
Did Trump's Racist Attack On Four Congresswomen Of Color Gain Him A Single Vote?


Category:  Op/Ed

By:  john-russell  •  6 years ago  •  74 comments

Did Trump's Racist Attack On Four Congresswomen Of Color Gain Him A Single Vote?

Has Donald Trump gone to the "birther" well one too many times? His attack on the four Democratic women of color was birtherism updated for 2019. These people are not American, they dont love America. She comes from Africa.They hate America because they criticize America. Trump has tried to anoint himself judge and jury on who is an acceptable American. 

I have a feeling that a lot of voters that Trump will need in 2020 have had just about enough of him. It will be interesting to see what happens to his weekly approval polls next week. 

In the few days since this tirade and then it's continuation yesterday I have heard one observation about it more than any other - Trump attacked these women of color for doing exactly the same thing he did for years, criticizing America. Trump's political career has been based, until recently , on criticizing America. According to Trump, Obama was horrible, unAmerican, lazy,  weak, the country was crime ridden, the economy was failing, we were in foreign wars, and on and on. Until HE took office America was a horrible mismanaged place. He actually ranted such things for years.  His inaugural address became famous for Trump's recitation of "American carnage" such as him claiming that crime rates were out of control when the truth was crime rates in America were way down at the start of 2017. 

For Trump it was fine for him to criticize America pre-Trumpism, but it is "hate" for people of color to criticize America now that Trumpism is in effect. 

This makes no objective sense whatsoever, but since the point of Trump's rants are to please his 'deplorable' base , for his purposes it doesnt matter if his attacks are logically coherent. 

Then there is the matter of Trump, the son of an immigrant mother, telling someone exactly like him (AOC) that they should go back to where they came from. Cortez had one parent who was born in America and one parent who was an immigrant, EXACTLY the same as Donald Trump. 

Why should Cortez leave, unless Trump also has to leave? 

One gets the feeling that Trump is teetering on a bridge too far with all this, especially among his suburban voters and extra specially among his women voters. His play here was so transparently meant to please his nationalist supporters it will be difficult for any people of good will to accept his behavior, and this will certainly include swing voters. 

Can you imagine ANYONE listening to Trump tell Americans to leave the country, because they disagree with him,  and then decide that they now have a reason to vote for Trump?

By the time the presidential election rolls around people will have to decide , in their own minds and consciences, if America can tolerate a man who makes openly racist statements.  His attack on "the squad" may not cost him votes of many of his base, but it is very difficult to see it as having gained him any votes at all. 


jrDiscussion - desc
Professor Principal
1  author  JohnRussell    6 years ago

This will be a very bad week for Trump. 

Professor Quiet
1.2  Ed-NavDoc  replied to  JohnRussell @1    6 years ago

The title is a loaded question John and you know it. To a progressive liberal Democrat, they'll say "Oh yeah, loads?". Ask a conservative and they'll tell you no way...

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
1.4  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  JohnRussell @1    6 years ago

His deplorables are eating this shit up.

Dean Moriarty
Professor Quiet
3  Dean Moriarty    6 years ago

Great week for Trump and his approval rating is at 48%. He is now one point ahead of where Obama was at this same point of his first term. 

Professor Guide
3.1  MrFrost  replied to  Dean Moriarty @3    6 years ago

Rasmussen is one the most biased polls there are Dean.

An average of all the polls has trump at 44%. Nice try though.

Professor Guide
3.1.2  MrFrost  replied to  Tessylo @3.1.1    6 years ago

It hasn't, the highest he has ever been was 46% and that was right after he was elected. Since then it's bounced around between the mid 30's and mid 40's. Never higher. 

Professor Principal
4  author  JohnRussell    6 years ago

I dont think 48% is his all time high on Rasmussen.  In any case the figure is an outlier. 

Vic Eldred
Professor Principal
5  Vic Eldred    6 years ago

"The word “racism” is like ketchup. It can be put on practically anything — and demanding evidence makes you a “racist.”......Thomas Sowell

Professor Principal
5.1  author  JohnRussell  replied to  Vic Eldred @5    6 years ago

Why would you tell people who come from America to go back to the countries they came from? 

