How can you follow Jesus and support Donald Trump?
Category: News & Politics
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1 • 5 years ago • 115 commentsBy: Shane Idleman

God doesn't judge a nation based on the character of one man; He judges it based on the spiritual health of her people. Never forget that.
Like many, I'm perplexed by the divide in the Christian community over President Trump – but I'm not surprised. The media is fueling lies, and the world is listening. This was demonstrated in a worship song by Daniel Deitrich (talk about the wrong place to express political views). Deitrich's song was written in response to the 81% of white evangelical Protestant voters who supported Donald Trump in 2016. Here are the lyrics: They started putting kids in cages. Ripping mothers from their babies. And I looked to you to speak on their behalf.
This, of course, is in response to what is "perceived" as happening at the border. I assume that Mr. Deitrich is sincere and his heart truly wants to help people, but we must get our facts from reputable sources or first-hand experience. God willing, I'm touring the border with other California pastors very soon and hope to gain that perspective personally (look for that op-ed in mid-February).
Some say, "How can you follow Jesus and Donald Trump?" We are not following a man, we are shaping a movement. A better question to be asking, though, is What direction is the country heading?
- If a leader lacks Christian character but is pointing the nation back to God, is that a bad thing?
- If they are minimizing murdering babies and maximizing godly values, is that a bad thing?
- If they are being a terror to terrorists and making America secure, is that a bad thing?
- If they are honoring hard work and minimizing free handouts, is that a bad thing?
God doesn't judge a nation based on the character of one man; He judges it based on the spiritual health of her people. Never forget that.
I regularly say that we Christians love refugees and immigrants and are eager to help with food, lodging, and jobs. But at the national level, the president is to put the safety and provision of the American people first. When an airplane loses cabin pressure, parents put on their oxygen masks first to better assist their child. This isn't selfishness; it's wisdom. Opening the borders parallels cabin pressure falling and a limited supply of masks. Our law enforcement officers could not sustain the load, nor could our nation. Let's streamline the process and welcome God-fearing immigrants and have them contribute to society so everyone benefits. The truth is, kids are not being put in cages and ripped from their mothers, as the song accuses.
The majority of news outlets spin everything (yes, everything) to put President Trump in a bad light. Their hatred for him trumps the truth. Their agenda is simple and clear: remove him from office at any cost! And I hope you realize this: they are really coming after you, me, and our Christian values.
The push toward open borders is more about votes than truly helping people. Open borders would be like me telling my kids to leave their windows open in case a stranger needs a warm night's sleep. That would be severe parental neglect because many harmful things could also enter through those open windows. Open borders would parallel that type of irresponsibility. Additionally, our financial system cannot support people flooding in who need assistance. How is that using wisdom? It's not a matter of if this type of financial irresponsibility causes damage but when and how much. Our California representatives in Sacramento need to wake up to this fact – and wake up quickly. There is a better way, but our leaders must repent and seek God for wisdom.
Most critics don't care what the facts are. Their hatred for the president overshadows their desperate need for humility. Let this sink in: innocent children are being protected, godly counsel is surrounding President Trump, terror is being restrained, good judges are being selected, socialism is being resisted, families are being encouraged via employment (black employment is at an all-time high), prayer is being brought back in schools, God's wisdom is being sought, and on and on it goes. So again, we are not following a man, we are revitalizing a movement – a movement back to God. I'm more concerned with our nation's national character than I am with the president's personal character.
An analogy that I often use will bring this point home. The head of a neighborhood watch program, who took the late-night watches, had previously had an affair. He was occasionally gruff and impulsive, and sometimes his words were crass and offensive, but he watched over the neighborhood diligently each night. Each week he invited church leaders into his home to pray for him and his family and to seek their advice. He often stood against others on the committee who wanted to enact policies harmful to the neighborhood and to the children, such as advocating an open-door policy where residents were required to allow anyone into their homes at all hours of the day for handouts.
