Post A Pretty Song
All of us have had at one time heard a song that we call "pretty". A melody that is soothing or wistful, or maybe inspirational, or that evokes peaceful memories or wishes.
I will give a couple of my examples and then await your additions.
La Vie En Rose
Frank Sinatra - If
MOON RIVER- Audrey Hepburn
[jrEmbed module="jrYouTube" youtube_id="uirBWk-qd9A"]
Nigel Dogberry and I did a tribute to Moon River on News Vine once
I have this in my audio library on my phone. I love this version of the song. It's so sweet.
The fact that Audrey Hepburn was not a professional singer added something to this version, imo.
And she's so beautiful it hurts!
She was uniquely beautiful.
Fresh, like a spring flower.
Pretty much any Beatles tune.
Here comes the sun.
Except for Helter Skelter.
Moon River's been shown on Chinese TV a few times in the past couple of weeks. And as they do, they have also shown a number of other Audrey Hepburn movies, such as How to Steal A Million, Sabrina and Roman Holiday.
Sounds right up your alley Buzz.
She's one of my favourite actresses. I was at a Variety Clubs International banquet in NYC honouring her for her humanitarian efforts about a year before she passed away - seeing her up close, even at that age and stage of illness, she maintained her beauty.
How cool is that! Met Farrah a year before her death. A gracious lady.
Do you mean Farah Fawcett? If so, most incredible head of blond hair I ever saw.
Good choice. I was listening to this rendition of Moon River by Audrey Hepburn the other day.
Very pleasant.
I don't know how to post the actual video, but this is Kiss of A Rose by Seal
Looks like you did.
go figure
I think I can't do something and then I surprise myself
This song is very old and hard to find. The version I remember was sung by a guy but I can't seem to find it.
Pick up the song at 1:48
Music by Burton Lane, lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner.
They wrote the music for a few Broadway shows together so it is probably from one of those. Havent seen anything that indicates just which one.
I figured it was for a movie because of the beginning of the video, which is really from a movie.
That song makes me think of my childhood.
Always liked that.
One of my favorite love song from olde,
My uncle played this often. Classical guitar. Always liked it.
Even though the lyrics are sad, I like the melody, it's one of the few songs that puts me in a good place.
I was going to post that song. I forgot to do it earlier today. You have great taste Lady.
Here's one of my favorites:
[jrEmbed module="jrYouTube" youtube_id="6_Olf6smJ3s"]
[jrEmbed module="jrYouTube" youtube_id="tYZZoqwf7us"]
Love that song. It always makes me feel good.
Celine Dion singing "My Heart Will Go On" from the movie "Titanic". Considered by some as a little corny perhaps, but it's a pretty song, a sweet song, beautifully sung, which is the topic.
If that doesn't open for you, here is an alternative that I am able to open in China:
If neither of them work, it's bound to be on YouTube.
It's hard to believe the number of stories there are about that song.
Although the song has been losing its luster over the years, it is because it had been SO popular, and SO overplayed, that it became somewhat stale. It's fascinating that Celine did not want to do the song, but did, and that James Cameron did not want a pop song on his film, but he then upon hearing it he did. When the song was first played for Cameron, without being told anything about it, he asked "Is that Celine?" - One Canadian recognizing another, and the combination led to one of the greatest hits of all time.
I think the Mammas and the Poppas had several that might firinto this category. Here are two others I like:
Norah Jones I' be You're Baby Tonight
I gotta agree, both are great and, fit nicely.
My favorite ear worm:
Whenever I hear that I am reminded of its popularity in son et lumiere Christmas lights dsplays:
Thank you.
That is a very good Christmas version.
I do not know if you are aware, the original, like many things was of pagan origin. It told a story of a cold and barren winter. One time a small winter bird flew into the cottage home of a poor farming family and told of a story of a bountiful spring and season.
The video shows the richness of the land.
Just kidding and really nice song.
It pops in to my head all the time.
So far I am still abby normal.
(Said in my best Bobcat Goldthwait voice)
The wormssss, they're crawling in my heaaaddd, Oooooo.
What a dufus, I did it again.
Song title and artist of above:
Shchedryk (Щедрик) - Mitya Kuznetsov
Btw.. I hope everyone is taking the time now... I mean right now to put on youtube live stream and watch Paul McCartney from earlier today give a surprise concert in Grand Central Station NYC.
Going back a was (1959!) here's a pretty song:
Another from the same year:
Reminds me of a certain black haired, green eyed beauty.
Take your pick,
Allison Krauss, When you say nothing at all.
I love the freedom of a sailboat and the open water, especially when you have horizon to horizon blue sky and water.
CSN, Southern Cross,
JUst about anything from Bob Dylan's Nashville Skyline (They are mostly love songs):
If you want an INSPIRATIONAL song, my choice would be "Battle Hymn of the Republic" (notwithstanding that I'm a Canadian).
Or if that didn't open for you, try this one:
Down To The River To Pray - Alison Krauss
Reminds me of good friends.
I find the first song in this kind of soothing,
I will conquer space around me......Maybe I will WIN. ...Saved by Zero .
" Fixx frontman Cy Curnin reflected on its meaning in a 2008 interview:
"It was about looking at your own life, not so much about amassing material things but about experiences that lend you to be blissful... The song was written from the point of view of the release you get when you have nothing left to lose. It’s sort of a meditation. It clears your head of all fears and panics and illusions and you get back to the basics, which is a Buddhist mantra, which I practiced back then, and which I still do. The idea of the song is how great it is to get back to zero."
Nothing more to say !
Here is a beautiful song by the Carpenters that is not well known because it was not a big radio hit.
THE CARPENTERS - Because We Are In Love (The Wedding Song)
* It has a long intro verse before it gets to the main melody, have patience
[jrEmbed module="jrYouTube" youtube_id="I68XqGS-ncQ"]
Our wedding dance in 2009.
In 1999 (the year after Frank died) , one of my nephews (25 at the time) was married. He and his bride chose this as their "first dance" song. They hired a Frank Sinatra impersonator to sing it, and it was an electric moment.
For many years Sinatra used this tune as his entrance song at his shows and other appearances.
[jrEmbed module="jrYouTube" youtube_id="1vWlWZXfwfE"]