
People Who Hear Voices in Their Head Can Also Pick Up on Hidden Speech


Category:  Mental Health and Wellness

Via:  loretta-mashkawidee-kemsley  •  5 years ago  •  97 comments

People Who Hear Voices in Their Head Can Also Pick Up on Hidden Speech
The secret to both might lie in how our brains experience the world.

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

Serial killer David Berkowitz, also known as the "Son of Sam," famously claimed that he heard voices in the form of a dog telling him to commit murder. But hearing voices isn't necessarily a sign of psychosis . In fact, according to the authors of a recent study published in the journal Brain , enhanced attention-related nerual pathways might cause these illusory sounds . People hear them because their brains may be especially primed to pick up speech .

"It's true that lots of people who hear voices have serious mental health issues," Ben Alderson-Day, a psychological research at Durham University and lead author on the study told Popular Science . "But roughly 5 to 15 percent of the general population will have some experience of hearing unusual voices at some point in their lives. We think potentially up to one percent might have pretty frequent experiences and just don't really tell anyone and get on with their everyday lives."

It's this one percent that catches psychologists' attention. Because this group isn't clinically psychotic and thus typically not on psychotropic medication, researchers can study their tendency to hear voices without the confounding factors of mental illness . They think these benign voices hearers could bring some explanation to why humans hear voices, and perhaps a more broad understanding of the brain.

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Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
1  seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley    5 years ago

From the article:

"There's an increasingly popular theory on how our brain makes sense of the world. Rather than just receiving sensory information passively, our brain is actively making predictions about the world and looking for meaningful patterns," says Alderson-Day. The theory called predictive processing or predictive coding posits that a lot of our experience of the outside world is more about what we expect we happen rather than what is actually happening. It may explain, for example, why we tend to see shapes in clouds and Rorschach blots . We experience what we expect to experience, and we only change those predictions or expectations once we have enough evidence forcing our hand.

“And there's an idea,” adds Alderson-Day, “that the people who hear voices might have brains that are a bit more primed to look for meaningful patterns in the environment around it particularly in unusual or ambiguous situations.”

Professor Expert
2  Krishna    5 years ago

Do you believe that there actually is such a things as psychic ability? (AKA "ESP" or "Extra Sensory Perception")?

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
2.1  seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley  replied to  Krishna @2    5 years ago

I do. I've never heard voices I would describe as "in my head," but I did have a visitation from my mother at a time things were looking pretty dark financially. She told me not to worry because a check was coming in the mail. That surprised me because I wasn't expecting a check. But she was right. It was a refund from the assessor's office because of earthquake damage to my home. 

She also said there's been a mix-up on the forwarding address (I was renting another home because of the damage to mine), so it had bounced back and forth between the local post office and the sorting center. She was right about that too.

I didn't know any of that, so it wasn't something I could have provided to myself. She worked at the PO before she died, so knowing that was right up her alley.

I can pick up on how horses feel and what they're thinking. I don't know if that is because of ESP or because I've lived with them my entire life and have gotten adept at picking up cues from their behavior -- or perhaps both. I can call winners at the race track as can my sister, so I don't know how to explain it.

Professor Expert
2.1.1  Krishna  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.1    5 years ago

I have been curious about these sorts of unusual phenomena for a long time, so I've studied them for quite a few years. In fact, I recently completed a course in developping one's psychic abilities.

While not generally accepted by society (at least in the West-- in Asia they are more widely recognized) everyone has the potential to develop these abilities. And as with any gift, a few rare individuals were born with these abilities already strongly developped. (In the past these poor folks were often burned as "witches").

Sometimes people have a communication from the spirits of relatives who have walked on. (Often, but not always, it is to warn them of an impending danger).

There is even a group of words in the English language to describe these phenomena. (The practice of communicating with the spirits of those who have left the physical plane is referred to as "Mediumship". Someone who helps people get in touch is referred to as a "Medium").

A psychic experience that foretells the future is referred to as "pre-cognizance".

Professor Expert
2.1.2  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @2.1.1    5 years ago

Most people who have psychic abilities mainly get their information through just one of the senses (although some get impressions from more than one).

Seeing the information (Visions, pictures in their mind) = Clairvoyance

Hearing the information (through voices or even just other sounds) = Clairaudience 

Sensing the information via body sensations = Clairsentience (These people are also referred to as "Empaths)

Via Taste = Clairgustance

Via Smells = Clairalience 

Some psychics do not get information via any of the 5 senses-- they just somehow know it. This is called "Clair-cognizance". (For the last few years I have been mainly Clair-cognizant.

It seems you have developped psychic abilities that enable you to communicate with animals-- I have known people who have that ability. And I think many animals have it. 

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
2.1.3  seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley  replied to  Krishna @2.1.1    5 years ago

My mother told me eight years before she died she'd had a visitation from her best friend, Frieda, who was urging her to hurry up and join her, so she promised she would when my sister was an adult. Eight months after she turned eighteen, Mom died. She even told me she'd die from breast cancer, and that was four years before she was diagnosed.