Is this not the kind of person you would want leading your neighborhood watch? Does his past or his demeanor matter more than the results he is accomplishing? If you are intellectually honest, the answer is not difficult. In the same way, the answer is simple for America. Again, we are not voting for people based on how godly they are; we are voting for the future direction of America: the right to life, the elevation of God's Word back to its proper place, the appointment of conservative judges, securing America and her borders, creating jobs, and improving the quality of life for all Americans.
As a personal observation, I have noticed that those who oppose P resident Trump typically embrace liberal theology. It makes one wonder what is truly leading them: worldly mandates or biblical principles.
I will close with what I stated in a brief op-ed : we can't have our cake and eat it too – there is no middle ground for Christians today. You can choose a president who will wear a Planned Parenthood scarf at her inauguration or one of the countless others who would seek to destroy the America we know and lead us down the primrose path of socialism – or worse. Or you can choose to back President Trump. There is no Plan B.
Most critics don't care what the facts are. Their hatred for the president overshadows their desperate need for humility. Let this sink in: innocent children are being protected, godly counsel is surrounding President Trump, terror is being restrained, good judges are being selected, socialism is being resisted, families are being encouraged via employment (black employment is at an all-time high), prayer is being brought back in schools, God's wisdom is being sought, and on and on it goes. So again, we are not following a man, we are revitalizing a movement – a movement back to God. I'm more concerned with our nation's national character than I am with the president's personal character.
An analogy that I often use will bring this point home. The head of a neighborhood watch program, who took the late-night watches, had previously had an affair. He was occasionally gruff and impulsive, and sometimes his words were crass and offensive, but he watched over the neighborhood diligently each night. Each week he invited church leaders into his home to pray for him and his family and to seek their advice. He often stood against others on the committee who wanted to enact policies harmful to the neighborhood and to the children, such as advocating an open-door policy where residents were required to allow anyone into their homes at all hours of the day for handouts.
Is this not the kind of person you would want leading your neighborhood watch? Does his past or his demeanor matter more than the results he is accomplishing? If you are intellectually honest, the answer is not difficult. In the same way, the answer is simple for America. Again, we are not voting for people based on how godly they are; we are voting for the future direction of America: the right to life, the elevation of God's Word back to its proper place, the appointment of conservative judges, securing America and her borders, creating jobs, and improving the quality of life for all Americans.
As a personal observation, I have noticed that those who oppose P resident Trump typically embrace liberal theology. It makes one wonder what is truly leading them: worldly mandates or biblical principles. Most critics don't care what the facts are. Their hatred for the president overshadows their desperate need for humility. Let this sink in: innocent children are being protected, godly counsel is surrounding President Trump, terror is being restrained, good judges are being selected, socialism is being resisted, families are being encouraged via employment (black employment is at an all-time high), prayer is being brought back in schools, God's wisdom is being sought, and on and on it goes. So again, we are not following a man, we are revitalizing a movement – a movement back to God. I'm more concerned with our nation's national character than I am with the president's personal character.
An analogy that I often use will bring this point home. The head of a neighborhood watch program, who took the late-night watches, had previously had an affair. He was occasionally gruff and impulsive, and sometimes his words were crass and offensive, but he watched over the neighborhood diligently each night. Each week he invited church leaders into his home to pray for him and his family and to seek their advice. He often stood against others on the committee who wanted to enact policies harmful to the neighborhood and to the children, such as advocating an open-door policy where residents were required to allow anyone into their homes at all hours of the day for handouts.
Is this not the kind of person you would want leading your neighborhood watch? Does his past or his demeanor matter more than the results he is accomplishing? If you are intellectually honest, the answer is not difficult. In the same way, the answer is simple for America. Again, we are not voting for people based on how godly they are; we are voting for the future direction of America: the right to life, the elevation of God's Word back to its proper place, the appointment of conservative judges, securing America and her borders, creating jobs, and improving the quality of life for all Americans.
As a personal observation, I have noticed that those who oppose P resident Trump typically embrace liberal theology. It makes one wonder what is truly leading them: worldly mandates or biblical principles.
