Loyal Democratic donors: We’re done with the DNC ‘until they get their act together’

Interesting article. Some of the facts:
The Democratic National Committee — the party’s signature organization — has posted its worst midterm fund raising totals in more than a decade.
The DNC has so far taken in $116 million before the November midterm elections — $9 million less than it had taken in at this point in 2014 and more than $30 million less than it had taken in at this point in 2010, the last two midterm cycles.
By contrast, the Republican National Committee has nearly doubled the DNC’s haul this cycle, bringing in a total of $227 million. And of the six major federal committees of both parties, the DNC has by far the most debt ($6.7 million) and the least amount in its bank account ($7.8 million).
Will be interesting to see if this impacts any progress the Democrats think they will make in the upcoming midterms. Sounds like donors have still contributed but just in different ways, and at least at this point in time their faith in the DNC is shaken. Does this indicate distrust of the party as a whole or simply some significant division within the party?
Perhaps Democrats, like many Republicans, are beginning to doubt the value of the rigid two party system, and are looking to focus more on local candidates and issues and not so much the central party bureaucracies and perceived corruption?
What are your thoughts on this?
Well, $$ didn't win the last Presidential election.
Maybe the Dems will have to get back to grass roots.
Like it matters to you?
White men like Bernie, Schumer, Joe Biden, Richard Cordray, and Sherrod Brown?
I'll give money to Act Blue, progressive causes and candidates such as Cordray and Brown, but I refuse to give it to the DNC, until they stop being corporate puppets. The DNC sent me a request and I sent it back with $60.00 in Monolopy money.
LOL! Nice! I get requests from both the DNC and RNC and both go straight to the round file.
I send them back either in their postage-paid envelopes or postage due.
So YOU are the reason the DNC is in such deep debt! And here all along folks were blaming that on Hillary...
Love to see it. Now let's see if we can encourage a withdrawal of support contest between D and R supporters and really drain the swamp.
Time for a viable 3rd party!
The current election system is too rigged to allow a viable 3rd party. The existence of Citizens United makes the situation even worse.
Oh, really? Citizens United merely allowed some big multinational corporations and some rich foreign oligarchs to purchase our sacred Republic. So, they did. The good news it that we, The People, have it within our powers as voting citizens to actually unite against all those forces of evil which threaten us all. If a poor young lady from the Bronx can beat the most establishment of Democratic incumbents in advancement of more progressive policies and a stronger stand against the scourge of Trumpism then voters seem ready to make a valiant stand for Democrats on November 6th. Vote Early! Vote Often! Vote Democratic...
I know.
Yes, Wrong under the circumstance of the last presidential election. But is that the exception or the norm ?
I submit that candidate trump's message, the constant attention paid to this TV personality and billionaire real estate tycoon turned candidate Trump resulting in untold amounts of free air time and the man's personality and connections didn't hurt. And may have made this particular election the exception to the rule.
IMO: Much of the problem with this government and how it has been operating for years IS the amount of money needed to "get the message out" unfortunately it seems many times then the elected people need to worry more about raising the money (and are therefor beholden to the people doing the donating of that money) than to We the people whom the intended "get the Message out " is being put out to for the votes.
IMO: We the people have become no more than mir pawns in the big money world.
He who has the gold makes the rules, Fortunately, America originally was not set up to be this way. Unfortunately, IMO: That is the reality of today.
IMO: Trump's election WAS an exception to the rule.
I'm stating IMO: Big money influences elections and yes Obama was elected and yes IMO: big money influenced his election.
lol... Glad to oblige.
Indeed. And then stories like this reflect the reality when politicians say one thing and do quite the other. Democrats are extremely good at this, even the socialists...
Why do you think that she would be an easy GOP target in a nationwide election? She is obviously very intelligent, she isn't a corporate stooge, and she is far more personable than Hillary Clinton.
This was predictable but revealing nonetheless:
So in other words Trump voters like his racism and his manliness and his decisiveness, despite the fact that he's the biggest pussy on the planet and his "decisions" are irrational whims which change direction with the slightest breeze.
