Trump Bravely Affirms Framers, Religion, and Life
Category: News & Politics
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1 • 5 years ago • 115 commentsBy: Stephen B Presser

Trump is right. Human life, the pre born infant is a mighty creation in the image of almighty God. Trumps reliance on and comments regarding our founding and the founders ideals is right on.

In the midst of the most unfair and unjustified impeachment ever brought against a president, Donald Trump gave perhaps the strongest and bravest speech of his political career.
Even as Mr. Trump became the first president ever to be impeached in the complete absence of any crimes being charged against him — which flies in the face of the Constitution’s requirement that impeachable offenses consist of "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" — he nonetheless, on Jan. 24, became the first U.S. president ever to attend and speak at the annual March for Life .
The March for Life is a gathering of many thousands in the nation’s capital on the anniversary of the notorious Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade , 410 U.S. 113 (1973).
That decision, the most arbitrary act of judicial legislation in our nation’s history, essentially declared that somewhere in the "penumbras and emanations" of constitutional provisions could be found a purported right to terminate incipient human life in the womb, a right that many progressives think ought to be extended to any time before the actual birth of an infant.
The progressives now dominating one of our political parties, the Democrats, see the abortion question as an assertion of a woman’s control over the functions of her own body, but many Americans, and perhaps, at this point in our history, the majority of Republicans, believe that to terminate a pregnancy is to take an innocent human life, something that no one has a right to do.
The two views are obviously incompatible.
In our republic, the way such intractable matters have been solved has been through the legislative, not the judicial process. This is why the Constitution actually leaves such matters to the state legislatures, and this is why the late Antonin Scalia, dissenting in the 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey , 505 U.S. 833 (1992) decision (affirming Roe v. Wade), stated to his fellow justices that, "We should get out of this area, where we have no right to be, and where we do neither ourselves nor the country any good by remaining."
The annual March for Life is best understood as an expression by Americans who share Scalia’s view, and who, moreover, seek to persuade their fellow Americans that the Court made a dangerous and unconscionable error in that 1973 decision.
This is certainly the most divisive issue in American culture, politics, and law, and the president made it clear where he stood. "We are here," he said , "for a very simple reason: to defend the right of every child, born and unborn, to fulfill their God-given potential."
There are those who believe sincerely that it is wrong for any public official, much less any president, to take a stand on a public policy based on religion, because they maintain that there ought to be a clear separation of church and state.
It's true that the First Amendment to the Constitution does provide that Congress is prohibited from dictating an "establishment of religion," but what the Framers’ meant by that was simply that there would be no creation of a national church, as had been true in England.
This was not supposed to be an atheistic nation, and, indeed, John Adams, our second President stated in 1798 that "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Similarly, Samuel Chase, an early Supreme Court justice — one who, like Trump, was himself later to be the subject of an unfair impeachment — told a grand jury in 1802 that there could be "no political happiness without liberty, that there can be no liberty without morality, and that there can be no morality without religion."
President Trump firmly placed himself in the camp of Adams and Chase. "When we see the image of a baby in the womb," he said, "we glimpse the majesty of God's creation."
The president acknowledged, however, that not all Americans shared his views or those of the marchers, "Sadly, the far left is working to erase our God-given rights, shut down faith-based charities, ban religious leaders from the public square, and silence Americans who believe in the sanctity of life."
As he closed his speech the President made clear where he stood, "And above all, we know that every human soul is divine and every human life, born and unborn, is made in the holy image of Almighty God."
With those words Mr. Trump underscored what is at stake with his trial for impeachment and the upcoming election this November, This country is in the midst of an historic choice — whether to reaffirm the belief of the Framers that providence still guides this nation, or whether to cede power to those who spurn that view and the president who supports it.
There are those who believe sincerely that it is wrong for any public official, much less any president, to take a stand on a public policy based on religion, because they maintain that there ought to be a clear separation of church and state.
It's true that the First Amendment to the Constitution does provide that Congress is prohibited from dictating an "establishment of religion," but what the Framers’ meant by that was simply that there would be no creation of a national church, as had been true in England.
This was not supposed to be an atheistic nation, and, indeed, John Adams, our second President stated in 1798 that "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Similarly, Samuel Chase, an early Supreme Court justice — one who, like Trump, was himself later to be the subject of an unfair impeachment — told a grand jury in 1802 that there could be "no political happiness without liberty, that there can be no liberty without morality, and that there can be no morality without religion."
President Trump firmly placed himself in the camp of Adams and Chase. "When we see the image of a baby in the womb," he said, "we glimpse the majesty of God's creation."
