
Socialism is slavery: Socialism is someone ELSE’S ownership over YOUR life, liberty, and labor


Category:  Op/Ed

Via:  donald-j-trump-fan-1  •  5 years ago  •  11 comments

By:   D Parker

Socialism is slavery: Socialism is someone ELSE’S ownership over YOUR life, liberty, and labor
Socialism is SLAVERY – Socialism is someone ELSE’S ownership over YOUR life, liberty & labor. Under socialism – the profits of your work go to someone who did not earn them. Your property and prosperity belongs to the state. You are dependent on those controlling you to provide shelter and sustenance. Sound familiar? To these Black Influencers – it sounds like slavery.

On economics in particular the progressive left is not to be trusted.  On every issue they touch from health care to to the environment and more it’s all about advancing slavery via socialism and controlling others economic and personal choices.  

S E E D E D   C O N T E N T

The paradox of socialism is that it’s opposed by those who know of its true nature and supported by those who do not. Those who know what it truly is stand in opposition to its organized evil while it’s supported by those taken in by the superficial sales pitch of never to be fulfilled promises.  The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation  has detailed this  a number of times .

The video is from a few months ago, but with the meteoric rise of admitted socialist Bernie Sanders and the left’s base ideology, it is important that everyone understands the true nature of socialistic slavery. This point has been made many times, but this video from  Turning Point USA  is particularly effective since it has the format of many leftist advocacy adverts.

The notations on the video on YouTube make the point:

Socialism is SLAVERY – Socialism is someone ELSE’S ownership over YOUR life, liberty & labor.

Under socialism – the profits of your work go to someone who did not earn them. Your property and prosperity belongs to the state. You are dependent on those controlling you to provide shelter and sustenance.

Sound familiar?

To these Black Influencers – it sounds like slavery.

This was previously reiterated in a  Victims of Communism editorial  and video.

Far from ushering in a more equitable society, socialist movements that subscribed to Marxist ideology engendered a new form of slavery in the modern world. In the USSR, unenthusiastic work was considered a treasonous offense, “counter-revolutionary sabotage” that resulted in prison or death. Whenever a factory or harvest underperformed arbitrary regime quotas, the laborers were blamed for sabotaging the revolution. When the 1932 Ukrainian harvest underperformed after Stalin collectivized farms, he blamed the farmers and workers and forced them to starve en masse. Millions perished.

The left’s socialist national agenda is based on lies

It is also a paradox that we’re just supposed to trust that the left’s socialist national agenda is going to work this time—despite failing for over 400 years—even though it’s built upon a foundation of lies.

We’re just supposed to accept the bovine excreta of Breadline Bernie and the covert socialists. They lie and claim that market economy Scandinavian countries that depend on the US for their defense are supposedly  “socialist.”  Meanwhile, they will blatantly deny that socialist nations such a Nazi Germany, the USSR, Cuba and Venezuela are actually socialist, despite their proudly declaring themselves as such.

Nevertheless, we’re supposed to look past the lies and trust them when they want to control every aspect of our lives for the common good.

Contradictions always serve to unmask leftist lies

In their desperation to sell their socialistic slavery, leftists have gone to the extreme of claiming that normal public services of government are somehow “socialist.” This absurd lie is contradicted by the previous lie that socialist nations aren’t socialist.

The previously mentioned socialist nations also have government services, making them socialist by the ‘logic’ of the left. These contradictions eviscerate both lies and prove that we cannot trust the left on anything.

The bottom line: Leftist lies prove they are untrustworthy

The left’s socialist national agenda is built upon a house of cards with a superficial understanding of socialism coupled with a web of contradictory lies. But we’re supposed to look past the lies and forget about what we know of the organized evil that is socialism. Meanwhile, those who have little knowledge of the subject take on the false pretense of being experts.

The true nature of socialism is its Achilles Heel. It can only garner support with a focus on false promises of free stuff, paid for with other people’s money along with attacks on economic freedom.

Those looking past the BS quickly realize that the numbers don’t add up and that it defies human nature. That is why those in the know oppose socialism, while those with just a little bit of information support it.


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Senior Guide
1  seeder  XXJefferson51    5 years ago

The left’s socialist national agenda is based on lies

It is also a paradox that we’re just supposed to trust that the left’s socialist national agenda is going to work this time—despite failing for over 400 years—even though it’s built upon a foundation of lies.

We’re just supposed to accept the bovine excreta of Breadline Bernie and the covert socialists. They lie and claim that market economy Scandinavian countries that depend on the US for their defense are supposedly  “socialist.”  Meanwhile, they will blatantly deny that socialist nations such a Nazi Germany, the USSR, Cuba and Venezuela are actually socialist, despite their proudly declaring themselves as such.

Nevertheless, we’re supposed to look past the lies and trust them when they want to control every aspect of our lives for the common good.

Contradictions always serve to unmask leftist lies

In their desperation to sell their socialistic slavery, leftists have gone to the extreme of claiming that normal public services of government are somehow “socialist.” This absurd lie is contradicted by the previous lie that socialist nations aren’t socialist.

The previously mentioned socialist nations also have government services, making them socialist by the ‘logic’ of the left. These contradictions eviscerate both lies and prove that we cannot trust the left on anything.

The bottom line: Leftist lies prove they are untrustworthy. 

Professor Quiet
2  Ed-NavDoc    5 years ago

Yep, their system is pretty much based on the big lie theory. Tell the same lie over and over and people will eventually start to believe it. Joseph Goebbels proved that in the 30's and 40's.

Senior Guide
2.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  Ed-NavDoc @2    5 years ago

Indeed it is.  The big lie.  All to take away personal and individual freedom and take our God given rights and give them to the state instead.

Senior Guide
3  seeder  XXJefferson51    5 years ago

Junior Silent
4  squiggy    5 years ago


Senior Guide
4.1  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  squiggy @4    5 years ago

Professor Guide
5  MrFrost    5 years ago

Socialism: Giving to people that need help.

Capitalism: Giving to people that do NOT need help. 

Some really great examples of Socialism:

Threatening to break up privately owned companies like Twitter, Amazon and Google.

Telling the NFL and NBA which players should be fired.


Bailing out farmers.

Giving money to companies to influence them to not ship jobs to Mexico.

Remind you of anyone? 

Senior Guide
5.2  seeder  XXJefferson51  replied to  MrFrost @5    5 years ago


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