Can't you folks take a compliment? There's a reason you're attracted to Trump's personality.
Or perhaps simply a viable independent candidate who people can get behind. Someone rational and reasonable and without allegiance to any specific ideology. Someone honest and willing to tell the truth as hard as that truth might be for others to accept. Hey TiG, are you busy around say November 7th?
Actually I think most NT users thoughts are quite predictable! (Tell me whether they watch MSNBC/CNN -- or Fox News, and I can tell you their thoughts!)
--Harry "The Psychic" Krishna
Ya think?!!!! Posting an article here (or on any "news" blog type site) can certainly be like dipping a toe in a lagoon of piranhas at times. If one goes into it expecting largely a comical regurgitation of political partisan punditry then one won't be as disappointed. If one actually stimulates some thoughtful discourse and useful exchange of ideas from time to time, well then that's a bonus.
I simply thought that the shift away from the DNC as a means of fund raising for Democrats given the reported gravity of the upcoming midterms was interesting. I'm honestly not sure what to make of it and was hoping to hear some thoughts on why the shift and what it means for the party and for the two party system in general.
I think both parties are getting nervous about the increasing trend toward "independent" voters across the country and across an array of demographics. Since 2014 independent voters have outnumbered both Democrat and Republican voters and those numbers are quickly climbing ( In 2017, 37% independent, 33% D and 26% R ). So the loud hard-line partisans are out in force scrambling to maintain the two party monopoly, but I think what we are finding is that those loud, very vocal, sometimes hateful or even violent party extremists are actually accelerating the voter flight from the traditional two-party system. Time will tell, if we can manage not to kill each other in the meantime.
What if they watch all of it and then investigate the facts of the stories themselves to distill the truth from the spin? Unless one is an investigative journalist, how else does one arrive at an informed opinion when the mainstream new services are simply leading with their own ideological opinions/spin? Sometimes it is particularly interesting to investigate the stories being told by one source but then not by others.
For example, I linked to a Fox News story above regarding Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after her name was dragged into this conversation. The discussion was veering into how the Democratic party might be changing from the old guard toward some newer younger ideas and directions, which I think is great. Some think that Ocasio-Cortez might be the direction the party is headed and lets face it, the media has rather placed her on a sort of pedestal in that regard. Does anyone really stop to think about why that is? Is she any different than other politicians riding a wave of popularity and/or political correctness, or does she simply say what she thinks people want to hear without true conviction, like so many other politicians from both parties?
Well in the case of her siding with cab drivers/companies/unions and blaming Uber for the demise of that industry and even the suicide deaths of some cab drivers, she certainly displayed the sort of hypocrisy we have come to expect from D's and R's these days. As the Fox story reported, her campaign has indeed used Uber and other such car services extensively since she has come into the national spot-light. The evidence is indeed HERE . We take the time to investigate the words and actions of other politicians so that we can assemble an informed opinion, why not Ms. Ocasio-Cortez?
Cool, can you distinguish which ones watch all three as well ?
Far right wing fascism won't stop at any lie.
Perhaps, but how is that relevant to the seeded article?
It isn’t at all or in any way.
IMO, the DNC needs to grow a pair and establish a platform that doesn't include:
The DNC also needs to learn that there are tens of millions of Americans who live in states other than NY and CA.
The actual Democrat party platform:
From beginning of your lengthy link:
It seems that neither Hillary nor Bernie got a copy of that 2016 platform, because they campaigned on identity politics and "free stuff" and still lost. Dems' 2018 Socialist "rising star" Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hasn't read it as well. Oh, well.
You might think that if you only watched FOX and other right wing pundit media, that is what they were telling you Democrats were running on. Sure, it was total bull shit, but why should that stop a great fake narrative coming from disingenuous talking heads, right?
