
Pope Is a False Prophet


Category:  Religion & Ethics

Via:  xxjefferson51  •  10 years ago  •  29 comments

Pope Is a False Prophet
Pope Francis embodies sanctity but comes trailing clouds of sanctimony. With a convert's indiscriminate zeal, he embraces ideas impeccably fashionable, demonstrably false, and deeply reactionary.They would devastate the poor on whose behalf he purports to speak, if his policy prescriptions were not as implausible as his social diagnoses are shrill.Supporters of Francis have bought newspaper and broadcast advertisements to disseminate some of his woolly sentiments that have the intellectual tone of fortune cookies. One example: "People occasionally forgive, but nature never does."The Vatican's majesty does not disguise the vacuity of this. Is Francis intimating that environmental damage is irreversible? He neglects what technology has accomplished regarding London's air (see Page 1 of Dickens' "Bleak House") and other matters.And the Earth is becoming "an immense pile of filth"? Hyperbole is a predictable precursor of yet another U.N. Climate Change Conference the 21st since 1995. Fortunately, rhetorical exhibitionism increases as its effectiveness diminishes.In his June encyclical and elsewhere, Francis lectures about our responsibilities, but neglects the duty to be as intelligent as one can be. This man who says "the church does not presume to settle scientific questions" proceeds as though everything about which he declaims is settled, from imperiled plankton to air conditioning being among humanity's "harmful habits."The church that thought it was settled science that Galileo was heretical should be attentive to all evidence. Francis deplores "compulsive consumption," a sin to which the 1.3 billion persons without even electricity can only aspire.He leaves the Vatican to jet around praising subsistence farming, a romance best enjoyed from 30,000 feet above the realities that such farmers yearn to escape.The saint who is Francis' namesake supposedly lived in sweet harmony with nature. For most of mankind, however, nature has been, and remains, scarcity, disease, and natural note the adjective disasters. Our flourishing requires affordable, abundant energy for the production of everything from food to pharmaceuticals.Poverty has probably decreased more in the last two centuries than it has in the preceding three millennia because of industrialization powered by fossil fuels. Only economic growth has ever produced broad amelioration of poverty, and since growth began in the late 18th century, it has depended on such fuels.Matt Ridley, author of "The Rational Optimist," notes that coal supplanting wood fuel reversed deforestation, and "fertilizer manufactured with gas halved the amount of land needed to produce a given amount of food."The capitalist commerce that Francis disdains is the reason the portion of the planet's population living in "absolute poverty" ($1.25 a day) declined from 53 percent to 17 percent in three decades after 1981. Even in low-income countries, writes economist Indur Goklany, life expectancy increased from between 25 to 30 years in 1900 to 62 years today. http://www.newsmax.com/t/newsmax/article/692423


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    10 years ago

Prophet? I thought he was the speaker for the Fundamental Transformation Corporation.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     10 years ago

Oh, the Fundies are attacking the Pope and Catholics....

New headline....War on Christians..by, OTHER CHRISTIANS...

How Christian of them.

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    10 years ago
I missed the part where catholics were being attacked.
Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    10 years ago
And a head of state?
Professor Principal
link   Kavika     10 years ago

Of course you did Cerenkov, I was simply using the tactic that XX uses with bs headlines.

The Pope is a Prophet, really when did that happen.

Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    10 years ago
Yes, the pope is both head of a religion and head of state. What he leads is the definition of the reasons we need to always have separation of church and state.
Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    10 years ago
It's not a war on Christians at all. It is simply an expose of the errors the pope makes in economic and environmental issues.
Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    10 years ago

IYHO. The nation he is the head of is the headquarters for the Catholic Church and nothing more. It's not quite the same thing as having a pope as President of the US. Some people don't like that he takes global warming as a moral issue. Too bad. To the Church it is and he should preach that.

The Pope is a Prophet, really when did that happen.

It never has.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago
Professor Principal
link   Kavika     10 years ago

Perfect Dowser.

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    10 years ago

I agree. Perfect!

Hal A. Lujah
Professor Guide
link   Hal A. Lujah    10 years ago
Isn't the headline of this article the ultimate attack on Catholics?!
Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    10 years ago
Actually anyone who had the intellectual curiosity to read the seeded article and see who the author was they would have discovered it written by an atheist not by one of the conservatives who happen to have religious values. Embarrassed yet?
Sophomore Quiet
link   Dowser    10 years ago


I heard several people who call themselves Christian say this yesterday... I saw the meme, and it fit.

Aren't YOU embarrassed yet?

Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    10 years ago
Some folks disagreeing with the Catholic Pope probably ranks pretty low in the anti-Catholic attack scale.
Professor Silent
link   Cerenkov    10 years ago
I don't necessarily agree, Feronia. Other cultures or nation models are possible. I wouldn't want to live there thpugh.
Professor Principal
link   Kavika     10 years ago

''Embarrassed yet?''. No, not at all. It should you who should be embarrassed XX, for posting an article with a lie in the title.

Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    10 years ago
How can an article title be a lie when it is repeating the position of what the one who is quoted said? So how can George Will: Pope is a false prophet be a lie when it is what George Will said? The facts in the article show that the pope today is clearly wrong.
Senior Guide
link   seeder  XXJefferson51    10 years ago
Not even in the slightest. I have not said or done anything here to be embarrassed about.
Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    10 years ago

I am an honorary Christian and I say without reservation "The Pope sucks." . Papal views on Christianity were bypassed a long time ago .

Sophomore Quiet
link   Randy    10 years ago

Especially above their lies about the environment.

Professor Principal
link   Kavika     10 years ago

Is the Pope a prophet? is he considered by the church as a prophet? No is isn't, so Geo Will is full of it.

The facts in this article do not show that the Pope is clearly wrong. That's only in the mind of the author of the article.

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
link   Larry Hampton    10 years ago

Nope. Can't point to any time in history when a pope had a political agenda.


Professor Principal
link   JohnRussell    10 years ago

I am an honorary Christian and I say without reservation "The Pope sucks." . Papal views on Christianity were bypassed a long time ago .

Bizarre statements. Par for the course.

Professor Quiet
link   sixpick    10 years ago

Well, if the Pope is so great, the Vatican is full of some of the most valuable items in the world. Why do we always have those with the means telling us how we should be giving while they live the life of luxury? Sacrifice...... Tell me who in power telling all of us to sacrifice has shown any indication they are sacrificing any at all?

It's the same old story. The enslavement of the masses listening to one who is given the right to tell the rest of us to do all the things they aren't doing themselves.



Roman Catholicism, which claims to be His church, is the richest of the rich, the wealthiest institution on earth. How come, that such an institution, ruling in the name of this same itinerant preacher, whose want was such that he had not even a pillow upon which to rest his head, is now so top-heavy with riches that she can rival - indeed, that she can put to shame - the combined might of the most redoubtable financial trusts, of the most potent industrial super-giants, and of the most prosperous global corporation of the world?

Some day when you have time maybe some of you fine Christians and Atheist may want to learn something. One day you're criticizing the Catholics because of the pedophile priest and the church that has done everything they could to keep it silent and when you feel it is to your benefit to look the other way and defend them you turn your head. Can we say hypocrites here?

Petey Coober
Freshman Silent
link   Petey Coober    10 years ago

Papal views on Christianity were bypassed a long time ago .

Simple historical fact . Your denial of same says quite a lot about you , none of it good .


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