When her father had a stroke and before we knew he did, she woke up in the middle of the night crying, saying he'd come to visit her and told her to hurry to visit him. She did. He lingered until she got there but died a few hours later.

PhD Quiet
2.1.4  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.1.3    5 years ago

How about your children or grandchildren ?

Any signs of ESP in them ?

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
2.1.5  seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley  replied to  igknorantzrulz @2.1.4    5 years ago

My sister called one day to tell me my daughter was pregnant and so was hers. No one in the family had said anything like that, so I asked her how she knew. She said Dad told her. She said one would be a boy and one would be a girl. Sure enough, my grandson was born a few months later.

He talked to Dad for years after he was born. He'd point at Dad's photo when we asked who he was talking too. Dad was the first person he ever said a word to.

His mother, my daughter, worked for a while as a psychic. She said my dad visited her at work and told her things she didn't know.

My other daughter was very ill. She thought she was dying. My dad appeared to her and told her, no, now is not your time. She was passed out cold when her husband got home that night. The doctor at the hospital was surprised she survived.

My sister's two year old said he saw grandma standing by the grave during her funeral. He waved at someone, and my sister turned to look. No one was there so she asked and that was his answer.

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
2.1.6  seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley  replied to  igknorantzrulz @2.1.4    5 years ago

I used to do investigative journalism. I would have leaps of inspiration that there was a wrongdoing and know what it was before I had the facts. I'd go looking for the facts, and it would confirm what my institution told me.

I specialized in accounting and legal issues, so it couldn't have been something I made up and then "proved" by overlooking other stuff. Everything I worked on had written proof behind it.

No explanation, just a knowledge that it happened more than once.

PhD Quiet
2.1.7  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.1.6    5 years ago

oh, i believe it's real.

I've never been "visited", but believe it happens, so i believe you.

that's why i inquired about your family.

i've had weird 'hunches' , out of nowhere come true, but not lke the stuff you're referencing.  

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
2.1.8  seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley  replied to  igknorantzrulz @2.1.7    5 years ago
I believe we're all born with the ability, but for various reasons, we shut it down, especially if we get negative feedback when we share it. I never gave it much thought until I was an adult and began exploring new spiritual ideas. That's when I began learning about all the different types of "other world" happenings.

I later came to believe that what we're discussing is simply one dimension leaking through to another, so to speak. We're all used to thinking in three dimensions. Some of us are used to four. But Einstein said there were quite a few more. I think he said nine or eleven, but I don't remember for sure. So we don't really have any idea how many we could tap into and who we could reach if we really dedicated ourselves.

I know there are times when I'm open to it and other times I shut it out, which leads me to think I could experience it more whenever I wish but to do so I'd have to unplug myself from stuff on this dimension to make room for it in my psychic energy plane. 
Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
2.1.9  seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley  replied to  igknorantzrulz @2.1.7    5 years ago
i've had weird 'hunches' , out of nowhere come true, but not lke the stuff you're referencing. 

That's called intuition. Studies have shown it's real. Your brain uses a lot of short cuts and pathways to link one thing to another.  It can do this because it has a vast storage of knowledge. So when we get a hunch, it has recognized two or more things it's seen before, looks them up and connects them to each other to produce the hunch, all without our active participation.

PhD Quiet
2.1.10  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.1.9    5 years ago

yea, i had a hunch that's what it was

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
2.1.11  seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley  replied to  Krishna @2.1.2    5 years ago

Your summaries are very clear and concise. You did a good job. Have you had any psychic experiences you want to share?

Professor Expert
2.1.12  Krishna  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.1.3    5 years ago
My mother told me eight years before she died she'd had a visitation from her best friend, Frieda, who was urging her to hurry up and join her, so she promised she would when my sister was an adult. Eight months after she turned eighteen, Mom died. She even told me she'd die from breast cancer, and that was four years before she was diagnosed.When her father had a stroke and before we knew he did, she woke up in the middle of the night crying, saying he'd come to visit her and told her to hurry to visit him. She did. He lingered until she got there but died a few hours later.


Professor Expert
2.1.13  Krishna  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.1.5    5 years ago

My sister called one day to tell me my daughter was pregnant and so was hers. No one in the family had said anything like that, so I asked her how she knew. She said Dad told her. She said one would be a boy and one would be a girl. Sure enough, my grandson was born a few months later.

Just to be a bit pedantic-- as I mentioned previously, there are different types of psychic experiences. Some psychic people have those sorts of experiences rather frequently-- others don't. (Psychic experiences called "precognition")-- accurately predicting future events).

Professor Expert
2.1.14  Krishna  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.1.5    5 years ago

His mother, my daughter, worked for a while as a psychic. She said my dad visited her at work and told her things she didn't know.

To expand upon previous comments-- I have learned that there are many types of psychic experiences. Being able to be in touch with the spirits of deceased persons, IMNSHO, is a bit different. (Its called "Mediumship"*). Whole any normal person (who is open minded) can develop their psychic skills, mediumship is seen by many as more difficult to develop. 

