550 African migrants were just caught in Texas. DHS head says they aren’t being screened for Ebola

The border crisis is no longer exclusively a problem of illegal Central American migrants. As word spreads of the collapse of border enforcement, the number of migrants from Africa continues to increase. The threat of bringing in dangerous diseases is higher than ever, yet there are no mandatory and universal screenings, quarantines, or detention before illegal immigrants are released into our communities, often within hours.
According to preliminary weekly data used internally by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and given to CR by a Border Patrol agent who must remain anonymous because he is not authorized to speak to the press, over 550 African migrants were apprehended in Texas in just one week – from May 30 through June 5. The lion’s share were from the Democratic Republic of Congo, the country with the worst Ebola outbreak in the world . Here’s the breakdown:
Angola – 101
Cameroon – 6
Democratic Republic of Congo – 314
Gabon – 1
Niger – 1
Republic of Congo – 130
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), not to be confused with the smaller separate nation of “Republic of Congo,” which is to the immediate west of DRC, is currently experiencing the worst Ebola outbreak ever. As of June 4, according to the World Health Organization , there were a total of 2,025 confirmed and reported cases of Ebola, including 1,357 reported deaths.
In addition to Ebola, the DRC is experiencing 87,000 cases of measles , claiming the lives of 1,500. Angola and Cameroon are also experiencing measles outbreaks, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
Yet local media in San Antonio reported on Friday that hundreds of these African migrants were seen dropped off at bus stations in San Antonio. I confirmed with CBP last week that there is no special screening, extra scrutiny, or quarantine required of those coming from African countries more than from anywhere else.
Overall, a record 20,274 illegal aliens were apprehended in Texas during this seven-day period. That is an annualized pace of over one million just for the state of Texas. Honduras had the highest single-country total, accounting for 38 percent of all illegal immigrants caught in the Lone Star State. Honduras is experiencing a mumps outbreak , and many of the caravans left from San Pedro Sula , a northern Honduran town that had 1,336 reported cases of mumps as of April . As of Monday, Arizona officials confirmed 47 cases of mumps in Pinal County , mainly in ICE facilities, a 10-year high for the state. Dan McLaughlin, the mayor of Uvalde, Texas, confirmed to CR at least two known cases among the illegal immigrants held in the detention facility in his city. According to a recent DHS inspector general report , there is “a high incidence of illness among the staff” in some facilities.
Also, as of May 29, there were 51 confirmed cases of mumps among the general population in Hidalgo County, Texas, the busiest illegal alien smuggling corridor along the Southwest border. The disease has spread to every major city in the county.
Then there is Venezuela. Due to the collapse of the economy and civil society, the country is experiencing outbreaks of all sorts of diseases . The number of migrants is beginning to tick up, with 47 apprehended in Texas the first week of June.
It is simply astounding that hundreds of thousands are coming from the most disease-prone countries under the worst traveling arrangements imaginable and there is no quarantine, as required by law . Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan finally admitted publicly at yesterday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that CBP is not screening anyone for diseases. “The public health risk—family units are released into our communities with unknown vaccination status and without a standard medical examination for communicable diseases of public health concern, as well as a public health risk of disease outbreak at processing facilities,” McAleenan said in his written testimony .
So why is McAleenan himself not requiring such a process, and if such a process is unfeasible given the numbers, shouldn’t these people be inadmissible rather than being released? Asylum does not trump the medically inadmissible statutes of 8 U.S.C. 1182. In other words, if the criminal smuggling conspiracy is so successful that it results in catastrophic numbers jamming our border, why should that strengthen the claim of the aliens to be released without following medical quarantine rather than strengthen the claim of the American sovereign to keep them out?
Overall, a record 20,274 illegal aliens were apprehended in Texas during this seven-day period. That is an annualized pace of over one million just for the state of Texas. Honduras had the highest single-country total, accounting for 38 percent of all illegal immigrants caught in the Lone Star State. Honduras is experiencing a mumps outbreak , and many of the caravans left from San Pedro Sula , a northern Honduran town that had 1,336 reported cases of mumps as of April . As of Monday, Arizona officials confirmed 47 cases of mumps in Pinal County , mainly in ICE facilities, a 10-year high for the state. Dan McLaughlin, the mayor of Uvalde, Texas, confirmed to CR at least two known cases among the illegal immigrants held in the detention facility in his city. According to a recent DHS inspector general report , there is “a high incidence of illness among the staff” in some facilities.
Yeah - bring'm all in - get them votes - give out welfare to the Illegal Aliens.
