Will They Corner Donald Trump Like A Rat ?

So now, with stunning speed, the future of 2020 is becoming clearer. Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee (the math doesnt work for Sanders anymore in a one on one race), Michael Bloomberg will make his vast organizational and financial assets at Biden's disposal (so to speak) , and in the end even Sanders will enthusiastically support Biden (he is an elderly man that will be leaving politics in the near future, and he sure as hell will not want to go down in history as someone who "helped" the worst president in US history get re-elected.)
Just when does Trump start to panic? How does yesterday grab you?
It is Trump's bad luck to have tied his fortunes to the economy for 4 years, only to see forces beyond his control create an atmosphere where the economy may stall over the coming months. As Politico puts it
If the coronavirus keeps up its path throughout the U.S., sectors like airlines, cruise ships and large conferences and events are likely to see business plunge and will seek federal bailouts, similar to the billions of dollars that farmers received last year to offset the aftermath of the trade war, Bruce Mehlman, a longtime Republican lobbyist said in his quarterly analysis on Washington politics.
Eight months from a general election, President Donald Trump and Republican lawmakers are considering an urgent effort to rescue the U.S. economy from a coronavirus panic.
Trump advisers and GOP lawmakers have spent the last few days pushing the White House to develop a package of economic stimulus measures, designed to prop up the economy amid growing fears about the spread of the coronavirus in the U.S.
Trump and his aides have been battering the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates — shrugging off the central bank’s traditional independence — only to get an emergency rate cut Tuesday and then watch investors get spooked by the signal.
And they’re watching a flood of announcements from multinational U.S. companies signaling trouble that could strangle the American economy for months to come.
The frenzied push to boost the economy is colliding with Republican orthodoxy opposing short-term stimulus during the last recession. But it’s a reflection of what some Republicans recognize as an existential threat to Trump’s reelection: a potential downturn in the economy and financial markets in the run-up to a close and heated presidential election. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/03/trump-economic-record-coronavirus-119920
Without a bubbling economy, Trump is just another gasbag habitual liar who brags about grabbing pussy from strangers, cheats at his taxes and elections, and sends love letters to North Korean dictators.
Now the Bloomberg social media machine will be coming after him, as will all the other Democrats.
Trump has to basically drop his "the democrats are all socialists" pitch, since Biden has specifically denounced socialism in his speeches and debate statements.
How will he campaign against Biden?
"Sleepy Joe" "Sleepy Joe""Sleepy Joe""Sleepy Joe""Sleepy Joe""Sleepy Joe""Sleepy Joe"
not enough.
Unless Biden implodes, control of the Senate should be in play in November.
If Biden chooses a progressive as a running mate it will sew this thing up.
I agree. It will be the final nail in the coffin of the democrat party. I hope he does.
"Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee (the math doesnt work for Sanders anymore in a one on one race)"
His wife is his sister, and his sister is his wife, but they really just changed places, without Joey knowing about it.
Joe is Definitely a Democrat president.
is his wife being his daughter like Trump, a better scenario ?
Read the Book !
I am looking forward to the Bloomberg produced campaign videos that will show Trump stumbling over his words and making mental mistakes hundreds of times. And then there is Trump's twitter, lol.
Why ?
His other "Vids" didn't work for him.
Why look forward to looking at what a loser is going to put out, over and above what he's already done ?
betcha ole Donny would squeal like a rat as well,
as there is no one he values over himself.
And that is scary how? It did not do a single thing for himself.
Can you imagine Biden trying to stay alert for a two hour debate with Trump? Are there enough performance enhancing drugs capable of allowing him to concentrate for that long?
He's gotten a pass and been ignored for months by Democratic contenders for months. Even in his "good debates" the last two Times out, he's been able to mostly hide and still ended up spouting crazy lies about 150 million deaths in America from guns since 2007. He's got a decades long track record of lying and plagiarizing (even stooping to falsely claiming a drunk driver killed his first wife) when he had his wits about him. One can only imagine how this shell of a man will embarrass himself under the sustained hot lights of a Presidential campaign..
Democrats have claimed to have cornered Trump since he won the Republican primaries. And don't ignore the Super Tuesday voter turn out for the Republican primaries. There were still a lot of votes cast for Trump in an uncontested race.
Republicans have enthusiasm. What does Democrats have?
A treasure trove of comments by small 'c' christians is out there citing the Trump's being sent by gawd among other inane commentary. "I'm like a really smart guy," DJT ain't the 1/1000th of it.
Trump will never be cornered. He will run scared and seek solace behind Ivanka's skirt.