Yes, Warmongers, Trump Does Have a 'Coherent Foreign Policy': It's Called 'the National Interest'

After it became known that President Trump had aborted a military response to Iran's downing of an American drone, neoconservatives, establishment conservatives, and hawkish progressives (they apparently still exist) opened the attack on the 45th president. Earlier I wrote about the supposedly "conservative" criticism of Trump's decision. The main line of attack is that he is supposedly too soft on Iran.
There's another kind of criticism thrown at Trump nowadays, however. And that's this one:
According to this anti-Trumper, the president has no "coherent intellectual framework undergirding" his "approach to foreign policy." He's basically doing whatever he wants at the time. If he wants to attack a country today, but not tomorrow, that's what he'll do. He makes it up as he goes.
Trump's critics -- especially establishment hawks -- will undoubtedly love this criticism. After all, it proves once again that they are so much smarter than he is, and that he really isn't qualified for the job.
However, there is one minor problem: it's clear to anyone with even half a brain that there most certainly is a theory shaping Trump's foreign policy. It's called "the national interest." There is no grand plan to remake the world in America's image, true, but that doesn't mean there's no "coherent intellectual framework" on which his foreign policy is based.
When Trump negotiates trade agreements, he isn't interested in "moral questions" or "spreading the principles of the free market abroad." For him, it's all about one simple thing: what deal best serves the nation's interests? If he concludes that this goal is served by having no tariffs at all, he gets rid of them. And when he believes that it's best served by more and higher tariffs , that too is what he will do.
The same goes for military operations. The only question he asks himself is: Does it serve America's interests to attack, in this particular case, Iran? No? Then there will not be an attack. If the facts on the ground change, however, so that a military adventure does serve the nation's interests, he'll change his position on the war question.
To pretend that this approach is anti-intellectual is quite simply dishonest. After all, it's basically what the founding father of modern political theory argued for. I'm referring, of course, to Niccolò Machiavelli.
Trump's foreign policy is Machiavellian Realism (in the proper sense of the word, not the caricature created by moralists of later ages). That may not be very utopian or idealistic, but that doesn't make it any less intellectual.
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“When Trump negotiates trade agreements, he isn't interested in "moral questions" or "spreading the principles of the free market abroad." For him, it's all about one simple thing: what deal best serves the nation's interests? If he concludes that this goal is served by having no tariffs at all, he gets rid of them. And when he believes that it's best served by more and higher tariffs, that too is what he will do.
The same goes for military operations. The only question he asks himself is: Does it serve America's interests to attack, in this particular case, Iran? No? Then there will not be an attack. If the facts on the ground change, however, so that a military adventure does serve the nation's interests, he'll change his position on the war question.
To pretend that this approach is anti-intellectual is quite simply dishonest.”
I don't doubt that Trump believes he has a strategy... although ordering an air-strike and then canceling it...
The problem is that having a strategy based on erroneous ideas is... not a good way to run the planet :
Obviously the left thinks basic economics doesn't apply when Trump is in charge?
China keeps it's currency artificially low to increase their selling power. China exports far more than they import. This leads to a much stronger economy.
Europe is doing the same thing.
Of course the left is rooting for the US economy to slow, go into recession. Defeating Trump is all they care about.
The bottom line. Well said.
Is a sign that Trump has more brains than the left thinks he does. Iran monitors the US media, and social media, closely. Pelosi and Schumer are in an all out panic. The leftist media is besides itself. Half of the US population is calling Trump deranged. Think Iran isn't nervous? Russia and China are busy with Syria. Iran has extended itself into Yemen, Iraq, and Syria. Now, Iran could do something exceedingly stupid (attacking US or NATO assets in the ME) and provoke the US into war; but it does not change the fact they will lose badly.
At worst we will end up with another Iraq/Afghanistan. At best another Libya. Hopefully Trump is smart enough to go with the Libya option. Pretty sure Iran has made enough enemies in the ME that the weakened state we will leave them in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, etc will be able to make short work of them.
Oh, and Trump still has started 0 military conflicts despite the left's constant gloom, doom, and all out panic. Only wish our past presidents could say the same.