I had never experienced it before-- and while I have done regular psychic work for years, I had always been a bit skeptical about mediumship. However, It was a unit we did in my psychic course. We did an exercise where my partner communicated with the spirit that I recognized as a deceased family member. And what was said was a profound insight for me.

Then it was my turn. I was a bit nervous when it was my turn to try it-- but the women I tuned in to said I had definitely brought forth communication with her mother! (On some level I still don't believe it).


*The commonly used expression for a situation where a group allegedly tries to communication with spirits is a "seance".

Professor Expert
2.1.15  Krishna  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.1.6    5 years ago
I used to do investigative journalism. I would have leaps of inspiration that there was a wrongdoing and know what it was before I had the facts. I'd go looking for the facts, and it would confirm what my institution told me.I specialized in accounting and legal issues, so it couldn't have been something I made up and then "proved" by overlooking other stuff. Everything I worked on had written proof behind it. No explanation, just a knowledge that it happened more than once.

"Pre-cognition". (That's one type of psychic experience).

I think most people have never (or rarely) had a psychic experience in adulthood. However, of the people who have almost never had one, here's one that may be the most common:

The phone rings. They suddenly have a mental flash that its someone they know-- someone they haven spoken to or even though of in many years. They pick up the phone-- and sure enough its the person they thought it was. 

That's actually a "precognitive experience" (knowing something is going to happen before it does).

because of the skepticism in our society as a whole, people often dismiss these genuine psychic experiences as "coincidences". 

Professor Expert
2.1.16  Krishna  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.1.8    5 years ago

I know there are times when I'm open to it and other times I shut it out, which leads me to think I could experience it more whenever I wish but to do so I'd have to unplug myself from stuff on this dimension to make room for it in my psychic energy plane. 

How to develop those abilities? 

Its all "Carnegie Hall All Over Again"!

Professor Expert
2.1.17  Krishna  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.1.11    5 years ago
Your summaries are very clear and concise. You did a good job. Have you had any psychic experiences you want to share?

Very few actually happened spontaneously. I don't think I was born with any great special gift for this.

But I've have studied these things for many years.

Recently I completed a year long programme in developing Psychic Abilities. We learned about many different types of Psychic phenomenon-- different techniques and types of readings, telemetry, Police-type Psychic Investigation, etc. And then more advanced stuff like mediumship (contacting spirits of the deceased), a little work with telekinesis (moving object via mind power alone...but we didn't get into Psychic healing (although I am a Second Degree Reiki) , and learned about Remote Viewing (which tis he real way the government actually found bin Laden although they won't admit it publicly).

Professor Expert
2.1.18  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @2.1.17    5 years ago

(cont'd from 2.1.17)

But learning how to do these things is just a start-- in order to become proficient you have to practice, practice, practice.

So after a lecture and questions, we paired up and practiced the new psychic technique we learned with a partner. 

The teacher has legit credentials as a Psychic. (The only kind of credentials you can trust-- she's been hired by Police Depts to help solve unsolved cases. She recently mentioned that she was in the JonBenet Ramsey home).

She has also learned mediumship by attending the prestigious Arthur Findlay College in Britain (there is a seed about that on NT)

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
2.1.19  seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley  replied to  Krishna @2.1.13    5 years ago

I've never studied the different types of psychic experiences. I've focused on learning more about what I've experienced. Even though I know they're real, they seem other worldly. This is a fascinating subject though and I can see why you've studied it. Do knowing more about the various types help you in your own experiences?

When my dad was dying, several people saw entities waiting for him. He even talked to them with us there. They apparently were urging him to hurry.

I think we just need to open our thoughts and hearts to these possibilities, including reading the books of researchers who document things like this. Even though it seems miraculous, it's probably just as common as other things that once seemed strange miraculous: flying in an airplane, for instance.

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
2.1.20  seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley  replied to  Krishna @2.1.17    5 years ago
learned about Remote Viewing (which tis he real way the government actually found bin Laden although they won't admit it publicly)

It would have been disastrous to admit it because so many would have reacted with disbelief and ridicule.

Do you know about the classroom in Wyoming with two bombers in the room with students? This is a verified event where angels saved the kids when the bombs went off and at least one child later identified her angel by a photo in an old family photo album she'd never seen before.

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
2.1.21  seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley  replied to  Krishna @2.1.15    5 years ago

Speaking of phone calls, when we were trying to settle Mom's estate, there was paperwork needed that couldn't be found. One of my sisters answered her phone and Mom was on the line, telling her where to find the paperwork.  My sister was in her own home, not Mom's, so she called and told my other sister where it was and sure enough, the paperwork was where she said.

Do you think adults really don't experience these things, or that they ignore or bury knowledge of them because they're afraid of the unknown?

Professor Expert
2.1.23  Krishna  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.1.19    5 years ago

I've never studied the different types of psychic experiences. I've focused on learning more about what I've experienced. Even though I know they're real, they seem other worldly. This is a fascinating subject though and I can see why you've studied it.