You can laugh now.....enjoy it until then.
conservative xtians couldn't find a better representation of their collective values, in word and deed, than trump
Some say, "How can you follow Jesus and Donald Trump?" We are not following a man, we are shaping a movement. A better question to be asking, though, is What direction is the country heading?
God doesn't judge a nation based on the character of one man; He judges it based on the spiritual health of her people. Never forget that.
God told me that hypocrites will burn in hell.
Falwell Jr. , Franklin Graham, Robert Jeffress, Tony Perkins. All toast.
God told me to judge not lest ye be judged. Did He give you permission? Would you like it if Protestants told you that certain popes were toast?
You mean like yourself, when you state or imply people are going to hell because they don't follow your particular belief system?
yea! no more religious and partisan bullshit seeds.
I am a Christian conservative so don’t be expecting something else from me. Since I only get two seeds a day and am prevented from group participation if I use two seeds on the FP there won’t be any cooking or sports or movies or such light hearted seeds from me like those with 5 seeds and groups can afford to do.
bwah ha ha, no worries there. in other words, because of the 2 seed restriction here, (gee, I wonder why.../s) seeds that harshly judge others that don't share the same religious or political beliefs will be your preferred choice over non-inflammatory subjects, regardless of what is commanded of you as a _____ xtian by god. .
not me, I never ask, but it might be something to consider for others taking religious liberties now to look forward to in the future.
What is an xtian? Is it the same kind of negative put down as Xmas is toward believers.
the word missing in xtian and xmas is the same thing missing from the trumpster religious cult
The religious people who support Trump over secular progressives are in fact Christ filled. We are saved by faith through Him. He is the reason for the hope we have and share.
that's funny, JC told me he didn't know any of them, and then compelled me to give that comment a more accurate rendition from his perspective. how could I say no.
The religious people who support Trump are saved by faith through him. He is the only reason for the hope they have and share.
You don’t know Him and can’t speak for Him.
And you don't know him and can't speak for him either. You are not the voice of God
No he's not. We all know that Trump is the voice of God. He says so, so it must be true. /s
Be a Hypocrite,
is the obvious answer to the title of seed posted article.
prove it. all religious based delusions are considered equal in America. don't like it? leave.
Don't you just love how some here seem to think of themselves as God, thus they know everything there is to know about everything and everyone.
I have to wonder how God himself feels about such impersonators.
both he and his kid warned thumpers about it in that f'n book they like to shove into everyone's face. seems as though they can easily manipulate it to fit their agenda too.
Nazis also followed jesus and they followed hitler.
Nazis copied and followed secular progressives and they followed Hitler.
No not factual. Hitler was put in office by the Right Wing Industrialists in Germany. Nothing Progressive about Hitler. It was Progressives that took Hiler down lead by President Roosevelt.
Hitler and his followers openly admitted or credited in their writings that they admired late 19th and early 20th century British and American progressives and used their ideas on eugenics to expand upon in their desire to rid the world of people they didn’t like
Stalin was a communist and Churchill a conservative.
They actually followed the writings of right-wing philosophers preaching selective engineering and many were American many were German. In 1927 the U.S. Supreme Courts Conservatives allowed for forced sterilization citing" three generations of imbeciles are enough". Hitler liked Wagner because he was anti-Semitic. Under your reasoning, anyone listening to Wagner is Anti- Semitic. That type of logic is faulty.
Do not confuse progressivism with Hitler. Just like I do not consider Conservatism and evil I do not agree with with19th and early 20th Century" progressives" on all their views.
Actually Churchill served both the Liberal and Conservative parties. Stalin was no Communist. No, he was a tyrannical mad man believing in a personality cult of. In fact anyone equating Communism to Socialism misses the key point. Communism believes in a worker State void of Government and religion. Socialism believes the State has a vital role to play in providing core services and never condemned religion as an opiate of the people or Business as evil.
Stalin was no communist
You should read a book about Stalin. If he wasn't a communist, no one is.
