Bernie Sanders calls for eliminating all medical debt at South Carolina event
Sanders made the remark during a question-and-answer period following a town hall meeting in Florence on "Medicare-for-All." A female attendee explained to Sanders that she doesn't make enough money to qualify for ObamaCare and has accrued large a large amount of medical debt not covered by insurance.
When the woman asked Sanders if he had a plan for that, the self-described democratic socialist told her: "In another piece of legislation that we're offering, we're gonna eliminate medical debt in this country."
The Sanders campaign confirmed to Fox News that the proposal was new, but details were scant.
"We are introducing legislation that would end all medical debt in this country," Sanders told reporters as he departed the town hall. "The bottom line is it is an insane and cruel system, which says to people that they have to go deeply into debt or go bankrupt because of what? Because they came down with cancer or they came down with heart disease or they came down with Alzheimer’s, or whatever ...
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This guy's a FUCKING IDIOT, and the ones that support him are even worse !
How the Fuck is Bernie going to accomplish this act of Nuttery ?
Whose going to pay the "Companies" that are owed, for his "Dark Rainbow" Abyss Idea ?
Someone has to ! Maybe "Fine" folks for NOT getting into his system ?
And a leading contender in the DNC primaries!
Gotta love "Democrat Socialist (DS)" type voters. Always out for some "Freebie" or another.
IMHO a lot of democrat voters are voting for something other than liberal policies
The "ANTI" vote.
So he is. Having him at the top of the ticket would make destroying the Democrats so much easier.
When you think about it, the dems have a fairly pathetic group this time around.
Nobody is more Pathetic than Trump. I'll vote for anybody over Trump.
Iv'e got you down as a likely voter.
Trump uses socialism constantly, you knew that right?
Know what cj, I said the same thing about Hillary. Since then, I've been quite pleased with how much Trump has been able to accomplish, despite the fanatical efforts of The Resistance.
Besides, there is absolutely no way I would ever vote for one of those Communist wannabes, no matter who was running against them.
What exactly has this turd 'president' accomplished other than tax breaks for the uber wealthy?
You mean the business you inherited from your wife's family? That business?
I’m not wealthy in any way shape or form and I got a good tax cut from what Congress and Trump did and this year looks to be just as good.
Notice he has deliberately neglected to say how? What he has consistently refused to say is that he will raise taxes to do so, but he knows his base will have significant problems with that!
He actually says he will raise taxes, but the DS groupies that will vote for him, don't think it will come to their house.
Absolutely not.
He's made a 25+ year career out of lying through is ass promising free stuff to people who are terrible at math. He has a six figure income with full benefits and full retirement, with cheauferred cars and meals on the taxpayers dime. All this for winning an election in a tiny, insignificant state not big enough to be in America's 25 largest cities.
I wish I had known that was an option.
I respect AOC for recognizing this career path as early as she did. Bernie is old, won't live forever, and the looney left will need a replacement icon.
Sure. People are stupid.
But we all know nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.
By adding it to the national debt. Nationalizing it and stopping payment would crash the economy and make the dollar worthless.
But you don't call out trump for adding 3 trillion to the debt in three years? Hypocrite much?
Nope, not an idiot. Just a politician who is a LIAR. Thanks to several NT members re setting the standard for lying in their treatment of the President, we can and should now call out any Leftist politician for being a LIAR whenever they make an exaggerated prediction or set any policy that is unlikely to come true. Each of them will then be listed as telling thousands of lies, since most of the policies they want to form are totally idiotic.
Well, at least there's one thing we can be grateful for-- with all the lying politicians there are, at least we now have a president who never lies!
Pander Pander Pander...
Bribing voters is always popular.
How marvelous! Here, all these years, I've been trying to earn extra money, put off purchases I wanted to make, tried to invest wisely, and so on. I'm a chump! All I needed to solve my financial worries was little legislation. Just pass a law and your debt goes away.
This is a great idea. We should pass other laws. We should pass a law to eliminate cancer. Or war. Or ungratefulness in children.
And when the people who hold the debt complain about getting paid, we'll just tell them: "Relax, friend! No one owes you money anymore. We passed a law!"
Pass a law to make my kid like vegetables.
What about those of us who already paid off our college debt. Same principle involved. Do we get it paid back or are we punished for being responsible?