Well, one of the reasons I've studied the different types is because of the programme I'm in. It is a year long programme-- each month the curriculum had usn learn about a different type pf psychic phenomena. And practice each one a bit!

But it wasn't merely an academic exercise-- the purpose of the coursework was to help us become psychic-- sdo we could use it afterwards. (We spent a little time on each type so we could see which one(s) we wanted to further develop and use afterwards).

Some students actually wanted to become professional psychics of one sort or another.-- do that as a career. Others didn't-- but rather wanted to develop and use their psychic abilities to enhance their proficiencies in their regular professions. (One guy is a successful lawyer-- he said that one of the things he got out pf the course was that "now I can tell when my clients are lying to me". LOL! And others were probably just curious-- and/or thought it would be interesting.

Professor Expert
2.1.24  Krishna  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.1.19    5 years ago

Do knowing more about the various types help you in your own experiences?

Yes-- in daily life sometimes. I still need to practice amore to get better at it.

In addition, long before I took the course I've studied Astrology. Which is actually something different. For years I've been experimenting with seeing how Astrology (c0mbined with more "conventional" methods) could beused in trading stocks. Now I'm adding my fledgling psychic abilities to that.

Professor Expert
2.1.25  Krishna  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.1.19    5 years ago

When my dad was dying, several people saw entities waiting for him. He even talked to them with us there. They apparently were urging him to hurry. 

I have heard similar stories from other people who have experienced the same thing!(Although I haven't personally).

Professor Expert
2.1.26  Krishna  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.1.21    5 years ago
Do you think adults really don't experience these things, or that they ignore or bury knowledge of them because they're afraid of the unknown?

Yes and yes!

Some people experience them fairly often... some almost never. And as you mentioned, many people are afraid of what they don't understand.....so they arestrongly in denial. (Sometimes to the point of actually talking themselves in to believing that they didn't happen!

In addition, thoughout history (in the West-- Europe and the Americas) the clergy had a vested interest in maintaining their power. They wanted to keep the masses dependent on them. They knew that they would loose their power over the masses if people developed their own spiritual power. So they promoted the message that these sort of powers are the work of the devil, etc, etc.

Over centuries that view has so permeated society that even some folks who are devout Atheists often have a fear of these sorts of phenomena!

Professor Expert
2.1.27  Krishna  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.1.20    5 years ago
Do you know about the classroom in Wyoming with two bombers in the room with students? This is a verified event where angels saved the kids when the bombs went off and at least one child later identified her angel by a photo in an old family photo album she'd never seen before.

Thanks for posting that-- Interesting story-- I had never heard of that before! 

Many years ago I wouldn't have believed it-- but since then I have heard of-- and even experienced-- some very strange things.

Professor Guide
2.2  Gordy327  replied to  Krishna @2    5 years ago
Do you believe that there actually is such a things as psychic ability? (AKA "ESP" or "Extra Sensory Perception")?

I don't. Anyone claiming to be a psychic is a liar.

PhD Quiet
2.2.1  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Gordy327 @2.2    5 years ago

thats y i spell it psycho

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
2.2.2  seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley  replied to  Gordy327 @2.2    5 years ago
Anyone claiming to be a psychic is a liar.

Does that include Moses and other biblical prophets?

PhD Quiet
2.2.3  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.2.2    5 years ago

oh boy, you're opening up a can of worms there...

Professor Expert
2.2.4  Krishna  replied to  Gordy327 @2.2    5 years ago
Anyone claiming to be a psychic is a liar.


Professor Expert
2.2.5  Krishna  replied to  Gordy327 @2.2    5 years ago


Professor Expert
2.2.6  Krishna  replied to  igknorantzrulz @2.2.1    5 years ago
thats y i spell it psycho

I am psychicd-- so I'm wondering why you would call me "psycho?"

(Unless you possibly consider it a compliment?

pat wilson
Professor Participates
2.2.7  pat wilson  replied to  Gordy327 @2.2    5 years ago
Anyone claiming to be a psychic is a liar.

You're claiming knowledge you simply don't have. And your comment is rather strident.

Professor Expert
2.2.8  Krishna  replied to  pat wilson @2.2.7    5 years ago

You're claiming knowledge you simply don't have. And your comment is rather strident.

Welcome to The Newstalkers!  jrSmiley_4_smiley_image.png

Professor Expert
2.2.10  Krishna  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.2.2    5 years ago
Does that include Moses and other biblical prophets?

And what about th e other, perhaps not-so-biblical prophets? (Personally I'd be a bit skeptical about those...) 


PhD Quiet
2.2.11  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Krishna @2.2.6    5 years ago

(Unless you possibly consider it a compliment?

i've my own special way of sayin most any and every

thing, like a hand that answers the phone, a call from beyond, 

our realm of thinking, and not just while heavily drugged or drinking.


