World rejoices as 'pinched fingers' or 'rega' emoji is released
Category: World News
Via: buzz-of-the-orient • 5 years ago • 14 commentsBy: ZACHARY KEYSER
Since the Front Page is taken up 90% by politics, I thought I would try to sneak just a little bit of VARIETY onto it. Perhaps because I'm not an American I'm not quite so obsessed.
World rejoices as 'pinched fingers' or 'rega' emoji is released
Whatever you call it, Quentin Somerville, the Middle East correspondent for the BBC, sees the codification of the regional signifier for “hold on to your horses” as welcome good news.
'Pinching fingers' emoji (photo credit: EMOJIPEDIA TWITTER)
What would you call the latest emoji announced for 2020, named “pinched fingers”? Israelis would call it the “ rak rega ,” or “wait a moment,” emoji. The Arab world would probably call it the “ sabar ,” or “ shway, shway habibi ,” emoji. Meanwhile, Italians might call it the “ ma che vuoi ,” or “what do you want,” emoji.
Whatever you call it, BBC Mideast correspondent Quentin Somerville said codification of the regional signifier for “hold on to your horses” is welcome news.
He is not alone, and everyone has their own interpretation of the new emoji’s meaning. What it means for Israelis is that this hand gesture, which seems incredibly rude to outsiders but in Israel is just a formality of society, will be readily available with just a touch of the keyboard.
However, while the Middle East shares one version of the hand gesture, Emojipedia, the creators, share another.
“An emoji showing all fingers and thumb held together in a vertical orientation, sometimes referred to as the Italian hand gesture ma che vuoi ,” is the description given by Emojipedia on their website.
Italians rejoiced at the announcement of the new emoji, with many celebrating the stereotype.
“Huge day for us Italian-Americans. This will undo Jersey Shore ,” said comedian Samantha Ruddy. Fellow comedian Jaboukie Young-White noted: “Italians, we won.”
New Jersey’s official Twitter account merely tweeted, “endorsed.”
Others had their own unorthodox interpretations of the hand signal, such as turning it upside down is the universal gesture for a pinch of salt. Another Twitter user said it looks like someone eating rice with their hands.
Regardless, the “pinched fingers” emoji will be released as a part of a collection of 117 emojis over the course of 2020. The list includes ninjas, a smiley face with a tear, numerous new animals, a boomerang, a Russian Matryoshka doll, a piñata and a toothbrush.
More-serious emojis will be released as well, including gender-neutral spouses, the transgender flag, Santas and parents.
— Emojipedia (@Emojipedia) January 29, 2020
— Emojipedia (@Emojipedia) January 29, 2020
Has anyone else got a seed/article to post that ISN'T about politics?
The photo has to do with Obama's hand gesture, and not about politics - it was part of the seed and I'm bound to reproduce the whole seed for copyright reasons. (That comment is for the information of anyone who thinks that I quoted elsewhere what JFK said more than half a century ago was a political rant.)
Yes I posted three on 1/31 and another today.
Thanks for asking.
Thanks for doing it.
I dislike most emojis.
Maybe so, but you recently used one on a reply to me.
I was completely unfamiliar with this. Ya learn something new every day I guess.
My Italian Grandmother used to use that hand gesture. Mostly when she was mad and getting her point across.
I've seen a lot of Italian Americans do this while telling someone to Fongool. Of coarse I'm sure your Grandmother would never say that, at least not in front of the grandkids.
When we were young we didn’t know what the heck she was saying. We just knew someone curled her feathers. Of course along the way you can’t help but pick up the meaning of some of the words...
Sounds like a polite?? indication that her patience might be wearing thin Jane. The other Italian hand gesture that's been around for a while is not nearly as nice.
What gesture would that be? 😂
We Italians just have to use our hands while we speak. It helps get the point across!
I grew up with Northern Italians on one side and Sicilians on the other. I have seen them all, I think.
“hold on to your horses”
What ?
I was thinking it meant "Tiny Violin for you" (Which woulda been funnier).
Who knew.
unofficial violin emoji
official tiny violin emoji 64
I like just the "Fingers" meaning that , BETTER !