
“Give us a king to lead us!” And they got Trump.


Category:  News & Politics

Via:  larry-hampton  •  6 years ago  •  159 comments

“Give us a king to lead us!” And they got Trump.
“We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles”

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

We must remember that the ancient nation of Israel cannot be seen as comparable to today’s United States (as those who mistakenly believe God created America as a Christian nation and thus we should “return” to God’s intention of a theistic government). The best application of Old Testament Israel is to the New Testament people of God, Christians in every nation, seeking to follow and honor the one true King, Jesus Christ.

Back around 1050 BC, in the days of the prophet Samuel, Israel was extremely unique as a nation. They were ruled directly by YHWH, the one true God. He would appoint prophets and judges to carry out some tasks of leadership, but YHWH was their king. Samuel was the great prophet who helped the people know the will of God their king. But he was getting old, and Israel certainly couldn’t depend on his sons who were, um, to put it mildly, jerks (1 Samuel 8:5).

The people were afraid for their future without Samuel’s leadership. What were the people of God afraid of?

They were afraid of the threats that they perceived all around them. The people said to Samuel, “We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles” (1 Samuel 8:19-20). Their fear drove them to wanting what human beings often want in times of huge uncertainty:

An authoritarian leader that will fight their battles for them. Like all the other nations.

Even though they are YHWH’s chosen nation, they’re frightened. Even though this is the rescuer who “brought them up out of Egypt” (v. 8), they’re frightened. Even though God warns them that a king would take things away from them because he will claim them as his rights (vv. 10-18), they are so frightened it doesn’t matter. They want a king to rule over them.


jrDiscussion - desc
Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
1  seeder  Larry Hampton    6 years ago

These frightened people made an awful decision. They don’t trust the sovereignty of God. They want someone they can look up to, someone with the authority of a king like all the other nations, someone to lead them into safety.

I’ve been wondering why so many people (and, according to polls, so many Christians) are supporting Donald Trump.

Freshman Silent
1.4  Iamak47  replied to  Larry Hampton @1    6 years ago
I’ve been wondering why ........so many Christians) are supporting Donald Trump.

Dems have pushed Christians away.

Senior Guide
1.4.1  XXJefferson51  replied to  Iamak47 @1.4    6 years ago

President Donald Trump had, in a good way, a monster week this week, which was mostly overshadowed by House Democrats’ purely partisan effort to impeach him.

The Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard  highlighted  just some of Trump’s accomplishments this week, which include:

  • An agreement on a new U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade deal.
  • A new budget including more than $1.3 billion for a border wall and blocks a government shutdown.
  • House approval of the U.S. Space Force, a brand-new branch of the military.
  • Government family leave that will be a model for a proposal for the public.
  • Tentative agreement on trade with China.
  • Approval of Trump’s 50th federal appeals judge.
  • Confirmation of a new Food and Drug Administration chief.
  • The signing of a pro-Israel anti-Semitism executive order.

The list does not include the news that broke on Saturday, that after meeting with President Donald Trump,  New Jersey Democratic Representative Jeff Van Drew is leaving the Democratic Party and joining the Republican Party .

The list also did not mention the record jump that the stock market had this week in response to Trump announcing that the U.S. and China had secured a phase I trade deal.

CNBC  reports:

The S&P 500 gained 0.9% to end the day at 3,168.57, notching a record close. The Nasdaq Composite also posted an all-time closing high, rising 0.7% to 8,717.32. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed 220.75 points higher, or 0.8% at 28,132.05. All three of the major averages reached intraday records, their first since Nov. 27.

Trump announced the trade deal with China on Twitter, writing, “We have agreed to a very large Phase One Deal with China. They have agreed to many structural changes and massive purchases of Agricultural Product, Energy, and Manufactured Goods, plus much more. The 25% Tariffs will remain as is, with 7 1/2% put on much of the remainder. The Penalty Tariffs set for December 15th will not be charged because of the fact that we made the deal. We will begin negotiations on the Phase Two Deal immediately, rather than waiting until after the 2020 Election. This is an amazing deal for all. Thank you!”  One White House adviser commented on Trump’s week, telling Bedard, “It was one of his best weeks yet.”

Political communications strategist Ron Bonjean told Bedard: “There is one world where the mainstream media is covering impeachment, but there is another world where Trump is racking up a myriad of accomplishments, many of which have the support of the same Democrats who want to remove him from office.”

A GOP adviser told Bedard: “President Trump and the Republicans are an irresistible force surging over, around, and through the gelatinous Democrats – a growing number of whom are realizing daily that what they’re doing is seen by the public as trivial and senseless. Just think of what could be accomplished for our country if the loony Left wasn’t so obsessed with destroying Trump.”

Trump has repeatedly taken aim at Democrats on Twitter over the last week, including the following tweets over the past several hours:

“After watching the disgraceful way that a wonderful man, @BrettKavanaugh, was treated by the Democrats, and now seeing first hand how these same Radical Left, Do Nothing Dems are treating the whole Impeachment Hoax, I understand why so many Dems are voting Republican!”   “Chuck Schumer sat for years during the Obama Administration and watched as China ripped off the United States. He & the Do Nothing Democrats did NOTHING as this $ carnage took place. Now, without even seeing it, he snipes at our GREAT new deal with China. Too bad Cryin’ Chuck!”   “The last time I spoke to Debbie Dingell was her call thanking me for granting top memorial and funeral service honors for her then just departed husband, long time Congressman John Dingell. Now I watch her ripping me as part of the Democrats Impeachment Hoax. Really pathetic!”  

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3  It Is ME    6 years ago

Isn't it the "Left", that wants a "World Leader" (King) ?

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
3.1  seeder  Larry Hampton  replied to  It Is ME @3    6 years ago


Don't come onto my seeds spouting stupidness. Read the article and comment on the subject, or leave.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.1  It Is ME  replied to  Larry Hampton @3.1    6 years ago

I read your provided article !

Is President Trump a King ?

Do those that Vote for Trump....which looked for a "United States of AMERICA" leader, and not a "world leader".... Bad People ?

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
3.1.2  seeder  Larry Hampton  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.1    6 years ago


Even though I'm not sure he gets that.

The article is not about whether Trump is a king or not. It is about Christians who have lost faith that their God can satisfy their needs and protect them, and instead have vested their interests in a man who they think can. The correlation is most uncanny.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.3  It Is ME  replied to  Larry Hampton @3.1.2    6 years ago
It is about Christians who have lost faith that their God can satisfy their needs and protect them, and instead have vested their interests in a man who they think can.

Aren't "Liberal Christians" doing the "Same Thing" then, when they look to Bernie and Pocahontas types to "Take money from one to give to another" ….. to "SAVE THEM" (Trump has NEVER said he was going to take someone else hard earned money for a vote)?