I've respectfully stated my thoughts on said subject, and was not meaning to be disrespectful of any here, it is just my nature to use humor, as my own medium, that i rarely, say, get well done, as i prefer a warm pink center to be a universal meeting place for cannibalistic vegans to meet 

from any and all realms, all should be welcome.

Even say ones, who might not believe.

Cause i'm one to welcome all thoughts on any subject.

Just my two non sense.

pat wilson
Professor Participates
2.2.12  pat wilson  replied to  Release The Kraken @2.2.9    5 years ago

Ask her for lottery numbers !

Professor Expert
2.2.14  Krishna  replied to  pat wilson @2.2.12    5 years ago
Ask her for lottery numbers !

I have tried that (only a few times) with no success. 

However, I have been experimenting with using both Astrology and psychic techniques in the stock market. (Only when combined with more conventional methods!!). After some 40 years or so of studying these things I finally have seen some positive results-- but its a lot of work and I don't rely exclusively on these. I have a long way to go...and its a lot of work!

Professor Expert
2.2.16  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @2.2.14    5 years ago
However, I have been experimenting with using both Astrology and psychic techniques in the stock market

And related: I mentioned in some of the earlier comments here that there are many different types of psychic phenomena. Most consist of getting information.

More challenging is "mediumship"-- contacting spirits. 

Perhaps the most advanced is telekinesis-- literally "mind over matter".These techniques consist of using the power of mind to influence the physical world.  There are people who are trying to use this for various purposes. For example, using the power of mind to influence the way a pair of dice fall...or...influencing the stock market. I have not started working at that ...yet.

(Altghough I have witnessed some examples that I know are real-- but find hard to believe).

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
2.2.17  seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley  replied to  Krishna @2.2.10    5 years ago

I asked about biblical prophets specifically because most people I've met who don't believe in psychic experiences do believe in god instructing biblical prophets.

I don't know why they think something happened then but cannot happen today. If god could or did contact people then or performed miracles, why wouldn't they happen today?

Professor Expert
2.2.18  Krishna  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.2.17    5 years ago
I asked about biblical prophets specifically because most people I've met who don't believe in psychic experiences do believe in god instructing biblical prophets. I don't know why they think something happened then but cannot happen today. If god could or did contact people then or performed miracles, why wouldn't they happen today?

Oh ..I was wondering why you mentnioned that,.

The problem though IMO is that most religiousn"believers" have too much "brand loyalty"-- they believe its possible when their own religion makes these claims-- but the other "brands" are false!

(Again, historically this come from clergy -- in any religion-- who strayed from the true spiritual message and instead fell prey to the pitfalls of Ego...i.e. wanting to maintain their own power and control. So they set up the "Us vs Them" scenario!

Professor Guide
2.2.19  Gordy327  replied to  pat wilson @2.2.7    5 years ago
You're claiming knowledge you simply don't have. And your comment is rather strident.

Some People have always claimed to be psychics, fortune tellers, whisperers, ect. But there is not 1 documented, verifiable case where that has been proven. Neither have such individuals proven they have these abilities. They're frauds, plain and simple. 

Professor Guide
2.2.20  Gordy327  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.2.2    5 years ago
Does that include Moses and other biblical prophets?


Professor Expert
2.2.21  Krishna  replied to  Gordy327 @2.2.19    5 years ago

You're claiming knowledge you simply don't have. And your comment is rather strident.

Some People have always claimed to be psychics, fortune tellers, whisperers, ect. But there is not 1 documented, verifiable case where that has been proven. Neither have such individuals proven they have these abilities. They're frauds, plain and simple. 

So what?

There have been frauds in many fiieds. Their have been "respected" bankers on Wall Street. Politicians. Even many scientiats with excellent credentiials who have scammed people. There are greedy and/or dishonest people in all areas of life who have deceived people. 

Does that mean that all Scientists, clergyman, etc are all con artists?

I know these things exist. I don't need "scientific" proof because I have been to numerous psychics who have told me things about myself that could only be known via psychic means. And I myself have given people psychic readings that have amazed them (and also amazed myself at times).

I have seen some highly skilled people do things that defied the physical universe-- things that couldn't be trickery.

So-- if you insist on telling me I have not experienced some of the things I did-- well, I guess we'll just have to declare one of those famous NT "impasses" because I can't prove to you what I've seen..or in many cases done myself.

Professor Expert
2.2.22  Krishna  replied to  Gordy327 @2.2.20    5 years ago
Does that include Moses and other biblical prophets?

All the things re: psychic phenomena I believe because I've experienced them. (Both as the "client" in a psychic reading-- or as the reader).

But I have no idea whther anything in the Bible is true-- or false because I have no experience of it being true or not.

Professor Expert
2.2.23  Krishna  replied to  Gordy327 @2.2.19    5 years ago
But there is not 1 documented, verifiable case where that has been proven.

Once again, you talking about something of which you don't have complete knowlege.

From your comment it would seem that you have read, about people making claims that weren't proven. But that doesn't mean you investigated all claims-- or even a majority of them.