The latter was probably what he was getting at.
Time to break out the strategically covered nude women photos....Where’s BF when we need him?
Posting the truth hurts doesn't it.
Not really. We knew that she was an elite model who at times worked with Playboy magazine and it’s on line version. No big deal. It’s the juvenile and childish beings on the secular progressive left who now try to use that against her 20 years later that I question.
Elite model my aunt fanny....who are you trying to kid.
Melania Trump was born on April 26, 1970 in Novo Mesto, Slovenia (at the time part of Yugoslavia) as Melanija Knavs, to Amalija Ulcnik and Viktor Knavs.
She grew up in Sevnica, a town in the Lower Sava Valley, Slovenia. She attended the Secondary School of Design and Photography in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. She then studied Architecture and Design at the University of Ljubljana for one year before leaving to pursue a modeling career.
She started modeling in her home country of Slovenia, and other places in Europe, in cities such as, Paris and Milan, later moving to New York City. Melania is fluent in Slovene and English, and also speaks Italian, French, German and Serbo-Croatian.
On January 22, 2005, she married Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida. On March 20, 2006, she gave birth to their son Barron Trump in Manhattan, New York City. She became a US citizen in 2006.
On January 20, 2017, she became the First Lady of the United States.
Posing nude is not an elite you really want me to post the pictures here. You are so full of baloney you must have stock in it. She is NOT classy, she is a fake and a phoney just like Crooked donnie who slept with a porn star. Yet faux christians lap up his shit daily and think he's God...delusional at best, scary crazy at worst.
She whines about her son being bullied (he wasn't) yet stays silent when asswipe crooked donnie bullies anyone that doesn't agree with him.
And Crooked donnie was screwing Stormy forgot that little piece of information.
What would that have to do with her biography? Try to stay on topic. Why so concerned about what Trump did a decade before he ran for office? Where was all that concern about Bill when he was bedding and raping women not his wife Hillary as an elected official and then doing things with an intern while President? Talk about hypocrisy!
I am on topic, she is NOT even in the top 50 supermodel much for "elite" model.
We are talking about Crooked donnie, not Bill Clinton, stay on topic.
Yep, crooked donnie a born liar and adulterer and his sleazy nude wife are to be looked up to by faux christians./s
Yet isn't is a faux christian man suing the superbowl over Shakira and J Lo, talk about a hypocrite.
She was in Redbook, Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition, British GQ, and on the covers of Vogue, Harpers Bazaar and Vanity Fair magazines.
And once again, she is not even in the top 50 nor the top 100 Supermodel category of all time. So who cares, she's a skank that posed nude and now "faux christians" want to call her the classiest first lady, jokes on them. Yep she's right up there with Barbara Bush and Jackie O.
Sure is a whole lot of jealousy in that comment.
Nope, I speak the truth. Jealous of what...being married to Crooked donnie, yeah I don't think so.
I married my late husband for love not for money.
A woman calling another woman a skank should be a big no no in libland, or in any land for that matter, but because she is married to a President who had a D next to his name for all but a few years of his life, but now has an R, then that woman is open to the fair game of insults and demeaning with the liberal loon crowd.
I'm curious....When some insulted Michelle Obama during the Obama reign and even after, did you speak up and tell that person to not insult women? If you did, why are you being hypocritical?
Pretty disgusting the left has drifted this far from reality.
Whatever, just another excuse from the hypocritical religious right to explain away all crooked donnie's lying and faults.
Sorry the truth hurts
Name calling from the left....nothing new.
Where did I put religion into my post? I didn't. You just knew you were busted in your hypocrisy and went one is surprised.
Nothing elite about any of that, right? Lol! Some folks are consumed by their bitterness and anger. For them nothing can be done except to fan the flames of it and revel in their misery while Americans and America prosper because of Trump.
isnt there though?
We know he had faults. We voted for him because Hillary’s faults were far worse and she didn’t agree with us on any issue. Trump turned to us for support and made commitments to us and he hasn’t failed to follow through or at least attempt to on any of them. God forgives and so do we. God turned other men to him in history who did far worse things before repentance.
