Benjamin Watson to ‘unveil the truth about abortion’ in documentary featuring Dr. Ben Carson, Alveda King
Category: News & Politics
Via: donald-j-trump-fan-1 • 5 years ago • 80 commentsBy: Leonardo Blair

This is great news. Thanks to the Christian Post news reporter for this report. Ben Carson and Alveda King are great Americans. Fatherhood and motherhood begin at conception. The growing strength and numbers of u in he pro science pro life movement has. Caused the pro abortion groups to become ever more rabid and extreme in their comments and public demonstrations.

In an upcoming documentary featuring interviews with people like Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Alveda King, pro-life New England Patriots tight end Benjamin Watson says he will “unveil the truth about abortion.”
Watson, who is an outspoken Christian and pro-life activist, told The Hollywood Reporter he is executive producing and partially financing a documentary called Divided Hearts of America which started filming last May and is now in the postproduction stage.
“My goal is to unveil the truth about abortion, the laws, the history and where our country is headed. I believe in the sanctity of life, be it in the womb or on your deathbed. That’s my conviction. But with the film, I’ll engage those who disagree and hear their reasoning. The No. 1 thing I’m looking for is empathy on both sides,” Watson told the publication about the project that has a budget of less than $1 million.
Watson is featured in the documentary with some 30 pro-life and pro-choice Americans, including Carson and King who discuss the issue of abortion.
“I never thought I’d be involved in a movie, but so many different laws have passed in New York, Alabama, Georgia, it seems this issue — which has always been a part of our national consciousness — has ramped up recently,” he said. “Things are at a fever pitch.”
Last May, around the time he began filming his new documentary, Watson raised the issue of the role men play in battling abortion at a major pro-life rally in New York’s Times Square , saying that “fatherhood begins in the womb.”
The rally, organized by Focus on the Family, came in the wake of the passage of New York’s Reproductive Health Act that codified federal abortion rights guaranteed under the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision and removed abortion from the state's criminal code.
“As families across our country are being destroyed and as lives are being extinguished, we must expose the lies that are being told. We must peel back those layers of deceit,” Watson urged men at the rally.
“We have to be men who are willing to step into that boldly and with confidence because we were made to be protectors and providers. You have what it takes to be the man God designed you to be,” said Watson, who is a father of seven.
The voice of pro-life men is “greatly needed” in the “public sphere,” he added, insisting that “fatherhood begins in the womb.”
“That’s where it starts,” Watson noted. “It doesn’t start when the baby is out. The relationship you have with the mother, the relationship you have talking to that child en utero. Fatherhood begins in the womb.”
In a recent interview with the Daily Caller , where he discussed how his Christian faith infused his life, Watson said that one of the joys he gets from fatherhood and having a big family is the friendship he sees his children have with one another.
“We have a lot of fun times together, sitting around the dinner table, talking. Sometimes it’s too loud,” he told the outlet. “We have to tell them to be quiet. But we’re able to have a lot of great conversations and I can see that getting better as they get older.”
Through his family life, he says, he highlights the value of life and the belief that children are blessings.
“Even though it’s tough, and it’s hard and there are sleepless nights, and sometimes you can’t do what you want to do, you want to make sacrifices,” Watson said. “I’ve never heard anybody say when they get older, ‘I wish I had less kids.'”
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Last May, around the time he began filming his new documentary, Watson raised the issue of the role men play in battling abortion at a major pro-life rally in New York’s Times Square , saying that “fatherhood begins in the womb.”
The rally, organized by Focus on the Family, came in the wake of the passage of New York’s Reproductive Health Act that codified federal abortion rights guaranteed under the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision and removed abortion from the state's criminal code.
“As families across our country are being destroyed and as lives are being extinguished, we must expose the lies that are being told. We must peel back those layers of deceit,” Watson urged men at the rally.
“We have to be men who are willing to step into that boldly and with confidence because we were made to be protectors and providers. You have what it takes to be the man God designed you to be,” said Watson, who is a father of seven.
The voice of pro-life men is “greatly needed” in the “public sphere,” he added, insisting that “fatherhood begins in the womb.”