When were these immigrants last in Africa? If it was before the recent Ebola outbreak this is just fearmongering.
Did you bother to read the article? Never mind….If you would have taken the time to read the article before commenting you would have learned that this happened May and June.
Doesn't it concern you that asylum claimers are being released into our society without being quarantined or screened for diseases?
Until Texas requires full vaccinations for all legal residents and citizens then these immigrants are not more fo a threat than US residents that refuse to get their kids vaccinated.
Read the requirements for immigration - vaccines are REQUIRED , along with Biomedical.
"It is simply astounding that hundreds of thousands are coming from the most disease-prone countries under the worst traveling arrangements imaginable and there is no quarantine, as required by law . Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan finally admitted publicly at yesterday’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing that CBP is not screening anyone for diseases. “The public health risk—family units are released into our communities with unknown vaccination status and without a standard medical examination for communicable diseases of public health concern, as well as a public health risk of disease outbreak at processing facilities,” McAleenan said in his written testimony ."
I'll take that as you don't.
And what does possible Ebola carriers have to do with vaccines?
Please tell me what that has to do with the Ebola virus?
Are kids in Texas or anywhere else being vaccinated for ebola???
Do I have to explain what the incubation period means?
No, but apparently you need to have explained to you that ebola is not remotely like any of the diseases we normally vaccinate kids for or worry about in our society. Equating the two in terms of the damage they can do to a population - particularly our dense, highly mobile, and unprepared population - is pretty ridiculous. It's just too bizarre and pointless a comparison. Surely there must have been something more productive you could have offered. Or perhaps not. Sigh.
Why don't you read the article and then maybe you can discuss it.
The article also talks about a mumps outbreak in Hidalgo County.
[delete .] Apparently you have no idea how disease and pandemics spread.
What is your point? She started the thread talking about Ebola.
I personally doubt she even read the article.
Maybe you didn't notice this, but ebola isn't the only disease mentioned, nor is it the only one we worry about. The article also mentions a huge measles outbreak in Congo. It doesn't mention maybe the deadliest infectious disease on the planet - tuberculosis. Places like subsaharan Africa are thick with it and you can have TB dormant in your body for years.
For the sake of public health, we need to know who is coming into the country and they all need to be medically checked. I don't understand why that is even a little bit controversial.
I would like to know exactly how they got to the southern border?
I think this country is going to go through a traumatic period based upon whats happening on the border. It reminds me of when BP had that terrible unrestrained massive oil flow into the Gulf of Mexico. Everybody stood by helplessly wondering how much damage would be done when it finally came to an end. In this case, it's all because democrats won't help the President secure the wide open border and everybody (especially those wanting to come) know it! Eventually American society will feel all the effects from infectious disease or MS 13 or the drain on each states resources, to the point, where they finally vote ALL the democrats out of office. Do we really have to go through all of this?
Vic - believe it or not, they are coming in from Bolivia, Brazil and other SA countries and then traveling up through Mexico.
How are they getting to South & Central America? That's a long Plane or Ship voyage. These are indigent people, right? Who is providing that?
That I don't know, but will research.
So far, this is all I've found - will keep looking.
It remained unclear what route the African migrants had taken to arrive to the U.S.-Mexico border. Some Africans recently told NPR they traveled from Africa to Brazil and then north though Colombia and Central America.
Asylum seekers from El Salvador and Honduras first pass through Guatemala when fleeing their homes, while Cubans and Haitians often fly first to Panama before heading to the United States through Mexico. Migrants from African countries regularly fly to Brazil before making the arduous journey north.
Mexican media reports that hundreds of illegal immigrants from Africa, India, Bangladesh and other non-Central American nations are currently in Mexico awaiting asylum in the U.S. Most are holed up in Tapachula, which is in the southeast Mexican state of Chiapas bordering Guatemala. One group featured recently in a Mexican newspaper article took nine months to reach Chiapas. They went from Angola to Brazil where they spent four months before traveling to Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica then Nicaragua. Once they reached Honduras, the African illegal aliens took three days to purchase a photo identification and bus ticket to Guatemala, where they say it was easy passage to Mexico.
