White House has issued formal threat to Bolton to keep him from publishing book

"The manuscript may not be published or otherwise disclosed without the deletion of this classified information,"

The White House has issued a formal threat to former national security adviser John Bolton to keep him from publishing his book, "The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir," sources familiar with the matter tell CNN.
In a letter to Bolton's lawyer , a top official at the National Security Council wrote the unpublished manuscript of Bolton's book "appears to contain significant amounts of classified information" and couldn't be published as written.
The letter, which is dated January 23, said some of the information was classified at the "top secret" level, meaning it "reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave harm to the national security."
"The manuscript may not be published or otherwise disclosed without the deletion of this classified information," the letter read.
The letter comes in the midst of President Donald Trump attacking Bolton on Twitter , and Bolton's lawyer accusing the White House of corrupting the vetting process for Bolton's book by sharing the contents of the book with those outside the National Security Council's Records Management Division.
How much do ya wanna bet that the classified information is dirt on rump?
Who is rump? Is that a made up term by TDS sufferers.
Any moron should know that if you are writing a book on your experience in the white house the manuscript must be checked for classified information before published. Here is the funny part, the publisher claims they didn't leak any part of the book but the leak came from the White House. Guess what traitor works at the NSC that is involved in the impeachment scandal?
"rump" is just another immature grammar/middle school attempt on social media to demean President Trump. Others are tRump, Drump, and Dumper.
My favorite is Tuck Frump.
He deserves no respect. He's not fit for office and never has been. He is a tv game show host/ con man crook and pathological liar.
Correct; and, Bolton is no moron. He very well knows this process. Do you think he is ignorant of that fact? There have been at least a dozen or more books I know of just of the top of my head, that have been written about this Whitehouse by insiders in just the last couple of years. All books have to go through the same examination.
Do you seriously think that Bolton would try and sneak something harmful about anything but trump? That he thought, he just might, put truly dangerous material into the public sphere, past the eyes of the requisite analysis? Of course not. [Deleted]
It's awesome that you are such a champion of a war hawk like Bolton.
Who said he was trying to sneak anything, I really hate when [Deleted] try to put words in someone's mouth. I understand your idolization of Bolton might make you think he is above error but I hate to break the news to you, no one is.
I am a champion, of the truth.
Don't forget to wipe your pence!
While I generally don't like it when people do things like that, with all the childish insults that Trump hurls, I think it's just fine to return the favor to Deranged Donnie.
The other one that I approve of is calling Santorum "frothy mix" - which I probably shouldn't, but it just cracks me up, and I think it was well deserved.
You never say anything to people who called Obama, Obammy now do ya?
This isn't the first book that Bolton has had to vet before publishing. His 2007 book had to be vetted. Add that to the fact that Simon and Schuster isn't some fly by night publisher. They have plenty of experience with this kind of book AND how to get it quickly vetted and released.
As long as your side uses...abuela, shifty, and sleepy to demean certain politicians, spare us the mock indignation. Your hero demeans others daily when he tweets.
"Bolton's lawyer accusing the White House of corrupting the vetting process for Bolton's book by sharing the contents of the book..."
That's what happened? Trump's team spread the damning story to the dems?
Here's your prize.
I dont think Bolton intended to destroy Trump when all this started (the book). But once Trump pisses him off enough that will become his new intention.
So you doubt Bolton's integrity and credibilty. Kind of makes him a bad witness for a trial.
Of matches - just for play?
Opportunistic leak of the content. Who the hell leaked it? And why?
1.) We may never know
2.) Because Trump..................like always. SMMFH
And it's seems it's always the NYT and WaPo that are the recipients. Hmmmm. And now, the idiots are blaming the White House for leaking it?
What schedule was that? Get it in someone's hands that will leak it so we can fuck up the impeachment trial with bullshit isn't a reputable "schedule".
You guys worry about every leak except the giant one between Trump's ears.
"That makes no sense"..........................
The left ignores every security leak and glorifies the leakers. So long as it is anti Trump it is taken as gospel.
CNN has lost its collective mind. Exactly how is this letter a threat? The story doesn't even say. It's ordinary boilerplate and part of the standard process the White House always goes through when reviewing manuscripts.
Insanity like this is why we have this impeachment nonsense going on - i.e. the tendency to make mountains out of molehills.
Remember when CNN was a news channel? This is embarrassing.
