What Do You Want For the Holidays?
It's that time of year again. So, what are you hoping to get for the Holidays (trying to be inclusive here)?
What presents would you like to see show up?
This is for fun - not for the standard political crap-if need to discuss politics, kindly, don't do it here. There are plenty of other locations avialable to do that.
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I would love a remote start for my car. That way I could start the car, take a shower, feed the cats, do a load of laundry, drink a cup of coffee, then go to work
Wonderful idea! Those aren't terribly expensive to install. I'd love to have one for my truck, if I ever get it back form the Body Shop.
The dealer says it costs about 30 bucks. That's pretty cheap
Mr. Giggles on it for you?
I forgot to ask!
Pretty hard to get if I don't ask for it, right?
I think you might be S-O-L, unless he reads Newstalkers!
I'm asking tonight
I sometimes would start my truck, lock the doors and go back in the house to finish getting ready. I just used one of those keyrings that separate so I could take everything but the ignition key out including my keybob to get back in.
One day I forgot it was out there running when i got distracted, It ran for over an hour before I remember it.
So, I stopped doing that.
My BIL had that installed on a Mustang he had once. Unfortunately it was a standard shift. Went to show off and show someone what he could do and forgot it was in gear. It jumped forward and hit the house.
All I could do was laugh my ass off.
Moral of the story: Know your toys !!
A contractor buddy, over in Turkey, had a car supplied by the Turkish Air Force with a remote starter (anti-terrrorism thing). Had a stick. He was pretty drunk one night when he came home, the next mornirng walked out on his veranda to start the car and watched it just bang into the car in front of him. He learned his lesson after that.....
I thought you had to depress the clutch to turn on a standard?
This was a Turkish built car.......they really don't have time for all those silly safety rules........
ah. that explains that
This is why remote starts are only supposed to be installed in cars with automatic transmissions. Many manual transmission cars have a safety override that requires the clutch to be depressed for the starter to engage.
I'd love to find Bombardier's new Oxygen Helmet under my tree. I tried one out at a Powersports show this fall-lots of warm-adjustable levels of warm, great visability, fully enclosed, warning light on the back of the helmet, easy magnetic connection for power on the back of the helmet, sun shield (varying levels of UV Protection available).
As it's a new model, completely revamped, the sale price at the show was $599.00. Might need to wait a year or three to et it to a realistic price.
My company through a contact I made at a powersports show, is testing heated goggles with the HUP dispaly being built into them, though I'm not much of an open hemet type. I like my confined spaces.
You guys get to buy cheap helmets.
us guys? I've had a couple Carbon helmets from FXR, nice and lightweight for a long day riding the sled.
Hard to use a Hans device on a sled or a motorcycle.
I use to race Formula Mazda and Formula Continental in the SCCA. A helmet, firesuit, and other safety gear was $2000. It's still cheaper than a week in the ICU if you actually needed to use it. There are days when I miss it and then I remember the hassles of sponsorship.
Motorcycles can be sexy but they scare me. I've never been on a snowmobile.
Now how do you expect a Yeti to get a snowmobile? They don't have money.
Fish can't hold on to handgrips. You'd be in a Mrs Pauls bag of fish sticks at the end of a 4-hour ride.
But, you'd be a fish outta water..........
Nice. I thought it was for a motorcycle at first. Looked it up and saw what it is for.
On the bike, I generally wear a half lid, unless it's really cold, for the sleds, I use a modular, for the most part. I have a treasure trove of helmets, from Bombarider, GMAX, HJC, FXR, etc. I'm always interested int he latest tech. The Oxygen doesn't require a 'breathbox', which is another bonus.
Amy Grant and Reba McEntire are my two other "Wife" wishes for CHRISTmas.
I've been wishing for Reba what seems like.....FOREVER !
Hasn't come true yet....but I'm still a wishin'.
Don't tell my wife though.
"What Do You Want For the Holidays? "
A bit of "Quiet" !
I luv the "Hallmark" Channel during the CHRIST mas Holiday !
I don't need much, just to win the powerball. A couple of hundred million would do.
Oh, look! There's a green box next to your name that says "friend".....
That also works for me.
There is one thing that I really, really want for Christmas, and nothing else will do, but I'm not allowed to say it on this blog...
LOL, they say, Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words:
Is this close ? I know its on my -mas wish list, lol
You want a white cat?
A white pussy cat ?
well ok I guess.
You want a hairy p.........? That may require surgery.
Na just a razor would do then ya end up with this:
There's nothing wrong with black pussy cats either you know!
So I've heard.
And thank you, for sticking to the spirit of this, more or less.
thank you, for sticking to the spirit of this, more or less.
Yeah we did pile on pretty quick, sorry.
Oh I've had several Fishy, just don't report them to you mods cuz I secretly enjoy them.
I'll go with a classic, "Peace On Earth and Goodwill To Men", and women, too...