BTW I've come across this situation many times in Internet discussions-- about other topics. The prinicple at play, which I've seen numerous times over many years online (decades actually) I sum up like this:

Just because you don't know about something ...is not proof it doesn't exist. Just because you've read articles saying that something has "never" been proven-- that doesn't prove its not true!  Just because you personally have not experienced something doesn't mean it hasn't happened!!!

Professor Expert
2.2.24  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @2.2.23    5 years ago
Just because you don't know about something ...is not proof it doesn't exist. Just because you've read articles saying that something has "never" been proven-- that doesn't prove its not true!  Just because you personally have not experienced something doesn't mean it hasn't happened!!!

That's the way I think that concept is best stated.

But I didn't invent it. Its merely a description of a common occurence-- especially amongst the sorts of people who spend lots of time on social media for some strange reason.

Shakespeare said more or less the same thing, in his own style:

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio

Professor Guide
2.2.25  Gordy327  replied to  Krishna @2.2.23    5 years ago
From your comment it would seem that you have read, about people making claims that weren't proven. But that doesn't mean you investigated all claims-- or even a majority of them.

Of course not. But anyone can make a claim of anything. it's up to them to prove that claim. Otherwise, it's an empty claim.

Just because you don't know about something ...is not proof it doesn't exist. Just because you've read articles saying that something has "never" been proven-- that doesn't prove its not true!  Just because you personally have not experienced something doesn't mean it hasn't happened!!

I go by what the evidence shows. There is no evidence to support psychic abilities. I would think that if someone really did have psychic ability, they would come forward and demonstrate it and have it be verified. I've seen plenty of people, from infomercials to actual psychic "businesses" claiming some kind of psychic ability. And yet, not one has ever been demonstrated or proven to be factually true.

All the things re: psychic phenomena I believe because I've experienced them. (Both as the "client" in a psychic reading-- or as the reader).

Key word in there is "believe. Belief does not equal fact. It is also highly subjective.

But I have no idea whther anything in the Bible is true-- or false because I have no experience of it being true or not.

Personal experience is anecdotal evidence at best. Again, it's all about the objective, empirical evidence to support claims made.

So-- if you insist on telling me I have not experienced some of the things I did-- well, I guess we'll just have to declare one of those famous NT "impasses" because I can't prove to you what I've seen..or in many cases done myself.

See previous statement. Experiences can be a funny thing. Sure we all have "experiences." But how we interpret those experiences depends on individual perception, emotional, intellectual, and/or psychological state. 

Professor Expert
2.2.26  Krishna  replied to  Gordy327 @2.2.25    5 years ago
See previous statement. Experiences can be a funny thing. Sure we all have "experiences." But how we interpret those experiences depends on individual perception, emotional, intellectual, and/or psychological state. 


I'll take my experiences any day over some article I find on the Internet that says all psychic phenomena is a hoax, and since the author of the article never experienced (or read about) anything that convinced them-- its all a hoax!

Here's my experience-- you can dismiss it if you wish:

I have studied Astrology and Psychic phenomena over 40 years ago. Since then I've read many books, and attended many lectures and demonstrations-- a few were really mind-blowing. 

However what I found to be really convincing were the courses I took-- and the techniques I've practiced. I've done many reading of people who were amazed at things I told them-- a typical response to my work has been:

That's amazing-- how did you know that!

And conversely, I've been to psychics, Tarot readers, Astrologers, and mediums to which I had the same response.

So if an unelightened person such as yourself wants to call me a liar-- well I suppose nothing will convince you.

(But your respose, calling myself, Loretta, and others a liar, really days a lot more about you than it does about us...)

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
2.2.27  seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley  replied to  Krishna @2.2.26    5 years ago

I've decided to leave this site because I really can't handle the negativity that is accepted as normal here. However, I came back here to copy what I wrote here because I think this is an important part of family history to document.

What people like Gordy don't realize is their negativity doesn't mean anything to people like us. We know what we've experienced and don't feel a need to "prove" anything to him. A lot of it couldn't be "proven" anyway, like my mother's visitation with me over the check. She was there and then she wasn't. I know that for a fact because I recognized her and she left me with info I did not know -- but how would I prove that to him? Why should I even want to? I don't know him and don't care what he thinks. You shouldn't either.

If you wish to stay in touch, I'm on FB. It would be good to hear from you.

Senior Guide
2.2.28  XXJefferson51  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.2.27    5 years ago

It’s sad that we are losing another member, even a liberal one because too many it seems can’t simply discuss an issue but make it personal against the source, the author, and especially a seeder or poster regarding their seed or comment.  When will it ever stop? And for the record, I do not believe in astrology, or card reading, palm reading, or psychics, and believe their power to come from the dark side but while I don’t believe, I don’t take personal shots at those who do. 

Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom
Professor Guide
2.2.29  Sister Mary Agnes Ample Bottom  replied to  XXJefferson51 @2.2.28    5 years ago

pat wilson
Professor Participates
2.2.30  pat wilson  replied to  XXJefferson51 @2.2.28    5 years ago
I do not believe in astrology, or card reading, palm reading, or psychics, and believe their power to come from the dark side

Your words contradict themselves. You don't believe in these things yet claim they have power. smh.

