Nikki Haley Wants People To Be Able To Fly The Confederate Flag If They Really Want To

Nikki Haley op ed in Washington Post from yesterday
“For many people in our state, the flag stands for traditions that are noble — traditions of history, of heritage and of ancestry. "
" I’m not sure that in today’s political climate we would have been able to remove the flag (after the Charleston church massacre)".
"Everyone knows the flag has always been a symbol of slavery, discrimination and hate for many people. But not everyone sees the flag that way. .... there’s also another group of people. It’s a group that today’s outrage culture wants to either deny exists or to condemn in the harshest terms. These are people who do not see the Confederate battle flag in racial terms....Today’s outrage culture insists that everyone who holds a view that’s different from our own is not just mistaken. They must be evil and shunned. That’s wrong. I know too many good people in South Carolina who think differently about the flag but who are not the least bit racist."
Nikki Haley obviously wants to work both sides of the street . She wants both the racist and non racist vote. Since she herself says that the current climate is very polarized, I don't think her tactic is going to work out to well for her.
Saying there are good people
" I know too many good people in South Carolina who think differently about the flag"
doesnt seem more than a sentence or two away from
"you also had some very fine people on both sides", which was Trump's excuse making for neo-Nazi white supremacist activity at Charlottesville in 2017.
What is the purpose of flying the confederate flag? When people duct tape it to the back of a pickup truck and drive around town on a nice summer day, what are they trying to do?
The confederate flag is a symbol of the Confederacy. It is a symbol of the south only in that the south was the location of the confederacy.
This is the symbol of the Spanish Inquisition,
which carried out physical retribution against heretics in the 15th century, including against Jews, Muslims, Protestants and other non Catholics.
Maybe there are people in Spain who would be proud to drive around town flying the Spanish Inquisition flag, but I have my doubts if that happens.
The reason is because such flags evoke a time when societal mistakes were made, across generations. In the US it culminated in the southern secession which existed to maintain slavery in certain states. That is why the confederacy existed. If you fly a confederate flag you are signaling approval for the Confederacy, which was a racist entity.
If someone flies the flag of apartheid South Africa, they will rightly be viewed as a likely racist sympathizer. Why else would someone fly such a flag, which symbolizes racial oppression of non whites?
Haley believes that good people want to fly the confederate flag because they have pride in the south.
So what?
Is the confederate flag, a symbol of the world's first white supremacist government, the only emblem that southerners can use to be proud of their region? If it is, that wouldnt speak well of the place.
In her op-ed Haley argues that the "outrage culture" of 2019 would have made it impossible to have the confederate flag removed from the South Carolina state capitol, because the flags proponents would have pushed back against such criticism .
Well we had an "outrage culture" during the 1960's when civil rights laws were put into effect too
The confederate flag played a part in those days too.

I really dont think Haley will get a lot of votes , nationally, from non Trumpists. At least I hope not.
I don't think your latest efforts to stir up shyt by playing the race card will work any better this time around than it did the first time, Johnny.
Trying to imply Nikki Haley is racist is beyond stupid.
Nikki Haley wants to play both sides.
Flying the confederate flag is showing support for a white supremacist entity.
That's horrible! Fairness is a real bitch, eh?
OK, so what? Do you see Nikki Haley flying the flag? No, you don't. In fact, her history is that she's the one who had it taken down from the state capitol building. You know that and you still want to pretend that she endorses the flag somehow.
What a dishonest smear job.
Why is Nikki Haley bringing up something from 4 1/2 years ago? That is when the SC confederate flag was removed.
She wrote an op ed YESTERDAY about this topic.
She wants to signal to the "good people" who love the confederate flag that she is on their side, as she tries to create a conservative political base over the next few years.
There aren't enough of these "white supremacist entities" to matter.
They certainly wouldn't be voting for her anyway, because of Indian heritage.
The white supremacist entity was the CSA.
You know, the thing 360,000 Union soldiers gave their lives to get rid of.
Well every vote counts John, as the Dems like to say....including all the good people, AND those handful of white supremacists.
