We Shouldn’t Disgrace Ourselves

Over the last 24 hours, in emails and tweets, I’ve heard people say some version of ‘Hey, it’s a twofer. Maybe this new scandal will take out Trump and Joe Biden!’
Let me say that there are lots of reasons for Democrats not to support Joe Biden – ideology, mass incarceration, age, it not being his time, politics, just qualities as a campaigner. But even though these comments are semi-flippant this is a temptation Democrats should resist. This really is no different from claims that Hillary Clinton killed Vince Foster or Barack Obama was born in Kenya, though obviously there’s a racist component to the latter canard. In terms of being in touch with reality or not, it’s no different. Democrats are prone to being manipulated in this way. They really need to resist the urge, just as Clinton’s opponents should have resisted rightwing and Russian efforts to sow divisions among them in 2016.
Again, this is not about supporting Joe Biden. But the claims that Giuliani and Trump are making aren’t just driven by blackmail or abuses of government power. They’re ridiculous on their face. This has all been scrutinized. Not only is there no evidence. The timeline doesn’t even add up.
This is like a redo on becoming pawns in a Russian intelligence operation in 2016. What President Trump and Rudy Giuliani are doing here is shocking abuse of power and national betrayal. In any normal world or by any normal standard, this would lead rapidly to the President’s resignation. Obviously that won’t happen. Because anything the President does will be backed or excused by his supporters in Congress.
But any sort of wink-and-a-nod passive benefit from this kind of criminal conduct is a disgrace. There’s no other way to put it. It’s not about Joe Biden. It’s about maintaining a democratic republic if we can keep it.
TPM is a far left progressive website, so this article is just more left wing lies and propaganda.
The Bidens' actions in Ukraine need to be thoroughly investigated
I doubt if you even know what the controversy is about.
You are a comedian, lol.
The quote is from the seeded article, so obviously there is a source attached and available.
I give my own opinion about many things, including this. Trump should be impeached for it, and all the other crap he pulls on a daily basis.
We do know that Vince Foster did not commit suicide.
We do know that Obama himself, not his publicist, claimed to have been born in Kenya.
We do know that Biden and son meddled in the affairs of Ukraine.
I seem to know more about than you do. Try harder to keep up and quit quoting snark.
Well, some opinions are based on truth and some are based on bamboozling. I think we all know which one Trumps opinions are based on.
Aren't you trying to bamboozle we Trumpers?
Multiple times a day?
WTF? Vince Foster DID commit suicide, perhaps you should post your 'proof'.
Obama NEVER claimed to be born in Kenya, wtf was that snopes link about.
Now I'd love a reaction to Trump trying to strong arm the new leader of Ukraine into investigating Biden. Can dems ask our allies to get dirt on Trump? Can we dig deeper into the Trump spawn's shady dealings along with this? Do you care about Trump's misdeeds and lies? If so, why do you continue to defend and pretend he doesn't?
Greg, you are a birther. That in itself will cause reasonable people to question what you "know".
I have never claimed to be a birther, I just question Obama's nativity story and who his real father was.
The publicist originally wrote it as he submitted the copy to her. Of course it was cleaned up later for public consumption.
Obama's history is very murky and dirty, and it had nothing to do with his race, but the people he associated with.
Trump has already done that.
Same reaction to Biden strong arming Ukraine. Oh wait, that doesn't count does it. He has the all important D behind his name.
The Obama administration already did that with Ukraine, or has the left already forgotten?
Remember the Mueller investigation into all things Trump including his family, businesses, and everyone even remotely associated with him? Enough said.
Obviously no more than the left does about anyone on the lefts' misdeeds and lies.
Ukraine has been a pawn for both parties; with the tax payers footing the bill on the payoffs.
Joe Biden withheld, or threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine over corruption among holdovers from the previous Russia backed regime and their AG's "reluctance" to investigate the oligarchs and their cronies even in the AG's own office.
President Trump, just admitted at the UN, this morning, that he too withheld $400 million in military aid to Ukraine because of corruption.
The democrat party has been a disgrace toAmerica since around 1968.
The R party has been also but have taken it to a new height over the past few years.
Is the Possibility that Ol' Joe extorted a government for his son's benefit, not more worrisome to you ?
What does Hunter Biden know about exploration, production, processing, transportation, and final sale of hydrocarbons’ anyway ?
Hunter Biden probably used his name to get a position on the board of a Ukranian company, and was very well paid. This appears to represent a conflict of interest for his father, who was vice president of the United States at the time.
Joe Biden sought to have a corrupt prosecutor in Ukraine removed , AS PART OF HIS DUTIES AS VICE PRESIDENT.
When Joe Biden called for the firing of the prosecutor it wasnt because of his son , it was because it was the stated position of the US government and the European Union. The prosecutor was corrupt related to other cases and the US did not want to give more money to a country with a corrupt judiciary.
One can say that Biden was the wrong person to bring that message, as he had a son involved in Ukranian business at the time.
But this is hardly a scandal that a jackass like Trump should be trying to make into a mountain. And even if it were to be a "mountain" , Trump asked a foreign government to meddle in our election, and used his personal attorney Giuliani as part of the scheme. Giuliani is not a US government official, he is a private Trump lackey. What the hell is he doing trying to get Ukraine to effect our election?
Joe Biden sought to have a corrupt prosecutor in Ukraine removed , AS PART OF HIS DUTIES AS VICE PRESIDENT.
Meddling and interfering in the internal affairs of another country is certainly not one of his duties as VP.
And once again....Trump did not ask Russia to meddle in our election, and any meddling Russia did on her own had no impact on the results.
[Deleted] TRUMP ABSOLUTELY DID ASK RUSSIA TO HELP HIM IN THE ELECTION. And enough of this fake concern about Biden. Trump is currently doing worse and you pretend he isn't and defend when you can't deny. But stop the LIE that Trump isn't working with Russia, we can still see and hear it with our own fucking eyes and ears.
You're making stuff up as usual. You can't cite one credible instance of Trump asking Russia for help.
That remark about the 30.000 emails was a joke intended to mock Hillary.
However, the Russians did indeed hack the emails that were on that server, which she thought she had deleted.
Why, do you think, the American government was urging the Ukranians to investigate Paul Manafort in 2016? Might it possibly have something to do with the 2016 election?
But that’s different. It’s ok when Obama and Democrats do it.
It is not okay for either side to do it. It is also not okay to let it go on simply because the other guy did it first.