Whose Responsibility Is It To Save America?

I have been listening to the tv show of never trumper Nicole Wallace this hour. Wallace was one of the main political consultants of John McCain's failed 2008 presidential campaign, so she is not a liberal by any stretch. One of her guests today was her buddy, fellow McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt. Schmidt, today, is also a never trumper.
But between them ,today, they came up with an "argument" that I found pretty disheartening. Schmidt makes the contention that there is a grave responsibility on the Democratic Party to save America from Donald Trump. Needless to say Schmidt and Wallace know , and say , that Trump is a horrible human being who has led America down a sad and dark path.
So whose responsibility is it to save America? According to the point of view that was presented by these two Republicans (I'm not sure if they are technically still republicans , but certainly they are moderate republicans at heart), it is the Democrats who must compromise their goals and beliefs and ensure a moderate candidate that can beat Trump by nominating one of the moderates running for president, preferably Michael Bloomberg.
So here is my question? Why is it the responsibility of liberal Democrats to save the country by nominating someone conservative enough to appeal to a wide swath of voters, and not the responsibility of the Republican Party to nominate a normal human being of decency and honesty that can represent their party , and try to win that way?
I would like to see the most progressive candidate that could get elected. In a normal election year that would be my preference. But this year we have to rally behind Michael Bloomberg, because it is our responsibility to save the country? What a gift !
Where is the responsibility on all those good burghers in small town and suburban America to cleanse the land of Trump by nominating someone else for the GOP?
Maybe Sanders or Warren would lose to a potted plant, but if thats what Democrats want they should have the right to make that choice without feeling they are letting the nation and the world down if they dont nominate the plutocrat Michael Bloomberg.
But that is not 2020, is it?
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Let's ALL throw the bum out.
GOP, nominate someone else.
That is outstanding.
i like the way their necks move,
but, although i did like it, thought the lyric could have been a little more creative.
Good find irregardless SP
Ranks a distant second to this.
Good find.
The more I researched this "guy" the more I discovered that he plays both sides of the fence, always with a small plug for a donation.
It's his cash cow,
God bless Capitalism. the First Amendment and the entrepreneur in the USA.
Well the never Trumpers do have the option of voting for William Weld the former governor of Massachusetts in the GOP Primaries and caucuses so it’s not like we don’t have a choice. We choose Trump. Our party will have the big battle in 2024 to see if we go populist or establishment or a hybrid of the two like Rubio.
Well we can't count on the media, because it is setting up just like in 2016 to just stand like deer in head-lights while Trump paralyzes them with fear of being the 'rigged media'!
Trump will talk about media and point to them in their little end of hall 'assemblages' and they will fold just like before. I see it happening already. Craig Melvin is one of the worse for asking the "dogged" trap-door -democrat throw yourself under the bus round of questions.
MSNBC's Craig Melvin along with others on the network literally are as responsible for changing hearts and minds of the public away from Hillary in 2016, as they are setting things up to do this year.
The media owes democrats a "class-action styled" apology; a commitment to be better and fairer this year; and, to tell the truth about everybody-Trump included- don't let Trump get away with his daily lies, free ads and rallies, and stealing the limelight because he is 'barking' loudly into a microphone or on Twitter. Trump should pay for his ad space just like other candidates do!
NOTE: That is why Mike Bloomberg is looking better to me. Bloomberg can take the crap from Trump and the media and still keep on ticking and clipping away with it!
Oh please. Trump is on Twitter - everyday - because he wants peace and quiet. /S
Donald Trump and his supporters already saved America. He really did Make America Great Again and by re electing him we are going to Keep America Great! 🇺🇸🦅🗽
We'll note your cheerleading for the travesty.
We endured our national travesty and attempted transformation from Jan 2009 to Jan 20, 2017 at noon. We were then and are now liberated.
As "they" won't drain the swamp, it is up to us as voters to do it for them. If it means their careers end, so be it. Trump and the rest of them had their chance.
And Paula, hell, I'd give my Titielist 917D2 driver and F2 3 wood to get half of the worthless pieces of trash in Congress replaced.
And that's damn serious.
Even though I watch Nicole Wallace and now favor Mr. Steve Schmidt for his candor and professionalism, part of me remembers the republicans of just 10 years ago who would not grace the MSNBC cameras overlong who are now par for the course. If only they would have listened to us when we told them to be better people back then! Now, the so-called "Republican party of morality" has a morally bankrupt fool as its head and some odd set of things named, "Never Trumpers" hanging around its feet.
Republicans always want to blame a Democrat. The same way Republicans run up massive deficits and then blame a Democrat. Republicans could save us from a dictator and authoritarian rule but they don't. So as always throw it on a Democrat. The same old blame game for every ill and every failure that Republicans create.
What does 'save the country' mean?
The entrenched ideology of supply-side economics and globalization has only created prosperity for a tiny portion of the population. The overwhelming majority of the country has not fared nearly as well. Are we supposed to save the country from a broad prosperity?
The United States has been in a constant state of war for the last five decades. We have even militarized our own law enforcement so we are fighting wars within our own borders. Are we supposed to save the country from peace?
The United States no longer has sufficient manufacturing and industrial capacity to supply the needs of the population, maintain infrastructure, and support basic services needed by the majority of the population. The United States is failing to feed and house a growing portion of the population. Are we supposed to save the country from national resilience and sustainability?
Why are we listening to an elite class who 'got theirs' and want to keep it? Why are the fears of the complacent elite more important than the struggles of ordinary people? Are we supposed to save the country or save the elite?
The question being posed is not 'save the country from what?' The important question is 'save the country for who?' The elite have been striving to weaken the foundation of the country; it's only a matter of time before the country falls apart. When the foundation fails there won't be any way to save the country.
How about you start saving the country from the delusional Russian cheerleader in the White House? Save the country for the citizenry-sake. The rest of your comment is dangerously pessimistic for no good reason. Before you can fix anything at all in the world, you have to hold to elements of the truth. Donald Trump is about to steal another set of elections, and install national delusion from the top down. How do you save us from that?
"Whose Responsibility Is It To Save America?"
Loaded question. Save America from what? Itself?
What ever imagined concept of what America is, or is supposed to be was jettisoned long ago when we accepted Supply Side Economics and it's bastard baby Citizens United as the path forward.
This too. Understanding that the Putin kleptocracy is actively weakening the Western Democracies, is it only fair to surmise that the unequal economic roads taken by America has assured Putin that his quest will be a successful one?
It is up to each and every voting American to do so each according to their own conscience. Something hard core ideologues on both sides refuse to accept or deal with lately.
This independent centrist would vote for daffy duck over Trump.
And this independent minded middle of the road citizen will vote for Trump over any daffy democrat currently running.
To each their own.