Why? because "go back where you came from" is a racist trope. 

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
5.2  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Vic Eldred @5    6 years ago
"The word “racism” is like ketchup. It can be put on practically anything — and demanding evidence makes you a “racist.”......Thomas Sowell

I believe the best analogy to describe many religious conservatives who fancy themselves non-racist is a white Christian dad with a 17 year old daughter who keeps trying to date but wanting her fathers approval. Every boy she brings home is either black, Muslim or Latino. Now the father keep rejecting them as soon as he meets them, one after another "Nope", "No way", "Not good enough, try again". Now the daughter starts thinking it might have something to do with their race so she confronts her father "Why are you such a racist?" to which the father replies in shock "What?!? How dare you accuse me of being a racist! What would give you the idea I'm a racist?" to which the daughter replies "Well every boy I bring home who isn't white you've rejected almost immediately, what else am I supposed to think?". The father then says in stunned disbelief "I am not a racist! I am just looking out for my daughters best interest, and I want you to end up with someone who is well educated, comes from a family of wealth and social stature, a young man who shares our cultural traditions! But I'm not racist!"...

They convince themselves that its not about race, just as they did when Obama was President. They started by calling him a Kenyan Muslim despite the mountain of evidence to the contrary, but when that made them seem too racist many shifted to some rhetorical version of "I dislike him for his policies!" or claimed they feared he was going to come take away their bibles and guns and send them to FEMA concentration camps. It was all a ruse to mask their deep seated racism that Donald Trump then exploited and provided cover for as he continues to do. Those defending him and his racist behavior will ultimately share in his undesired reward.

Professor Expert
6  Nerm_L    6 years ago

For Donald Trump this is just another day in a four year news cycle.  The same outrage was directed towards Trump in late 2015 before the Republican primaries.  Nothing changes for Trump; he may not gain anything but he loses nothing, either.  The current demonstrations of outrage will quickly fade as have all the preceding ones.  There isn't anything new; Trump isn't the story here.

Donald Trump has dangled the bait and Democrats have taken it.  The Democratic Party is now the party of socialism.  Trump offered Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar the bully pulpit to place themselves before the American people.  They accepted.  These four young political activists are quickly becoming the face of the Democratic Party; more recognizable to the public than many of the current field of Presidential candidates.

Donald Trump is defining the Democratic Party for independent voters.  Donald Trump is unifying the Democratic base around the idea of defeating Trump which provides a diversion away from party unity on policy ideas.  Since Democrats are not focusing attention on policy, without leadership for developing a policy agenda, the Democratic Party is becoming more divided over policy ideas promoted by various factions within the party.  Donald Trump has forced news organizations to focus attention on Democratic demonstrations of outrage rather than reporting about Democratic political policy that might appeal to moderates and independents.  

Donald Trump has taken control of the message for the Presidential campaign.

Professor Principal
6.1  author  JohnRussell  replied to  Nerm_L @6    6 years ago

good evidence that people can talk themselves into believing just about anything

Professor Expert
6.1.1  Nerm_L  replied to  JohnRussell @6.1    6 years ago
good evidence that people can talk themselves into believing just about anything

Beat Trump!

How's that working out for ya?

Professor Guide
6.1.2  MrFrost  replied to  Nerm_L @6.1.1    6 years ago
Beat Trump! How's that working out for ya?

We won't know until the election. 

Professor Expert
6.1.3  Nerm_L  replied to  MrFrost @6.1.2    6 years ago
We won't know until the election. 

Yes, we will find out.

Trump has taken control of the message for the campaign and is defining the Democratic Party for independents and moderates.  Democrats have lost the narrative to define themselves.  Congressional and down race Republicans aren't in the news.  Trump is taking the heat for generic Republicans and the Republican Party has managed to maintain some distance from Trump.  No one is going to be running on Trump's coattails or to protect Trump's legacy.  Down race Republicans can run as a 'sane' alternative to socialist Democrats. 