Another group featured in the same story came from Cameroon, home of the extremist groups Boko Haram and the Islamic State West Africa (ISWA). The illegal aliens say they flew from Cameroon to Ecuador before traveling through Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala and finally Mexico. All of the Africans plan to continue into the United States where they expect to “achieve refuge,” according to the news report. Of interesting note is that the Africans accuse Mexican authorities of racism and discrimination, asserting that migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and Cuba eat first and receive better overall treatment and accommodations. The major Mexican newspaper cited earlier refers to the situation along that country’s southern border as a “pressure cooker” on the verge of an unprecedented migratory collapse. Besides tens of thousands of Central Americans and Cubans, around 800 migrants from Congo, Cameroon, Guinea, Pakistan, Syria, Nepal and Pakistan, among others, await U.S. asylum in Mexico.
Many of the African women are pregnant and hundreds of children and adolescents are becoming inpatient and appear malnourished. “Their objective is to cross Mexico and ask for asylum in the United States,” according to one report , that says a dozen pregnant African women recently demanded special accommodations from Mexican authorities. All of them were more than seven months pregnant. Another Spanish news story reveals that 150 African migrants recently blocked an immigration station in Chiapas to demand permits that allow them to continue their journey north through Mexico and into the United States. “The migrants formed a human chain that impedes the entrance and exit of buses that transfer undocumented immigrants arrested in the rest of the country for deportation,” the story reads.
So they've been in 'the Americas' for over a month, long past the incubation period for Ebola. Since there hasn't been an Ebola outbreak in Mexico, it looks like we're good...
You're a doctor now?
The incubation period, or the time interval from infection to onset of symptoms, is from 2 to 21 days. People are not contagious until they develop symptoms. Ebola virus disease infections can only be confirmed through laboratory testing.
Quite sure the folks in SA/CA/MX are well qualified to conduct the testing of all the migrant groups to determine what illnesses they may or may not have.
Also quite sure that the people in SA/CA/MX know exactly what the symptoms are and know to IMMEDIATELY get tested if they feel or witness any signs of the symptoms. /S
Yup - you're good.
Your link was about people that have been there AT LEAST since APRIL. It's the middle of JUNE, AT LEAST 45 DAYS have passed.
So I don't need to be a doctor, I just need to do simple math.
Has there been an outbreak in Mexico or SA?
BTFW, if the CBP is so fucking worried about communicable disease, WHY don't they REQUIRE their Agents to wear protective gear? No masks, no gloves, NADA. Don't they care about them, or their families?
How about the other Agencies and contractors that have people with 'skin in the game'? I don't see any of them using any precautions either.
Oh and BTFW, where is the CDC? If a threat REALLY exists, the CDC is our go to agency for that shit. Their website has NO alerts on ebola for ANYWHERE in the Americas.
Hell, the State Dept's website only has a health alert for the Zika virus for Guatemala. So no Ebola there either.
When I see the government ACT like this is a problem instead of just flapping their gums about it, I'll believe it.
That's a strawman Wally.
What have they done about it other than whine? Instead of bitching in a hearing, the 'Acting' Director of DHS should DO SOMETHING.
The LEAST of which would be to protect our own people that are dealing with this 'emergency'. He could change communicable disease protocol for his Agency by fiat.
When a random illegal alien is wandering around America, how in the world would we know how long they have been in the Americas or what diseases they have been exposed to? We aren't even aware of their presence unless we catch them.
That kind of thing is why (ok it's one of several reasons) we want to be able to investigate every person who comes here and then have them enter only after they have received permission.
Good thing diseases never evolve . . . oh, wait . . .
See if people are reported sick and then worry about it? Boy am I glad our disease control policies don't work like that. Especially if we have to rely on Mexico to alert us!
Now if we could only get some more enforcement. Or is that offensive?
My comment, was in reply to the link. Rather than posting a knee jerk comment, read what the seeder posted to find your answer.
The we better start renegotiating Treaties...
If only your arguments did...
Judging from the proliferation of anti-vax idiots, that seems to be the trend.
Actually, in some states it does.
I thought that Trump was besties with Mexico now.
They are enforcing the law. That's how they get released.
The border crisis is no longer exclusively a problem of illegal Central American migrants. As word spreads of the collapse of border enforcement, the number of migrants from Africa continues to increase. The threat of bringing in dangerous diseases is higher than ever, yet there are no mandatory and universal screenings, quarantines, or detention before illegal immigrants are released into our communities, often within hours.
Guess that kinda answers your question(s), right?
Dulay - Author: Daniel Horowitz- even his e-mail is noted in the link. You want us to go psychic to answer your questions? Instead, why don't you go to the author of the article - he'll tell you what he was thinking and where he got his information from.
Discuss the thread please - as you well know, there IS NO VACCINE for Ebola - try another tactic.
There is and it's pretty effective.