Amen, some Wild Turkey would be nice too.
Stone cold sober is absolutely not the way to embrace the Holidays.😁
How can guys drink that nasty stuff? I've bought a few bottles of scotch/bourbon for gifts but the smell of it is gag-inducing. Brown liquors smell like an ashtray tastes.
The only brown liquor I can stomach is Crown Royal and it's an amber colored liquor not really brown
Seven & Seven is nice. Seagram's Seven is The Poor Man's Crown Royal.
Crown is good, but dark rum is better:)
You gotta stop getting bottles of whisky where the label says "Old Underwear". The good stuff (Jack Daniels is the good stuff) actually doesn't smell bad and it tastes better.
Also, if you limit dosage, unlike those fruity mixed drinks, it doesn't make you sick.
Gotta know. How do you know of how an ash tray tastes?
It is nice. Ever had Canadian Club? Smoother than Seagrem's 7
Everybody I know likes rum but then they only drink with with coke. Can't stand coke so I have to have my rum in something fruity
I've bought a few bottles of single malts and Makers Mark as professional gifts. YUCK!
I used to be able to stomach rum and Bombay Sapphire gin. I have a cheap bottle of rum that I use for baking.
Imbibing with big customers and company big whigs was a large part of my job so maybe those who have not indulged much during the last fifty years cannot get it but the thought of more than the occasional cocktail gives me snakes in my boots. When it comes to, "Drinking", I'd rather not...
Its how they smell. Both of my parents smoked.
The closest that I have ever gotten to smoking always involved charcoal and a Weber product.
I used to like cosmos and the occasional gin and tonic in the summer but my taste buds changed and now I can't stand either.
I drink tonic water with lime to look sociable at those functions.
My dad made wine and beer but I never developed a taste for wine. There are some beers that I liked but my limit was one.
I have a bottle of Apple Crown I won last year.....haven't tried it.....not much of a booze drinker.
Mmmm tasty
As my husband died in September, XMas is just another day to me. A friend whose husband also died recently might stop by and I will put on a couple of steaks.
I'm very sorry for your loss.
I'm very sorry, Paula.
Paula, I hope you can find something to celebrate this season. I won't try to tell you how. Grief is a tough customer to deal with.
I wish you all the best.
I am truly sorry to hear of the recent loss of your beloved husband, Paula. My heart and prayers are with you and your family.
May the Creator hold him in his loving hands and guide him to the next steps of his own eternal journey.
nv-wa-do-hi-ya-dv (Peace)
To everyone who wished me well and support, it means more to me than you know.
Sincere condolences, Paula.
If the powerball win is out of the question, I will settle for this,
A lump of coal (I like to set the bar low)
Nothing more then to enjoy the love of the last remaining member of my family. She is everything to me, and being able to spend time with her is the greatest gift I can ever ask for. Also, the company of my loving kitty Yoda Girl. Holidays mean nothing to her, she just loves me every day.
These are things that material gifts cannot surpass. These are things that fill my heart with joy. These are gifts that fill my life with true meaning every day of the year. No amount of material things can ever take their place.
I just realized what thread I was on. Sorry to one and all.
Have a great holidays to one and all.
PS: I hope this didn't blow my christmas wish of my camaro... lol
The Grinch had a happy ending. I hope that you do, also!
Merry Christmas!
A new wardrobe would be nice.
A new job (interview tomorrow...wish me luck!) and mostly a place to call home. It's been a long four years since I lost my husband and this last year has been especially difficult. Looking for some peace in my life.
Best of luck, Yep Holidays can be tough, but on the plus side jobs are more available.
I hope you have a good interview and get offered the position if you still want it after.
Happy Holidays either way though, with the economy still doing good that helps.
I always try to go into interviews with the knowledge if not this one the next. That helps relieve my tension and I do better on that one.. LOL
Good Luck !!
Thanks Steve! I had one of the best interviews last week so I'm taking that knowledge into the next one tomorrow. I didn't get that job but there were good reasons I didn't. The company owner took a lot of time with me (over an hour) and while I know he wanted to hire me, he knew it probably wasn't in my best interest.
Here's to a better year
Good Luck on new job
hope things improve for you
Hope it went well!
Dear Brother Spikegary: In this Festival of Lights, I miss the warmth and brightening of our days when we are together.
What I want for the holidays is for us to see each other and spend time a lot in 2019.
Peace and Abundant Blessings to You and Yours.
Latkas like my mother used to make.
Dear Brother Buzz: Nothing like home cooked.
Just add a Mother's love.
"Flip flop. Over the top".
Chag Channukat Sameach.
And may your and your loved one's lives be extended as was the flame we celebrate by lighting the candles.
That sounds like a wish we can make happen!
"What Do You Want For the Holidays? "
That Children aren't always made to be adults before their time !
And that their life experiences extend beyond video games and smartphones.
Swirled Peas?