Delaware boy named Trump will be going by different name after being bullied by classmates

An 11-year-old boy with the last name Trump will now be going by a different name at his Delaware middle school after being bullied by his peers.
In a Dec. 6 Facebook post, Berto pleaded with parents whose children ride that school bus to discuss the topic of bullying.
“I had to sit down with my son and hear [sic] him tell me that he hates himself and that he feels sad all the time,” Berto said.
The school’s principal, Mark Mayer, responded on Facebook to Berto's comment that he was concerned about what allegedly occurred on the school bus and would contact her the following morning.
Mayer told NBC News on Wednesday that he spoke with Berto on Friday morning and accommodated her request that Joshua be switched to another school bus.
This is the kind of stuff "Liberal" type parents teach their children at home.
Maybe not literally "Some Times", But kids listen to conversations, no matter how many times parent's think their kids don't !
Liberal Tolerance:
Indoctrinating the "Kiddies" in ODD - oppositional defiant disorder.
One has to have sympathy for a little boy in a situation out of his control.
If Joshua Trump was a 27 year old who had voted for Donald and has a MAGA hat sympathy would be harder to come by.
I heard on the news this morning that Trump will mention the little boy in his state of the union address, presumably to decry bullying in the nation.
Will there be a mirror lowered from the ceiling so the president* can see himself at that moment? The hypocrisy of Trump scolding others on the topic of bullying is off the chart.
If Liberal types wouldn't have so much "HATE" in their souls, this "Little Boy" wouldn't have this problem.
And we get a great cross-section of hate from the "liberals" that hate anything "Good" happening in this country.
They "Conveniently" …… do ANYTHING ............… against …….. ALWAYS !
Even if ya gave them "EVERYTHING THEY WANTED"...… they'd still Bitch, Moan and COMPLAIN !
This one just reminds us once again, of the open mic Obama/Medivedevdeadblah Russian promise !
"Collusion"..... Liberal is thy name !
The new defense of Trump is "it's all the liberals fault".
No one in their right mind can defend Trump on his own merits so we are getting a deluge of all this extraneous stuff.
I what is ACTUALLY happening in the realm of "Real World" AMERICA !
"Liberal" types are STILL INTO ……. bullying KIDS !
And the accusation is always that only liberals do it.
Oh come on, let's give the conservatives a chance to show their mettle.
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The SOTU is not about the state of the union and all about circuses.
“When you have a really good team, people will treat you this way,” he said. “And we do have a pretty good team.”
Sounds familiar.