I would not be surprised that Trump loses reelection and Democrats lose their House majority.  I don't see a path for Democrats to regain control of the Senate at this early point in the campaign season.

From my perspective, Democrats are throwing down race candidates under the bus just to win the White House.

Professor Guide
6.1.4  MrFrost  replied to  Nerm_L @6.1.3    6 years ago

We may agree on other things, but not politics. So, I will just agree to disagree. 

Professor Expert
6.1.5  Nerm_L  replied to  MrFrost @6.1.4    6 years ago
We may agree on other things, but not politics. So, I will just agree to disagree. 

It'd be pretty boring if everyone agreed on everything.

I see Pelosi has pushed through a resolution condemning Trump which will knock this off the news cycle pretty quickly.  Pelosi has a vested interest in squelching this little blow up as quickly as possible.  I imagine the episode will be gone by Friday, if not sooner.

Of course, Trump may step in and fan the flames.  If not, I expect Trump will do something else to spark another round of outrage.  Trump needs to keep public attention focused on the far left of the Democratic Party.

Professor Principal
7  author  JohnRussell    6 years ago


Junior Silent
8  livefreeordie    6 years ago

Trump’s comments were not racist. Today the House Republicans declared that these Democrats are radical socialists, anti-Semites, and haters of America which is exactly what they are.   They need to be exposed and denounced daily until we arerid of them from Congress and their insidious ideologies 


Professor Guide
8.2  MrFrost  replied to  livefreeordie @8    6 years ago
Trump’s comments were not racist.

Yea, they were. Because you don't see them as racist changes nothing. Trump has been a racist his entire life, he has proven it over and over and over again. Deal with it. 

And for the record, Larry? People who defend obvious racist comments doesn't exactly put them in a "good light". 

If Jesus came back today, do you think trump would scream for him to go back to his native country? Do you think Jesus would have supported trumps comments? 

Never in a million fucking years. 

Junior Silent
8.2.1  livefreeordie  replied to  MrFrost @8.2    6 years ago

Nope. This is about the Anti-American ideology of these radical leftists in Congress It has nothing to do with skin color




So the radical leftist Democrats tells us President Trump is the most racist person in America.   Let’s look at the evidence that they don’t want you to see or read

Trump and Jesse Jackson

Jesse and Trump enjoyed a long and close relationship from which Jesse benefited greatly not only did Trump contribute to Jesse's organizations OPERATION PUSH & RAINBOW COALITION he donated heavily to both of Jesse's presidential campaigns [84-88] with money and material, Jesse said at the time "Trump created a comfort zone for people when I ran for the presidency and although many others thought it was something laughable or something to avoid ,he came to our business meetings here in NEW YORK because he has this sense of curious and the will to make things better".

Trump and Russell Simmons  

“Not long ago, Donald J. Trump and Russell Simmons were close.

Mr. Simmons, the hip-hop mogul, and his brother Rev. Run would fly on Mr. Trump’s private plane to Mar-a-Lago, the real estate developer’s lavish Florida resort. Mr. Simmons even had a playful nickname for Mr. Trump: Richie Rich.

When Mr. Simmons was going through a divorce, Mr. Trump’s teasing phone calls lifted his spirits.”

Professor Principal
8.2.2  author  JohnRussell  replied to  livefreeordie @8.2.1    6 years ago

Trump : One of my best friends is black....  lol. 

Where's my African American ? Where's my African American? 

Junior Silent
8.2.3  livefreeordie  replied to  MrFrost @8.2    6 years ago

Do you think Jesus would approve of the Democrats love of infanticide?

or their promotion of sexual perversion as good?

do you think he would approve of the left mocking faith in Him and His moral standards?

you leftists are so filled with hatred of everything good that you would be the first to kill Jesus as He preached to repent and turn from your sins

From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “ Repent , for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”   Matthew 4:17

I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.   Luke 13:3

Then He said to them, “Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And you are witnesses of these things.   Luke 24:46-48

Jesus declared “But   those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies.”

