NASA took tree seeds into space nearly 50 years ago. Here's what happened to them.
Category: Health, Science & Technology
Via: perrie-halpern • 6 years ago • 13 commentsWhen astronaut Stuart Roosa boarded for the Apollo 14 in 1971he wasn’t alone. He was carrying a canister the size of a soda can, filled with 500 seeds from various tree species. Almost 50 years later, some of those so-called Moon Trees are still growing across the United States.
Why not?
Wonder what kind of quarantine the seeds had to go through before they could be planted.
This Moon Tree was planted on my birthday.
Thanx Stuart Roosa!
I had a Moon Pie once.
Does that count?
With an RC??
The only way to have a moon pie .....
Cool story, thanks.
I collected a 5 pound coffee can full of weed seeds from each time I visited space and then scattered them in a stream fed canyon at my favorite vacation spot in '85. unfortunately I was in space when I did that, and I haven't been able to find that canyon again despite numerous attempts to do so. so much for becoming the next johnny weed seed.
Acid will do that to you.
bwah ha ha. poor clueless straight arrows. cheap acid is what we sold to drunk jockstraps well after midnight on friday. that took them out of the action for saturday night. then we would satisfy the bad boy fantasies of their stood-up goody 2 shoe girlfriends by shaking their pom-poms at the local drive-in.
I love me some internet badasses. So full of imagination and whimsy.
Never as remotely clever in real life as their “imagined” fake lives online.
Poor bubba’s ........ get a life!
Ordinary trees need sunlight to enable the process of photosynthesis. Do these trees need moonlight to do that?
Someone should make a movie called "The Vampire Trees" - they attack when the moon is full.