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.1.4  Raven Wing   replied to  It Is ME @3.1.3    6 years ago
and Pocahontas types

Please.....don't use Native American slurs in your comments. It is insulting, as it is obviously meant to be. 

While I may not agree with your political views, I always considered you to be above those kind of racial slurs.

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
3.1.5  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.3    6 years ago
Trump has NEVER said he was going to take someone else hard earned money for a vote

That's because Trump is a liar. He promises things he knows he can't deliver because the voters he is courting are apparently really, really stupid and he knows he can fool them as he's been doing.

“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn’t lose any voters, ok? It’s, like, incredible.” - DJT

Yes, Trump appears to have been correct when he insulted his supporters intelligence and pointed out how they wouldn't care what laws Trump might break because he owned them. It seems his "supporters" are nothing but slaves to his persona since they exhibit no will of their own, no conscience of their own, as they blindly and unquestioningly accept whatever dishonest Donald sticks in their mouths.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.6  It Is ME  replied to  Raven Wing @3.1.4    6 years ago
Please.....don't use Native American slurs in your comments.

The Slur is ….. She's a "FAKE FOR GAIN" native American …...

The Word Fit's just fine for Lizzy.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.7  It Is ME  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @3.1.5    6 years ago
That's because Trump is a liar. He promises things he knows he can't deliver

You didn't get to keep more of your own money in this Trump Cycle of U.S. President ?

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
3.1.8  seeder  Larry Hampton  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.3    6 years ago

It seems that many Christians have maintained their faith and souls, not changing who they are or what they espouse, regardless of who they support. Then there are some Christians who support a man who is completely antithetical to what they themselves were espousing not that long ago.

To back-peddle on so many tenants that have traditionally been the backbone of their character, speaks to a disillusionment with their prior convictions, and an acceptance of a different belief. In other words, many Liberal Christians have not changed their message or character, whereas many conservative Christians sound and behave, nothing like what they did just not too long ago.  

If Obama had tried to pull half the shit that Trump has, Evangelicals and Fundamentalist would have been preaching that he was the Antichrist. As is, it is now abundantly clear (for those that believe in this stuff) that the Antichrist will be propagated, and his ascendancy driven in large part, by a Church that has lost faith that their God will be their salvation.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.1.9  Raven Wing   replied to  It Is ME @3.1.6    6 years ago
The Slur is ….. She's a "FAKE FOR GAIN" native American …...

I asked you nicely. Making an excuse for your racist comments is par for the course.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.11  It Is ME  replied to  Larry Hampton @3.1.8    6 years ago
If Obama had tried to pull half the shit that Trump has, Evangelicals and Fundamentalist would have been preaching that he was the Antichrist

In case you forgot....that was one of the Big Stories on the "Love Obama" networks when he came to office.

"LaRouchePAC" was big on calling Obama Hitler too (although the Obama networks blamed Republicans for it) ! 

Did Congress give Obama "the okay" to go to war and wipe out Libya....for Oil ?

Did congress "Approve" the Non-Binding agreement with Iran ?

Did Congress approve Obama's and Holders "Gun Running" scheme ?

Did Congress "approval" to lift the sanctions on Iran ?

Just a few. jrSmiley_9_smiley_image.gif  

Not one time did Republicans put forth "Impeaching Dumbo" for his "Over-reaches" !

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
3.1.12  seeder  Larry Hampton  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.11    6 years ago
Not one time did Republicans put forth "Impeaching Dumbo" for his "Over-reaches" !

Of course none of those even come close to inviting countries (whom aren't even our allies) to interfere in our democratic election process, or preventing witnesses from testifying before congress. Obama didn't commit impeachable offenses, Trump has.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.1.13  Raven Wing   replied to    6 years ago
But you supposedly support Warren falsely claiming Native American heritage?

Where did I say I did? I was not referring to Warren, but, to the NA slur. YOU brought up Warren.

....btw.....I am Native American of the Cherokee Tribe, so I have no reason to support Warren's false claims. So don't put your own words in my mouth.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.14  It Is ME  replied to  Larry Hampton @3.1.12    6 years ago
Of course none of those even come close to inviting countries (whom aren't even our allies) to interfere in our democratic election process

One of those just involved "Blowing Up" a Country.

A much better idea. jrSmiley_88_smiley_image.gif

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
3.1.15  seeder  Larry Hampton  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.14    6 years ago

Hey, I don't and didn't agree with many of Obama's choices and policies; but, those, again, are not impeachable offenses. Asking foreign governments to interfere in our elections, and then trying to cover it up by disallowing witnesses from giving their accounts to congress is.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.16  It Is ME  replied to  Raven Wing @3.1.9    6 years ago
Making an excuse for your racist comments is par for the course.

So calling out "Fake"...is now called "Racist" ?

Is there anything that isn't considered "Racist" by the "Left" these days ? jrSmiley_87_smiley_image.gif

I'm asking, 'cause apparently I NEED your help..... to make myself a better person ! jrSmiley_15_smiley_image.gif

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.17  It Is ME  replied to  Larry Hampton @3.1.15    6 years ago
Asking foreign governments to interfere in our elections

Haven't seen that come to a factual unfeeling light yet.

Please fill me in ?

Larry Hampton
Professor Quiet
3.1.18  seeder  Larry Hampton  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.16    6 years ago

Using the term "Pocahontas types" is derogatory to Indians.

I'm asking, 'cause apparently I NEED your help..... to make myself a better person ! 


Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.1.19  Raven Wing   replied to  It Is ME @3.1.16    6 years ago
Is there anything that isn't considered "Racist" by the "Left" these days ?

I am not a "Leftist". Nor am I a 'Righest." I am myself, with my own political views and personal interests. I am not owned by any party, nor do I have any undying loyalty to any political party.

And your accusations and political associations when you have no idea of my political preferences makes you appear unfairly biased.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.20  It Is ME  replied to  Larry Hampton @3.1.18    6 years ago
Using the term "Pocahontas types" is derogatory to Indians.

Only if the word is directed at an "Actual Indian" !

Professor Quiet
3.1.21  Jack_TX  replied to  Larry Hampton @3.1    6 years ago
Don't come onto my seeds spouting stupidness.

Don't wear a swimsuit to your pool party.    Riiiiiiight.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.22  It Is ME  replied to  Raven Wing @3.1.19    6 years ago
I am not a "Leftist". Nor am I a 'Righest."

I didn't accuse you of being either one.

I just asked a question, basing that question on what I've seen on the News, used by the "Left" and their flavor of the day "Causes" !