Matthew 15:18-19  

Fornication was defined by Judaism as all sex outside of the marriage of a man and a woman

Pornea as used in the Greek Septuagint text of the Old Testament and in the Greek New Testament -Sexual immorality which includes homosexuality is clearly part of that definition and no amount of twisting words can change that.

All of these fell under the definition of fornication (found in Book of Leviticus)

"...against [a man] having union with his mother."

"...against [a man] having union with his sister."

"...against [a man] having union with the wife of his father."

"...against [a man] having union with another man's wife."

"...against [a man] copulating with a beast."

"...against a woman copulating with a beast."

"...against [a man] lying carnally with a male."

"...against [a man] lying carnally with his father."

"...against [a man] lying carnally with his father's brother."

"...against engaging in erotic conduct that may lead to a prohibited union. [That is, petting by persons whose marriage would be illicit.]"

While the Torah does not explicitly mention lesbianism, the Sages included it, along with other illicit sexual practices, to fall within the proscription of following in the ways of Egyptian traditions (Sifra Leviticus 18:3)

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
8.2.4  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  livefreeordie @8.2.3    6 years ago

Thank goodness we're not living in a theocracy and none of what you just posted matters one iota to our secular democracy and constitution. You can live those scriptures all you want, but get them the fuck out of public policy, government, laws and schools. They do not belong and are not welcome.

Junior Silent
8.2.6  livefreeordie  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @8.2.4    6 years ago

I have never posted or advocated for a theocracy, in fact I oppose theocracies. My post was a direct response to Frost on his statement about Jesus. 

Your post is a red herring

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
8.2.7  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  livefreeordie @8.2.6    6 years ago
Your post is a red herring

Claiming all liberals and progressives are Marxist socialists is a red herring. Pointing out how your proclamation as to what Judaism or any other religion defines as fornication or a perversion is completely irrelevant is not.

Junior Silent
8.2.8  livefreeordie  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @8.2.7    6 years ago

1. Every member of the Progressive Caucus is a member of the Democratic Socialists USA. Some are also members of the Jakobins and orther Socialist Revolutionary organizations

if it walks like a duck....

my reason for including the definition of fornication is because Frost and others claim Jesus never said a word about homosexual behavior.  It had nothing to do with advocating for legislation

as a Christian Minarchist, I oppose legislating morality and oppose government involvement of any kind regarding consensual sexual relations including prostitution, drug use, censorship, or marriage and divorce 

Professor Guide
8.2.9  MrFrost  replied to  livefreeordie @8.2.1    6 years ago
So the radical leftist Democrats tells us President Trump is the most racist person in America.

I have not heard even one person make that claim... Now david duke (R), (a trump supporter), would likely be in the top 10. 

Knowing a few Black people doesn't mean trump isn't a racist, sorry. 

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
8.2.10  Raven Wing   replied to  MrFrost @8.2.9    6 years ago
Knowing a few Black people doesn't mean trump isn't a racist, sorry.

It's not so much who he knows, it's only the bigoted things he says and does that matters. 

Professor Guide
8.3  MrFrost  replied to  livefreeordie @8    6 years ago
radical socialists

Trump uses socialism all the time...bailing out farmers, tariffs, telling the NBA and NFL which players should be fired, Carrier jobs.. That's government interference in private business which is SOCIALISM. 

Junior Silent
8.3.1  livefreeordie  replied to  MrFrost @8.3    6 years ago

They are all members of the DSUSA (Democratic Socialists USA)

the once hidden, now open relationship of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) and the Progressive Caucus in Congress

“The current Congress could become the most radical in American history. Once-marginalized “progressives,” socialists, and even Communist Party supporters are taking the reins of several strategic congressional committees. Democratic Party leadership is bending to accommodate fired-up young radicals.

Socialists have been infiltrating the Democratic Party for decades — and the Republican Party on occasion. The situation has gotten gradually worse since the Vietnam War era. Democratic Party “moderates” have been mostly successful — with the help of the establishment media — in keeping a lid on their socialist wing for years, but the relentless pressure from open socialists, along with an increasingly indoctrinated populace, has finally blown the lid off the charade. Every election cycle the radicals have gained a little more ground. In 2018, a tipping point was reached. Mere “infiltration” is boiling over into a full-fledged scarlet-tinged socialist takeover.