And this sweeping generalization of believing that ALL Southerners during the Civil War racists is
another idea or opinion that is beyond stupid.
You are aware she's not running for anything, right?
123,000 of which were killed in battle or of the wounds received. The rest was disease. Yes, they gave their lives
What does that have to do with anything?
It is as relevant as this whole seed..............................
she's goper vp fodder at best. as far as the stars and bars flapdoodle goes, nikki forgets that 160 years ago she would be winding up a career as a bed warmer somewhere in her beloved SC.
Probably true, but so would have Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, and especially Michelle Obama.
according to the room temperature IQ crowd, Michelle has a penis. that's a DQ, unless you're a SBC minister.
Yeah, it's called the 1st Amendment. Do the people who get so high and mighty about these stories give a shit about rights anymore? Should we just use the Constitution for wallpaper or kindling?
Protecting speech has no value at all if you are only going to protect speech you agree with.
Meanwhile, the effort to paint Nikki Haley as some kind of racist is pretty much the stupidest thing I have seen roll by on NT in a long, long time.
People should be legally able to fly the flag just as I guess it is legal to call someone nigger.
I'm speaking more of what is socially acceptable.
Nikki Haley is an opportunist who wants to play both sides.
What would you like Haley to do about what's socially acceptable? Maybe she could make a big public show of taking the flag down and also talking publicly about how much pain it causes people.
Oh, wait! She did that!
I cant make you understand the seeded material. Think whatever you want . I am tired of going around in circles with you.
No, you're tired of me pointing out the truth that refutes the lies you keep spreading about Nikki Haley.
I am tired of going around in circles with you.
That's because your argument is weak and refutable
Mississippi went further in explaining why slavery was so important and needed to be protected:
Abolition of slavery would “ruin” the state of Mississippi. Read that again. Allowing black people to enjoy their natural rights would undermine the privileges of white supremacy.
Texas took things, yet further in their causes of secession:
Texas’s Confederates “intended” that slavery “should exist in all future time.” Yeah, the Union may have trounced Confederate arms, but Confederate ideology in the form of Dylann Roof for example seems to be a sturdy beast to kill.
Lastly, e turn to Alabama where delegates there hashed out the rationale for secession and forming the Confederate States of America. From historian Stephanie McCurry’s book Confederate Reckoning we get this thundering, racist statement from a delegate:
With the rationale hashed out, the Confederates created symbols for their ideology. One flag, to the left, was for their official government. The other flag, on the right, was carried into battle by its armies. And to the army we indeed turn…
Now Tuttle & Co. may resort to, “But those are just the proclamations and pronouncements of politicians. Surely that’s not what the average white southerner would support.” Lucky for us, we have TONS of letters from Confederate servicemen detailing why they fought. HINT: White Supremacy.
The following quotes are all gathered from Chandra Manning’s book What This Cruel War Was Over . As you read these quotes, remember, these soldiers marched into battle with the Confederate flag flying high above their ranks symbolizing their desires, which sound an awful lot like Roof’s batshit ideas.
Private Jonathan Doyle:
Al Pierson:
Private David Thompson:
Resolution’s from the Army , Jordan’s Battery:
Private Joseph Maides:
Grant Taylor:
Given such plain and vitriolic hate of black people, black soldiers, and abolition, it is no surprise that many black Union soldiers were massacred during the Civil War. One of the most notorious was at Fort Pillow, Tennessee. The Confederate commander there was Nathan Bedford Forrest.
After the war, Forrest became a founder of the Ku Klux Klan, and thus we exit the Confederate flag’s beginnings and see how it white supremacists have continued to use it over the ensuing 150 years.
The blockbuster film Birth of a Nation glorified the Ku Klux Klan and proudly displayed the CSA flag as heoric KKK members saved the South from the horrors of equality with black people during Reconstruction. Below you can see valiant Klansmen assaulting federal troops. Some might call this terrorism and rebellion, white Southerners called this redemption under the glory of the CSA flag.