I asked for HELP....for GOD sakes ! jrSmiley_97_smiley_image.gif

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.1.23  Raven Wing   replied to  It Is ME @3.1.20    6 years ago
Only if the word is directed at an "Actual Indian"

No it is not. You should learn more about slurs and how they are directed before you make such statements. Your lame excuses are expected, so I will not discuss this with the uninformed any longer only to be told I don't know Jack of what I am talking about.

Discussion ended.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.24  It Is ME  replied to  Raven Wing @3.1.23    6 years ago
No it is not. You should learn more about slurs and how they are directed before you make such statements.

To each his own I suppose ?

What do "Black" folks call each other again ?

By the way..... I'm "Brown". Does that allow me to go "All Sorts of  Ways" when noting things. After all, I'm not "One or the Other". jrSmiley_100_smiley_image.jpg

Professor Quiet
3.1.25  Jack_TX  replied to  Raven Wing @3.1.13    6 years ago
Where did I say I did? I was not referring to Warren, but, to the NA slur. YOU brought up Warren.

The point is that you are mistaking a derisory remark about Elizabeth Warren as a slur against Native Americans.  It isn't.  Unless you're somehow ashamed of Pocahontas.

Professor Principal
3.1.26  JohnRussell  replied to  Jack_TX @3.1.25    6 years ago
The point is that you are mistaking a derisory remark about Elizabeth Warren as a slur against Native Americans. 

Trump plans to appeal to morons. Let's just be honest about that. 

He only knows of a couple American Indians, and he believes the idiots among his supporters only know of a couple American Indians. Hence 'Pocahontas', which has the added appeal to his base of having been a cartoon. 

There is something inherently reviling about the president of the United States directing his appeals for support to the lowest common denominator amongst his base. 

Lets face it, there isnt a single person who will vote for Trump in 2020 because he calls a female US senator 'Pocohantas'  who didnt already vote for him in 2016. 

He knows he needs to keep that 38-42% locked down, so he feeds them childish insults of their "enemies". And he "wins" with that. 

And you wonder why people dont accept Trump? 


Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
3.1.27  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Jack_TX @3.1.25    6 years ago


It's not a slur, per se, but it was used in a derogatory way. Here is an interesting article about why Indians are upset:

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.29  It Is ME  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @3.1.27    6 years ago
but it was used in a derogatory way....

…. Against someone that "Lied". Not against someone that actually was "Indian" !

Fitting !

Professor Principal
3.1.30  JohnRussell  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @3.1.27    6 years ago
Jack, It's not a slur, per se, but it was used in a derogatory way.

Perrie, every American should be upset that the president of the United States tries to use stupid and infantile nicknames to attack political opponents, not just native Americans. 

Please tell me that you dont think it would be ok to use if native Americans werent specifically offended by it. 

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
3.1.31  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Release The Kraken @3.1.28    6 years ago

First of all, there is no way to show this woman's lineage. Second, she was one of many children. Did you take a poll? Third, she is politically motivated as she supports Trump. Fifth, I didn't say that it's a slur but used in a derogatory way. 

If someone does something bad on the forum and I say, Don't be a badfish, I have put you down. 

Trump actually used this to term to Code Talkers he was trying to honor. Instead, he talks about Warren, calls her that, and all in front of a painting of Andrew Jackson, who slaughtered Indians. 

Gee, can't imagine why Indians would feel insulted. 

Professor Quiet
3.1.33  Jack_TX  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @3.1.27    6 years ago
It's not a slur, per se, but it was used in a derogatory way. Here is an interesting article about why Indians are upset:

Almost everything Trump says is used in a derogatory way.  But it's derogatory toward Elizabeth Warren.

The title of the article you link to is "How Trump’s Pocahontas remark can be offensive" .  Like we're brainstorming on how we can make it offensive.  Heaven forfend that we should miss an opportunity to be offended.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
3.1.34  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Release The Kraken @3.1.32    6 years ago

I'm sure she hasn't been vetted by anyone. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.36  It Is ME  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.30    6 years ago
Perrie, every American should be upset that the president of the United States tries to use stupid and infantile nicknames to attack political opponents

He ran on "Drain the (Political) Swamp" and "Name Calling of "Political" opponents".

And you're surprised now ?

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
3.1.37  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Jack_TX @3.1.33    6 years ago

OK Jack, let's try this. 

Someone does something on the site that is really bad, and I say, "Hey don't be a Jack". Are you offended? I would think you should be. 

Also, Trump actually used this to term to Code Talkers he was trying to honor. Instead, he talks about Warren, calls her that, and all in front of a painting of Andrew Jackson, who slaughtered Indians. 

Do you think those old men felt honored or insulted?

And just for the record, I am Indian. Larry's children are Indian, too. We don't feel honored.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
3.1.38  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.36    6 years ago

There is a time and a place for that, and it isn't while you are honoring 2 code talkers, who gave their life for this country.

And I am hardly surprised. 

Professor Principal
3.1.39  JohnRussell  replied to  Release The Kraken @3.1.35    6 years ago

What does this woman have to do with Trump giving people idiotic nicknames? 

And the idiocy is all his. 

"Little Marco" "Lyin Ted", "Sleepy So-andSo", "Crooked Hillary" , "Pocohantas", 

this man is presidential material?  on what planet?

The problem now is that too many people have already accepted this downward deviancy of our language and our culture coming from this moron. 

Soon, no one will remember 2016, and earlier,  when we had presidents in office who weren't a jackass. 

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.40  It Is ME  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @3.1.38    6 years ago
There is a time and a place for that, and it isn't while you are honoring 2 code talkers, who gave their life for this country.

In "Political Land", especially when one is being trashed 24-7...… EVERYTIME....is a Good Time.

My take on what he did/said...… The Code Talkers were the true Indian Americans, as he pointed out, unlike Lying for gain Pocahontas....who is running for President on the democrat Side.

I'd put an ass in it's place, when honoring "True" people too.

Professor Principal
3.1.41  JohnRussell  replied to  Jack_TX @3.1.33    6 years ago
The title of the article you link to is "How Trump’s Pocahontas remark can be offensive" .  Like we're brainstorming on how we can make it offensive.  Heaven forfend that we should miss an opportunity to be offended.

I'm offended that the president of the United States is a known  liar, crook, bigot and moron. 

He has probably called Warren Pocohantas 20 or 30 times, maybe more including tweets. 

What kind of dumbass voter is he trying to appeal to? 

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
3.1.42  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.40    6 years ago

OK, I can see the entire point was missed by you. Nevermind.

It Is ME
Masters Guide
3.1.43  It Is ME  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @3.1.42    6 years ago

Not at all. I even used your comment as a reference, to actually "Explain" my position for my reasoning.

Did you Miss it....or just Ignore it !

Professor Quiet
3.1.44  Jack_TX  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.26    6 years ago
Trump plans to appeal to morons. Let's just be honest about that. 