Of course, there is no open “Communist Party Caucus” in the U.S. Congress, but the ties to the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) are undeniable. Our survey of the socialist revolution in Congress begins by referencing communist acknowledgements of their congressional influence, followed by a hard look at each of the major Democrat caucuses, with further documentation showing communist connections to the Congressional Progressive Caucus in particular. Then we list the various expected committee heads (this survey is going to the printer on January 3, the first day of the new Congress), encapsulating their radical connections. To make our case ironclad, our survey is necessarily detailed. This is intended not as “pleasure reading” but as an irrefutable wake-up call, and should be shared.

Quad Caucus members willingly work with the 5,000 members of Communist Party USA to broaden government programs, change U.S. foreign policy, and cut military spending.

According to an April 2010 CPUSA Political Action Commission Report submitted as part of the discussion leading up to the party’s 29th National Convention May 21-23, 2010:

The formation this year of the Quad Caucus within Congress is a reflection of a growing demographic and progressive shift within the electorate. The collaboration of the Congression­al Black, Hispanic, Asian-Pacific and Progressive caucuses creates a strong counter-force to the conservative element within the Democratic Party.

Many of our clubs are located in Congressional Districts of Quad Caucus members. A labor-people’s electoral force working within the broad alliance and relating with members of Congress can project specific legislation like passage of the Local Jobs for America Act to restore one million jobs in cities and towns, and bigger goals like shifting military funding to human needs with massive public works job creation.

A report highlighting the CPUSA’s connection to the Congressional Progressive Caucus, often referred to as the “Progressive Caucus,” was delivered at the 14th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties, held in Beirut, Lebanon, from November 22 to 25, 2012, by the late Erwin Marquit, a then-member of the CPUSA’s International Department:

The Communist Party USA not only welcomes the reelection of President Barack Obama, but actively engaged in the electoral campaign for his reelection and for the election of many Democratic Party congressional candidates….

In our electoral policy, we seek to cooperate and strengthen our relationship with the more progressive elements in [the] Democratic Party, such as the Progressive Caucus….

The Progressive Caucus was founded in 1991 by then-freshman Congressman Bernie Sanders, a longtime affiliate of the country’s largest Marxist organization, the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Caucus co-founders included DSA member Ron Dellums (D-Calif.), DSA-aligned Lane Evans (D-Ill.), and DSA/CPUSA-friendly Maxine Waters (D-Calif.).

In 1999, the youth wing of the DSA, the Young Democratic Socialists of James Madison University, wrote:

DSA. [sic] is not a political party, but rather works within the left wing of the Democratic Party and other third parties. DSA. [sic] is a driving force for the Progressive Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives (led by Rep. Bernie Sanders, Socialist Congressman of Vermont).

The Democratic Socialists’ relationship with the Congressional Progressive Caucus remains strong to this day. At 55,000 members, DSA has the electoral muscle to make even entrenched “moderate” Democrats tremble.

California Congressman and DSA-friendly Ro Khanna is now first vice-chair of the CPC, while Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is both a very vocal new member of the Progressive Caucus and a card-carrying DSA member.

Back in February 2002, Joelle Fishman, chair of the Political Action Committee-CPUSA, evaluated the usefulness of the Congressional Progressive Caucus in a report to the party’s National Board:

Although this Caucus [CPC] is not large enough to control the Congressional agenda … the existence of this group of 57 members of Congress … provides an important lever that can be used to advance workers’ issues and move the debate to the left in every Congressional District in the country.

Buoyed by an influx of new far-left members, the CPC has made a bargain with Democratic House leader Nancy Pelosi (herself a former CPC member) to significantly increase socialist power in the House of Representatives. The deal will see more CPUSA and DSA-aligned members of Congress appointed to key congressional committees, empowering them to gain even greater influence over legislative priorities.”