“That’s where it starts,” Watson noted. “It doesn’t start when the baby is out. The relationship you have with the mother, the relationship you have talking to that child en utero. Fatherhood begins in the womb.”
Pretty sure that the planet is overpopulated enough as it is.
A woman's accidental pregnancy (shit happens and all birth control devices have been known to fail) is nobody's business but hers.
It's her body and not some far right wing religious fascist's.
The worlds population growth is slowing and thanks to capitalism its wealth is rising. Over population is not an excuse to terminate innocent human life.
Prove that.
Actually, yes it is. Even nature deals with overpopulation when adequate resources are unavailable, until there is a die off and a balance is restored. That's seen in the animal kingdom all the time. The current world population is over 7.5 BILLION, and still rising. Even slowing is still an increase. So yes, it's safe to say we're overpopulated.
Adequate resources are available due to technological innovation brought on by capitalism. People are having smaller families on their own accord as the route to wealth transitions from having large families to work the farm or for other reasons to manufacturing and technological jobs in more places. It’s been shown here numerous times that capitalism has been by far the worlds best poverty fighter. Family planning through birth control is key to preventing over population. Abortion is not a population control tool.
Based on Ben Watson's statement, his movie would advocate against the pill, the most common form of birth control.
Sure. But there are still limits. Resources are not infinite no matter how much technology grows. Especially if the population keeps growing. Resources become increasingly strained. Not to mention the environmental damage overpopulation causes, which only further diminishes resources.
Smaller families is a good thing.
And yet, poverty still exists. But the issue isn't capitalism.
Yes, it is very helpful and necessary. Abortion is also birth control too.
Actually, it is. It helps limit population growth. And it's an option for women to utilize.
Not your medical decision, NOT your business.
Not mine personally but there’s nothing that
can be said or done to suppress our beliefs or silence our expression as to what it is that abortion does.
Who doesn't know what abortion is? Whine all you like. It's still none of your business if a woman chooses it or not. But attempt to interfere with a woman's choice or prohibit it, especially through legislation attempts, then expect pushback. Especially since it doesn't concern you in the least.
Women know what abortion entails, again, not your medical decision, not your business.
One of the justices who approved of [REMOVED] roe vs wade wrote at the time that science could one day reveal that the preborn baby is in fact a real human being with constitutional rights and that if it does the whole thing would have to be repealed. Science is the pro abortionists greatest enemy as the ultra sound shows a real baby inside and the pain thresholds being felt get younger and younger and the heartbeat is found to begin earlier than originally thought. Viability is not the issue. That it’s a beating heart child that can feel pain is.
Well that should certainly be a basis for outlawing circumcision, with prejudice.
As far as the first heart beat it is just a flat series of cells that pulsates, performing no pumping.
Over the weeks the two flat membranes curl up to form tubes, eventually intertwining and dividing into multiple chambers until at about 8 weeks it actually resembles a working heart but it isn't attached to anything. Blood just passes through on the way to and from the placenta.
Nice opinion. But science has advanced and abortion has been revisited many times since Roe. Science has only affirmed and even helped expand abortion rights. SO that point falls completely flat right there.
See first statement. And science shows it's an embryo/fetus, not a baby. The terms are not scientifically interchangeable or equivalent. And yes, Viability is the issue, as that is the cutoff point for elective abortions. Science helped establish that too. So that point fails too!
The fetal heart is not fully formed or organized until the 20th week gestation. A fetus cannot "feel" pain until about 26 weeks gestation. That is also established by science . It's very telling how you try to use science to promote your bias, but quickly reject it when it contradicts your beliefs. It's also comical to see you try to use science to make some kind of point, when science does the exact opposite and demolishes your points and/or assertions.
Concerned Women for America through its Board of Trustees has established Sanctity of Life as one of its seven core issues on which we focus our efforts. Below, please find a few very basic verses that describe the Biblical support we find for our focus on this issue, as taken from our Core Issues: Biblical Foundations document. We also include our concerns on this issue, followed by the goals set forth to reverse the devastating trends in our society, as taken from our Concerns and Goals document.