It's new. I've been hearing bits and pieces about the outbreak in the Congo on BBC's hour of news on NPR for a couple of months.
Read the thread - you could learn something.
It's still experimental and has not been approved for "public" use.
While the vaccine is still unlicensed, a clinical trial conducted in Guinea near the end of the West African Ebola outbreak showed the vaccine was highly efficacious. Based on that study, the WHO’s vaccine advisory committee has recommended that the vaccine be used as part of the arsenal of tools deployed to quell outbreaks.
I was just pointing out we do have one now. Nothing else expressed or implied.
I pick up all kinds of crazy information, but can't remember the name of a band I used to listen to in the 90's... Weird how our brains work. LOL
All our borders are porous. The southern one is just politically hot right now.
Because the Mexico/US border is so much more porous than the Northern one. There are more holes in our Southern border than my late wife's favorite pasta strainer, thus making the chances of getting across undetected much easier. Not to mention there is less security in Mexico.
I simply tried to give a straight answer with no offense intended but I guess my answer was not good enough for you and you come back with sarcasm. Care to explain why you did not like my answer?
Likely because it's total nonsense. The Northern border is even more porous without any fencing at all.
Besides, Visa overstays allow more undocumented immigrants into the country than any border, and who is the country with the most Visa overstays? That's right, it's Canada!
But of course all the Trump sycophants and anti-immigrants bigots want to focus on the "brown" immigrants coming from the south, they can't pick the Canadian undocumented immigrants out of a line up so they're effectively invisible to the bigots who don't fear their "white culture" is being taken away by Canadians, thus no problem with their being so many undocumented Canadian immigrants living here. The hypocrisy is truly stunning.
So you're saying that men need to be responsible for protecting their sexual partners. Novel idea.
Gee I don't know. You think they would go thru Canada. Because Canada just lets anyone in right?
Understood. My thanks.
I asked ONE simple question in that post 1st:
Daniel Horowitz doesn't CARE about the answer to that question because it's not part of his agenda.
The article links to McAleenan testimony that doesn't say a word about ANY specific disease, much less citing Ebola. McAleenan claimed:
First of all note that McAleenan cites "as a public health risk of disease outbreak at processing facilities" NOT in the general public.
The irony of that moronic statement is that Trump has used EO's ad nauseam, allegendly to address an 'emergency' yet McAleenan is pretending that the Congress needs to address 'weaknesses in our laws'.
What weakness is there in our law that would preclude asylum seekers from being vaccinated?
Hint: NONE.
If they REALLY want a SOLUTION to this hair on fire 'issue, Trump could mandate that EVERY asylum seeker be vaccinated prior to release.
But SOLUTIONS aren't what this is about, is it 1st?
Secondly, Title 8 USC 12 gives the government all the power they need to 'detain' people that show signs of illness. Yet it does not REQUIRE quarantine for everyone from a specific country, 'disease prone' or not, as Horowitz claimed in his article.
Based on the false information documented in Daniel Horowitz's article, I wouldn't bother asking him which way is up.
Gee 1st, I never even inferred that there was a vaccine for Ebola. That was done in 2.1.5 yet I see you didn't chastise that comment. Wonder why?
Oh and BTFW, your seed cites MULTIPLE diseases which DO have vaccines available. States making those vaccinations mandatory couldn't hurt.
Actually NO, it doesn't answer ANY of the questions in my post. But you knew that...
But hey 1st, thanks for pointing out ANOTHER load of shit in your seed.
Note the statement that you posted in bold. I says that there are NO mandatory quarantines yet later in the article Horowitz claims:
So even though Horowitz is full of shit about quarantine is required by law in 8 USC 12, he contradicts his own claim that there was NO mandatory quarantines. Required by law sounds pretty mandatory to me...
Horowitz can't even keep his 'facts' straight within his article.
I would hope it doesn't take some nasty outbreak to make Congress care about this stuff. Drugs and murders don't seem to be doing it.
So much for the myth that it is easier to fly into NY and then overstay the VISA, or fly into Canada and then cross our southern border.
Seems word is out about the southern border being a free for all. ISIS/ISIL and other Islamic caliphates have set up shop in Africa- how long before some of them decide to cross?
How much longer before they start finding immigrants from the ME crossing our southern border? Including those associated with Iranian militias, ISIS/ISIL, Hamas, etc.
Why has trump allowed this to happen?
That is what I wonder. The article even states that the acting DHS head knew this was happening.
Instead of blaming him or the administration, people jump on Democrats for not doing anything.
I say but the blame where it belongs. The ones in charge.