Junior Silent
8.3.2  livefreeordie  replied to  MrFrost @8.3    6 years ago

AOC, Bernie, and the others are openly declared Socialists. Get your head out of the sand

Do not make the mistake of under-estimating the Socialist Revolutionary Commitment of AOC and others 

These Socialists today are divided into two camps. Those who believe that through organizing and political strikes they can destroy capitalism, and those who see that as only the opening effort that must be concluded with violent revolution.

“Bhaskar Sunkara, the young, left, entrepreneurial genius who founded and publishes Jacobin, has written a book, The Socialist Manifesto, in which he puts himself forward as the spokesperson for his generation’s socialist movement in America. He is certainly in a credible position to do so. His magazine Jacobin has the largest circulation both in print and online of any left publication in many decades, and for those who want something deeper he also publishes Catalyst: A Journal of Theory and Strategy. And if you don’t have time to read, there is also Jacobin radio. He is an important figure, though not an elected officer, in the Democratic SocialistS of America or DSA, a group that now has more than 60,000 members, the largest left organization since the Communist Party of the 1940s. Bhaskar’s publications can claim credit for attracting and educating many of them. He is a public figure. He is profiled in and writes opinion pieces for The New York Times and interviewed in its podcasts. And his pieces appear in The Guardian as well. During the last several years, Bhaskar had become American socialism’s public face.

The political heart of the Socialist Manifesto is to be found in Part II, the last fifty pages, where the author lays out his political strategy for today. Bhaskar contrasts social democracy to what he sees as the alternative: democratic socialism. By democratic socialism, he means a more militant, class-struggle movement that through labor union organization, winning increasing political power in state legislatures and Congress, as well as through social protests, and political strikes will bring about a transformational change. Bhaskar recognizes that social democracy failed, but he believes that today the struggles of the left must take place principally within the old social democratic parties. Or in some cases the democratic socialists can work in new broad left parties such as Podemos in Spain. As he writes in an interesting and problematic formulation, “Class struggle social democracy, then, isn’t a foe of democratic socialism—the road to the latter runs through the former.”

Junior Silent
8.3.4  livefreeordie  replied to  Tessylo @8.3.3    6 years ago

Not surprised you still hate facts

Professor Guide
8.3.5  MrFrost  replied to  livefreeordie @8.3.2    6 years ago
AOC, Bernie, and the others are openly declared Socialists. Get your head out of the sand

Trumps is a socialist, he uses it all the time. You are in denial. 

Professor Guide
8.3.6  MrFrost  replied to  livefreeordie @8.3.4    6 years ago
Not surprised you still hate facts

Pot, meet kettle. 

Paula Bartholomew
Professor Quiet
8.3.7  Paula Bartholomew  replied to  livefreeordie @8.3.4    6 years ago

That is fing hilarious coming from a Trump supporter.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
8.3.8  Raven Wing   replied to  Paula Bartholomew @8.3.7    6 years ago

Ain't that the truth! jrSmiley_86_smiley_image.gif

Professor Guide
8.4  MrFrost  replied to  livefreeordie @8    6 years ago

How many Jews serve in congress? Here is the list:

Michael Bennet  (D-CO)#
Richard Blumenthal  (D-CT)
Benjamin Cardin  (D-MD)
Dianne Feinstein  (D-CA)
Jacky Rosen  (D-NV)*
Brian Schatz  (D-HI)
Bernard Sanders  (I-VT)
Charles Schumer  (D-NY)
Ron Wyden  (D-OR)

David Cicilline  (D-RI)
Stephen Cohen  (D-TN)
Susan Davis  (D-CA)
Ted Deutch  (D-FL)
Eliot Engel  (D-NY)
Lois Frankel  (D-FL)
Josh Gottheimer  (D-NJ)
David Kutsoff   (R-TN)
Andy Levin  (D-MI)*
Mike Levin  (D-CA)*
Alan Lowenthal  (D-CA)
Nita Lowey  (D-NY)
Elaine Luria  (D-VA)*
Jerrold Nadler  (D-NY)
Dean Phillips  (D-MI)*
Jamie Raskin  (D-MD)
Max Rose  (D-NY)*
Jan Schakowsky  (D-IL)
Adam Schiff  (D-CA)
Kim Schrier  (D-WA)*
Debbie Wasserman Schultz  (D-FL)
Brad Sherman  (D-CA)
Brad Schneider  (D-IL)
Elissa Slotkin  (D-MI)*
Susan Wild  (D-PA)*
John Yarmuth  (D-KY)
Lee Zeldin  (R-NY)