The president acknowledged, however, that not all Americans shared his views or those of the marchers, "Sadly, the far left is working to erase our God-given rights, shut down faith-based charities, ban religious leaders from the public square, and silence Americans who believe in the sanctity of life."
As he closed his speech the President made clear where he stood, "And above all, we know that every human soul is divine and every human life, born and unborn, is made in the holy image of Almighty God."
With those words Mr. Trump underscored what is at stake with his trial for impeachment and the upcoming election this November
Your understanding of the separation of church and state is quite limited. Yes, the government cannot establish a church or religion. But it also means it cannot favor any religion over another or over non-religion, and vice versa. Neither can religion be used to establish law or public policy. In effect, the government must remain religiously neutral.
Which means that it can’t use its power to keep religious people from speaking their minds anywhere. Nor can it prevent the free exercise there of of a persons religious beliefs.
It also means Religion can not be the basis for government actions or policies. You have "Freedom of religion" What you don't have is the freedom to exercise your religion over the lives of others.
I'm all for freedom of religion but some folks take it way too far.
I didn't say it did. Of course, there are limits to religious exercise. But the government itself is not and should not be a platform for religious promotion or belief.
Doesn't mean that Joe Citizen can't mock you for your fanatical fascism.
"moral and religious People"
No such thing exists. If you rely on a collection of novellas to tell you what's moral, you arent moral. Coule that with the fact that collection of novellas condones such acts as incest and murder.
Do not let anyone claim tribute of American patriotism if they even attempt to remove religion from politics. ~George Washington
there could be "no political happiness without liberty, that there can be no liberty without morality, and that there can be no morality without religion."
I get that many religious people believe that their deity and hence their religion is the sole arbiter of morality, but to imply that If you don't believe in deities then you must not believe in morality either is simply a non sequitur.
Religion based on belief in the one true God is the sole source of true and real morality.
Opinion noted.
I'm of the opinion that everyone is born an atheist. It's religious influence that clouds perception of the world with unverifiable dogma. Morality predicates religion. We can have universal morals that allow everyone to live autonomously without imposing their will or personally held beliefs on others.
There are no morals in the universe without an all powerful omniscient deity to inform us as to what they are. God is the source of all that we call moral values and standards
Bullshit. I'm far more moral than you are, and I'm an atheist.
Ah yes, your god who commands its followers to rape, murder, and enslave people.
Thank goodness we've moved away from your idea of morality, because there's nothing moral about it.
So please tell me DJTf1, which man is more moral?
1: The man who leads a moral and just life not doing any wrong and helping others, because he is threatened with eternal pain and torture if he doesn't do so.
2: The man who leads a moral and just life not doing any wrong and helping others, because he feels, for himself, that it is the proper way to live one's life.
If that's true, then slavery should be morally ok, right? Especially since god never prohibited slavery in the 1st place.
That's nice. Prove it!
That would be accurate
I've been told I'm immoral by default because I don't believe in a god. It's sad when one thinks they need a god to be moral.
Opinion noted
This atheist lives a moral life without feeling the need to worship mythology and superstition.
I'll stick with believing in the scientific method.
All morals ever promoted are originally from theistic sources without exception
God is the author of all science.
Wrong once again.
All morals ever promoted are originally from theistic sources without exception
You continue to make claims with nothing to back them up.
Pretty sure that when apes evolved into humans and evolved even more complex societies there wasn't a bible among them (not even 6000 years ago).
Demonstrably false. Morality is not unique or exclusive to religion.
That's nice. Prove it!
FYI - That's a fake quote. You won't find it in any of his writings.
Google it and you will find this, though (from 2006) - No appropriate quote? Just make one up!
That article was from 14 years ago. Apparently, fake crap on the internet has a long shelf life.
I do want to thank you, though. It made me go on a quote hunt and I ended up re-reading George Washington's Farewell Address, which contains an eerily accurate warning pertaining to our present situation - the stuff on factions, of which here's a quick sample (boldface mine, last two paragraphs):
Hmm..."with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities"; subversion by a "cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled" man. Stooge by stooge, institution by institution.
It's as if Washington had a crystal ball.
I am guessing it was paraphrased from his farewell address.
Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism,
have a great day
Then you should not have presented it as a quote.
It's really that simple.
there is a lot of things I should do to make liberals happy...
guess what? not interested. if the left was a smart as they think they are they would have known it was paraphrased on their own without me telling them and realized the sentiment expressed stands no matter how it is said.
remove religion from politics = not a patriot
end of discussion.