Professor Guide
2.2.31  Gordy327  replied to  Krishna @2.2.26    5 years ago
I'll take my experiences any day over some article I find on the Internet that says all psychic phenomena is a hoax, and since the author of the article never experienced (or read about) anything that convinced them-- its all a hoax!

 I didn't reference or use the internet to support a claim that psychic phenomenon is a hoax. I said I go by what the evidence says. And there is no valid objective, empirical evidence to suggest psychic phenomenon is an actual thing.

Here's my experience-- you can dismiss it if you wish:

Like I said previously, experiences are subjective things.

So if an unelightened person such as yourself wants to call me a liar-- well I suppose nothing will convince you.

No need to get personal. But I am not convinced by mere claims. I prefer actual evidence which supports such claims. Such evidence is far more convincing for a claim than the claim itself.

(But your respose, calling myself, Loretta, and others a liar, really days a lot more about you than it does about us...)

I didn't call you or Loretta a liar. I'm sure you actually believe psychic phenomenon to be true. But as I said, there is nothing objective to support it.

Professor Guide
2.2.32  Gordy327  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.2.27    5 years ago
What people like Gordy don't realize is their negativity doesn't mean anything to people like us.

Loretta, it's not about being positive or negative. It's about what is  logically and factually demonstrable or empirically supported. 

We know what we've experienced and don't feel a need to "prove" anything to him.

As I 've repeatedly said now, experiences are subjective and people why "experience" a similar phenomenon can interpret it very differently. And when someone makes a claim, then it should come as no surprise if that claim is challenged. 

Professor Guide
2.2.33  Gordy327  replied to  XXJefferson51 @2.2.28    5 years ago
And for the record, I do not believe in astrology, or card reading, palm reading, or psychics, and believe their power to come from the dark side

How can you think they have power if you don't believe in them? If they have "power," and from a source, then logically that means those things are actually real and true. So either you accept they are real or not. Which I it?

Professor Expert
2.2.34  Krishna  replied to  XXJefferson51 @2.2.28    5 years ago
I do not believe in astrology, or card reading, palm reading, or psychics,

I don't believe in them either. 

But except for palm reading-- I've been doing the other three for years. (decades actually). And while I don't believe in them, I've gotten incredible feedback from many people I've done them for.

But I'm curious-- when you've have Astrological readings done --or cards-- what did the reader tell you that you disagreed with so strongly?

Professor Expert
2.2.35  Krishna  replied to  XXJefferson51 @2.2.28    5 years ago
I do not believe in astrology, or card reading, palm reading, or psychics, and believe their power to come from the dark side

Remember when the Christ Child was born?

(Actually, come to think of it, you don't look that old so you probably don't remember ..).

Anyway, there were signs that announced His birth...like a Star in the East. 

There are many Astrological references in both the Old and New T(estiment (since you are unfamiliair with Astrology you wouldn't recognize them for what they are...

(And no-- I am not going to argue religion on NT-- a thankless task!. I'll leave the religious debates to the "expertsd"-- CB and TiG!)

But those Wise men were pretty wise, they were learned in Astrology, they followed the Star....

Professor Expert
2.2.36  Krishna  replied to  Gordy327 @2.2.32    5 years ago
As I 've repeatedly said now, experiences are subjective

(Part I of II)

In the first Astrological reading I ever did that I got paid for, I knew nothing about the client. I told the client that I saw a contradiction in his chart: according to my reading of his chart, he had the chart of someone who was probably addicted to drugs. (In fact I went even further  to say that it looked like the drugs were either some sort of uppers gin.(a stimulant) or possibly a liquid. But not a downer or hallucinegen.

But it was confusing-- because I also saw indications that the guy was very powerful, probably sucessful in some area of his life-- and a born leader!

But how were these two seemingly contradictory things not at odds with each other?

Professor Expert
2.2.37  Krishna  replied to  Krishna @2.2.36    5 years ago

(Part II of II):

But how were these two seemingly contradictory things not at odds with each other?

The client admitted-- he had been a Coke (Cocaine) addict. (I saw in his chart drugs, addiction, even that it was a stimulant!). But he had overcome his addiction and had been "sober" for many years.

And he had founded a successful chain of video rental stores (this was many years ago-- there was a time these existed). By hard work and persistence he was very sucessful-- and had become rather wealthy!

And-- after he totally overcame his addiction, he personally founded a 12 step programme for drug users that had become quite successful-- he was indeed a "leader".

It was clear to me that it was an excellent reading. because-- I know Astrology. If I showed his chart to someone who didn't, they would say it wqas pure gibberish.  (I'm currently an average or slightly above average psychic-- but I'm a really excellent Astrologer (or so I've been told-- by many other long time professional Astrologers and others :-)

Now the mentally-challenged among us can go on and on about how there's no scientific proof that Astrology works, and experience is invalid.