33...Larry. Just 2 are republicans. So who hates Jews again? Going by this list, it looks like the right doesn't vote for Jews. Not a sweeping generalization, just a simple fact. 

Add to that fact that the VAST majority of Jews in the USA vote Democrat. The last two   Synagogue shootings were done by far right wing extremists. The people in Charlottsville that were chanting, "blood and soil", we fascist neo-nazi's and trump supporters. 

So before you label ONE member of congress, perhaps you should worry about the all the others on YOUR side of the aisle. 

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
8.4.1  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  MrFrost @8.4    6 years ago

Well, apparently, to many Trump supporters the large number of Jewish Democrats only proves their need for the chant in Charlottesville of "Jews will not replace us!". They must imagine Jewish Americans aren't able to think for themselves and must somehow be voting against their own interest, just like they believe about of 90% of the black community who voted for Democrats in the 2018 election.

If Republicans truly think they have the best plan for all Americans including Jewish, Muslim, black, lgtbq or atheist Americans, then why do they have such low numbers of representatives from any of those minority groups?

If they were truly inclusive, you'd think they would be inviting those groups to participate in their plan for America. Of course, the answer as to why so few of those minorities vote Republican is because the Republican party platform has no room for them in their vision of America, they're not considered people to many conservatives, they're just inferior trash to be disrespected, discarded or deported.

Professor Guide
8.4.2  MrFrost  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @8.4.1    6 years ago
then why do they have such low numbers of representatives from any of those minority groups?

Exactly. In general, people are stupid, groups are smart. There is a reason large groups of minorities don't vote republican....because they know better. 

Professor Guide
8.4.4  MrFrost  replied to    6 years ago

In some cases, you are right.... Both can be true based on the issue at hand. 

Professor Principal
8.4.5  author  JohnRussell  replied to    6 years ago

There is no point to extolling civility toward the hard core Trump supporter.  Once he is gone hopefully the national tone will improve. 

Professor Principal
8.4.6  JBB  replied to  MrFrost @8.4    6 years ago

73% of American Jews voted Democratic in 2016 but that number increased to 82% in the 2018 midterm elections. Now though, with the KKK, American Nazis and all those other white nationalist groups united in support of Trump that already high percentage will surely be going up even further in 2020. American Jews are way too smart to fall for Trump's and the damn gop's double speak or for hatful anti-American anti-Democratic propaganda being spread by racial and religious bigots on American social media like the shit wr see from The Daily Stormer, Stormfront, The Aryan Nations Newsletter and The Gatestone Institute..,

Professor Guide
8.5  MrFrost  replied to  livefreeordie @8    6 years ago
and haters of America

Trump uses Chinese steel to build his buildings, he used a UK company to do election research for 2016, he is buddies with dictators that hate America...for fuck sakes Larry, not even trumps wives are American. Trump is the most lawless and corrupt president we have ever had. Christ, he makes Nixon look like an Eagle Scout. 

Professor Guide
10  Tacos!    6 years ago

Voting for Trump isn't simply a matter of approving or disapproving of him. All election choices are relative to the opposing candidates.

Bring me a better choice than Trump and I will happily vote for that person. But you're going to have to produce somebody with a little more to offer than good manners. The job of president is a little more complex than that.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
10.1  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  Tacos! @10    6 years ago
Bring me a better choice than Trump and I will happily vote for that person.

An empty discarded juice box is a better choice than Trump...

Professor Guide
10.1.1  Tacos!  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @10.1    6 years ago
An empty discarded juice box is a better choice than Trump

If that's what you think, then you can see about getting it on the ballot in all 50 states.


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