That is the Eric Holder motto. Hit em lower harder and it’s followed here to the letter.
Stop lying, you stated many times that you did NOT vote for him, you are full of baloney.
Any true christian would not be a crooked donnie cheerleader
Yes, and helping The Donald cheat on one of his wives was just childish. No, it was morally wrong but for the White Evangelicals who are really Matthew 23 Christians it is Gold over God.
Well said and right on!
Not too long ago either:
Not interesting at all, all it is is pure jealousy. Nothing more. Some men and women are jealous that a 45 and 50 year old make them look 150, have more talent than they could ever hope, and are WAY out of their league. That is all this is.
If Melania wasn't Trumps wife, or wasn't a Republican, the Repubs would curse her as being a harlot.
But, seeing as that is not the case, and she is Trumps wife and a Republican, they praise her as being next to the Virgin Mary.
They are hypocrites.
Trump puts himself in a bad light, not the media's fault for reporting's kinda their job. I think at this point, blaming the media for trump being a jackass, is over.
From a political standpoint, the bible beaters like trump because they want more activist judges and they think Roe V. Wade will be overturned, (which is very unlikely).
Personally, if these people are willing to sacrifice their religious morals to follow a dipshit like trump, I would say they have a pretty weak belief system in the first place and use religion as a crutch.
Trump was the only choice for Christians who voted for one of the two major party candidates. Voting for the wicked witch Hillary would have been voting against absolutely everything that we believe in regarding our country and it’s policies.
... and you've said many times here that you didn't vote for trump. bwah ha ha
Next time don’t selectively edit what I said. Your post was nothing but a childish juvenile gesture in the context of what I actually said that anyone can see above your it and paste selective editing.
I do find it hysterical being reprimanded here for my cutting and pasting, but I didn't make the statement.
what? comparing a paraphrased "I didn't vote for trump" statement that has been made here many times to a sweeping generalization that contradicts it, made by the same person. pure comedy.
I made a mistake in 2016. I didn’t vote for Trump. I voted for a 3rd party person who became a permanent Never Trump Lincoln Project traitor. I will not make that mistake this year. I will based on his actions, accomplishments, promises kept vote to re elect Trump and do so proudly both for him and to irk his domestic enemies I have developed no respect for.
And of course, violating every tenant they believed in to get temporal judges had nothing to do with it? They sold their souls for less than 30 pieces of Silver.
What are we sacrificing to get religious liberty, more free exercise there of protections, protections for religious and faith based charity from government mandates, more freedom of religious speech in more places , more protection for pre born humanity, protecting medical people from being forced to cause harm, spreading religious liberty around the world, protecting believers from secular mandates against their beliefs in their jobs and careers, and we great judges? How would a vote for the equally if not more morally tainted wicked witch Hillary who opposed us on on all these matters have been a more moral vote for us?
Code word for the following:
Discrimination against anyone that is not a white male
Forcing women to be brood mares
Creating a theocracy
You nailed it! We already have religious freedoms and protections in this country, arguably more than any other country. But they whine and complain about it being lost, yet cannot provide one example of where that's happening in this country.
We don’t any longer have true and full religious freedom or liberty in this country. It has been slowly slipping away since the 1960’s and was under direct assault from 2009 to 2016.
There is no truth to any of those claims and none of what was written there is desired by advocates of Religious 🗽 liberty in America 🇺🇸 are free to pray where you want, free to go to whatever church that you lost NOTHING. When you lose anything close to what jewish people lost during nazi germany then you have a case, otherwise you are just pissing up a drain pipe
Spare me the politically biased hyperbole. We have as much religious freedom now as we had then. You're still allowed to believe what you want, worship how you want, attend the religious institution of your choice, no one is arresting you for believing/worshipping, or putting you in chains for it, ect.. So spare me the demonstrably false nonsense! How about you actually address my previous post and demonstrate where religious liberty is denied or people are being arrested for their religion! Otherwise, you're just blowing smoke.