Sanctity of Life
Humans reflect the image of God.
The punishment of death was applied to those who take another’s life because God values human life.
God gives life before birth and cares for the unborn.
God has a purpose and calling for individuals even before we are born.
We are concerned about:
1. The protection of innocent human life — including protecting the unborn from abortion, fetal tissue experimentation, and embryonic research; and society from euthanasia, cloning, population control and human genetic engineering.
2. The physical, emotional and spiritual harm to women, men and their families resulting from abortion.
3. The devaluing of all human life; a man cannot love God and hate
his brother.
We are working to see:
1. Laws passed to protect our society from practices and policies that endanger or debase innocent human life.
2. Public awareness of the harm of abortion to women, men and their families; and the promotion of pregnancy care centers and post-abortion counseling services.
3. Society/culture following the Biblical standard of loving
your neighbor as yourself.
The bible also gives a recipe to give an unfaithful wife an abortion with herbs.
70% of women who have abortions are Christian.
Republican christian women have abortions.
Republican christian men have their mistresses get abortions.
Judging strictly from the way humans treat each other and all "subservient" creatures, there is no sanctity of life.
Most of the previous 90 plus billion people died at the hands of other humans, often in the name of religions.
If there were sanctity of life, we would all starve to death rather quickly.
It's an eat or be eaten world that has evolved. The rest of the animals, insect and fish, eat to survive.
Only man kills for ideology and religion, lays waste to the knowledge of other humans.
Made in the image of God, if you believe in one, is the worst insult to a God that I can imagine.
The truth about abortion is that it solves problems; otherwise, there would be no need for them
The truth is that on occasion a man and a woman tend to have sex and the woman becomes impregnated. Should that fact completely alter the lives that they have planned?
Once had a girlfriend who had an abortion. My only problem was that she didn't tell me and allow me to help her through it. She already had three kids and didn't want more. I would have stood by her side.
We broke up because I walked in on her fucking her ex husband. So whose kid was it?
Sticky situation.
Shit does happen.
Indeed. Here are some more truth's about abortion: It is a valid and established medical intervention. It is a legal procedure. It is a woman's right to choose if she so wishes. And it's nobody else's business!
It’s the babies business and his or her life at risk.
Fetuses have no rights, babies only a precious few until they are eighteen.
Few give a damn until they can vote.
How so? There is no baby in an abortion. And it's still the woman's business, as it's her body, her autonomy, and her rights! Being pregnant doesn't automatically change that.
There are vile and unethical ways to solve all sorts of problems. Abortion usually solves problems like inconvenience and selfishness
Forcing a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to birth and then raising an unwanted child is vile and unethical and inconvenient and causes more problems.
Who cares? Whether a woman wants an abortion or not is her choice and her reasons is her own.
No one is forced to raise a child. There are plenty of others who would be happy to do that. Terminating a human life to avoid the nine months is truly immoral and unethical.
One just might be forced to carry a pregnancy and give birth.
Good for them. That doesn't mean anyone should be required to provide the "goods" to them, as it were.
Forcing someone to gestate an embryo and deny her rights and autonomy against her will is what is immoral and unethical.
Xx, you really should research WTF your are talking about before you post. White infants in perfect health are good to go for adoption. The rest of the children on the planet, not so much.
Here WATCH this, I DARE you:
The term pro-abortion is a lie. We are pro-choice. You do what you feel is right, within the guidelines of the medical community.
“Things are at a fever pitch,” he said. “My goal is to unveil the truth about abortion, the laws, the history and where our country is headed. I believe in the sanctity of life, be it in the womb or on your deathbed. That’s my conviction. But with the film, I’ll engage those who disagree and hear their reasoning. The No. 1 thing I’m looking for is empathy on both sides.”
Watson's view on the subject shouldn’t be a surprise in Hollywood after he engaged in a high-profile war of words with Alyssa Milano in May after the actress said anti-abortion laws would especially hurt “women of color.”
