Wonderful Days

So, a few weeks ago, Mr Tries To Be Happy Go Lucky became Mr. Pissed Off Grouch.
Yep, Found out the girls won't be coming home until November at the earliest, December, January, February more likely.
Yep, Mr. Pissed Off Grouch.
Thank goodness for positive forces in life.
We took a little time to watch a favorite short tale from Julia's childhood. Believe it or not, her favorite childhood story is an Oscar Wilde short. My little Russian speaker is full of surprises. The Selfish Giant. WE watch it periodically. It was a little special for perspective this weekend. Julia and the girls were born and grew up in a time of political even social upheaval during the fall of the Iron Curtain. It was not an easy transition.
It many aspects their lives were formed as our Wonder bread cold war environment formed us.
We watched our movie and enjoyed. Then talked about what I am doing to fix up some things around the house for her return. Irina will follow by a few more months. Got my favorite chain saw working and took down 4 trees which were too close to the house and got the appropriate "yes baby".
Then talked about our favorite movie, Timeline, a trip back to 14th century France which reminds us of the unbelievable odds which brought us together.
Pleasing day.
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Very good but in a different way. Today after 101/2 years of sharing ownership with the bank I paid off the last 31K of my mortgage and am now debt free. It's a pretty good feeling
Hope you see the girls sooner than planned.
That is great. I bet that does feel good. Congratulations!
...and thank you. Miss them.
that does make it a good day
good for you, thats awesome.
mines been paid off for about 5yrs now and totally debt free as well. nothing takes the pressure off like that. your avg everyday blood pressure will drop a few notches across the board.. LOL
So Daddy misses his girls? Been there done that.. wait till they tell you they are getting married and could be moving out of state for their PhD. Yeah, the married I don't mind. The moving out of state is killing me.
btw, your daughter is beautiful.
My day has been spent sending half of my cookbook to my daughter via text for her GOT party. The other part was spent food shopping or working. As you can tell, I live an exciting life, LOL!
Here is my big shot and her hubby to be:
And here is her twin with her boyfriend:
I think I'll keep them.
btw, you said girls. I always thought you had one daughter.
Ah, what did your "big shot" daughter think of Quebec City?
It is one of their favorite places to be. I think Cat has been there at least 5 times, 4 of those with Andy and once with us. It's an amazing city. Europe in North America.
Are your girls identical twins? Snapshots are hard for me to decipher sometimes
Beautiful pictures! So nice.
If you don't mind, may I ask where they were taken?
Just beautiful.
BTW They are not my daughters. As odd as it may seem and maybe not believable, Julia is my love and Irina is our very close friend.
Hi Dave,
The first photo was taken in the walled part of Quebec City, on the upper level. That is where they got engaged.
The second photo was taken in Genoa. Maddy's boyfriend is from Parma so they were there visiting family and took a side trip.
I'm sorry that your love will not be back for a while. I like a man who really loves his lady.
Both my girls have happy feet, like their parents and have been traveling around the world since they were 18 months old.
Your daughters learned well Perrie.
They know how to find some beautiful places.
That you for sharing the wonderful pictures.
Dave, thank's for the clarification. I had no idea about any of it, especially with your avatar.
You are welcome Vic. Glad that helped.
Maybe not everybody remembers my use of the term "girls" when it comes to Julia, family and friends. I realise there are a million posts, things come and go and nobody can remember everything.
Okay, from Julia's culture, she is a girl, mom is a girl, grandmother is a girl, Irina, Natalia (Nat), Tatjana (Tat) etc are girls.
Once knowing them and then calling them women IS AN INSULT. Kid you not. The word woman is reserved for either a convalescing or ostentatious female.
Julia and Grandmother: Girls.
Julia and Mom; Girls.
Funny, when Julia was 13, mom told her YOU ARE WOMAN. YOU MUST LEARN TO COOK. That she did. Maybe mom is the only person who can cook as good as her. Gourmet. Everything.
Of course, the girls are girls...
Nat is to the stage left of Julia, who is posing in her Mary Tyler Moore look and Irina is the blonde in my avatar.
Is that your wife with the grandma? She is very pretty.
Thank you John.
As for that bottom photo - "Happiness is to be surrounded by that gorgeous group."
Oh yes. They are beautiful and funny. Good people.
Wonderful photos, beautiful girls and ladies...
Get those upgrades done around the house there dave. They'll be home sooner than you think.
Oh, 85 and sunny today here in Ocala. T shirt, shorts and flip flops...sigh.
Hope it wasn't too brutal. LOL.
I was surprised my little 345 Husky fired up. Hadn't used it since I about destroyed my lower left leg, ankle, etc back in 2008. After a few tugs it fired right up with 11 year old gas. I guess the oil mix kind of preserved it.
Next week I'll see if I can get my 2100 CD Husky fired up. 48" blade. That is a saw to put a smile on your face. Wish my Dad hadn't gotten rid of his old '50s twin cylinder 60" Mercury/Diston. Love that saw. Wish he would have given me first right of refusal. Oh well. I'll survive.
I'm sorry your girls won't be home for a few more months, Dave. Hopefully time will fly by.
My good news is that my boy may be coming back to Little Rock for permanent duty. There was a contract maintenance squadron that didn't get its contract re-newed so the base is converting it back to a military maintenance squadron which means The Boy may be get assigned to this squadron!
I will see him on Saturday in Biloxi which is great. Wish he could come to New Orleans, too, but he just graduated from Airman Leadership school and his unit has been "missing" him. It would be so cool to have all my kids in New Orleans at one time.
Thank you Trout, much appreciated.
That is great news I am hearing. Hope you can meet everybody.
Been a long time since my last visit to the Biloxi area. Ender recently had a discussion about a light house and that brought back some memories and great, fresh shrimp. I used to visit a little restaurant there just past the lighthouse that had it's own shrimp boats. They were always bewildered at how I spiced my shrimp up.
Hope it all works out for you and your family.
Thanks, Dave!
Dear Friend Dave: On the cusp of the spring freedom festival of Pesach (Passover) we will have some, but not all of our extended family joining us around the Seder (holiday) table.
Half a cup better than empty.
I will be gone the next few days, Enoch, but I want to say Good Blessings during the Passover Holiday.
(I don't know the appropriate greeting for Passover...I apologize)
I provided a rusty, weak rendering Trout.
Thank you Enoch, and you are right about that.
Chag Pesach samech (צ'אג פסח סאמאצ', Happy Passover Holiday) Enoch.
Dear Brother Dav: Thanks you.
Whatever holiday you celebrate this spring, Mrs. E. and I wish you and yours, where ever they are a joyous and meaningful time.
Thank you Dear Brother Enoch.
I truly appreciate your warm thoughts and blessings from both you and Mrs. E., and wish the same for you both and all your family and friends wherever they may be this season. I will certainly pass your kind words along to Julia and Irina.
Likewise, P&AB.
Excellent thread Dave.... I've got two daughters myself, and they don't come to Munich nearly as much as we want them to. I can commiserate.
You are more than welcome Navy.
Hope you catch up with your daughters soon and spend some good time together.
P.S. My Grandfather was Navy too. He fell in love with the sea when he took a job on a merchant ship during his escape from Russia and return to the US. After crossing the US a couple times on an Indian motorcycle he joined the US Navy in Philadelphia to return to sea for a while.
Kind Regards as well.