What Next for Democrats After Acquittal?
Category: Op/Ed
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1 • 5 years ago • 23 commentsBy: Amanda Alverez

Democrat scams have been exposed. The party and secular progressive leftism are a fraud. Capitalism, populism, nationalism, democracy in the form of a constitutional republic and patriotic American exceptionalism are the future

Do you really need to hire a fortuneteller to explain what is happening with the 2020 Democrat Presidential campaigns? Consider this information in preparing for 2020 voting – just don’t tell others why you were so prepared…
The journey begins by understanding the Democrat political failures. Democrats started going the wrong way many years ago but when Donald Trump became our duly elected President, the Democrat Party imploded. Until this time, Democrats never experienced competing with a Republican willing to fight back.
Not knowing how to deal with this issue, their hidden ‘scam box’ was uncovered and unimaginable hoaxes and frauds came pouring out – some legal… some illegal – many even criminal. All the while, they never dreamed the hoaxes and hoaxers would be exposed.
In the forefront of their hoaxes were the Russian, Ukraine, and impeachment. Democrats quickly used taxpayer money to go after President Trump and all of his political supporters. Unapologetic they randomly destroyed and bankrupted many good and decent American citizens who committed none of the alleged crimes.
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Today, these facts are being exposed and with the acquittal of President Trump, we find none of their hoaxes succeeded but what’s more important is learning they are backfiring and even uplifting President Trump. It obviously leaves the Democrat Party in shambles with high fever and headaches. So, what’s their next step while their backs are against the wall?
With a guaranteed acquittal in the Senate looming, new plans had to be instigated. The ill-prepared trial by House Managers was a major disaster. Their hope to defeat President Trump in 2020 was also falling apart as the Democrats now painted themselves as a Political Party of losers. Instead of gaining momentum, Democrats began jumping ship – especially minorities, their primary constituents.
Therefore, as Democrats always do, meetings in dark rooms began in earnest. To make matters worse, former Democrat leaders were going public to complain and demand the Democrat Presidential Clown Car be destroyed and replaced with a viable candidate.
With the heat turned up in the kitchen, the DNC is focused upon ways to a ‘do-over.’ Otherwise, their train is never going to arrive at the Presidential station in November. DNC leaders return to the kitchen where they create new recipes, change the decor, and new servers go before the people to announce their new menu.
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Sponsored ContentTheir new staff is forbidden to bring up their former stale and rotten food previously served that had only sickened the American voter. Instead of the normal Democrat extreme politics focusing on the destruction of America, they will insincerely promote Godliness, pro-America, family, love, kindness, church, jobs, wages, taxes, healthcare, and singing Kumbaya.
Well, a major problem remained because Democrats didn’t have a ‘ barker ’ able to attract voters with these new talking points. After all, up until this point Democrats referred to such talking points as being a Republican. Now the new Democrat Party must find someone comfortable and able to sway voters to return and sink their teeth in the new food choices.
It became apparent they would have to go outside of the Democrat Party to find this special someone because the existing leaders had become too radicalized. Thus, before the impeachment hearings concluded, they had to find a Republican ‘light’ willing to join their new crusade. Their focus was upon a Republican focused upon power and money like Democrats.
Once the Republican Light was identified, agreements were reached and that Republican voted to impeach the duly elected President of the United States to seal the deal. It was all orchestrated and approved before the vote or he wouldn’t have done it. He knew and admitted voting for anything fraudulent within the Republican Party would be an instant death knell.
The negotiations between the Senator and the Democrats were the justification for his so-called ‘sleepless’ nights – not the vote. Once he realized his dream of running and possibly being elected as President of the United States, nothing else mattered. With the Democrat Party money, corrupt hoaxes, and the media sycophants behind him, it should be an easy win.
The fake media will then lay out the plan suggesting the Senator is being ostracized from the Republican Party because he was voting based upon religious convictions. Then it will be a barrage of fake news proclaiming the Senator had become another victim of the Republican Party and couldn’t take it silently.
Yes, he will attempt to convince voters he had to make a stand for Godliness, goodness, and love for his great Country. He has no choice but to expose all of the Republican sinners. It will become a race between the Saint and Sinner.
After the public announcement, the Democrat sycophant media will now promote him as a ‘spiritual’ giant, rather than traitor and scum when he previously ran for President. He is far superior to any others, so the Presidential race is over immediately following the public announcement. So, take that President Trump!