The married, African American father of seven and author of The New Dad’s Playbook tweeted to Milano that her comment “reveals ignorance, racism or some combination of both. Our children and families are capable of greatness and lies like this harm our future. Don’t patronize us.”
The two settled their differences when Milano tweeted back: “If you’d like to discuss further, please DM me. My door & heart are always open.” The dust-up occurred just as Watson began production and he told THR that he informed the actress of his intention to make a movie about abortion.
“Dissenting views should be respected and in fact encouraged. There are many people in Hollywood who would consider themselves pro-life but they feel as though their viewpoint is unacceptable in the industry,” Watson said. “No one should feel like their job is in danger because of their convictions on this issue.”
Watson says that the movie, which is budgeted at less than $1 million, is also financed by some donors and the Christian charity he runs with his wife called the One More Foundation, which focuses on hunger, poverty, prison reform and other social issues.
Watson said he’s negotiating with distributors and that some groups have already guaranteed they’d be buying out theaters....
Women KNOW the truth about abortion. We don't need a man to tell us. When men can get pregnant, then they can have a say
Well it looks like men can have a say per your prerequisites.
All men, not just one.
Not all women can give birth...
He can have a say in his own medical care. Not any other adult's.
And those who can't have no say in the medical care of those who can.
He’s speaking out for the medical care the living human child needs in order to survive the most dangerous nine month period of their whole life.
What, and the woman is just an incubator. The woman has rights a fetus does not and never will.
All women have a uterus...all men do not, when ALL men come equip with a uterus then they can have a say
I’m glad that most of us born before 1973 didn’t have mother’s who viewed their own child as some hostile invader force not human and being created by her and another’s act. Who viewed themselves as unwilling incubators for their children when they themselves were once in the other position.
That isn't what she said, but spin it how you like. But let me guess if men agree with you then that's okay.
Also I guess you are against government mandated healthcare then too? Better not let your fellow travelers know you are against the ACA.
It doesn't matter whether men (or women) agree with me or not. Every competent adult makes their own medical decisions.
Yes, so long as it requires me to pay money to a privately-owned business.
Do you really think abortion started in 1973?
Wow that is pretty closed minded of you, there are plenty of women out there without a uterus but I guess in your view they aren't a women, such a progressive stance.
So after I check a woman for a uterus and find out she doesn't have one what should I call her?
Awesome, I'm actually surprised you admit you agree with Trump on something.
Abortions occurred prior to 1973
They provide better car than government can ever provide. So you opposed Obamacare on those grounds? I’m looking forward to Medicare in 5 years where I get to choose between using my premiums to buy government care or directing those premiums to Medicare advantage where my premiums buy better care with private health insurance and pharma. I’m going to choose my tax dollars I paid go directly to the Insurance ad pharmaceuticals that I invest in.
But the attitude about them changed after that date. [deleted]
Long live capitalism and free market choices in medical matters including insurance and pharmaceuticals.
I've always been against the mandate.
Insurance companies don't provide care. Not a single insurance company has ever sent an employee to my office to care for my patients. I do that.
Abortion has been around since the dawn of man in one form or another. Women will never be forced to carry to term an unwanted pregnancy
Good luck with that Fantasy, lol.
Many women do get pre-natal care during pregnancy. Pregnancy itself can be dangerous, as there are many complications that can arise. Fortunately, abortion is relatively safe (much safer than a pregnancy). And how is 9 months post birth the most dangerous?
Still more nonsense.
Stating that what others who disagree with you amounts to more nonsense will persuade no one to your pro abortion point of view.
I’m not referring to the anti life point of view. I’m stating statistics showing that other than natural death when it occurs, there is no place more dangerous to human life than the 9 months in their own moms womb.
'Original Medicare' patients can go to the exact same providers as Medicare Advantage patients. Medicare doesn't 'buy government care' it reimburses doctors and hospitals for healthcare that they provide. My mom sees the exact same doctor that she did when she was on her employer's insurance plan.
Claiming I'm "pro-abortion" is false at best, and a lie at worst. But your BS source is still BS. They can disagree all they want. That just makes them wrong.
