Eric Ciaramella, Brennan protege, more coup plotter than “whistleblower”

Eric Ciaramella is a deep state Brennan protege. The whole insurance policy and deep state conspiracy against Trump dating all the way back to the election permeates all levels of he DNC, the Hillary campaign, the White House all the way to Obama. The lamestream media has been complicit in the whole thing.

WASHINGTON, DC : Adam Schiff “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella has been exposed as a John Brennan ally. An ally who actively worked to defame, target, and destroy President Donald Trump during both the Obama and Trump administrations. He was fired from the Trump White House for leaking confidential if not classified information detrimental to the President. ( The Pajama Boy Whistleblower Revealed – Rush Limbaugh )
The 33-year-old Ciaramella, a former Susan Rice protege, currently works for the CIA as an analyst.
Eric Ciaramella: The Deep State non-whistleblowerDuring his time in the Obama White House, NSC Ciaramella worked under both Vice President Joe Biden and CIA director John Brennan. He reported directly to NSC advisor Susan Rice through his immediate boss, Charles Kupchan. Kupchan had extensive ties with Clinton crony Sydney Blumenthal. Large portions of Blumenthal’s disinformation from Ukrainian sources in 2016 was used in the nefarious Steele Dossier.
Eric Ciaramella, Schiff’s “whistleblower”, has ties to Susan Rice and Joe Biden
Ciaramella also worked extensively with DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa. Chalupa led the effort at the DNC to fabricate a link between the Trump Campaign to Vladimir Putin and Russia. According to Politico, Chalupa “met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia.”
The DNC paid Chalupa $412,000 between 2004 and 2016.
DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa: Ciaramella co-conspirator
Chalupa shared her findings with both the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Politico reporting ( Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire – Politico – 01/11/2017)
“Chalupa told a senior DNC official that, when it came to Trump’s campaign, ‘I felt there was a Russia connection.’”Apparently without any evidence. So she set out to concoct it.
Alexandra Chalupa
Chalupa also says that the Ukrainian embassy was working directly with reporters digging for Trump-Russia ties. How convenient, and unethical.
Ciaramella invited Chalupa to meetings and events at the Obama White House. She also visits the Obama White House with Ukrainian lobbyists seeking aid from Obama.
Senator Charles Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in 2017, ”
“Chalupa’s actions appear to show that she was simultaneously working on behalf of a foreign government, Ukraine, and on behalf of the DNC and Clinton campaign, in an effort to influence not only the U.S voting population but U.S. government officials.”The FEC complaint against the DNC and Chalupa
In September 2019 a complaint was filed with the Federal Elections Commission against the DNC naming Alexandra Chalupa. The complaint alleges that Chalupa acted “improperly to gather information on Paul Manafort and Donald Trump in the 2016 election”.
Joe Biden’s Corruption: Ukraine, bribery, and Burisma HoldingsAccording to Fox News, the complaint alleges that the DNC specifically “tasked Chalupa with obtaining incriminating or derogatory information about Donald Trump … [and] Paul Manfort,”
Fox News reporting, that Chalupa allegedly
“Pushed for Ukrainian officials to publicly mention Manafort’s financial and political ties to” Ukraine and “sought to have the Ukrainian government provide her information about Manafort’s work in the country.”John Soloman and Wikileaks both expose Chalupa as DNC operative
Wikileaks also exposed Chalupa’s role in digging up dirt in Ukraine on Manafort and Trump. One email stated that Chalupa was “digging into Manafort”. “A lot more coming down the pipe,” the email to then DNC Comms Director Luis Miranda states. ( Former Obama official Luis Miranda is latest casualty of DNC email scandal – Fox News – August 3, 2016 )
John Solomon of The Hill reporting:
“Ambassador Valeriy Chaly’s office says DNC contractor Alexandra Chalupa sought information from the Ukrainian government on Paul Manafort’s dealings inside the country. Chalupa later tried to arrange for Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to comment on Manafort’s Russian ties on a U.S. visit during the 2016 campaign.”Ciaramella’s connection with John Brennan and Susan Rice
Eric Ciaramella had been working with John Brennan, Susan Rice, the Obama White House, and Alexandra Chalupa to target and destroy Donald Trump well before he was elected. He was initially brought into the NSC and the White House inner circle by John Brennan himself.
Schiff witness Taylor has ties to Burisma think tank, Soros, McCain leaker
Remarkably, despite his clear connections to Rice and Brennan, he was brought back into the inner circle of the Trump NSC by HR McMaster. McMaster appointed him to be his personal aide.
He was fired in June of 2017 after being directly implicated in a series of serious national security leaks from the White House calculated to be damaging to President Trump.
