Trumpism And Support For Trump Is Built On Lies And Endless Conspiracy Theories And Disinformation

by John Russell
A conservative Republican congressman named Sean Duffy was on Jake Tapper's sunday show this morning. Of course, per the news of the day he was asked to comment on the admission the other day by White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney that aid was withheld from Ukraine in an effort to get the new Ukranian government to investigate the 2016 election and the "server".
Mulvaney : “Did he also mention to me in the past that the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely, no question about that. But that’s it and that’s why we held up the money.”
Mulvaney, directly admitted that "we held up the money" because Trump wanted an investigation of the "DNC server" in relation to Ukraine.
Congressman Duffy told Jake Tapper that Trump and Mulvaney's position was acceptable because all they want to do is get to the bottom of what happened with the DNC server in 2016.
The reference to the "DNC server" is, bluntly, a direct reference to the conspiracy theory that Russia did not hack the Democratic National Committee's emails in 2016, but rather that it was an inside job by someone like the murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich, and that a Ukranian individual helped to cover up this fact through his company Crowdstrike. Crowdstrike was hired by the DNC to investigate the hacking.
Now, let's realize something. The government of the United States has OFFICIALLY rejected Trump's conspiracy theory about Ukraine and the DNC server. Robert Mueller indicted something like 15 Russians , including Russian military officers, for the DNC hack. Robert Mueller totally dismisses the Seth Rich theory . He solved the case. The Russians did it. The indictments of the Russians contain elaborate detail of exactly how and when it was done.
Mueller's findings were accepted by the Department of Justice and the indictments of the Russians for the DNC hack are still in force. The case, in the sense of the US government not knowing what happened, is over.
But Trump watches and listens to ,and reads tweets from, far right conspiracy mongers, certainly on a regular basis if not a daily basis. So he wants the "DNC server" investigated. He accepts the part of the Mueller report that concluded he did not conspire with the Russians during the 2016 campaign, but he does not accept the part of the Mueller report that conclusively determined that Russia hacked the DNC server.
He has actually and literally taken a debunked conspiracy theory onto the WORLD stage, and in doing so has humiliated this country.
What has happened to America over the past 3 years is a deepening acceptance of nonsense on the part of Trump supporters. We now have the chief of staff of the president of the United States supporting the investigation of debunked conspiracy theories. We have US congressmen coming on national news programs and suggesting that debunked conspiracy theories need to be investigated based on the whim of Donald Trump.
One of the defenses Trumpsters advance for his desire for a quid pro quo with Ukraine is that it wasnt about Biden it was about the 2016 election. As if that makes it better. If anything, it makes it nuttier. And more embarrassing, and more alarming. This is a man who is in the grip of the worst parts of social media. Trump believes in numerous conspiracy theories, and as the president of the United States and the head of a cult of personality that reveres him, he has the "power" to compel millions of people to repeat these conspiracy theories on the national and world stage. This is madness.
We are living out the plot of a political dark comedy satire . Dr Strangelove without the nuclear war. so far.
I write factual articles off the top of my head, and you you "wah wah wah" right wing talking points.
Are you a supporter of Trump's conspiracy insanity Bugsy?
removed for context
And therin lies the problem.
I have asked you many, many times to provide proof of ANY of your conspiracy theory articles, all of which went poof in a matter of hours. You have never given any, only use the CoC as your excuse to why you can't respond the way you want.
Bugsy, point out anything you like in this article that is not true.
I dont repeat conspiracy theories.
The Mueller investigation was neither a conspiracy theory or a hoax.
Well, thats for damn sure.
Wally, Mick Mulvaney admitted to a quid pro quo with Ukraine based on them investigating something about the 2016 "DNC server".
That is a debunked conspiracy theory.
Robert Mueller INDICTED Russians for the very thing that Trump now wants investigated by Ukraine.
It was based on a hoax.
I did already, but you had it deleted. I will, however, repost the biggest thing untrue about the article...
Trumpism And Support For Trump Is Built On Lies And Endless Conspiracy Theories And Disinformation
Bugsy, I did not flag you. But if you say it again I will. How about that? lol.
You are hot air.
I write articles, you complain inanely. Not really a fair fight.