We have no reason whatsoever to do or say anything to make progressives happy.
Wow! Trump affirms. Nothing left to say, he's made the call. His hand is shown.
that’s right. Trump stood with God against secular humanist atheism. A stand for life and moral values against the baseless situational ethics and moral relativism of secular progressives
Like I said. Trump has shown his hand. Question remains, do you believe him?
Most Trump supporters aren't dumb enough to actually believe that Trump is anti abortion; but some of his idolaters are clearly fools.
This, is Trump's god.
I guess Bloomberg is out
and many of his opponents are clearly suffering from TDS.
I do and proudly stand with him
Because he’s done a great job and kept his promises. He’s given us more than we could have hoped for the night he pulled off his glorious upset win. I’d be a fool to vote against him and I’m not about to be like his opposition
Shit man, you have low expectations.
List the promises he's kept.
Again a generic nonsensical statement. What, specifically, has he given you?
Like these guys?
removed for context
just off the top of my head = not in any special order.
You left off Brain Dead, as it is Trumpp's greatest and most significant accomplishment, as he continues to over achieve in this area.
listen to my violin, cause i lost my Flute,'
at Band camp where i'm banned.
play me that old familiar tune "russia, russia, russia."
please? for old times sake?
Great reply. Trump has indeed kept so many promises.
Indeed. That’s the political left projecting themselves upon our great President.
But Russia....
the people who fabricated that russia bs?
I hear, "about half" are going to jail.
Yet Trump has that witch Paula roaming the halls of the WH spouting about God terminating "satanic" pregnancies. As far as him attending the march, it is election time and these events are how candidates stump for votes.
Paula White walks in The Shadow of The Deceiver.
Marla Maples must be shaking her head.
How are these religious people gullible enough to fall for this? Most of the religious people I know aren't actually that stupid, but clearly many people are.
It is a cult based on fear, want and avarice.
That is so true.
Don't forget ignorance.
You all describe TDS very well.
Yea, what You said.
That would be the Never Trump Lincoln project and it’s followers
Bravely? What's so brave about lying to the American people? Immoral Trump idolaters love lies, so it doesn't take any bravery to lie to them.
Was it brave when he wanted Marla Maples to get an abortion? Was it brave when he brought his mistress and wife to the same ski resort at the same time?
I'm so glad I'm not as immoral as some of these religious people. I almost wish there were a heaven, so I could see the look on their faces when they're turned away. After all, Jesus clearly warned them that he wouldn't know them.
you mean Jesus exists and that you agree with something He said?
too bad, so sad for fringe evangelical extremists.
So then secular progressives won’t be disappointed at all with the final judgement?
not me, I've wanted the self righteous to go away for decades. I guess it all depends upon ones perspective, but a bunch of religious fanatics no longer hanging around sure sounds like heaven to me. I hope even the lowest of evangelical based extremists make the cut.
The righteous inherit the earth. The rest not so much.
What will the righteous do when the earth dies when our sun turns into a red dwarf? Ignorance of geology makes people say the stupidest things.
sorry, but somebody may be misquoting their savior. the meek shall inherit the earth is the correct quote. the self righteous inherit nothing. strike 2 for radical xtian extremists on making it to the land of milk and honey. jesus doesn't easily forgive hypocrisy. lotsa luck!
And he hated false prophets - of which we have a few on this site.
one must be meek among other things to be righteous
You must be projecting
Nope just getting vacuumed up by the secular left...
That sounds more paranoid than anything.
Nope, just the facts of life for conservatives attempting to speak our minds.
No one is stopping you from speaking your mind.
Trump affirmed life, freedom, American values, capitalism. Democrats affirm????
Trump "affirmed" nothing, except that all politicians pander. Trump is no different.
So people who affirm values, beliefs, ideas that you hate, pander?
Hate is a very strong word. And that's your word. But nice try.
I'd say pandering is a universal trait of all politicians and the general public seems to simply love being pandered above anything else.
I noticed you said nothing about what secular progressives affirm. All you have is trying to deny what I said Trump is affirming.
we love you Rush! Congrats on the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
What a disgrace.
It’s not a disgrace to give to a seriously ill American who has contributed so much to charity and to our America such bitter hate. Rush Limbaugh is a great American
Another aspect of the Presidency Trump has degraded .
Let’s not bitterly cling to feelings of hate for a great American.
I have no "feelings of hate", those are your words. I merely strongly disagree
Well I strongly agree with most of what our great President has done and think that his SOTU address was one of the best ever. The tribute to Rush in Nancy’s house was perfect.