So do Warren's.  Almost exclusively.  

He only knows of a couple American Indians, and he believes the idiots among his supporters only know of a couple American Indians. Hence 'Pocahontas', which has the added appeal to his base of having been a cartoon. 

Trump is good at sound-bytes.  Yes.  That doesn't actually make the word "Pocahantas" a slur.

There is something inherently reviling about the president of the United States directing his appeals for support to the lowest common denominator amongst his base. 

I don't care for it, no.  I'm actively looking for a good alternative for Nov 2020. 

Lets face it, there isnt a single person who will vote for Trump in 2020 because he calls a female US senator 'Pocohantas'  who didnt already vote for him in 2016. 

Probably not.  There is a question of keeping them motivated enough to actually go vote, though.  Democrats l that stupid people can win you an election, but only if you can get them to the polls.

And you wonder why people dont accept Trump? 

What makes you think I wonder about it?

Frankly, a lot of us wonder whats wrong with you. 

You ongoing bratty personal attacks aside, nobody is wondering anything.  Everybody knows you're committed to continual hysteria and everyone knows I refuse to participate.  Everyone knows it exasperates you and everyone knows I don't give a shit.

Everybody also recognizes your transparent and pathetic attempts to manipulate people into joining your Henny Penny crusade to convince the world the sky is falling, and everybody knows I have zero patience or respect for anybody who would.

It's not a mystery.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
3.1.45  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.43    6 years ago

OK, I don't see your reasoning. I see an excuse. It's a difference of opinion. 

The Code Talkers were the true Indian Americans, as he pointed out, unlike Lying for gain Pocahontas....who is running for President on the democrat Side.

Then when honoring them, don't talk about anything else but their service to his country and don't do it in front of Andrew Jackson.

I'd put an ass in it's place, when honoring "True" people too.

Please explain. 

Professor Principal
3.1.46  JohnRussell  replied to  Jack_TX @3.1.44    6 years ago

No Jack, it's this.   You dont care that the president of the United States is a KNOWN liar, crook, bigot and moron, because you say your finances have been good under his reign. 

So your view of the government is that its only use is to benefit you. 

You have a right to that opinion but as the country falls apart because of this dumbing down and moral collapse epitomized by Trump you can sit there counting your money.

Trump is an asshole. But that is really the least of his failings as a human being. He doesnt belong in America's highest office. Not in a million years. 

All your sad insults to me have no meaning.  

Professor Principal
3.1.47  Ender  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.43    6 years ago

Your only point is that you don't care if people were offended or not and will continue to use it.

Just Jim NC TttH
Professor Principal
3.1.50  Just Jim NC TttH  replied to  Ender @3.1.47    6 years ago

"offense is out there everywhere. One doesn't have to take it but, if they do, it is on them"

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.1.51  Raven Wing   replied to  Jack_TX @3.1.25    6 years ago
The point is that you are mistaking a derisory remark about Elizabeth Warren as a slur against Native Americans.  It isn't.  Unless you're somehow ashamed of Pocahontas

[deleted] attempt to justify using a derogatory slur toward Native Americans. 

Unless you're somehow ashamed of Pocahontas.

I have no reason to be ashamed of Pocahontas, or any other Native American, and your words are nothing more than an attempt to pull my chain. 

So go Troll someone who has an interest to play your game. 

I really thought higher of you. Another wrong assessment on my part.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.1.54  Raven Wing   replied to  Raven Wing @3.1.51    6 years ago
[deleted] attempt to justify using a derogatory slur toward Native Americans. 

My apology. I should not have made such a comment.

Professor Principal
3.1.55  Ender  replied to  Just Jim NC TttH @3.1.50    6 years ago

And free speech is not an absolute.

Professor Quiet
3.1.56  Jack_TX  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.46    6 years ago
No Jack, it's this.   You dont care that the president of the United States is a KNOWN liar, crook, bigot and moron, because you say your finances have been good under his reign.

Here you go again, berating anybody who refuses to match your level of hysteria. 

Do I wish we had an honest president?  Sure.  But I can't actually control that, so I don't let it eat up very much of my day.

His "reign"??  I don't understand this thing I hear from liberals about "reign" or "ruling over us" or some other kind of nonsense like we're some monarchy or empire.  As president, Don is our employee.  He's up for review next fall, and we'll get to decide whether to fire him or not.  (we already know your opinion on that)

So your view of the government is that its only use is to benefit you. 

No, there's just not much point in wringing my hands over shit I can't control.  I will point out that as an American, my benefit is part of "the general welfare" just like everybody else's. 

You have a right to that opinion

There's a change. We're making progress.

but as the country falls apart because of this dumbing down and moral collapse epitomized by Trump you can sit there counting your money.

We're going to hammer home this idea of "things I can control" vs. "things I choose not to worry about because I can't control them". 

Do I wish my fellow Americans were not a bunch of hyper-emotional blithering morons?  Sure.  But I can't control that. 

Do I wish they made better choices?  Sure.  I can't control that either. 

Do I wish they could do basic math and knew the difference between "lose" and "loose" or "they're, their and there".  Abso-fucking-lutely.  But again, there isn't anything I can do to stop them.

We have steadily lowered expectations and standards on the members of our society to the point where many of them are complete imbeciles.  Yet the system is so powerful it marches on.

Trump is an asshole. But that is really the least of his failings as a human being.

I agree with both of those statements.

He doesnt belong in America's highest office. Not in a million years. 

And yet...he's there.  And there isn't a damn thing you or I can do about it.  The idiot extremists who nominate candidates for their parties gave us the choice of two known crooked liars with documented disdain for huge sections of our population. 

The really horrific bullshit is...they may be getting ready to do it AGAIN.  

So yes.  We are well on the road to an Idiocracy.  You can weep about it or not.  

All your sad insults to me have no meaning.  

When you treat people with respect, you will get it in return.

Professor Expert
3.1.57  Krishna  replied to  Raven Wing @3.1.4    6 years ago
While I may not agree with your political views, I always considered you to be above those kind of racial slurs.

Well in that case you are mistaken... [Deleted]

Professor Quiet
3.1.58  Jack_TX  replied to  Raven Wing @3.1.51    6 years ago
I have no reason to be ashamed of Pocahontas,

Perfect.  Then it's not a slur.  Outstanding.

So is the problem that you're proud of Pocahontas (I would be, TBF) and you don't want her name sullied by association with Warren?  Is that what I'm missing?

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.1.59  Raven Wing   replied to  Krishna @3.1.57    6 years ago

I always try to think the best of others until they give me reason not to. And when they do, it makes me feel sad that they are not the kind of person I thought they were.

Though, fortunately, most of the time I'm right. 