What was the hoax involved in the hacking of the DNC server?
Trump is being impeached , in part, because he believes conspiracy theories such as the one about Seth Rich and the DNC server.
He's incompetent and doesnt belong in office.
My article is referring to the DNC server. Do you have anything to add about that?
Nobody said it was not hacked. The question is by whom? Thanks to whatsername Schultz, we may never know. She would not let the FBI look at it, and the FBI took the word of crowdstrike that is was the Russian.
Crappy investigation that was.
Sorry, John. I do not complain. I simply point out how inaccurate you are.
The indictments by Mueller describe exactly how and when the Russians hacked the DNC computers.
Trump, who undoubtedly knows absolutely nothing about this, insists on emabarrassing the United States, and putting his presidency in jeopardy , by asking a foreign government to get involved in promoting a conspiracy theory.
Its insane.
I read almost the entirety of your link. This little tidbit stood out...(emphasis mine)
"Special Counsel Robert Mueller moved with his usual combination of patience and strict operational security, and even though Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein briefed President Trump on the coming action before the Leaker in Chief left town, the matter held until Rosenstein disclosed it at a Justice Department press conference".
The author of this article clearly has deep biases.
Crowdstrike is mentioned in the article as the company that was used to look into the hacking. Why did Whatsername deny the access to the server to the FBI?
My opinion is there is something on that server that is damning to Hillary and/or her minions concerning their work with Ukraine and Steele to get dirt on Trump. More than likely, the Hillary campaign paid crowdstrike to keep their mouths shut and just say "The Russians did it", and the FBI, because of the higher tier biases, took their word.
THIS is why Trump is interested in the server. Even though the article says there is no genuine attempt by Ukraine to hack the servers, there are still questions of what role Ukraine played.
Trump, as a victim of a hoax, has every right to have his personal lawyer look into exactly what happened during the 2016 election. This has nothing to do with the 2020 election, unless Biden is hiding something and he is trying everything he can to keep what he knows/did under wraps, with the pretense that Trump is trying to manipulate the 2020 election.
Of course, his minions and the lemming media are following through as ordered.
Now, go ahead and insult me and describe what I am as a Trump supporter. I know you have to in every post.
Mueller was also ordered by a judge to stop claiming that the hackers were controlled by the Russian government because he didn't have evidence to support it.
Recall, the day after the Judge ordered him to stop claiming the Russian government was behind the hacking or face sanctions, he gave his "press conference" where he made that point explicitly.
What hoax? All you are doing is regurgitating a conspiracy theory. Saying there is a hoax is not evidence of a hoax. Its a conspiracy theory.
Sorry, John, but the entire PREMISE of the Mueller investigation was a hoax.
Hell, even Mueller didn't even know what was in his report, and probably never intended to know what was in it. He simply let his 18 angry democrats do what they ewanted, and they couldn't even make up wrongdoing by Trump or his campaign.
This is why it is a waste of time to engage you. Seriously, you arent up to it.
All you do is mouth right wing talking points.
A few things about your cut and paste...with no link to where you got it..
1. Like I said, no link
2. It was written by a known far leftist.
3. The Daily Beast published it.
4. It is opinion only, with quotes from other far leftists to back up the original far leftist narrative..
5. Anytime a leftist says something is "debunked", you can bet it hasn't, and the allegations are more than likely true.
6. And as a kicker to my previous post, you don't deny that the PREMISE of the Mueller probe was a hoax.
You lose....again.
Another cut and paste with no link.
The very last sentence is BS in the least.
Like Sean said above, a judge ordered Mueller to stop accusing the Russian government of hacking when he had no evidence of it. Mueller indicted some companies and those companies fought back. Mueller and his 18 democrats were surprised they did that.
Funny how we never hear about any charges against Russian companies anymore.
Wonder why that is?
John..truly..I am trying to get you to stop the nonsense. It puts you in a constant bad light.
I have yet to see you make any actual point on any of these seeds. Maybe I am missing your better efforts. Not sure.
Just calling something a hoax doesnt cut it in any way shape or form.
This is of course nonsense. There has always been a link at the bottom of 1.1.23
You need to up your game.
Pathetic is too good a word to describe that comment.