We don’t ever intend for what happened then and there to ever happen here. The words never forget ring a bell? We are fighting political battles now to preserve what we once had now so that it will never ever be for us here what happened then there.
You still haven't demonstrated where and how it's being lost to begin with. So your statement is meaningless.
Once again you are full of baloney. You have not lost ONE thing in regards to religion. If so, what have you lost...and I know you won't answer.
What they fail to grasp is that the First Amendment is both a shield and a sword. It protects us to have freedom of and freedom from religion or none at all.
Yes, but it seems in their minds, any question or challenge to religion is viewed as an attack on religious freedom.
Trump Administration Violated Religious Liberty Of Border Volunteers, Judge Finds
And since your left wing bias source article is a year and a half old, how did the appeal go? How were all the cases resolved? Will we have to build border wall there too where none should be needed?
The article is only a few days old, the case itself goes back to 12/2017. Try reading a little slower.
A federal judge has ruled that President Donald Trump ’s administration, which often boasts about defending religious liberty , has violated the religious rights of a group of volunteers at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Ultimately, the government had failed to demonstrate that prosecuting the volunteers was the least restrictive means of achieving a compelling governmental interest, the judge said.
how did the appeal go?
Since the finding is recent there has not yet been an appeal.
your original link from the laughter inciting left bias huffington post was dated around 8/6/2018. I noticed it was just updated to feb 2020. This quote will be useful to us on the religious right in the future. “ In her opinion, Márquez said that the volunteers’ RFRA claims can’t be dismissed just because they described their beliefs in broad terms and don’t belong to an established religion. She pointed out that religious and political motivations overlapped in the Hobby Lobby case. That Supreme Court verdict has shown that government faces an “ exceptionally demanding ” obligation to be minimally restrictive while imposing on a person’s religious exercise, Márquez said.
Ultimately, the government had failed to demonstrate that prosecuting the volunteers was the least restrictive means of achieving a compelling governmental interest, the judge said.”
The small print, in case you can't read it says "Written By Huffingtonpost On February 5, 2020".
No it says updated then which means the original had been written before then. Like I said, there is plenty there for a conservative judge to use to protect bakers, florists, photographers, calligraphers, faith based charities, medical persons, and lay people in general in what I quoted above
It was updated to announce the judge's decision which is very recent, good grief. SMH
You can laugh at Huffington Post all you want but the article states the simple facts, it's not an opinion piece.
I actually don’t oppose the judges ruling. I see it as precedent we can use for our more conservative religious freedom issues. We will simply have to build a wall there too rather than leaving gaps in it in inhospitable land areas.
For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones.
You can fool all the people some of the time.
On second thought that's wrong. I don't think you can fool all of the people, ever.
Pat you are correct. Not everyone.
That was intended for the establishment pharisees of both parties and the Lincoln Project Sadducees in particular.
You extrapolate scripture. There is no need, it speaks for itself; as well, in some cases it is not recommended.
I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to that person the plagues described in this scroll
Revelation 22:18
Oh please don’t try to wrap establishment GOP propaganda in the Bible. Lincoln Project types rejected religious conservatives from the day Reagan brought us to the GOP from the dems. You all sided with the democrats every time a base backed candidate or Tea party candidate won a primary. You all wanted us to volunteer and be your foot soldiers for your establishment candidates but walked away when one of us was the candidate. Well as far as we are concerned stay away. We brought in enough midwestern and southern working class and lower middle class voters and are now appealing to minority voters as well so we no longer need the wall st banker establishment elite here.
Already “wrapped it” with the title and premise of the article.
The bizzaro equation between Sadducees and Pharisees, and modern day political enemies, furthers your particular flavor of propaganda. It’s weird.
I bet that you have talked more about, put more energy into talking about Donny Rump, than Jesus Christ, in the past 2 years haven’t you?