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
3.1.60  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.6    6 years ago
She's a "FAKE FOR GAIN" native American …

Funny how you throw that around with zero evidence but then demand evidence of accusations against Trump.

Can you PROVE Warren benefited in ANY WAY from her listing herself as Native American AFTER she was hired by the University of Pennsylvania.

" There is no dispute that Warren formally notified officials at the University of Pennsylvania and then Harvard claiming Native American heritage after she was hired ."

" there is no proof Warren gained any special advantage in her career."

Harvard Law School professor Charles Fried, who served as U.S. Solicitor General under President Ronald Reagan and was part of the committee that put Warren in a tenure position, said in a written statement that her ethnicity never came up during the process.

"This stuff I hear that she was an affirmative action hire, got some kind of a boost, it is so ludicrous and so desperately stupid and ignorant, it just boggles the mind." - Charles Fried

The lies from the right just keep piling up and it's stinking to high heaven. Professor Fried was right, many Trump supporters have become so "desperately stupid and ignorant, it just boggles the mind".

Professor Principal
3.1.62  Kavika   replied to  Release The Kraken @3.1.28    6 years ago

LMAO, her family are you kidding me or are you that ignorant of the facts. 

There are over 100,000 descendants of the Pocahantas and John Rolf.

You might want to ask the other 99,999 descendants their feelings about this. 

It really amazing to see the number of experts on American Indians we have on this site. I was only aware of a handful of Indians (excluding a couple of wannabe's) on NT. 

It's quite interesting to witness their understanding of what is and what isn't a slur or a derogatory comment to Indians and their vast knowledge of Indians. 

Perhaps we should all sit down and they can explain our heritage, language, culture and everything Indian to us shinobs. It would be quite enlighting to see what should be offensive and or derogatory explained to us by such learned members.  

Professor Quiet
3.1.63  Jack_TX  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @3.1.37    6 years ago
Someone does something on the site that is really bad, and I say, "Hey don't be a Jack". Are you offended? I would think you should be. 


You're really asking that question to somebody named "Jack"?   My dear, if I were offended over the use of my name, it would be the sole activity of my existence.

Also, Trump actually used this to term to Code Talkers he was trying to honor. Instead, he talks about Warren, calls her that, and all in front of a painting of Andrew Jackson, who slaughtered Indians.  Do you think those old men felt honored or insulted?

They didn't achieve what they did because they were soft.  I'm guessing a group of grown men with military experience probably looked upon that like I look at the use of my name.  Lots of eyerolls involved.

And just for the record, I am Indian. Larry's children are Indian, too. We don't feel honored.

I think the chances of anybody other than a full volume Trump supporter ever feeling honored after a visit with the man are exceedingly small. 

That doesn't make "Pocahontas" a racial slur.

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
3.1.64  Raven Wing   replied to  Kavika @3.1.62    6 years ago
Perhaps we should all sit down and they can explain our heritage, language, culture and everything Indian to us shinobs. It would be quite enlighting to see what should be offensive and or derogatory explained to us by such learned members.  

Totally agree. What do we "lazy, ignorant, savage injuns" know anyway. 

Professor Quiet
3.1.65  Sunshine  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @3.1.60    6 years ago
The lies from the right. 

Warren is the liar...

Professor Quiet
3.1.66  sixpick  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @3.1.5    6 years ago

“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn’t lose any voters, ok? It’s, like, incredible.” - DJT

That's a crock, Dismayed Patriot.  You don't really believe Trump was serious about that, that, do you? 

Christians don't think of Trump as some kind of God.  They finally got tired of the crap they were being fed by both the Republicans and Democrats.  All these politicians have done is make themselves rich and the people continued to suffer year after year.

Trump came along with some promises and he has held to the promises he could accomplish more than any other President in my life time.  That's what Christians and everyone else see in Trump, someone who loves this country and isn't getting richer like almost all our previous representatives. 

Remember when Obama said "At some point you've made enough money"?  Well, according to a NYT article he fooled his constituents.  I've put the article up before and don't feel like spending the time running around the block one more time just to end up the same place I started.

Christians didn't vote for God or a King.  They took a chance and voted for someone who made some promises and has done his best to keep them.  Now if you and anyone else don't know anything about that, you need to do some research.  We don't need a President who is a king, nor do we want one.

The Democrats have been taken over by the Radical Left and until they come to realize that, they are going to continue to be a lost cause.  I suspect it won't be long though, because I don't know anyone else to replace Trump and the Marxists have infiltrated this country to such a great extent, I suspect there will be a much tougher battle for all of us somewhere in the future.

Professor Expert
3.1.67  Krishna  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.1    6 years ago

How on earth do you dream up such seriously dumb-ass comments?

Dismayed Patriot
Professor Quiet
3.1.68  Dismayed Patriot  replied to  sixpick @3.1.66    6 years ago
That's a crock, Dismayed Patriot.  You don't really believe Trump was serious about that, that, do you? 

You first claim the quote is a "crock" implying its false, yet you then acknowledge he said it. You claim he wasn't serious, I honestly think he was serious. He was shocked at the bizarre loyalty he already had begun to enjoy and commented about how either monumentally stupid or callously lawless his supporters are that they'd literally let him get away with murder.

" Christians don't think of Trump as some kind of God."

Tell that to many of them who do think he's been sent by their God.

"Over the weekend, Rick Perry, the U.S. secretary of energy, became the latest highly placed evangelical Christian to claim that President Trump is the "chosen one." 

"I said you were," Perry said in a clip from an interview shown on Fox News' "Fox and Friends," relating a recent conversation with Trump about an August press briefing in which the president said, "I am the chosen one." 

"If you are a believing Christian, you understand God's plan for the people who rule and judge over us on this planet and our government," Perry explained.

The first asked if all presidents are anointed by God, while the second asked if Donald Trump was specifically anointed by God to win the 2016 election. In our sample, just 21.4% believed Donald Trump was specifically anointed by God to be president, but that figure increases among groups who believe in modern-day prophets and a God who is active in the daily affairs of the world.

Slightly more white evangelicals (29%) agreed that Trump was anointed by God, but among white Pentecostals, like Paula White, that figure shot up to 53%."

Fucking insane.

"That's what Christians and everyone else see in Trump, someone who loves this country and isn't getting richer like almost all our previous representatives."

Oh you poor gullible soul. If you don't think Trump is enriching himself at the expense of the American tax payer then I've got some beach front property in the Maldives to sell you. 

" Christians didn't vote for God or a King.  They took a chance and voted for someone who made some promises and has done his best to keep them."

