In Private, Republicans Admit They Acquitted Trump Out Of Fear

Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio wrote a description of the Senate, as he saw it firsthand, during the impeachment.
.....the Republican senators who have covered for Mr. Trump love what he delivers for them. But Vice President Mike Pence would give them the same judges, the same tax cuts, the same attacks on workers’ rights and the environment. So that’s not really the reason for their united chorus of “not guilty.”
For the stay-in-office-at-all-cost representatives and senators, fear is the motivator. They are afraid that Mr. Trump might give them a nickname like “Low Energy Jeb” and “Lyin’ Ted,” or that he might tweet about their disloyalty. Or — worst of all — that he might come to their state to campaign against them in the Republican primary. They worry:
“Will the hosts on Fox attack me?”
“Will the mouthpieces on talk radio go after me?”
“Will the Twitter trolls turn their followers against me?”
My colleagues know they all just might. There’s an old Russian proverb: The tallest blade of grass is the first cut by the scythe. In private, many of my colleagues agree that the president is reckless and unfit. They admit his lies. And they acknowledge what he did was wrong. They know this president has done things Richard Nixon never did. And they know that more damning evidence is likely to come out.
So watching the mental contortions they perform to justify their votes is painful to behold: They claim that calling witnesses would have meant a never-ending trial. They tell us they’ve made up their minds, so why would we need new evidence? They say to convict this president now would lead to the impeachment of every future president — as if every president will try to sell our national security to the highest bidder.
I have asked some of them, “If the Senate votes to acquit, what will you do to keep this president from getting worse?” Their responses have been shrugs and sheepish looks.
They stop short of explicitly saying that they are afraid. We all want to think that we always stand up for right and fight against wrong. But history does not look kindly on politicians who cannot fathom a fate worse than losing an upcoming election. They might claim fealty to their cause — those tax cuts — but often it’s a simple attachment to power that keeps them captured.
As Senator Murray said on the Senate floor in 2002, “We can act out of fear” or “we can stick to our principles.” Unfortunately, in this Senate, fear has had its way. In November, the American people will have theirs.
How did a group of powerful people like United States senators become cowering puppets to a blowhard reality television huckster like Donald Trump?
They will be writing books about this submission for decades.
I knew it wouldn't take long
Thanks John.
Did you go on any of Vic's articles and complain about them today? Or Citizen Kaine's?
I didnt think so. Why not ? Because you are a Trump supporter !
Who cares what Sharrod Brown imagines?
What's the matter? The truth hurt?
Exactly. Who cares what one senator feels that caused other senators to vote differently than he did. Browns article is less than meaningless hearsay and nothing more.
Since Brown is a Senator from Ohio, THEY care.
Which gives him 10Xs more credibility than the sources of most of the seeds you post.
And here is the panic modeled I expected. This whole thing started as a partisan temper tantrum 4 years ago. The Articles were drawn up and approved along party lines. And yet you all are surprised when it was shit down by party lines?
Dont you all have another hoax to dream up?
Donald Trump caused ALL his own problems. One tv analyst I heard today described him as "self-impeaching" meaning he will always get himself in trouble. Why? Because he's dishonest, unethical, aggressive and stupid. There hasnt been a week gone by without a Trump scandal since he took office. And there wont be any this year either.
Four more years! 🗽🇺🇸
Yeah. He caused all these problems by doing what Democrats promised and failed to do for DECADES.
trump has ripped the masks off these people.
"One tv analyst I heard "
I forgot about this little tid bit. Your statements based of somebody else's third party statement and your own bias.
You would be better off just saying " I heard from a friend who heard from their friend who works on...."
But then again, that's what the "whistle blower" did and you all took it as the absolute truth. So I guess theres that.
The impeachment process started after the whistleblower report was filed, not 4 years ago.
If that's what you want to believe then have at it.
Not according to Politico that published an article on inauguration day on the impeachment of Trump, or Pelosi who herself said it has been an at least 2 year endeavor.
So show me when the impeachment process was started. Not when some right wing hack said it started, the official date the impeachment process started in the House.
1) She said it was two years in the making meaning, "it took two years of trump shooting himself in the foot"...
2) So show me when the impeachment process was started. Not when some right wing hack said it started, the official date the impeachment process started in the House.
How about going back to 2016 when Democrats made the statements.
Was the impeachment process started in 2016?
Trump says shit that isn't true every fucking day, but you want to hold something a dem said in 2016 as a fact that the impeachment process was started then? Really?
Show me any official paperwork that says the impeachment process started in 2016?
We'll wait.
The best part? Watching the right wing freak out when Pelosi ripped up trumps speech. Hannity and todd (i'm a little bitch) starns were just.....outraged. Weird that Pelosi ripping up a piece of paper triggered them, but trump running Gold Star families into the ground they were totally ok with...along with all the other disgusting things trump has done. But ripped up paper.....just sent them over the fucking edge. [eye roll]
Comical isn't it. Ignore everything donald does and says yet feign outrage at everyone else.
It is always someone else at fault.
Screw everyone of those balless Republicans.
I have a feeling that a good many of them will find out just how the real Americans feel about their letting their gutless Cadet Bone Spurs off the hook. True Americans have no desire to protect a piranha that is not only ruining our government, but, our country as a whole as well.
He willingly allows our enemies to butt f**k our country and its people, but, happily screws over and alienates our allies while he's at it.
And his avid supporters are no better. They are true gutless PINO's. And they think no one sees their game playing.
This seems to be a reoccurring theme that republicans stay in line because of ( fear ) ?
Okay, fear of what? A tweet? Or does the Trump have something on the GOP which is more substantial?
All republicans need to be crushed in the next election. They are traitors to the Constitution and therefore they are traitors to the country. Anyone who follows them is no better. They are cowards and we must run these traitors out of the country.