This headline is the very definition of "fake news." The assertion that the White House has formally threatened Mr. Bolton is 100% made up.
tds, fakenews, msm, hate, omg, conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory, meme, meme, meme...
...never mind me; just compiling a list of the Conservative talking points presented thus far.
Seems to me every "Conservative" discussed your seed.
I myself couldn't help but notice you like the comments that have nothing to do with it though...fucking Hillaryious.
And gee I don't see one meme, just more fake news.
I dunno,,,it’s about the hundredth time I’ve seen you use the ol’ Dos Equis dude and the little confused girl ,,,
There’s Lottsa pictures, gifs, and memes out there; variety is the spice of life.
Perhaps the same ol’ same ol’ brings ya a measure of security though; so, more power to the boring I guess...
You don't know? Please show us one meme in the comments on your seed?
What does that have to do with your claim of multiple memes on your seed?
Thank god you can always fall back on hyperbole I guess....
I counted 13, more or less. Your avatar, Just Jim's and Jasper's, memes.
I believe the correct terminology is "to put a Master Chief out to sea".
So 3 makes 13?
How many meme's does this make?
How many comments are there on this article with those three meme avatars?
13 plus your last one = 14
Heard that one before Frost, LMAO.
Worked with a USMC CW03 who said that every day for 2 years.
Evan Larry had enough sense to give up on his hyperbolic comment..
YOU have posted 'multiple memes' in his seed.
What slow day Dulay? Show me a Meme I posted.
What still reaching to compensate for Larry's hyperbolic comment? How cute.
Is there other ways you compensate for his short comings?
This gif of the beer guy shaking his head is pretty much trolling at this point.
Hey JR at least you have enough sense to know the difference between a meme and a gif.
Perhaps you should count again. I made exactly TWO comments on this seed ... 1.2.2 and 4.2.3. NEITHER of my comments include a meme, so stop making up shit. BTW, I ignored the subsequent baiting comments and didn't respond to them.
Is your avatar a meme, Jasper?
Yes or no.
Can you post anything without your avatar?
Yes or no.
I made no response to you at all here or elsewhere.
Enjoy your evening, Cheers.
Using any intelligence or being original is pretty much impossible for some. Their entire existence is wrapped around sitting under these virtual bridges and jumping out every few minutes, waving their tired useless hairy meme arms around at anyone trying to cross a logic bridge in an attempt to extort a reaction which, if received, they take back under their smelly bridge and gnaw on to make themselves feel better. "Snort....yeah, I sure showed them with that same meme I've used hundreds of times... yeah, that was a good one, he, hehe, he...".
No. My avatar is a quotation, not a meme.
Why should I? I like the quotation that I posted for my avatar, and until Perrie tells me that I must remove it, I shall keep it.
Well, per your definition of a meme, is your quote not an idea? Is it not a "discrete unit of knowledge" that you seek to share through social media per the definition you linked?
I think it is, very much so ( and a nice sentiment ).
You can agree to disagree if you must. But then I would have to ask if you are admitting that KDM's and Just Jim's avatar's are indeed "officially" memes by your definition?
I asked you if you can post anything without your avatar. The answer is no.
You deflected and ignored the question.
Please save us the meta drama, no one even slightly implied that your avatar is improper or unacceptable to the forum or the RA or that you should change it.
Good for you. Keep a stiff upper lip, patience is a virtue, onward christian soldiers and all that .
Pip, pip, Cheerio. (again)
Since you're the one that's been harping about a meme for DAYS now, it looks like you're the one having a slow day.
Really Dulay, harping? Where did I do that? Are you trying to help SP compensate for Larry's hyperbolic comment now to? You are the spin artist, lets see how you can do.
Yes, harping.
Throughout this seed.
No I am directly addressing your harping.
You are the meme artists and your failed attempt to deny it by posting ANOTHER meme is hilarious.
I almost hit thumbs up to your comment but then you had to finish with Go Chiefs!
Go Niners!
Well I still have my old 49ers Jersey which I will drag out,
but I am more of an Andy Reid fan, ( Eagles fan ) and wish he gets a Super Bowl ring before he retires.
When I lived in CA I wore my Bears cap, never an issue but much sympathy. When I came home for Christmas, I donned my 49ers cap and caught shit when I got on the plane. Put my Bears cap back on when I got off the plane in San Francisco. I still have my 34 'Sweetness' Jersey though it doesn't fit anymore.
Greatest all around running back to ever play the game. His would be the only non Steelers jersey I would ever consider owning.