If your Seattle home uses heating oil, you’re going to be paying more
The tax of 24 cents per gallon will be collected starting Sept. 1, 2020, and the city expects it to raise $1.6 million in 2021.
The mayor proposed the tax last month and the City Council voted unanimously to pass it last week, adding a provision that exempts non-petroleum based portions of biodiesel blends.
Durkan linked the measure to the recent Global Climate Strike demonstrations, saying the action will serve “our climate, our economy” and the next generation.
“We’re in a fight for our climate and we’ve got to be tackling every source,” she said Monday. “We know our greenhouse gas emissions come mostly from transportation and buildings, so we’ve got to tackle those.”
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Again with this "Progressive" idea of Shafting the "Poor" while claiming they're for the "Little People".
Same as Obamacare was.
If You can't afford to "Change", YOU WILL COMPLY .....and ...... PAY THE PRICE !
Not everyone can afford to meet these ludacrous "Green Deals" Progressives luv to come up with !
I guess this "Progressive" EVERYONE SHOULD BE EQUAL mantra......has a COST to it. More than folks actually make too !
States rights.
Washington also has the second best economy in the country.
I guess the stance from most the right wing is, "We want to destroy the environment, and we want to do it as cheaply as possible". If these turds want to shit where they eat, I am sure there is a lot of land downwind of coal power plants that is dirt cheap. Enjoy!
"Cheap"....helps the "Poor people".
You don't want to help the "Poor" ?
Why is that?
When I think of Washington, I think of Apples. (The fruit-- not the technology
Buit also Boeing-- aren't most of their manufacturing plants in Washington?
Of course recently their stock has not being doing well.
I wonder-- are they laying off workers in Washington?
More idiocy from the left. There love of sticking it to the middle class has no bounds.
What do the liberal sheep say....
What has that meme have to do with anything? Looking for attention again?
Doh, I guess this calls for his favorite meme.
1......2 ……. ?
Every republican president Since Raygun that has given tax breaks to the wealthy and fucked over the middle class.
Bernie is going to make up for that One sided deal. He's gonna be a "Fucker" of the middle class and "Raise" their taxes for "HIS" dream.
That should show the 1%'ers.
What has that meme have to do with anything? Looking for attention again?
Who in the hell still uses oil to heat their house? I am in my 50's and have never been in a house that was heated using oil.
Maybe there should be a tax break for people that still shovel coal into their basement. s/
As many as 18,000 Seattle households still use oil heat ?
Not that many out of 725,000.
NOW 18,000....is not that many ?
When it was all about ObamaScare....so-called 11.8 million people out of over 320 million people, was a BUNCH !
Sorry but on a national scale or a local scale, heating oil is a very low percent.
So was ObamaScare !
But that was Uuuuuuuuuge in "Liberal Land" !
Don't want to get into that as I was never a fan of Obamacare. Although I did like putting insurance companies on notice.
A "Service" is a "Service" !
Only "YOU"..... can make the "Choice" to go elsewhere !
My mother-in-laws home in New York still has the oil Truck come by to fill her tank !
I use oil to heat (steam) and for hot water, it was that way when I bought the house and it works well. If I had a free choice I might choose differently but the choice to change over is far from Free.
they are coming to fill my oil tank tomorrow
It's a tad expensive. Sometimes....Crippling Expensive.
Same here. I have been in ONE house that used heating oil and I was probably 12 years old...
More than you might think:
Eh. 5.7 mil out of 350 mil. What is that, I am not great with numbers, less than 2%?
The only purpose of my comment 4.3 was to give you recent statistics. [ deleted ]
Yet the time to reply with stats.
Odd that we were all getting along and someone has to say something snarky.
No snark until comment 4.3.3 .
Your numbers are wrong. It's more like 128 million households in the US, the 350mill you posted is an estimated number of people.
So using 5.7 million out of the 128 million households, it is closer to 4.5%.
Now some may thing that's just a small percentage of households to worry about but in 4.1.2 it was pointed out that out of the 320 million people living in the US, Obamacare was implemented to cover the 11.8 million uninsured. That percentage was only about 3.7%.
My mom's house had heating oil at one time....not sure when it was changed to natural gas.
TAXABLE ....according to Seattle !
Don't live in Seattle
Have to kind of agree with you there. Blocking natural gas is dumb.
My furnace, water heater, cook top and oven is gas. Can't stand all electric.
So it just was a "Moot" point ?
My wife luvs cooking on a gas stove. Wouldn't want to upset the wife. It ain't pretty when that happens !
They have more tendency to breakdown way more than "Gas" ranges too !
Yippers !
Umm people that can't afford a new furnace?
I had to buy a new system for my house. Not cheap and I couldn't afford it. Had to take out a loan. Either that or do without.
I don't see how the poor could afford it anyway. Say at 2.55 a gallon, 50 gallons is about 127$. If the temp is 35, 25 gallons would last about 5 or so days. So every 10 days the cost is 127$
I kind of find it hard to believe that poor people could spend 381$ a month. It would be cheaper in the long run to change.
Do I really have to tell you that that isn't the reality?
I know people here that have to use propane and spend over 400$ a month. Fuel oil is cheaper. and produces more BTU per gallon than propane,
If they can actually get a loan in the first place. And then....can they afford the payments. It's probably cheaper to pay the "New and Improved Seattle Green Tax".
Maybe Seattle just wants the "Poor" to move out and go to California ?
I hate to say it yet it is probably cheaper to pay the tax.
To be honest, I don't know how people afford to live in some places. My house if in Cali would be close to 500k where as in Texas I could get a bigger house. NYC is unreal.
The way I look at it is people are going to have to pay one way or the other. Almost 400 a month for oil isn't cheap yet with all electric, probably pay about the same amount.
I have never had a heat pump though, so not sure of the cost.
Probably pay MORE !
They're lamps don't run off the Oil Tanks they have for sure.
But, Upgrading isn't Cheap at all. Probably the biggest expense in "Home Ownership" you'll ever see !
well 400$ a month is cheap, Obviously some pay a lot more.
I'm natural gas also, I have yet to run it to my grill.
Hello, XD - Good to see you again.
Re: propane - Two of our kids went to college in NY, and we saw that a great number of homes were heated with propane. We saw the same on our vacations in other northeast states.
I don't know. Probably looking at a new roof in a few years. The crappy shingles I have are already 15 years.
Believe it or not I am for personal responsibility. I just don't throw healthcare into that category. Things can happen beyond control.
15 years is actually a short time.
I had to do that 3 years ago, but mine were at 30 years .
Over 8 grand in cost.
In NYS, 49.3% of households, including mine, use oil. We are an old state, and there are many places that there are no gas lines.
I am sure NYC has a lot of old buildings that use radiant heat.
Call me spoiled. I want my own thermostat and control.
Wow that seems like a lot
“We’re in a fight for our climate and we’ve got to be tackling every source,”
Ahhhhh the old adage is coming to fruition. Just like the carbon tax BS. Just throw money at it and everything will be just fine....../s