Leftist Blown Away After Visiting Trump Rally: 'Democrats Are Not Ready for 2020'

Democrats are driving their own away with their PC rigidity and snowflake hate. People are being impressed by Trump keeping all his promises and by his base and how polite, caring, civil, and friendly they are. The Trump base is so excited and so committed by and to Trump because of his promises kept and that he genuinely likes us.

Drew Angerer / Getty Images President Donald Trump arrives for a "Keep America Great" rally at Southern New Hampshire University Arena in Manchester, New Hampshire, on Feb. 10, 2020. (Drew Angerer / Getty Images)
A Democrat visited a rally for President Donald Trump, and the sheer energy of conservatives left her doubting her party’s chances in the 2020 elections.
Karlyn Borysenko had the realization when she attended a Feb. 10 Trump rally in Manchester, New Hampshire — after which she announced she was leaving the Democratic Party.
Borysenko first became disillusioned with the political left after leftists turned knitting, one of her favorite hobbies, into an increasingly social-justice-oriented activity.
“I knit as a way to relax and escape the drama of real life, not to further engage with it,” Borysenko wrote in Medium . “But it was impossible to ignore after roving gangs of online social justice warriors started going after anyone in the knitting community who was not lockstep in their ideology.”
The leftist hate taking root in the peaceful knitting community had Borysenko questioning liberals and their media mouthpieces.
This was a major shift for Borysenko, who had previously contributed to the Democratic presidential campaigns of Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, former Texas Rep. Robert “Beto” O’Rourke and others.
Eventually, Borysenko had a chance to see the energy and people behind Trump during the president’s visit to Manchester.
Despite hearing warnings about the violent and hateful nature of Trump rallies, the skeptical Democrat decided to risk it anyway.
To her surprise, Trump fans welcomed her with open arms. Even after learning she belonged to a rival political party, rallygoers didn’t hassle and assault her like many warned they would. Once inside, the true scale of Trump’s support became evident.
Will President Trump win in 2020?
“It was so different than any other political event I had ever attended,” Borysenko wrote. “Even the energy around Barack Obama in 2008 didn’t feel like this.”
Where Democratic candidates had struggled to fill the same venue, Trump’s arrival had the arena packed. People were so eager to see the president that even the highest seats were occupied.
Despite Trump’s flaws, Borysenko said, the rally spoke for itself: The president’s re-election seems a certainty at this point.
“I knew there was no way Trump would lose in November. Absolutely no way,” Borysenko wrote. “I truly believe that it doesn’t matter who the Democrats nominate: Trump is going to trounce them.”
Judging by Democratic lawmakers’ attempts to remove Trump through impeachment , this is something they understand all too well.
After voting for Buttigieg in the New Hampshire Democratic primary, Borysenko announced she would be changing her voter registration to get away from leftist politics.
This former Democrat isn’t alone in abandoning her party — many others have joined the Walk Away movement, a loose coalition of people who have distanced themselves from the Democratic Party.
It’s unclear whom Trump will face in November, but the energy surrounding the president guarantees a major struggle for anyone seeking to unseat him.
More than likely the leftists were scoping out the rally to see what kind of a chance they will have getting away with assaulting other rally goers over the next few months.
“It was so different than any other political event I had ever attended,” Borysenko wrote. “Even the energy around Barack Obama in 2008 didn’t feel like this.”
Where Democratic candidates had struggled to fill the same venue, Trump’s arrival had the arena packed. People were so eager to see the president that even the highest seats were occupied.
Despite Trump’s flaws, Borysenko said, the rally spoke for itself: The president’s re-election seems a certainty at this point.
“I knew there was no way Trump would lose in November. Absolutely no way,” Borysenko wrote. “I truly believe that it doesn’t matter who the Democrats nominate: Trump is going to trounce them.”
What nonsense. Trump is a pathological liar.
In a response to a question today , Trump said he believes he is the nation's top law enforcement officer.
What a farce. A lifelong conman/fraud/crook claiming to be the US top law enforcement officer.
America is on its knees.
That's just dirty Donald getting in position to pleasure his most favorite despot virulent Vlad. It is truly sad to see our great nation soiled by this monumental moron in the oval office.
As for the crowds he draws, of course he's going to be cheered like some WWF wrestler by rabid half wits and his large number of white supremacist, white nationalist supporters foaming at the mouth with hatred for all things rational and sane.
The hatred being expressed here is in the words of your post. Such disdain and intolerance expressed toward other Americans who happen to disagree with you about our President. Trump rallies age awesome events and I’ve seen many of them on Fox and others on C-SPAN when Fox doesn’t carry it.
And yet, you still are confused as to why you lost the 2016 election.
On November 3,2020 we are going to have progressive left democrats on their knees and weeping as their nominee concedes to Trump.