Ok, traitor might be a harsh term unless he was involved with the Biden- Burisma corruption swindle. If he was involved with that fraud, then could he have been involved in all of the other hoaxes perpetrated on President Trump? Many suggest he is the primary benefactor of Ukraine corruption . As other Democrats involved in criminal acts perpetrated on President Trump, shouldn’t we know if his drive to run for President is only about trying to forego sitting in a jail cell if President Trump is re-elected?
The one thing we already know about this Senator is he is money and power driven . Yep, sounds like the perfect pre-qualifications to become a Democrat, right. Yes, the Democrat menu has changed and the new server is not only a candidate – he is a Saint. The rebranding of the Democrat Party would be instant and a major positive with hopes of gaining the Presidency in 2020.
This single change eliminates the problems rising from all the sinners currently running for President. The new leader will intentionally never mention what the sinners were promoting until after the election. The sinners will agree to the DNC plan and capitulate to their new Religious Leader.
Once elected, the new Leader understands the DNC will take charge and promote all of the anti-American policies exposed by the current sinners. Again, Democrats only want power and money – nothing else matters, so it meets the approval of their new former Republican Senator.
Does anyone with such arrogance remain in an environment where he will be shunned and belittled for not being able to recognize truth and fact? Will his opinions ever be solicited or wanted? By accepting the Democrat’s offer, everything changes for him. There is nothing else to think about, is there?
Could this finally become an accurate crystal ball prediction? Could this scenario become reality or will it become another crystal ball theory without legs?
But following the State Of The Union speech last Tuesday, Nancy Pelosi establish a new level of Democrat destruction of a free and prosperous America by tearing up the official House of Representatives copy of the president’s SOTU speech, which President Trump dutifully handed to her prior to the beginning of the speech. With this evidence and knowledge in our possession, we can be certain that the constitution, always a suspicious and threatening document to the Democrats, due to its limitations on the powers of government, will be next document for official destruction.
To Democrats the shredding of President Trump’s State Of The Union speech is merely symbolic of their disdain for the president in particular and the “deplorable” people who voted for him in general. But to any thinking American, the destruction being done by Democrats to our constitution is game-changing and dangerous, and Democrats must be defeated at the ballot box in November or they’ll actually perform the constitutional destruction that so far they’ve just been talking about.
Apparently, at least according to republicans, this part doesn't apply to republican presidents.
Mitt Romney is not a traitor to Republicans. Romney is a stalwart defender of a Republican ideology that is being rejected by the grass roots. Today's Republican Party is no longer Mitt Romney's 20th century party of supply-side greed, vulture capitalism, protecting stockholder value, free trade, and globalization. The Republican torch is being passed to a younger generation that is more progressive in spirit and outlook.
Democrats are facing the possibility of becoming irrelevant. Democrats are exerting a great deal of effort to maintain Mitt Romney's Republican Party. But the Republican grass roots is rejecting that old, stale Republican ideology. And the Democratic grass roots are questioning the priorities of their party. The New Republican Party will have greater appeal for independents and moderates as Democrats continue to shore up 20th century political divisions, contrasts, and outdated talking points. The new generation of Republican grass roots are not going to allow Democrats to hold them back; the grass roots is rejecting Mitt Romney's brand of Republican.
Promises aren't enough. Theories are no longer appealing. The grass roots are demanding results. And it appears that Democrats, by dragging their feet, are going to have to learn that lesson the hard way. Democrats need to reacquaint themselves with Franklin Roosevelt because that is what the grass roots are looking for.
democrats have help from never Trump people and the Lincoln project within the Republican Party. The base of the party rejects them and has since they treated Palin so shabbily as Mc Cain’s running mate. They particularly the founders of the Lincoln Project attacked her from within despite the fact or because of the fact that the base was energized to support the ticket because of her, not Mc Cain. The Tea party was as much a response to Lincoln project GOP establishments as to Obama policies. We noticed how in 2010, 2012, 2014 that when ever a Tea party candidate won a primary against the establishment that the establishment became democrats for that election. Trump, Carson, and Cruz we’re out of the Tea party resistance to the establishment and they dominated. While supply side capitalism and free market trade have their place, boundaries to protect the working class and domestic markets need to exist. Of course democrats have given up all pretense f support for the working class or middle class or for protecting domestic markets. Trump seems to have found the right balance.
Yes, the TEA Party was a grass roots movement that expressed dissatisfaction with the Republican political establishment. The TEA Party introduced a certain amount of dysfunction into government because the grass roots wasn't just electing politicians who were familiar with the status quo political rules. In many ways Donald Trump is a natural progression of that grass roots movement.