Ciaramella and Alexander Vindman: the second “whistleblower”
Ciaramella’s title at the White House was NSC Director for Ukraine. That position is now held by the newest Schiff star witness and Trump hater Lt. Col Alexander Vindman. Vindman is apparently the “2nd whistleblower” to leak his concerns about the call between Trump and President Zelensky to Ciaramella.
Vindman also leaked the classified information about the President’s call with a foreign head of state to a number of other people. These unauthorized leaks are criminal. Both illegal, unethical and unconscionable.
Violating clear national security guidelines for classified information.
Republicans, on cross-examination of Vindman was asked by Republicans cross-examining him during the closed-door secret police hearings conducted by Adam Schiff, asking who Vindman had contact with. Schiff cut off the questioning, coaching the witness while refusing to let him answer the questions.
Schiff coordinated with Ciaramella and Vindman
It is now clear that Ciaramella and Vindman coordinated the entire whistleblower affair with Schiff and his staff in violation of the “whistleblower” statute. That Ciaramella has been coordinating his complaint with Schiff committee staffers Abigail Grace and Sean Misko.
Durham opens criminal probe, IG report due, Brennan, Clapper lawyer upCiaramella worked with both Grace and Misko in the NSC at the Obama White House. Misko and Grace joined Schiff’s committee in early August of 2019, just in time to coordinate the “whistleblower” complaint.
Both Vindman and Ciaramella do not qualify for “whistleblower” status. They were reporting on a diplomatic conversation, not an intelligence matter. They were not reporting on a member of the Intelligence committee.
The suspicious case of IC IG Michael AtkinsonIC IG Michael Atkinson surreptitiously changed the rules for whistleblower complaints to allow second-hand testimony in September of 2019. He then backdated the changes to allow the Ciaramella complaint, initially filed in early August, to be included under the new “interpretive” guidelines. The level of subterfuge and coordination between Schiff, Ciaramella, Vindman, Abigail Grace, Sean Misko, and IG Atkinson is more than suspicious. It reeks of yet another episode of a Deep State coordinated coup attempt.
Pelosi Star Chamber impeachment farce blows up in Adam Schiff’s faceThe whole impeachment affair is a brazen sequel to the Russia Hoax involving many of the same key players. Susan Rice, John Brennan, Adam Schiff. Designed to target, destroy, and in this case, fabricate grounds for the impeachment of the President.
The playbook is the same as the Mueller Inquisition and the Russia Hoax, The same as the Kavanaugh smear campaign. With the same co-conspirators of the left-wing mainstream media. Not only carrying water for the coup plotters but being actual participants in the scheme. Paid mouthpieces for the Deep State.
Paul Sperry and Real Clear InvestigationsThe most comprehensive expose on Ciaramella, that has forced even the mainstream media to take notice, was the Real Clear Investigations reporting of Paul Sperry. Only Sperry, the Federalist, and CDN have exposed the whistleblowers’ identity. But his name and transparent partisan actions are the worst kept secret in Washington.
As CIA analyst Fred Fleitz has said:
“Everyone knows who he is. CNN knows. The Washington Post knows. The New York Times knows. Congress knows. The White House knows. Even the president knows who he is.”Sperry’s devastating expose makes clear that Ciaramella is another cog in the Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Rice, Obama conspiracy to overthrow the duly elected President of the United States. As Chuck Schumer said in January of 2017,
“If you take on the intelligence community, they have nines ways to Sunday of getting back at you.”
The never-ending coup attempt against Trump
The reality is that Trump was targeted by the Obama White House well before he was President. The ongoing coup against him started as soon as he was elected. It morphed into the Mueller Weissman inquisition and the Peter Strzok insurance policy.
Obama WH corruption: Rampant pay to play by Clinton, Kerry, and BidenWhen that fizzled into oblivion it was time for plan B, or in this case plan C or D. The Deep State and their paid minions in the left-wing press have been unrelenting in their ongoing anti-constitutional putsch against the President.
The impeachment farce, with its calculated rollout reminiscent of the Kavanaugh smear campaign, is yet another extension of a never-ending East German Stassi coup attempt against the constitution, the Republic, and the people of the United States.
Sperry lays out the trail of evidence against Ciaramella
Paul Sperry’s excellent investigative reporting makes clear that Ciaramella “previously worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan. (He)left his National Security Council posting in the White House’s West Wing in mid-2017 amid concerns about negative leaks to the media.” As Sperry reports, “He was accused of working against Trump and leaking against Trump,” said a former NSC official.
Sperry reports that “a handful of former colleagues have compiled a roughly 40-page research dossier on him. A classified version of the document is circulating on Capitol Hill”. The dossier documents Ciaramella’s bias against Trump. His relationships with Brennan, Rice, the Obama White House, and DNC operative Chalupa. As well as his coordination with Vindman, Schiff and his committee staff.