As I said, there are many complications associated with pregnancy. That's a simple medical fact.
You still have nothing original or of value to offer I see!
Well the term anti life is just as adequate. The pro abortion people are bitter and angry people eager to censor and silence all opposing views that would in any way cause them to feel the guilt that they deserve to feel for holding s pro sbortion/ anti life position.
You really think it a fantasy that in five years I’ll be able to chose a Medicare advantage plan instead of traditional Medicare? If Obama couldn’t kill it and Trump is going to be our President until four months before I’m eligible you think some secular progressive leftist democrat president is going to take it away that fast? Obama was going to take it out to pay for Obamacare but the Tea Party got so many people enrolled in it between the time he announced his desire to pay for Obama care that way and the time it was enacted that it was politically impossible to kill it.
No, it's just disingenuous, which is all certain pro-lifers/anti-choicers seem to have.
No I think you do not have a clue about Medicare as it works today,
which is probably irrelevant to how it might operate 5 years or 55 years from now.
If you want to know how it works now, ask someone who is on it and has health issues.
Don't make assumptions.
Use Google to query Medicare Advantage plans in your area.
It's been available for years in spite of your ODS and conspiracy theories.
It does not matter which insurer you choose except for a few dollars a month extra premium from county to County. State to State.
Humana, United health, USAA or Blue Cross,
they are ALL Medicare provider/administrators, and all administer Medicare plans for the US government,
including Medicare Advantage.
There are more individual choices and options with Advantage compared to traditional care. Traditional doesn’t offer hearing aids, dental, or vision coverage like Advantage does and advantage caps per year out of pocket meaning you don’t need a medi gap policy to cover the other 20% with Advantage like you do with traditional Medicare.
Knew an insane lady once who thought she could own me by lying to me about birth control and intentionally having my child.
She ended up killing him and attempting suicide out of spite. Only met him once and he was just as insane as his mother. Since his mother sat him down in front of the TV everyday, he could only talk in cartoon voices.
what a terrible thing to say about a child that has two parents just like they/we all do.
.....“We have to be men who are willing to step into that boldly and with confidence because we were made to be protectors and providers. You have what it takes to be the man God designed you to be.”
Watson said that the voice of pro-life men is “greatly needed” in the “public sphere,” also stressing that “fatherhood begins in the womb.”
“That’s where is starts,” continued Watson. “It doesn’t start when the baby is out. The relationship you have with the mother, the relationship you have talking to that child en utero. Fatherhood begins in the womb.”
“There are millions of preborn children and courageous, precious mothers that are depending on us men to be men. So let’s do it.”
Claire Culwell, Melissa Ohden, and Josiah Presley — individuals who reportedly survived abortion attempts when they were in the womb — also gave remarks on the Times Square stage.
“We’re not imaginary,” said Ohden to those gathered. “I’ve been hearing that a lot lately. That abortion survivors don’t exist.”
“We’re not alone in this. A lot of survivors will never share their stories publicly … they live private lives for many reasons.”
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, head of the Archdiocese of New York, shared comments to the pro-life gathering via a video message, as he was unable to be there in-person due to an overseas trip.
“You all are living witnesses that every life matters,” stated Dolan in the video message. “Your life matters. The lives of the unborn, the elderly, the immigrant, the disabled. They matter.”
“I’m glad you’re all gathered to celebrate this sacred truth. Especially now and especially in New York, I’m embarrassed to say, where we’re seeing an unprecedented attack against the human rights of the preborn infant and the most vulnerable in our state.”
Francesca Battistelli, a Grammy award-winning contemporary Christian singer and songwriter, was among the musicians present and performed various religious songs during the event.
Other speakers included Abby Johnson, the former Planned Parenthood leader whose conversion to the pro-life movement inspired the movie “Unplanned;” Ashley Bratcher, the actress who portrayed Johnson in the movie; Alveda King, director of civil rights for the unborn for Priests for Life and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; and Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List....
Unplanned is a great movie and this new one will be too.
Soon pro life messages will no longer be censored on twitter with the change that occurred there recently.