Don't ignore the influence of Occupy Wall Street, either. OWS was a grass roots movement that was expressing dissatisfaction with establishment politics in general. OWS wasn't overtly partisan as was the TEA Party. IMO the support for Bernie Sanders is a natural progression of the OWS grass roots movement. The grass roots felt the Democratic Party had rigged the primaries to protect the political power of the establishment. Sanders, like Trump, was fighting the party establishment. Unfortunately, Sanders has too much political experience and history that essentially allows the press to ignore the grass roots dissatisfaction.
In my view, the election of Donald Trump represents a shift of political power toward the grass roots and away from party power. The Republican Party does appear to be changing while the Democratic Party seems to be trying to cling to the past.
The Republican party has no choice. A cult of personality was elected and that is who they have to back, like it or not, and I remember them trying everything not to get him elected, so let's not reinvent the past.
The Dems have not found their footing yet. But I remember in the last election when there was a big field that was the Republicans looked, too. The only one who has a cult like following right now, is Sanders and I think that is who the Republicans would like to see running to secure the vote. I'm not sure if it will play out that way if Bloomberg gets to debate.
I'm certainly not the Republican base, but I'd have voted for McCain, if not for Palin. She was an insult to thinking Americans, and was likely a major reason McCain lost. The idea of her a heartbeat away from the presidency was chilling. After the McCain/Palin ticket lost, she made me more satisfied with my decision every time she showed up on television with a Big Gulp in tow, sounding for all the world like she'd spiked it before stepping up to the microphone. She confirmed it even more when she tried to blame Obama for the fact that she raised a violent, wife-beating son. Her family helped out every time they got into a bar brawl (no wonder her son is violent - it seems the whole tribe is) or social media feud, and every time Bristol popped out another immaculately-conceived baby.
I am far from a republican, and I too was unsure who to vote for until Palin opened her mouth...right then and there I knew I was voting for Obama.
In good conscience I knew I could never put failin palin a heartbeat away from being president.
Also her bs about the "real America and real Americans" ....I live in real America and I am a real American.
Her entire family is trash
I will admit that I didn't vote for McCain after he sold out to win the nomination- he abused the Republican primary system. The Republicans could have been done with Mitt Romney in one go- instead of waiting four years. Palin never factored into the decision.
Back then I wasn't doing the lesser of two evils thing; so I went 3rd party for the Presidency.
The one thing we already know about this Senator is he is money and power driven . Yep, sounds like the perfect pre-qualifications to become a Democrat, right. Yes, the Democrat menu has changed and the new server is not only a candidate – he is a Saint. The rebranding of the Democrat Party would be instant and a major positive with hopes of gaining the Presidency in 2020.
This single change eliminates the problems rising from all the sinners currently running for President. The new leader will intentionally never mention what the sinners were promoting until after the election. The sinners will agree to the DNC plan and capitulate to their new Religious Leader.
Your precious POUS is the king of scams so tell it to the hand, because the ears aren't listening.
We really don’t care what you or your side thinks about Trump anymore. We aren’t talking to you. We intend to re elect him and impose him on the bi coastal liberal elites over their objection and relish in their anger for four more years. All theTDS we have been exposed to only redoubled our support for this President and our contributions and volunteering on his behalf. The Heartland will rule over the urban progressives and they will like it.
No, you are not. You are talking to us indies, and many of us don't like what we have been seeing or hearing. I want a president that doesn't curse on TV, is petty with payback, has an entire staff (or close to it). I could go on, but it's the swing vote that matters and we are watching to see how things shake out.
And please tell me what is a "bi coastal liberal elite". To me, it just looks like an insulting term to use about a huge swath of America. Maybe we should file it under the same category as "deplorables"?
Sorry, as one true "Indie" to another, how can anyone vote for the Democrats after they tried to usurp a duly elected President? I would have more sympathy for them; but they couldn't even follow the simple rules laid out in the Constitution. The Democratic House failed to do their job by using the courts to compel testimony from those Trump had barred from testimony. Doing so would have delayed their precious impeachment until after the election. It would lose all beneficial affect in the upcoming election; which it was really about. Pelosi went against everything she said she stood for by allowing the impeachment to go forward.
Can't stand Trump; but I will not reward the Democrats for their actions. So I will be voting for the "lesser of two evils" since I cast a vote for Bill Clinton second term.
What’s a POUS?
I'm guessing Piece Of Useless Shit...
So I forgot the T...sue me.