Why derail your own comment 3.2 by bringing Fox News or me into this? You're the one who posted the 2016 DNC platform, so you should be able to defend it and prove that Hillary and Bernie followed it instead of their well-documented promotions of identity politics and "free stuff".
Do I really need to link you every DNC advertisement and the DNC speeches to prove they supported the list they themselves put forward and were supporting? Really? Why don't you prove your claim that Hillary and Bernie ran only on identity politics and supposed "free stuff"? You made a bogus claim that was what they ran on, I linked the actual platform they did run on and now you want some other evidence they didn't do what you claim they did but gave zero support of your bogus claim.
"When two parties are in a discussion and one makes a claim that the other disputes, the one who makes the claim typically has a burden of proof to justify or substantiate that claim especially when it challenges a perceived status quo".
You made the claim:
"the DNC needs to grow a pair and establish a platform that doesn't include:"
Not a single lick of evidence, no links proving a single word.
You then claimed "they campaigned on identity politics and "free stuff". Again, not a lick of evidence to support your erroneous claim. I linked the evidence of what the party actually did support and what has been posted on their party website for almost two years and your only response is "you should be able to defend it". I did and you haven't presented any sort of logical or valid rebuttal, just more baseless hyperbole.
I never made that claim.
<sigh> There are more, but this will get you started:
AND ...
As for Bernie -- You can easily find articles about him promising "free" healthcare, education and other "free stuff" although he never tells his supporters that US taxpayers will fund his Socialism.
The actual Democrat party platform:
Shhhh...he's made up his mind, don't confuse him with the facts!!!
How cute. The only problem with your comment is that I provided facts and links regarding Hillary's and Bernie's 2016 campaign. Carry on!
You linked two right wing partisan opinion pieces from rag journalists and a NY times general opinion piece talking about the end of "identity liberalism". No where within did it actually support your claims that that's is what Bernie or Hillary were actually running on and all the topics they covered on the campaign.
Yowzers!! Better than, "A turd in the punchbowl."
To quote DJT,JR, "I love it."
Even though all of the Trump illegalities are all true?
Well, since the Koch brothers bailed out on the GOP because of trump, maybe they will donate to the dems... I know I won't.
Thank GOD! Does this mean no more incessant whining about the Koch Brothers from the left wing blogosphere?
Yep. Them dems better get their act together.
About time they start promising no more healthcare, more tax cuts for corporations and the well heeled, build that damn wall all the way to China and Africa, outlaw solar panels and electric cars, abolish public education and make it private for profit along with the prisons, military, infrastructure, and everything else the government is involved in, and lastly---if a woman gets pregnant she will be ordered under federal law to bear that child regardless of her personal, moral, state of health/mind or financial position. And if she gets pregnant while employed her employer has every right to fire her for the inconvenience she is creating.
Vote GOP. My Attorney Got Arrested.
I'm still waiting to see the Dems gameplan for 2020. Let's see November 2020 is just a bit over 2 years away. Who is running? The only candidate I've seen so far is 'Trump Sucks' and Hillary on the never ending excuse tour.
Do they think that not presenting a candidate is a winning plan?
BTW, for JBB, I wasn't able to reply to your comment above, but you said that becuase of CU that elections are bought and paid for (I'm condensing your comment a bit), but in the same breath you make the case that even with all that against her, Ocasio-Cortez was able to win agaisnt them......if the first part is rtrue, how could the 2nd part happen?
Just came across this:
Seems she is like any other politician - full of hypocrisy......Different window dressing, same old trash inside.
"Does this indicate distrust of the party as a whole or simply some significant division within the party?"
I Just see a "Change" in a direction that only fits the youngsters that haven't lived "REAL" life yet. They will regret it when they see what's left in their paychecks if they keep pushing this New Uber Left "AGENDA" ! Bet they don't get that "Apartment in the City" they so wanted. This ain't no Norway or Sweden.
Question: Do you actually believe spending hours a day online bashing one political party or another is actually a "REAL" life?
(Curious minds want to know!)
How young do you think I am ?
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