Tell me about it. I spent 100% of my own money on tuition. I want a refund now.
Bernie has the young vote just like he did in 16, but Warren has the young vote to.
I'm calling the female socialist winning the Democrat nomination.
Warren has made in roads.
i see EVERY post before mine asking how would this be paid for...
i did not do the mathematical equations, but i'd have to bet,
all the money from "middle class tax cut" LIES that what , 83% is destined to go into uber rich or large corporation coffers could have easily paid for this and so much more, but the rich obviously deserved it, after all, it's their money that has allowed A whole to remain in office this long, as as long as Trump keeps nominating pos conservative justices and the money flowing to the TOP,
nothing to see here.
That one is easy. She actually did lie on official documents about her ethnicity. ELIZABETH WARREN IS A LIAR.
Where do you think all those extra jobs that lowered the unemployment rate came from? Did they just appear out of the sky? Do you think that those extra jobs are not helping the middle class?
It's called Medicare for all. It will end medical debt.
And existing medical debt? Will government paying that be the parting gift for health insurance companies as they are legislated out of existence by Medicare for all?
I don't think he's said anything about existing medical debt.
Wrong. Wouldn't even come close, and the basic Medicare for All promise is idiotic to anyone who can do math anyway. There just aren't that many rich people who have money within US jurisdiction where it can be grabbed. Did you think that those people in the 1% were so stupid that they would leave their money where it can be stolen by any greedy politician. Not only Sanders but every Democrat candidate who came out for Medicare for All is a LIAR.
Do you find it a tad difficult to believe, that WE, THe United States of America, can't afford healthcare for all, while WE ARE THE ONLY fully developed DEMOCRACY(form of) in the non third world to NOT COVER ALL OF ITS CITIZENS>>>>?What a Joke !
We can't afford it ???? You really have to come out into the sunshine now and then, as that bunker mentality is so off base, it's now caught in a rundown, and about to be tug
Every other country that covers their citizens do it for far less money than we do here. It takes up close to 20% of our gdp and most countries pay closer to half that. Our system is the least effective and the most expensive. Obamacare started bringing our costs down. Republicans made sure to reverse that at our expense. Republicans are the LIARS.
When telling a lie, tell a fucking whopper.
Read the rest of the article as it addresses the majority of people have inadequate health insurance; but at least they have insurance right? The insurance companies love the PPACA for a reason.
Do you know what you are posting? And what solutions republicans have? Lets talk about the 'new' cheap policies Trump champions now after taking protections off. Its a BACKWARD step to the worthless waste of money policies that people pay and don't cover anything when the need arises. Look it up if you forgot, in fact look up the ways republican run states REFUSED to work for their citizens on the ACA and instead have done everything in their power to fuck it up. Still doing it, still lying about it. And still total lack of understanding of how insurance is supposed to work (reference #2). Now go look at the pace of cost increases before and after the ACA. And FYI, employers have been ditching covering healthcare for employees for decades because of its expense, and its one of the reasons wages don't increase. If republicans TRULY want to fix healthcare, fucking bring it to the table instead of trying so hard to make sure what's in place fails. The ACA WAS THEIR PLAN and that's why they don't have anything else. You've proved bupkis. Trumpublicans are fucking up healthcare as we speak.
As Ronin clearly showed, that is a LIE. How did that "If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance" thing work out? That, in itself, means that Barack Obama was a LIAR. Joe Walsh, the Congressman who called him out for lying at the State of the Union address was impolite but absolutely correct.
And those countries are almost bankrupt while their citizens are paying enormous taxes. They had some riots in Greece not long ago about just that.
How does that 70% base tax rate for everyone, not just rich people, appeal to you. Are you willing to give up 70% of your income to the government based on some lying professional politician's promises?
You think I am a Republican. How cute.
The PPACA was the biggest piece of bullshit legislation the Dems could have come up with. It did nothing to control costs; and the insurance companies love it.
As for lying about it. Well lying is a two way street.
You want another piece of evidence. Look at how much the stock prices increased for health insurance companies after the PPACA passed.
Insurance companies are laughing all the way to the bank. Shows they were far smarter than the Dems that put together the law.
Just change medical debt to tax debt. Simple.
What happened to trumps "marvelous wonderful healthcare for all" that he lied about during the campaign? Oh that's right, it was a lie.. LOL