Oh by the way this is a link
Trump’s ‘Missing DNC Server’ Is Neither Missing Nor a Server
Thats why it is in blue and opens up a new tab or window when you click on it.
Bugsy, point out anything you like in this article that is not true.
Aj c'mon John-- don't embarress him publicly-- by making him stick to actual facts!
That would be unnecessarily cruel-- and unfair!
Thank God, I dont think we can take too much more of your brilliant analysis . s.
I can assure you John is not embarrassing anyone but himself. Besides, how do you embarrass yourself to 10 people, tops.
Now, about your butt in. Read 1.1.19 and your question will be answered.
If you don't like what I said, too bad.
I think you have embarrassed yourself enough for one afternoon Bugsy. Don't fret though, tomorrow is another day.
Why? What questions?
Sorry but wikipedia is not a trusted source. Anyone can go on there and change a narrative to their needs.
How do we know you are not one of them on this subject?
Some of trump's ridiculous conspiracy theories:
- Ted Cruz's father's connection to JFK's assassination. (No proof or evidence provided by trump)
- Obama not born in the USA. (No proof or evidence provided by trump, but did finally admit that Obama was born in the USA, (which means he admitted he lied))
- Bill Clinton's aides suicide. (No proof or evidence provided by trump)
- Syrian refugees are ISIS terrorists. (No proof or evidence provided by trump. Most have realized that trump uses this excuse to justify banning Muslims)
- ISIS linked terrorist attempted to attack trump while on stage. (No proof or evidence provided by trump)
- Questions Anton Scalia's death. Trump claimed he was murdered, yet law enforcement stated clearly that there was no foul play.
- Vaccines cause autism. False and debunked over and over again. Trump knows it, but he floated the conspiracy anyway.
- Muslims were cheering in Manhattan on 9/11/01. (No proof or evidence provided by trump)
- Wives of 9/11 attackers were flown out of the USA days before the attack. (No proof or evidence provided by trump)
- Climate change is a Chinese hoax. It isn't. and once again... (No proof or evidence provided by trump)
- Asbestos isn't bad for you, (paraphrasing). Trump has flipped on this issue after he was forced to remove asbestos from some of his buildings, which saw an increase in revenue.
- Marco Rubio not eligible to run for president. (No proof or evidence provided by trump)
- Fox News is partially owned by a Saudi Prince. Proven false, but...(No proof or evidence provided by trump)
- Claims access hollywood tapes weren't really him, (after saying it was him). Maybe it was "John Miller"?
- Claims Joe Scarborough killed one of his interns. Proven false.
- Claimed that Obama has his phone wiretapped. Proven false.
- 3,000,000 million illegals voted in the 2016 election. Trump's own commission spent a year investigating this and found no evidence of illegals voting. (In fact, there were 6 cases for voter fraud in the 2016 election, 4 of which were trying to vote twice for trump).
- Claims 3,000 people didn't die in Puerto Rico. (No proof or evidence provided by trump) And lets be honest here, did trump go down there and count the corpses? Yea, like he would do that.
- Windmills cause cancer. (No proof or evidence provided by trump) My personal favorite.
- Clintons killed Jeffery Epstein. (No proof or evidence provided by trump) I am sure that the Clintons walked into a jail, killed a guy that was on 30 minute checks, and walked back out with absolutely no one seeing them.
- Biden's did illegal "stuff" in the Ukraine. (No proof or evidence provided by trump, and there is still zero evidence)
- Claims Ukraine has Hillary's emails. (No proof or evidence provided by trump)
I left out one or two because they were just plain stupid.
The truly sad part is that most of his base actually believes these hoaxes/fake news.
I have no idea how ANYONE could support Donald Trump , or continue to support Donald Trump, in the face of such facts as what you just showed, and what I said in the article.
The Republicans need to nominate someone else in 2020, unless the impeachment process makes that moot.
”I have no idea how ANYONE could support Donald Trump”.
Judging by this article it is evident you don’t. You do a terrible job of representing their views.
So your argument is that it is ok to have someone in charge of our country who is mentally and psychologically divorced from reality as much as Trump is, as long as he cuts your taxes.