Actually no. I go church and I seed religion section type articles often enough that the secular progressives and atheists here can attest to. I don’t talk politics at work.
The right are confused between religion and cultism. They are weak minded and needy people who are more concerned about being a part of group that they've lost their individuality and souls a long time ago.
The sheer condescending arrogance toward us who disagree is just dripping from the words written in the post I’m responding to. Just wow and it’s no wonder that there is no real communication between the bi partisan establishment and the we the people Trump supporters.
Hubris took to its heights. You complain about being called Cultist but all GOP Senators minus Mitt Romney bent the knee to tRump. I place my faith in the Constitution not a grifter King.
The left are confused between secularism and progressive cultism. They are weak minded and needy people who are more concerned about being a part of group that they’ve lost their individuality and souls a long time ago.
Voting for Trump doesn't mean you approve of everything he does or even that you like him at all. Unfortunately because of the two party system in America choosing who to vote for is like picking a cable TV package, you will never get everything you want because it's unavailable so you pick the package that has the things that are most important to you but you still end up with a lot of stuff you don't want. This is the way most Americans vote and for many their beliefs or concerns (what's important to them) makes them vote consistently for one party over the other despite the fact that they agree with the other party on some issues. There are very few people who agree with every stance their party takes on the issues although you wouldn't know it reading the posts on this site. There are even voters who vote to divide power meaning if one party has the house they'll vote for the other party as president just to check either parties power. Many people aren't going to vote for Trump they are going to vote against the Democratic Agenda just like many will vote against Trump no matter who the Democratic Nominee is. So the question was "How can you follow Jesus and support Donald Trump?" and there are many answers to that question but I'll ask a question of my own "How can you follow Jesus and support a Pro Choice Democrat ?"
Because it isn't what you think it is. Everybody has to realize there are MANY different spiritual beliefs and yours are not the final say. We all have our own. Most egg fertilizations do not lead to a baby. Pregnancies end for a myriad of reasons, and choice is only one. And its NOT YOURS. Soul not in fetus at conception and its between the woman and her partner (or not) and doctor. A group of people who follow a pussygrabbing greedy narcissistic racist liar are trying to force their beliefs on everybody, but its not their place. Not their body, not their values. Pretty easy choice politically. Because if your beliefs are that high and righteous, live them and others will follow. Otherwise, butt out.
Those are horrible things to say about Jesus !
That’s for sure. I can’t believe they went there.
What stupid things to say. You know that’s not who they are talking about. Start being honest in your debate.
Not the first time they feign being obtuse. This from the cultists who slurp up every Trump lie and regurgitate it every day. I suppose its possible they don't know the difference between Trump and Jesus though.
Take your own advice and act on it.
Donald Trump supporters are, without question, the biggest problem facing America today. We have to stop being in denial about this.
Without his cult like supporters Trump would be isolated and defeated. His supporters embolden him and protect him. And it is wrong.
It is the most wrong thing that has happened in politics in our lifetimes.
Too many people sit back and don't speak up.
It is you who are wrong ! The primaries may be a popularity contest but People vote on issues in the election. You are wrong to expect people to vote against their core beliefs and political values, conservative voters are not going to vote for a progressive liberal no matter how big of a jackass Donald Trump is. [deleted]
Luckily Trump's base shrinks, it doesn't grow. And Bloomberg ads are very effective for all democrats in that they focus on Trump and his assholiness. And bots and trolls can't vote (yet).
"How can you follow Jesus and support Donald Trump?"
I can "Follow" and "Support " BOTH at the same time !!!!!!
We're talking about " Politics " here.
Matthew 21:12-16
Jesus at the Temple:
"Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there . He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. “It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.”
Sounds like "Members of Congress …. doesn't it ?
They come in to congress as "Paupers" and Leave "Millionaires", and Trump is showing us "The PATH Congress ALWAYS takes" !
TRUMP is "For"....the "Buyers" (Americans).
He is here for us and we stand with him. Trump Pence 2020! MAGA!
"America is Great"
…… The Left "Sits" and Broods !