But that was my experience (I know I'm about to be accused of lying by some NT nutcase who is obsessed with telling me I didn't experience what I have experienced!!!).

And the client  told me that his experience was was amazed by the reading-- that was his experience! 

(OK-- now people can explain to us that we didn't experience what we experienced. Why some weirdos are obsessed with doing that I have no idea!

Professor Expert
2.2.38  Krishna  replied to  Gordy327 @2.2.19    5 years ago
Neither have such individuals proven they have these abilities. They're frauds, plain and simple. 

Actually I've made those claims-- and I have proven it. To well over 100 people. (Plain and Simple).

Professor Expert
2.2.39  Krishna  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.2.27    5 years ago


Professor Expert
2.2.40  Krishna  replied to  Gordy327 @2.2.31    5 years ago


Professor Expert
2.2.41  Krishna  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @2.2.27    5 years ago

I've decided to leave this site because I really can't handle the negativity that is accepted as normal here. However, I came back here to copy what I wrote here because I think this is an important part of family history to document.

I'm getting close to that point myself...I don't know which is more annoying...the nastiness..or the abject stupidity :-(

Junior Quiet
2.2.42  dave-2693993  replied to  Krishna @2.2.41    5 years ago

Krishna, I hope you remain as I enjoy your posts immensely.

Of course, maybe you think I am a stupid one too.

Nonetheless I enjoy your posts.

BTW, maybe you do or maybe you do not recollect my personal experience of knowing when my cousin died during a layover in Germany for the first wave in Iraq II.

BTW, I was awoken when sleeping while on the east coast of the US at the time he woke me.

Then got a call from my mom, while I was on a closed base and my number had never been given to her. She is the one who told me, what I already knew. 

PhD Quiet
2.2.43  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Krishna @2.2.41    5 years ago

Definitely the STUPIDITY, as nastiness ain't gonna get it done for me


no need for any to leave for good, as too much time spent on site, can get one down, as i'm here a lot when i have no choice, as in medically laid up. I'm not sure who's happier, now that i'm feeling a bit better, Trump supporters, or myself.

All are going to find negative people wherever they wind up, it's a part of life.

Senior Guide
2.2.45  XXJefferson51  replied to  pat wilson @2.2.30    5 years ago

I believe that they exist. They have as long as every false religion since the fall of man to sin has existed.  So there is no inconsistency on my part.  I believe they exist. I believe that the things attributed to them have happened. I also believe the source of them and their origins to be dangerous and thus I don’t believe in those practices or the individuals so engaged in them.  

Senior Guide
2.2.46  XXJefferson51  replied to  igknorantzrulz @2.2.43    5 years ago

It’s the negativity and nastiness that tends to drive people away.  Stupidity as used here is a subjective term often used to describe another member for simply disagreeing on one or more topics.  Calling others stupid or believing them so over some disagreement is simply another form of negativity and nastiness.  

PhD Quiet
2.2.47  igknorantzrulz  replied to  XXJefferson51 @2.2.46    5 years ago

When some choose to argue points easily proven FALSE, stupidity is the result.

Nastiness doesn't offend this "snowflake".

Stupidity just makes it not worth the effort, as you cannot convince people who ONLY get their "information" from completely biased sources and refuse to even consider any other explanations. It leaves many dead wrong, or in intensive care, as critical, remains their condition, when critical thinking skills are not practiced, and no Independent thought, can ever be considered.

PhD Quiet
3  igknorantzrulz    5 years ago

i assumed everybody heard them, well at least the ones in     their  head.

I hear a bunch of them, but they apparently talk in sign language

Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley
Professor Participates
3.1  seeder  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3    5 years ago

It would be good if you know sign language so you can hear what they're saying. I don't, so I'd be in a real pickle if I was encountering that.

PhD Quiet
3.1.1  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Loretta Mashkawide'e Kemsley @3.1    5 years ago
I'd be in a real pickle if I was encountering that.

That would be jarring to ones mental well being. I do believe there are those that legitimately do have ESP.

When i was younger, i recall getting a hot cable box.

We all had ESP N ESPN 2.  We felt gifted

Professor Expert
3.1.2  Krishna  replied to  igknorantzrulz @3.1.1    5 years ago
We all had ESP N ESPN 2.

You must've had Cabbala!

(oooops-- I mean Cable!!!)

Professor Expert
4  Krishna    5 years ago

I hear a bunch of them, but they apparently talk in sign language

Sign language is silent-- so if you can hear it...then you are really psychic!

PhD Quiet
4.1  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Krishna @4    5 years ago

psychic,   psycho     same thing       most Deafinitely

Professor Expert
5  Krishna    5 years ago

 most Deafinitely

I hear ya! jrSmiley_7_smiley_image.png

PhD Quiet
5.1  igknorantzrulz  replied to  Krishna @5    5 years ago


excuse me while i turn up my hearing aid, some people say it's a sign i'm going deaf, but the voices in my head have given me a different sign

Professor Expert
10  sandy-2021492    5 years ago

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