My New Favorite Restoration
No 24/7 super markets or convenience stores back then I like this "genre" subject very much; the slide had no caption, no number and no clues, but other slides that had dates and some similar elements, along with the clothing and "shopping bags" in this one, afforded me license to publish it as seen here.
A. Mac/A.G.
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Goin' to hangout with my grandkids I have other new restorations to post later.
Click on the image for a better look.
I am in the process of re-restoring many of these almost 1000 Magic Lantern slides. Second time through these and the re-do versions are much cleaner that the first ones.
I've learned much in terms of refining the process along the way, and, have had many frustrating and intriguing hours trying to I.D. so many.
But as you note, we are "touching" the past through such imagery I wish I could come across another thousand of these slides, prints hoping not to sound trite, "it's a real adventure" both the product and the process.
You post them Mac and we'll do our best to ID them for you.
Mike, do you happen to know the venue and date of this one? I would suspect it was taken in France since the soldiers in the background seem to be wearing French helmets. Possibly one of the publicity photos of the people writing the Treaty of Versailles.
Great restoration job A.Mac. Is that an 1897 "skyscraper" in the background, or some kind of tower?
Hats were really cool in the 1940s - a famous hat shop called "Sammy Taft's" was in Toronto, and many celebrities and movie stars would come to Toronto just to buy hats from his store.
I think it's a utility pole or two plus the way the foliage is configured.
Thanks for posting these, Mike (and especially for including the attributions).
See everyone later tonight.
Yep, an electric pole, with shadows from the leaves across it. I can see the crossbar on top of the pole. It may have been one of the first. Not sure in what year Philadelphia got consumer electricity, but I think it became common sometime in the mid 1890's.
I think the couple may have been fairly recent immigrants (within the past 5-10 years). By 1897, most adult males in the US were wearing long pants. The exceptions were those who had recently immigrated from Europe, where knickers were still commonly worn by working class adults. The pail carried by the man may have contained milk or it could have contained beer. At that time (and until WWII) bottled beer was fairly scarce and expensive, so a man would take a small covered pail like that into a local bar and get it filled from the tap.
My mom once told me that her dad got his beer that way. She used to go with him until she was 14 (1939), and he would get her a soda while he had a beer and then get the pail filled to take home. It was considered a special treat for good behavior to be allowed to make that trip to town with him.
What interesting pic's and bits of history.....thank you everyone!!!
My grand mother told me that when she was first married she did marketing for food once every few days because the Icebox didn't hold that much food, so she would plan out a regular food schedule (you know, meatloaf and peas every Thursday, fish every Friday (because they were Catholic)) based on what was on sale and go get it for the days supper.
Beautiful restoration!
I love this little moment, captured in time... Love her hat! Great composition, too!
You have done a wonderful job of restoration!
What a perfect moment in time.
I love the cobblestone sidewalks.
Notice that the homes had very little set back. It was because it was considered anti social to have them. I think in a way, losing that was very sad. We kind of lost touch with each other. No sense of neighborhood or being neighborly.
Really lovely Mac.
I believe the photographer and family were German emigrants, that based on much of the slides' subject matter but I don't know the name nor whether or not the photographer was a man or a woman.
You really need to do this professionally - if you aren't already.
Awesome A. Mac.
Oh what a pic. Americana at it's finest!
This pic says a LOT of the times.....
Very Nice...
Actually, 1st, I do market many of the restorations like the ones I post here; at one time, I did them for camera shops.
Fortunately, these days I have the time and means to do restorations for friends (I don't accept money from friends); I am blessed in my life fly fishing, photographing nature, spending time with my grandkids I know many my age who are far less fortunate and quite a few who are gone.
I thank you for the compliment.
Many more to come NM; the first time around on these, was "learning" time, now, it's try and improve the first run, take them down one-by-one and replace them with the ones I'll be posting going forward.
Excellent! I'll look forward to it. Was thinking about giving a commentary about what I see in the picture, don't know if anyone really wants to read it though...
Anyway, excellent work, your skills are good, you should think about going pro...
I am always interested in what is seen in my images and want any/all feedback anyone cares to give positive, negative, critiques
Here's how I market these click on the screen shot for better detail.
This and other images can be printed in various sizes and formats. I market directly to the public from this site, and separately to publishers through agents.