The racist film sparked a wave of riots by whites against blacks in 1915 when it was released. It also sparked a revival of the Klan, which had been crushed in the 1870s, by President Ulysses S. Grant.
When the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s & 1960s proved to be no passing fad, white Southerners trotted out the Confederate flag in disturbing droves. Remember, this is when South Carolina decided to show uppity negroes to stay in their place by raising the Confederate flag atop the state capitol.
When the Little Rock 9 attempted to desegregate Arkansas schools in 1959, the Confederate flag waved from the hand of a disgruntled white supremacist.
Mississippi’s governor Ross Barnett in front of 40,000, Confederate-flag waving white Mississippians gave a 15-word speech saying how much he loved Mississippi: “I love Mississippi! I love her people! Our customs. I love and respect our heritage.”
This is the same governor who implored his white Mississippians to prepare for battle with the federal government over black man James Meredith’s admission to Ole Miss. And there was indeed a battle.
Not to be outdone, Barnett’s neighboring governor in Alabama, George Wallace, proclaimed “Segregation Now! Segregation Tomorrow! Segregation Forever!” Here’s Wallace with his favorite flag:
In Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1979 the KKK killed five people at a protest. Not a single Klansmen was convicted, despite the killings being caught on film .
Here’s the vehicle some of the Klansmen rolled up in. Gee, what’s that you see there…
Kind of reminds me of…
Yeah, I think we’re done here.
Yep, lots of words and pictures that have nothing to do with the topic you started out with...
Nikki Haley.
Please dont troll my articles.
" Nikki Haley Wants People To Be Able To Fly The Confederate Flag If They Really Want To "
Ain't it great …. when someone actually wants us to be able to do what the constitution says we can do !
Nobody is prevented from flying a Confederate flag at their home or business if they want to.
We have a local business that has been flying it for years; they finally took it down a few months ago, because so many people refused to patronize them. But nothing prohibited them from flying it.
Well, decency should, but no, there are no laws concerning private conduct.
I didn't comment about anyone wanting to ban it.....unless I missed what I said in my own comment.
Did I miss something ?
I swear I just said.....Great Idea..... didn't I ?
Love that It's now "Today" cry fest from the "Left".
the ones back then, shoulda known what the future "Borgs" would have thought, before they did what they did !
When Jimmy Carter was governor of Georgia this was the state flag.
He never made a big show of taking it down like Nikki Haley did.
Now, here he is waving the damned thing around like he's proud of it:
In 2015, he was quoted as saying that "very few people see the confederate flag as racist."
Jimmy Carter: 'Very few people' see the Confederate flag as racist
He also doesn't want the statues of Confederate heroes taken down.
Ex-President Carter makes distinction between Confederate flag, monuments
How come Jimmy Carter isn't being painted as a friend of white supremacists?
Funny how white people rarely see it as racist...
I know....right ?
And I know plenty of blacks the think it's nuts. It's only the "victims" who need to keep the bullshit alive.
Then why do you fly the flag of the worlds first white supremacist nation ? Seeing as you are so innocent and misunderstood and all.
I do?? Holy shit better hide.
BTW, I was born a Yankee, moved south, and won't live north of the Mason-Dixon line again.
What's your point and problem?
I guess you are a southerner then.
Thats an odd thing to say in 2019.
How would you state it then?
Most people havent done much reading about the Civil War, slavery, or the confederate flag.
By the way, in both of the articles you linked Carter says the confederate flags should be taken down.
Actually....They have.
"Liberal Types" of TODAY, just like to say:
"Most people havent done much reading about the Civil War, slavery, or the confederate flag."
Please dont troll my article.
So.... the word "Trolling" pops up again.
Are you "Generalizing again, like when you said:
"Most people havent done much reading about the Civil War, slavery, or the confederate flag. "
Isn't "U.S. History" taught in schools anymore ?
Quit being one.
I wonder how the American Indians view whatever flag was flying after such incidents as The Trail Of Tears.
The majority fought for the South and had their own Calvary and General who was the last to surrender...
which was partially why the Union continued to persecute the AI.