Chuck Schumer: “Eight ways to Sunday of getting back at you”
It questions both Ciaramella’s and Vindman’s veracity as a legitimate whistleblower. It makes clear that Ciaramella and his co-conspirators are part of a Deep State coup attempt. A calculated, coordinated, illegal, seditious, and illegitimate putsch.
“Whistleblower” Hoax: Ties to Biden, Deep State ICIG, rogue AmbassadorAs CIA analyst Fred Fleitz makes clear, “ They’re hiding him .” Fleitz was emphatic, “ They’re hiding him because of his political bias.”
Ciaramella helped generate the “Putin fired Comey” narrative. Sperry reports, “In the days after Comey’s firing, this presidential action was used to further political and media calls for the standup of the special counsel to investigate ‘Russia collusion.’”
How IC Inspector General Atkinson found the whistleblower complaint “credible” and “urgent” at the same time he was backdating the change in regulations to allow the complaint to be filed is more than highly suspicious. How the ‘whistleblower” coordinated with Schiff, Grace, Misko, and Atkinson to stager the start of impeachment farce is criminal.
Adam Schiff: Constantly lying while moving the goalposts
Now Eric Ciaramella is apparently backing away from testifying. Schiff says he no longer needs his testimony. But Ciaramella should be subpoenaed and called to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. He should not be allowed to escape accountability for his role in this calculated charade of a conspiracy.
The Russia Hoax: James Clapper throws Barack Obama under the busHe would then have to testify to his coordination with Schiff and the committee staff. He would have to expose how Vindmann leaked national security information illegally. How the entire ‘whistleblower” farce was a calculated effort to again derail the Trump Presidency.
A lot has come out about Eric Ciaramella, the Adam Schiff ‘Whistleblower”, in recent days. It is the tip of the iceberg. Any legitimate investigation of the circumstances surrounding the entire Ukraine affair will reveal the extensive criminality of the Obama White House and the coup plotters.
Exposing the dark underbelly of the Obama White HouseIt stretches back to the Steele Dossier and the clear efforts of the DNC and the Deep State to use to a foreign power to interfere in the 2016 election. He exposes the corruption of Vice President Biden to enrich his family at the expense of the American taxpayer. Details the $6 million dollar bribery scheme of Hunter and Joe Biden by Burisma Holdings.
Lays out the corrupt dealings of Ambassador Yovanovich.
It will lay open the devious underbelly of all the so-called hero witnesses of the Schiff impeachment Star Chamber inquisition. Of the criminal actions of the coup plotters. Of Ambassador Yovanovich, Ambassador Taylor, Alexandra Chalupa, and Alexander Vindman.
As well as the so-called whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella.
Calling the Fourth Estate backIt is the tip of the iceberg that only a truly free and independent press will have to take the reins to fearlessly expose. Like brilliant investigative reporter Paul Sperry at Real Clear Investigations. Like the Federalist, NOQ Report, and here at CommDigiNews, who broke the Ciaramella story a full two days before Real Clear Investigations.
No one else in the corrupt media establishment seems willing to rise to the challenge.
Paul Sperry’s excellent investigative reporting makes clear that Ciaramella “previously worked with former Vice President Joe Biden and former CIA Director John Brennan. (He)left his National Security Council posting in the White House’s West Wing in mid-2017 amid concerns about negative leaks to the media.” As Sperry reports, “He was accused of working against Trump and leaking against Trump,” said a former NSC official.
Sperry reports that “a handful of former colleagues have compiled a roughly 40-page research dossier on him. A classified version of the document is circulating on Capitol Hill”. The dossier documents Ciaramella’s bias against Trump. His relationships with Brennan, Rice, the Obama White House, and DNC operative Chalupa. As well as his coordination with Vindman, Schiff and his committee staff.
Chuck Schumer: “Eight ways to Sunday of getting back at you”
It questions both Ciaramella’s and Vindman’s veracity as a legitimate whistleblower. It makes clear that Ciaramella and his co-conspirators are part of a Deep State coup attempt. A calculated, coordinated, illegal, seditious, and illegitimate putsch.
“Whistleblower” Hoax: Ties to Biden, Deep State ICIG, rogue Ambassador
As CIA analyst Fred Fleitz makes clear, “ They’re hiding him .” Fleitz was emphatic, “ They’re hiding him because of his political bias.”
Ciaramella helped generate the “Putin fired Comey” narrative. Sperry reports, “In the days after Comey’s firing, this presidential action was used to further political and media calls for the standup of the special counsel to investigate ‘Russia collusion.’”