True. As of now, all they have is Sanford and Trump. I am beginning to wonder if the GOP has any candidates that haven't cheated on their wives.
Was talking to my neighbor the other day and she said she just doesn't understand how any woman could vote for trump. I've said it before i'll say it again. If Obama had done even a 10th the shit trump has pulled on an almost daily basis, he would have been impeached before his first week was up. Trump commits crimes, in the open, has it confirmed by multiple people in his own staff and by trump himself on live national TV and his supporters STILL say he did nothing wrong???!!!
So if in the future a dem president withholds taxpayer funded funding for another country until they do investigations on political rivals, (which is for personal gain), you'll be fine with it?
Incidentally, Wally, you are aware that using taxpayers money to fund a political campaign is....illegal, right?
Support for Trump is built on lower taxes, strong immigration policy, conservative Federal court justices and fighting socialism. The author is out of touch with Trump supporters.
The author reads horsecrap from Trump supporters every day, here and elsewhere. So the author knows how Trump supporters express themselves.
Which the rich got.
We had more illegals leaving the country than coming into the country under Obama, (that's why the illegals called him the, "Deporter-In-Chief"). The huge surge of illegals came AFTER trump took office. Did you ever stop and ask yourself WHY that is the case?
So you want politically biased judges? Sad that you don't want judges who rule on the letter of the law. Socialism? Trump IS a socialist.
- Attacking companies like Google, Twitter, Amazon and Facebook, then threatening to break them up.
- Telling the NBA and NFL which players should be fired.
- Tariffs.
- Paying farmers BILLIONS of dollars because they are going broke because of the tariffs.
- Attempting to get Carrier to not ship jobs to Mexico.
Etc. Etc. Etc....
One of the core beliefs of Socialism is government's role in private business.
Mr. Frost: “Which the rich got” “ Uh-huh. That's been the standard liberal riff for the last couple of years as they try to explain how a president who they said would create a second Great Depression has created boom times with the lowest inflation and unemployment in half a century.
Gigantic Income Gains But Not A Word Of This Is True, According To New Census Bureau Data On The Incomes Of America's Middle Class. This Study By Former Census Bureau Researchers And Now Statisticians At Sentier Research Has Found Gigantic Income Gains For The Middle Class Under Trump.
The median or average-income family has seen a gain of $5,003 since Trump came into office. Median family income is now (August 2019) $65,976, up from about $61,000 when he entered office (January 2017).
Under George W. Bush, the household income gains were a little over $400 in eight years, and under Barack Obama the gains were $1,043. That was in eight years for each. Under Trump, in less than three years, the extra income is about three times larger.
These gains under Trump are so large in such a short period of time that I asked the Sentier Research team to triple-check the numbers. Sure enough, on each occasion, the income swing was $5,000.
This is a bonanza for the middle class, and the extra income in tens of millions of Americans' pockets is getting spent. Consumers are king in America today”
Yea, it's also been proven. Nice try though.
You are exactly right and here’s the proof.
Heartland American, doesnt it embarrass the beejesus out of you that Trump is calling for an investigation into something that the US government has already concluded is incorrect and is a far right conspiracy theory?
Not only is Trump in denial of what the DOJ concluded about the "DNC server" , he is asking a foreign government to investigate it as a way of discrediting the DNC (his election opponents) , which is illegal.
Seriously, how do you defend this shit? And dont talk about unemployment.
The only one in the government who discredited the Mueller report is the nutcase conspiracy goof Donald Trump.
Mueller indicted Russians for the same thing Trump wants Ukraine to investigate.
But thanks for letting us know that Trump supporters are just as I describe them in the title of the article.
Why not talk about record low unemployment? How about wage increases? Tax cuts? Regulation reduction? Energy independence? Revival of American manufacturing? Lots of great judicial appointments? Defending our border? ICE? Revitalization of our military? Standing up to other countries for fair trade? More than enough to re-elect the President
The nutters next defense? "But he didn't specifically say, "quid pro quo", so that's not what it is!!!" Or maybe they will use their old fallback, "What you are seeing and hearing isn't what's going on!!!". Suppose they could also go with, "truth isn't truth" again. Or, "alternative facts"?
If trump at a live human baby on fox and friends, his base would find some way to justify it.