He hasn't "built the wall" and Mexico is never going to pay for whatever boondoggle portion he gets built, he hasn't cut our deficit or our debt, he's merely kept the financial trends going started under Obama, he didn't bring back coal jobs or manufacturing, that was a HUGE lie, he didn't even save those jobs he claimed to save at Carrier, he gave a massive tax cuts to his corporate buddies while sticking the American tax payer with the bill nearly doubling our deficit in just two short years. The only thing he's accomplished for his base is to piss off Democrats and confirm a shit load of shitty right wing religious conservative judges which apparently his base think is going to overturn Roe v Wade which sadly for them, is never going to happen no matter how much they whine.

Trump is a failure, has been all his life. His only saving grace was that daddy left him nearly half a billion to cover his constant mistakes and bankruptcies. Many investors have pointed out that if Trump had simply invested that money in slow growth funds he'd be worth at least $13 billion today but most put his current wealth at just below $3 billion. He's a fucking gold painted half wit charlatan but he's got the poorly educated wrapped around his tiny finger. He will leave the Presidency in tatters and be hated by the majority of Americans for the rest of his miserable life, which, if karma is real, will turn out much like Al Capone's twilight years, drooling in a mental institute as syphilis eats what's left of his deficient brain.

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
3.1.70  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Jack_TX @3.1.33    6 years ago
The title of the article you link to is "How Trump’s Pocahontas remark can be offensive"

No. The article could have been called "Why Trumps Pocahontas remark is offensive"

Please tell me that you dont think it would be ok to use if native Americans werent specifically offended by it. 

Here is an idea. How about the President sound like a President and not name call at all. 

Professor Quiet
3.1.71  Jack_TX  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @3.1.70    6 years ago

Erm....yes.  It is.  Actual copy/paste of the headline is:

AP Explains: How Trump’s Pocahontas remark can be offensive

The article could have been called "Why Trumps Pocahontas remark is offensive"

It could have.  It wasn't.  These people choose words for a living, and they chose "how".

Here is an idea. How about the President sound like a President and not name call at all. 

Well...I voted against him.  That's really the sum total of what I can control until next fall.  If you've got another plan, I'm all ears.

Professor Principal
3.1.72  JohnRussell  replied to  sixpick @3.1.66    6 years ago

How is that finding communists under your bed thing going Six ? 

Professor Principal
3.1.73  JohnRussell  replied to  Jack_TX @3.1.56    6 years ago
When you treat people with respect, you will get it in return.

I dont "respect" people who defend Trump on internet forums. 

If we were sitting down having a beer somewhere I'm sure we could have a friendlier conversation. 

Trump has NEVER been fit for office. 

For christs sake he led a conspiracy theory alleging the sitting president at the time wasnt an American.  And that was AFTER the state of Hawaii had officially declared otherwise.  He's not an honest person. 

Trump took part in a fraud to misrepresent Trump University and has paid for it.  Trump was fine with taking the life savings of those who were naive enough to believe his video commercials for the "school".  Mainly people who didnt have life savings to spare. 

He's a scumbag and I dont make nice with people who support him on internet forums. 

Perrie Halpern R.A.
Professor Expert
3.1.74  Perrie Halpern R.A.  replied to  Jack_TX @3.1.63    6 years ago
You're really asking that question to somebody named "Jack"?   My dear, if I were offended over the use of my name, it would be the sole activity of my existence.

OK, so I have two Uncle Jacks and my Grandfather was named Jack, so I don't get this. There are a lot of names used that way, like Bob. Anyway, that was not my question to you. 

They didn't achieve what they did because they were soft.  I'm guessing a group of grown men with military experience probably looked upon that like I look at the use of my name.  Lots of eyerolls involved.

Jack, how would you know? My dad was offended and he is a combat vet from 2 wars. Their family members were offended. The Navaho Nation was offended. Even if he didn't bring Pocahontas' name into the mix, who honors Indians in front of a painting of Andrew Jackson? He was proud of his slaughter of thousands of Indians.

I think you should read this article. It is from an Indian Vet and the head of the Nation Congress of Indian Affairs. 

I think the chances of anybody other than a full volume Trump supporter ever feeling honored after a visit with the man are exceedingly small. 

Who knows? All I know is that there is a way to conduct yourself when you are in that office and he often misses the mark.

That doesn't make "Pocahontas" a racial slur.

See, this annoys me. I have said over and over in this article that it is NOT a slur but was used in a pejorative way. So let's be clear, it is NOT a slur, but an insult to her good name to Indians who he was supposed to be honoring, in front of a painting of Andrew Jackson, while he griped about Elizabeth Warren. 

Professor Quiet
3.1.75  Jack_TX  replied to  Perrie Halpern R.A. @3.1.74    6 years ago
OK, so I have two Uncle Jacks and my Grandfather was named Jack, so I don't get this.

How do you possibly not get this?  I'm sorry, you're just not paying attention.

Jack, how would you know?

I know for damn certain that double hard men like 2 time combat vets are not going to get their knickers in a knot about what some orange asshole says on television.   They rolled their eyes.  They commented on what an asshole he is.  Then they went about living their lives, remembering the things that were important enough to go to war over.  Because that's what men like that do.  

who honors Indians in front of a painting of Andrew Jackson?

A completely insensitive asshole.  I'm not sure what about this surprises anybody. 

Who knows? All I know is that there is a way to conduct yourself when you are in that office and he often misses the mark.

Yes.  That's a fact.

See, this annoys me. I have said over and over in this article that it is NOT a slur but was used in a pejorative way. 

Meh....OK.  That's not the impression you've given.  You even used the example of my name being a slur.

Professor Principal
3.1.76  Kavika   replied to  Jack_TX @3.1.75    6 years ago
I know for damn certain that double hard men like 2 time combat vets are not going to get their knickers in a knot about what some orange asshole says on television.   They rolled their eyes.  They commented on what an asshole he is.  Then they went about living their lives, remembering the things that were important enough to go to war over.  Because that's what men like that do.  

How do you know this Jack? Are you a 2 time combat vet, are you Indian. Are you familiar with these men and other combat vet Indians? Jack, you have no idea how double hard these men are and what they faced not only in combat but the racism they received before and after their return to the US. 

Many of these unique men are interred into ''Indian Boarding Schools'' where if we spoke our language it was beaten out of his. Yes Jack, beaten as in physical beatings. Yet when the US needed us and our language we were the ''good guys'' for that short period of time. 

It was an insult to men that were unique in WWII. They were deserving of much more than an ignorant comment by Trump. No, they didn't scream about Trump's ignorance, like most Indians they are used to ignorant and stupid comments about Indians. They showed the grace that real men have. But rest assured Jack, they did not forget it. Nor will the vast majority of Indians. 

It would behove you to actually learn more about Indians, our history and culture before thinking that you know how we will act and feel. 


Professor Quiet
3.1.77  Jack_TX  replied to  Kavika @3.1.76    6 years ago
How do you know this Jack? Are you a 2 time combat vet, are you Indian.

