President** Trump Calls The Governor Of The State Of Washington A "Snake"

Trump has lied thousands of times to the American people. It is perfectly natural that someone like Gov. Inslee would suggest to Trump that he should tell the truth about matters of life and death.
Washington state Governor Jay Inslee made a tweet where he asked the president* to stick to science when he makes a pronouncement about the coronavirus, and to always tell the truth.
As a response, Trump called Governor Inslee "a snake" .
Trump made this personal slur while he was visiting the national Centers For Disease Control.
So much for professionalism.
Trump has lied thousands of times to the American people. It is perfectly natural that someone like Gov. Inslee would suggest to Trump that he should tell the truth about matters of life and death.
If Trump finds that suggestion offensive, he should stop lying about everything under the sun.
how DARE he, ask that the President be truthful about something that is so life and death to so many.
Oh the nerve, the audacity, the NEEDED CANDID EXPRESSION due to our LIAR IN CHIEF.
Again, i stated this could actually be Trumps Achilles, for he is a Heel, and can't help but stick his feet in his mouth so as he spits out defeat for all to swallow.
When his constituents wind up sick and dying, due to some asswhole Lying about not just parts of the A wholes truth,
his teflon may melt off ten and alot all at once,
as he can't stop
being our Presidential
John - use the exact title of the article as posted in Politico - this hate of yours is getting way outta hand.
It's not a seed.
Learn how Newstalkers works.
Don't you think it's embarrassing to this country when a governor of one of the states implies he wont believe the president about something serious like this because the president lies so much?
Think Newstalkers works this way John -
Article and seed titles should accurately reflect the content of the article. Seeded articles should us the title from the article they are seeding from in accordance to copyright law.
Your "modified" title is not the title as used in the original article.
And you're talking about the Governor of Washington State??? Calling Trump a liar???
You know nothing John (always wanted to use that since GOT has gone off the air):-)
i am, wish to dispute it with me ?
There is no modified title, nor is there a a seed. The words in the article are my words. The Politico stuff is posted as a first comment.
Why do I have to go over this same ground with you time after time?
There is NOTHING wrong with this article.
I have no idea what point you think you are making.
Trump is right!
Here is a photo of Trump at the Center For Disease Control wearing his fucking campaign hat. He is a scumbag.
That whole blathering was a sad joke. trump has no fucking clue what he was talking about. Anyone who listened to that crock of crap knows it.
He isn such an idiot ! Our mighty ship of state is now nothing more than a ship of fools.
Because he wore his hat?
The most creepy thing, in a press conference filled with creepy things, was watching the Director of the CDC grinning and giggling like a sycophant while listening to Trump spew lies about a life threating health crisis.
Well, Trump should know a lot about snakes. Speaking with forked tongue is his forte.
He is an expert on their underbelly's as well
The worst president this country has ever had
Proof that money does not buy class.
Neither does it buy intelligence.
and only a mere $130,000 needed to buy a piece of asz
How much class does the governor of Washington have when he takes shots at the president on Twitter?
All he said was stick to the science and dont lie to us like you have done thousands of other times. It's incredible that Trump supporters think Inslee or people like him are picking on Trump.
I cant even imagine what it must be like to defend Trump every day. I would be embarrassed to death.
So no one ever should call out donald on anything....ok.
We should all just sit back and accept his lies like good little soldiers.
... his minions certainly do ...
What matter is not the content, but the fact that he publicly - and personally - criticized the president. It was another "Republicans don't believe in science" attack. Just because it's veiled in more subtle language than "snake" doesn't make it any less classless.
If the governor of Washington - or any state - has a legitimate concern, I'm sure he can ring the White House on the phone. They wouldn't care much if you or I were calling, but at that level, people (i.e presidents and governors) tend to take each other's calls.
I can't either. You didn't see me defend Trump on this story. You saw me criticize the governor of Washington.
Sure, that's exactly what I said. /s
Good Lord, if you must invent straw men, try not to create one so blatantly stupid.
Then what exactly did you mean by the comment?
Complaining about the man wanting donald to tell the truth?
The only strawman around here is acting like people should just shut up no matter what donald says and not say anything about it.
Just sit back and listen to his lies.
That is the real strawman, blaming others for having a voice and god forbid dare go against the almighty donald...
Actually, the content DOES matter since Inslee's tweet did NOT criticize Trump 'personally'. Inslee said the Trump ADMINISTRATION.
No, it was a criticism of the false statements made by the Trump Administration for the last couple of weeks.
If Trump has a legitimate concern about the Governor of Washington he can call his office instead of calling him names at a press conference.
Nor do I see you holding Trump to the same standard that you demand of the Governor of Washington. You may not defend him but you sure as hell give him a pass ad nauseam.
I feel like I explained that pretty thoroughly in @5.3.4, but if you have genuine questions you want to ask based on something I actually wrote, I am happy to discuss it.
A straw man is when you attribute something to someone that they didn't say and then attack them based on that made up thing. I never said no one should ever call out Donald on anything. Attacking me for saying that is a straw man fallacy.
Made up thing, sure.
I will only say I have eyes and have seen constant defending of donald, if not out right support. I have also seen the quip, well I don't always like what he says....