How IC Inspector General Atkinson found the whistleblower complaint “credible” and “urgent” at the same time he was backdating the change in regulations to allow the complaint to be filed is more than highly suspicious. How the ‘whistleblower” coordinated with Schiff, Grace, Misko, and Atkinson to stager the start of impeachment farce is criminal.
Adam Schiff: Constantly lying while moving the goalposts
Now Eric Ciaramella is apparently backing away from testifying. Schiff says he no longer needs his testimony. But Ciaramella should be subpoenaed and called to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. He should not be allowed to escape accountability for his role in this calculated charade of a conspiracy.
The Russia Hoax: James Clapper throws Barack Obama under the bus
He would then have to testify to his coordination with Schiff and the committee staff. He would have to expose how Vindmann leaked national security information illegally. How the entire ‘whistleblower” farce was a calculated effort to again derail the Trump Presidency.
A lot has come out about Eric Ciaramella, the Adam Schiff ‘Whistleblower”, in recent days. It is the tip of the iceberg. Any legitimate investigation of the circumstances surrounding the entire Ukraine affair will reveal the extensive criminality of the Obama White House and the coup plotters.
Exposing the dark underbelly of the Obama White House
It stretches back to the Steele Dossier and the clear efforts of the DNC and the Deep State to use to a foreign power to interfere in the 2016 election. He exposes the corruption of Vice President Biden to enrich his family at the expense of the American taxpayer. Details the $6 million dollar bribery scheme of Hunter and Joe Biden by Burisma Holdings.
Lays out the corrupt dealings of Ambassador Yovanovich.
It will lay open the devious underbelly of all the so-called hero witnesses of the Schiff impeachment Star Chamber inquisition. Of the criminal actions of the coup plotters. Of Ambassador Yovanovich, Ambassador Taylor, Alexandra Chalupa, and Alexander Vindman.
As well as the so-called whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella.
Calling the Fourth Estate back
It is the tip of the iceberg that only a truly free and independent press will have to take the reins to fearlessly expose. Like brilliant investigative reporter Paul Sperry at Real Clear Investigations. Like the Federalist, NOQ Report, and here at CommDigiNews, who broke the Ciaramella story a full two days before Real Clear Investigations.
...One America News reporter Neil W. McCabe followed up on information from multiple sources that the alleged whistleblower, Eric Ciaramella, was hiding out at his parents’ home in Connecticut.
After McCabe knocked on the front door and rang the doorbell, a man who gave the same name as Ciaramella’s father drove up and spoke to McCabe in the driveway. He acknowledged that he knew Eric and asked McCabe for his business card.
McCabe also called two numbers associated with the family at that address and left a message with each. At the end of this news package, McCabe tells the so-called whistleblower he is welcome to respond to OAN.
Ciaramella is a CIA analyst, who was assigned to the National Security Council staff’s Ukraine desk at the White House. In addition to being a vocal advocate for more aid to Ukraine, the analyst was reported to have also advised then-Vice President Joe Biden, when Biden held sway over America-Ukraine relations....
Way to go One America News Network! Great investigative journalism. Eric needs to tell the truth about his crimes
Adam Schiff “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella has been exposed as a John Brennan ally. An ally who actively worked to defame, target, and destroy President Donald Trump during both the Obama and Trump administrations. He was fired from the Trump White House for leaking confidential if not classified information detrimental to the President. ( The Pajama Boy Whistleblower Revealed – Rush Limbaugh )
The 33-year-old Ciaramella, a former Susan Rice protege, currently works for the CIA as an analyst.
Eric Ciaramella: The Deep State non-whistleblower
During his time in the Obama White House, NSC Ciaramella worked under both Vice President Joe Biden and CIA director John Brennan. He reported directly to NSC advisor Susan Rice through his immediate boss, Charles Kupchan. Kupchan had extensive ties with Clinton crony Sydney Blumenthal. Large portions of Blumenthal’s disinformation from Ukrainian sources in 2016 was used in the nefarious Steele Dossier.
Eric Ciaramella, Schiff’s “whistleblower”, has ties to Susan Rice and Joe Biden
Ciaramella also worked extensively with DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa. Chalupa led the effort at the DNC to fabricate a link between the Trump Campaign to Vladimir Putin and Russia. According to Politico, Chalupa “met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia.”
The DNC paid Chalupa $412,000 between 2004 and 2016.
Funny how Schiff said he would testify, before it was revealed Ciamerella was colluding with Schiff's staff.
Ciaramella was colluding with a lot of the deep state. If there is a senate trial, he will certainly be exposed there. Too bad so much of the media including Fox News is shielding his name from the public. The seed is a grand expose well compiled from multiple sources.
Lock him up! (Ciaramella)along with a Chalupa.
The Schiff sham is about to begin.