed to apologize on the air - an apology presented only after weeks of pressure.
But, you know, ABC doesn't support bigoted speech. Yeah, sure they don't.
Her apology was very weak and self serving. It wasn't sincere.
And she blamed her coworkers for her suffering the consequences of her own bad behavior, even though they're suffering the consequences of her bad behavior.
Whoever thought Roseanne was stable enough to anchor a major sitcom needs their head examined...
Explain Colin Kapernick? Or Kathy Griffin? Sounds like a lot of whining because not enough Americans can stomach the overt racism coming from that bitch. Consequences, remember those? Free market?
Ack. The rabid trump base is pushing her along..
Now she's blaming her getting fired on Michelle Obama.
She is delusional.
Roseanne Barr says she may fight ABC firing, retweets claim Michelle Obama was behind ouster
Roseanne Barr made it clear on Wednesday she's considering fighting ABC's move to cancel her revival after her racist tweet -- and the comic even pushed an accusation that former first lady Michelle Obama was behind her ouster.
Despite initially saying she would be quitting Twitter after posting a negative and racially charged comment about former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett, the star returned Tuesday and let loose on social media.
On Wednesday, Barr revealed that the positive feedback she was getting from people who still support her was making her feel emboldened to combat ABC in some way.
“You guys make me feel like fighting back. I will examine all of my options carefully and get back to U,” she wrote
One right-wing activist even went as far as to accuse ABC Entertainment President Channing Dungey of consulting former first lady Michelle Obama before cancelling her show. Barr retweeted the claim to her followers.
KING: According to sources ABC President Channing Dungey had a long conversation via phone with former First Lady Michelle Obama before deciding to cancel the Roseanne show. Michelle Obama was reportedly enraged and insisted an apology was inadequate......developing
While it’s unclear exactly what the terms of her negotiations with ABC were when it decided to bring her '90s sitcom back for a revival, standard practice dictates that a morality clause be baked into actor’s contracts. This provides a remedy for an employer to terminate a public figure in the event they violate a crime or bring negative attention to the brand, in this case, ABC.
The star might be able to litigate for wrongful termination, but it’s unlikely that even invoking the First Amendment could get her out of the morality clause given the public backlash from her tweet. It’s even more unlikely that she could convince the network to reverse its cancellation and green light a second season of her revival given the extremely negative attention her words brought on the network.
Additionally, it would be hard for network Entertainment President Channing Dungey to go back on her curt but clear statement in announcing the cancellation.
“Roseanne’s Twitter statement is abhorrent, repugnant and inconsistent with our values, and we have decided to cancel her show,” she told Fox News.
Good grief.
I guess her grabbing her crotch after singing the Anthem is the fault of Francis Scott Key.
Sounds like Fox & Roseanne are a match made in Jim Crow heaven.
I would think that the former First Lady has far too many things going on in her life to be bothered with the likes of Roseanne Barr and her racist rants. Being as Roseanne has caused her own problems with her own mouth and racist views, I am sure that the former First Lady would waste time even discussing the problem with anyone. And why would the head of ABC even need to consult with Mrs Obama when he is the one who is has the control to make his own decisions about whether or not to ditch a show whose star has just crapped her pants big time of her own accord, with no help form anyone else.
That idea is totally inane, and only the inane would consider it as being true.
I like how Ambien's manufacturer said that "Becoming a racist moron or other kind of Trump supporter isn't a known side effect of Ambien."
LMAO, now that is the line of the year. It takes a special kind of stupid to try to pass that off as Barr did...
Ambien reply to Roseanne,
" Sanofi, who makes Ambien, tweeted a response Wednesday morning : "While all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication."
I myself have taken Ambien and other sleep helping medication, and none of them have ever made me feel racist against anyone. Nor have I ever typed any such kind of racist comments when taking such medications.
The idea that it can make one forget what one types, or makes one's mind obliterate like some are now saying to defend Roseanne's racist rant, it is not true at all. All it does is make one drowsy, not mindless or cause one to forget what they are doing. That is total BS, and totally misrepresents the power of the medications.
I doubt Michelle has anything to do with this. She has more important things to do than weigh in on what this white trash lunatic does or says.
No wonder she likes trump, she is just like him they both blame everyone else for their problems. Apparently they never heard of personal responsibility.
They have likely heard of it, but, it is not of their liking when there is always someone of something you an blame our ignorance and bigotry on and at last 20% of the people will buy it, leaving them Scott free of any wrong doing. they think.
I doubt Michelle has anything to do with this. She has more important things to do than weigh in on what this white trash lunatic does or says.
OK sometimes an article gets too big and becomes very long loading and (my favorite IT term) too herky jerky for some people depending on the variables of their own PC, ISP providers etc
and JR can no longer moderate this one.
I see there are still people talking about evolution, kids, grandchildren, Trump, etc but there are few on topic remarks ..
So JR would like to thank everyone for their participation and have this article locked.