Like that is some sort of justification for peace of mind.
You have done nothing but criticize the governor
Yep. that was sooo horrible....
Maybe we should just stick to a hunch from donald...
These stories are always the same. PersonX attacks the president. Trump responds. "Headline reads Trump attacks X." As if he started it. Here,
Then Trump calls him a snake. Headline?
is it typical that a governor has to ask the potUS to stik to the facts (Science ) instead of his typical LIES ?
WTF R U Talking about Tacos ?
Why are you siding with the mental midget in chief yet again, when he IS ABSOLUTELY WRONG ON THIS ?
Is it typical that a governor "has to" take to Twitter to ask anything of another elected official? How about just picking up the phone?
Why doesn't Inslee have the same right to choose the same mode of communication as Trump uses?
Trump is the one that has chosen to make Twitter his major mode of communication. He hires and fires administration officials through Twitter. He attacks anyone and everyone via Twitter. It's his favorite weapon.
Again, you give Trump a pass and insist Inslee cease and desist. WTF?
I never said he didn't have that right, did I?
I am observing that if you are going to negatively judge the president for using Twitter to criticize people, it's only fair to hold the governor to the same standard.
Again you totally make up a straw man and attack me based on that. How very very typical for you. I did not give Trump a pass and I also did not insist that Inslee cease and desist. Once again, you have a made up an absolute falsehood about something someone said and attacked them for it. It really would be awesome if you could just stop lying about the things I say.
You sure as hell inferred it:
All critical of the Governor's use of twitter.
Now if you could only recognize that unlike Trump's personal attacks, the Governor's tweet sited the Trump Administration, NOT Trump 'personally'.
No, I sure as hell didn't. You don't get to speak for me and you don't get to make up words and attribute them to me.
Also, please, for the love of God, learn the difference between "infer" and "imply." The listener or reader infers, while the speaker or writer implies. So when you imagine I said something, that's you doing the inferring. And your inference here was 100% wrong.
Not at all. I have no problem with any elected official using Twitter. I have never said otherwise. I explained explicitly that it was what he said that he should be judged for, not the medium he used to express it. Pay more attention to the things people actually say and not the things you wished they were saying so you could attack them for it. You'll have a lot less conflict.
You sure as hell did and I didn't make up words and attribute them to you, I QUOTED you.
You've bitched about Inslee expressing his opinion publicly AND you've judged him for saying something he didn't say and doing something he didn't do.
You are just never going to deal with me honestly and fairly, are you? Every single comment from you is an attack based on some dishonest misrepresentation of what I actually said.
I guess you still haven't learned the difference between infer and imply.
So? Quote me all day long. You still lie about what I said. Quoting it just makes it worse.
Nope. Bitching implies (note the correct use of the word) that I personally have a problem with it. I don't. I never said I did. Trump is the one who has a problem with the governor sending criticism his way via Twitter. Doing it publicly embarrasses him. It's fine if the target is someone you're never going to meet face to face or can't call or email. But this attack was done not for the benefit of Trump or anyone working with him. It was done to publicly shame him to the intended audience, i.e. the general public.
Trump then calling him a "snake" was a reaction to this tweet. This is an exchange not started by Trump, but by Inslee. Reporting on this story but focusing primarily on Trump is not fair reportage.
This is simply observation and analysis. It's not me "bitching" about Inslee tweeting.
bs like that is all they got.
they only argue with their imagination... no wonder they are always upset / terrified... LOL
How have I been dishonest or unfair? Did I hurt your feelings?
How is QUOTING your a dishonest misrepresentation Tacos!?
What lie?
I don't know why you insist on denying statements that everyone here can plainly see for themselves.
That's hilarious. Trump doesn't 'embarrass'. One has to have a conscience to be embarrassed.
Trump doesn't feel shame either. Again, one has to have a conscience to feel shame.
No it's bitching about Inslee acting like Trump. The HORROR.
I honestly don't think you care.
It has been explained to you many times.
Your comments are not reflective of someone who is trying to discuss the topic. They reflect someone who is interested only in winning an argument. This is done by ignoring the things people actually say and inventing opinions for them.
That is why we keep having exchanges about what I have implied or what you have inferred. Even when you infer something incorrectly, you insist on your interpretation of my thoughts.
All you have to do is look at your own pattern of commentary. The argument you keep trying to win is to decide the question "what does Tacos! think?"
It doesn't matter to you what I say I think. You are going to insist I think something else. And you repeat it no matter how many times I try to speak for myself. As far as I am concerned, it's harassment.
It's rude. It's bullying. You do not get to speak for me!
And if I insist on expressing my own thoughts about what I think, you accuse me of denying something. Well, if I am denying what you say I believe, then yes, I deny it! Of course I deny it. I never expressed the opinions you insist I have.
I will be flagging every comment by you in this exchange because someone needs to moderate this nonsense. This harassing, bullying behavior from you is consistent and I cannot understand why you are allowed to keep doing it. And you don't just do it to me. You do it lots of people around here.
Why block quote my questions when you had no intention of answering either of them?
BTFW, I have been informed that you can't flag a comment and then you reply to it.