This is akin to suggesting I don't know that NFL players are strong because I'm not one.  They are double hard because that's the only way somebody does what they were able to do.  I'm worried that this isn't obvious and requires explanation.

Jack, you have no idea how double hard these men are and what they faced not only in combat but the racism they received before and after their return to the US. 

And you're suggesting that these experiences left them soft?  That just seems incredibly implausible.

Many of these unique men are interred into ''Indian Boarding Schools'' where if we spoke our language it was beaten out of his. Yes Jack, beaten as in physical beatings. Yet when the US needed us and our language we were the ''good guys'' for that short period of time. 

So given this lifetime of experiences, do explain how these men would be even mildly surprised at inappropriate behavior from a white president.   

It was an insult to men that were unique in WWII. They were deserving of much more than an ignorant comment by Trump. No, they didn't scream about Trump's ignorance, like most Indians they are used to ignorant and stupid comments about Indians. They showed the grace that real men have. But rest assured Jack, they did not forget it. Nor will the vast majority of Indians. 

It was one insult among thousands, spread over decades, which is why they know better than to get worked up about it.  That's my point.

Yes.  They deserved better.  But they almost surely knew better than to expect it. 

Professor Principal
3.1.78  Kavika   replied to  Jack_TX @3.1.77    6 years ago
This is akin to suggesting I don't know that NFL players are strong because I'm not one.  They are double hard because that's the only way somebody does what they were able to do.  I'm worried that this isn't obvious and requires explanation.

No, it isn't Jack. The experience of combat and of being an Indian are quite different than playing football. To feel that you understand the combat experience and the life experience of these men is quite amusing. 

And you're suggesting that these experiences left them soft?  That just seems incredibly implausible.

I have no idea how you could even ask that question. I'm saying that because of their life experience before and after combat and the combat experience made then much stronger than you can imagine. 

So given this lifetime of experiences, do explain how these men would be even mildly surprised at inappropriate behavior from a white president. 

As warriors/veterans and Americans they expected more from a president no matter his color. Sadly he stayed true to form. 

It was one insult among thousands, spread over decades, which is why they know better than to get worked up about it.  That's my point.

An insult from the president during a ceremony that was supposed to honor them is not your everyday insult. As I stated in my comment they didn't get upset about it and raise hell. They are much bigger men than the president. They will not forget the insult nor will most Indians.

Professor Quiet
3.1.79  sixpick  replied to  Dismayed Patriot @3.1.68    6 years ago

You first claim the quote is a "crock" implying its false, yet you then acknowledge he said it. You claim he wasn't serious, I honestly think he was serious. He was shocked at the bizarre loyalty he already had begun to enjoy and commented about how either monumentally stupid or callously lawless his supporters are that they'd literally let him get away with murder.

Well, every MSM source grabbed that comment and twisted it up in knots, kind of like you did.  I mean I didn't realize just how many MSM sources jumped on that comment.  Context matters, DP.  At the time he made that statement he was reading how the MSM were talking about him and his supporters, but I guess when you don't have anything you have to grasp at anything you can.  We all knew he was joking and anyone with any sense should have known he was joking about how the MSM felt about his supporters.  Don't forget, he also said Hillary could walk into one of his rallies and shoot someone in the heart and wouldn't get prosecuted.  He was joking there as well, but he was making a point of how supporters of him, Hillary or even Obama felt about their candidates.  We all know that was a joke and I'd like to clear it up for you so you don't have to keep on believing he was serious, although I feel you also know it was a joke, but as a joke it doesn't work for you the way you want it to, making it impossible to spread the lie as effectively among gullible people.

You know we're getting off topic here and Larry is going to get upset pretty soon, so let me state Christians are no different than any one else, they want the best for this country.  They know you have to look at the possibilities and work on things that can be done and not impossible dreams or fundamentally transforming this country into a Socialist Utopia where a segment of society gets everything for free while those of us who are working everyday are paying for all this free stuff.  They may believe in God and want to live a Christian life, although most fall short in their endeavor to do so.  By using common sense instead of some wild ass dreams of having an all powerful government to rule over every aspect of our lives, we reject that order.  We want to help those who can't do it for themselves and we also want those who can help themselves to get on with it.  We don't want to create a society dependent on the government.

I really don't care what Rick Perry or Paula White said, either.  Trump has a wide spectrum of supporters.  How can you blame them with unemployment rates at historical lows, family income increases at historical highs?

Oh you poor gullible soul. If you don't think Trump is enriching himself at the expense of the American tax payer then I've got some beach front property in the Maldives to sell you. 

At least it isn't on Martha's Vineyard with all this Climate Change on the verge of overtaking the land.  Doesn't seem to be stopping some from buying property there with gigantic homes with the enrichment they've set up for themselves by fooling their constituents for 8 years.

One thing I notice is your overwhelming hate for Trump and I assume you feel the same way about us, since we voted for that Charlatan.  Tell me a President who has confronted the deficit and thereby the National Debt the way it should be confronted.  None that I know of and would the people accept the austerity that would be necessary to do anything to reduce it?  One thing for sure is his supporters and those who oppose him would be on the same side then.  That is just a fact of life.  Another thing that is a fact of life is we will have to face tremendous austerity at some point in the future and it is not going to be pretty.  If we could just erase Bush, Obama and Trump from our history books, we might have a a National Debt we could manage. With all the most recent Presidents adding so much to our National Debt, we are bound to arrive at a point where the payback is going to be hell.  We can't really say any of them have been successful in reducing it.  I don't see how we are going to be able to reduce it, since 2/3 of the deficit is caused by mandatory spending and no matter who is President, I don't think the people will be willing to take the necessary steps to accomplish it.  This is a real problem to me and Trump isn't attacking it either, but who has?

We're not looking for religious right wing Justices, only Justices who abide by the Constitution.  When a court says they would have rendered a different policy if Hillary Clinton had put a temporary restriction on people coming into this country than they did with Trump, then we have two Constitutions, one for us and one for them where they have rights and we don't, these Justices aren't abiding by the one and only Constitution of the United States and thereby need to be replaced. 

I don't think you have to worry about Roe v. Wade.  I know some of the extreme religious groups would want to eliminate abortion entirely, but I don't think there is much of a chance of that happening, in my opinion.  I do think there should not be abortion at will at any time during the pregnancy.  Just my personal opinion and it shouldn't take 9 months to make a decision as to when you want to abort a fetus.  I think abortions should be a woman's right, but I don't like the idea of late term abortions.

One last thing.  Which Democrat candidate is proposing policies that will reduce the deficit and the National Debt?

Professor Quiet
3.1.80  Jack_TX  replied to  Kavika @3.1.78    6 years ago
No, it isn't Jack. The experience of combat and of being an Indian are quite different than playing football. To feel that you understand the combat experience and the life experience of these men is quite amusing.

People do not need to have actually done something to know it requires outstanding characteristics.  That's the point of the analogy.  I don't need to actually tackle Ezekial Elliot to understand that it takes a very strong, very tough man to do so.  You don't need to design a space ship to know that doing so takes phenomenal intelligence.  Similarly, I don't need to have stormed a Normandy beach to understand that the men who did so were tough as nails and unbelievably courageous.  Do you see how this works?

I have no idea how you could even ask that question

I'm realizing that.

As warriors/veterans and Americans they expected more from a president no matter his color. 

You've spoken with them?  You've confirmed this?  Or are you projecting your own naivete onto a situation where no realist would have shared such expectations?

Sadly he stayed true to form. 

Surprising absolutely nobody.  That is the point.

An insult from the president during a ceremony that was supposed to honor them is not your everyday insult.

Fair enough.

As I stated in my comment they didn't get upset about it and raise hell.

Then you are confirming what I have been saying all along.  Let's agree to take yes for an answer.

They are much bigger men than the president. They will not forget the insult nor will most Indians.

I don't doubt that for a minute.  But they're going to have to get in line.  The list of people Trump has offended is long and distinguished.

Professor Principal
3.1.81  Kavika   replied to  Jack_TX @3.1.80    6 years ago
People do not need to have actually done something to know it requires outstanding characteristics.  That's the point of the analogy.  I don't need to actually tackle Ezekial Elliot to understand that it takes a very strong, very tough man to do so.  You don't need to design a space ship to know that doing so takes phenomenal intelligence.  Similarly, I don't need to have stormed a Normandy beach to understand that the men who did so were tough as nails and unbelievably courageous.  Do you see how this works?

Then you should be able to explain to me what it's like to be in combat and how I felt and reacted. You should also be able to explain to me and all Indians what it is like to be an Indian. Our thought process and how we deal with the world what is an insult to us and what isn't. The fact is Jack you can't now or ever. See how that works?

I'm realizing that.

Simply your opinion.

You've spoken with them?  You've confirmed this?  Or are you projecting your own naivete onto a situation where no realist would have shared such expectations?

Nice try at an insult Jack but here you go...I have read all of the correspondence from their families and from the Navajo nation including the President of the Navajo Nation and Jefferson Keel the President of the NCAI. Much of it rarely seen or read by non-Natives. 

The same could be asked of you Jack, did you speak to them and confirm that they weren't insulted or are you projecting your own naive view into the situation?

I don't doubt that for a minute.  But they're going to have to get in line.  The list of people Trump has offended is long and distinguished.

We have been in line since the 1990s with Trump. His attacking and insulting Indians has a long and ugly history.   

Professor Principal
3.1.82  JohnRussell  replied to  Kavika @3.1.81    6 years ago

It is amazing what lengths some people will go to in order to defend Trump. Not so much Trump the man as Trump the idea. He was spot on when he said he could kill some one and it wouldnt effect his popularity with his supporters. 

When Trump used the term "Pocohantas" in front of the WWII code talkers, it was obviously extremely inappropriate and could be taken as offensive not only by these men but all American Indians. The Trumpist response is, like it is to everything he does wrong,  "get over it". 

Professor Quiet
3.1.83  Jack_TX  replied to  Kavika @3.1.81    6 years ago
Nice try at an insult Jack but here you go...

Look....it's not a try at an insult.  Trust me, when I insult you, you'll know it.  You normally seem a decent person, so I've intentionally phrased things so as not to be insulting.  

But you seem determined to pick a fight...despite the fact you've already agreed with the very statements you now attempt to contest.   I'm not sure why that is.

Professor Quiet
3.1.84  Jack_TX  replied to  JohnRussell @3.1.82    6 years ago
It is amazing what lengths some people will go to in order to defend Trump.

Not nearly as amazing as the depth of mental illness possessing those who interpret any comment not calling for Trump's public execution as "defense".  

Professor Principal
3.1.85  Kavika   replied to  Jack_TX @3.1.83    6 years ago
But you seem determined to pick a fight...despite the fact you've already agreed with the very statements you now attempt to contest.   I'm not sure why that is.

If I wanted to pick a fight you'd know it Jack. I'm not contesting anything that I agreed with. The difference being that I was pointing out to you areas that your experience doesn't cover. Simple as that.

Professor Quiet
3.1.86  Jack_TX  replied to  Kavika @3.1.85    6 years ago
I'm not contesting anything that I agreed with

So we've gone a very long way for you to say I was correct from the beginning.

Professor Principal
3.1.87  Kavika   replied to  Jack_TX @3.1.86    6 years ago

Too bad that you've missed so much of what was stated. 


Professor Quiet
3.1.88  Jack_TX  replied to  Kavika @3.1.87    6 years ago

Don't mistake "chose to ignore" for "missed".  

Senior Guide
3.1.89  XXJefferson51  replied to  Larry Hampton @3.1.2    6 years ago

What makes you think that because we didn’t vote for Jezebel that we lost faith in God.  To us, Trump was Elijah compared to her. 

Senior Guide
3.1.90  XXJefferson51  replied to  It Is ME @3.1.7    6 years ago

Trump has kept more campaign promises than any other President.  

Senior Guide
3.1.91  XXJefferson51  replied to  Larry Hampton @3.1.15    6 years ago

Are you a witness to these crimes not even a far left circle jerk house intelligence Committee (talk about an oxymoron) and House Judiciary Committee majority’s could prove?  

Raven Wing
Professor Participates
5  Raven Wing     6 years ago

As a former Republican, I can agree with some of the current Republican's views on some policies and events.

However, since the Tea Party took over the Republican party is ceased to be the kind of party I could support. At the same time, I am not a Democrat either, as there are some of their more radical leaders are no better than the Tea Party, and have degraded the party to its lower state as well.

Neither party at this point is worth the powder to blow them to Hell, and while I dislike what Trump has done to our country, I cannot in good conscience blame him. I blame those who choose to elect someone who was totally and completely unqualified and unfit to be the leader of our great nation. 

I personally blame both parties who seem to be more interested in promoting their own parties instead of promoting a candidate who has the best qualifications for the job that requires the best of the best of us Americans to lead our country, and do what is best for our country and the American PEOPLE, not what they think best only for their own party, and themselves.

IMHO, the political parties themselves are responsible for the mess this country is now experiencing, and has for some decades now, by putting party first instead of America and its people first.

And, IMO, it has nothing to do with religion, that is just an empty excuse, as not all voters are religious. 

Until the two parties return to the basics of our election process and present qualified and experienced candidates for the job to be done, America will continue to fall. 



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