Trump has a tried and true way of connecting with Americans, and it baffles the left

Like Reagan, Trump is a great communicator. He knows how to reach the American people like few others and can get his message to the people around and through the biased democrat left allied mainstream media and their fact checking lackeys. The people see what Trump is trying to do and all the awesome things he has done on our behalf. Greatness all around.

No man has completely controlled American politics the way President Donald J. Trump has. Not Reagan, not Roosevelt, not even Lincoln. No national news story is complete without including his most recent comments. No policy is worth discussing unless we know what Trump has to say about it.
The Democrats don’t seem to know what they stand for unless it’s socialism or the opposite of whatever Trump says.
Take Sen. Elizabeth Warren , D-Mass., as just one example. She recently introduced a bill to redirect funds from border security to “fight” the coronavirus. This as Chinese nationals have already been detained at the Southern border to be evaluated for the disease. Does she really want to open the border as a way to stop the spread of a deathly pandemic? Of course she doesn’t. She and other Democrats are politicizing a global health crisis to “own” Trump and it’s shameful.
Many Republican officeholders aren’t much better. Far too many have spent so much time away from their constituents they don’t know they’re on the wrong side of an issue until they hear Trump speak. Their constant grasping at illogical policies betrays an underlying truth about President Trump that none of his critics — on either side of the aisle — want to admit.
Trump is not simply shooting from the hip or governing on a whim — they are. He has a clearly defined framework and bases his decisions upon that system. They are the ones who have no definable playbook to counter his moves that often seem two steps ahead.
If you’re a Trump supporter, what I’m about to lay out should be a clear statement of what you’ve known all along but maybe struggled to put into words.
First, Trump believes in American sovereignty. He will always side with American citizens over those from other countries; he will always stand up for every day, working Americans over the “elites.” Those who love their families and their God; those who are doing things the right way. No matter how deranged his detractors get, this is a simple moral stance I am proud to get behind.
We were told that nothing could be done to reverse the devastating toll the last few decades have taken on American workers. We were told we could never protect the needs of the men and women punching the clock in middle America against the overwhelming forces of globalization. Trump rejected this conventional wisdom pushed by the ruling class in Washington. He defied the “experts” and was adamant that we could turn things around. He was right.
The final 34 months of former President Barack Obama’s term created 259,000 manufacturing jobs. The first 34 months of Trump's presidency produced 479,000. As a result, it no longer seems inevitable that China will surpass America as the world’s dominant economy.
Secondly, Trump represents a once in a generation, charismatic leader who is shifting the electoral map. Take Trump’s “public charge rule” that recently went into effect and will save taxpayers $1,600 per immigrant. This amounts to a $54.7 billion savings for Americans. Stopping the flow of low-skilled migrants (something Democrats used to say they supported) will help increase U.S. wages for America’s most vulnerable workers. It’s not that we’re not sympathetic to those migrants. We just need to start with the needs of the forgotten Americans first.
It’s these types of pragmatic policies that offer a better vision for Americans of all backgrounds, as opposed to the left’s increasingly hyphenated, tribal America where different subgroups of our population are constantly pitted against each other to drum up votes. This brand of positive, conservative populism isn’t bigoted or mean spirited — it’s common sense.
But the left has no way to comprehend the MAGA moment we’re in because they’re no longer grateful to live in America. They don’t want to make it great again. They want to “fundamentally transform” it.
I write in my new book " The MAGA Doctrine " that unlike the left, the president deeply loves America, and holds dear the values that made this the greatest country in the history of the world. He’s sided with those who’ve been chewed up by a government prone to political correctness, high taxes, the enrichment of our trading partners at our expense and appeasement of our greatest geopolitical foes like Iran and China. Many of these individuals are tired of seeing the government sympathize with non-Americans over them. They’re tired of the Democrats saying there’s no way to “wave a magic wand” to restore our economic might.
President Trump is revitalizing a nation that was in managed decline since Reagan. We must clearly define and articulate the MAGA Doctrine so we don’t squander the historic gains of the last three years.
Sometimes the left insults the president by saying he’s playing checkers, not chess. The irony is that he keeps beating all of his adversaries at whatever game they want to play. If we can properly understand the lessons he’s taught us, we can make sure the Trump moment becomes the Trump movement. One that helps conservatives win for generations to come.
Secondly, Trump represents a once in a generation, charismatic leader who is shifting the electoral map. Take Trump’s “public charge rule” that recently went into effect and will save taxpayers $1,600 per immigrant. This amounts to a $54.7 billion savings for Americans. Stopping the flow of low-skilled migrants (something Democrats used to say they supported) will help increase U.S. wages for America’s most vulnerable workers. It’s not that we’re not sympathetic to those migrants. We just need to start with the needs of the forgotten Americans first.
It’s these types of pragmatic policies that offer a better vision for Americans of all backgrounds, as opposed to the left’s increasingly hyphenated, tribal America where different subgroups of our population are constantly pitted against each other to drum up votes. This brand of positive, conservative populism isn’t bigoted or mean spirited — it’s common sense.
But the left has no way to comprehend the MAGA moment we’re in because they’re no longer grateful to live in America. They don’t want to make it great again. They want to “fundamentally transform” it.
I write in my new book " The MAGA Doctrine " that unlike the left, the president deeply loves America, and holds dear the values that made this the greatest country in the history of the world. He’s sided with those who’ve been chewed up by a government prone to political correctness, high taxes, the enrichment of our trading partners at our expense and appeasement of our greatest geopolitical foes like Iran and China. Many of these individuals are tired of seeing the government sympathize with non-Americans over them. They’re tired of the Democrats saying there’s no way to “wave a magic wand” to restore our economic might.
President Trump is revitalizing a nation that was in managed decline since Reagan. We must clearly define and articulate the MAGA Doctrine so we don’t squander the historic gains of the last three years.
VP Pence meets with cruise line executives as coronavirus cases rise in the U.S.Video People all over the world are worried about the coronavirus. Here at home people are worried too – but the Trump-haters are more focused on how this disease outbreak could hurt the president. Trump’s opponents have taken to the media to predict that he will no doubt mishandle America’s coronavirus response and are predicting this will become the scandal that leads to his defeat in the November election. New York Times columnist Gail Collins has gone so far as to label the coronavirus “Trumpvirus.” PENCE CALLS FOR 'WHOLE OF AMERICA' APPROACH TO CORONAVIRUS AT MEETING WITH CRUISE LINE EXECUTIVES As Donald Trump Jr. has said, it’s almost as if those working to stop his father from being reelected actually want the coronavirus to devastate the American people because the worse it is, the more the president will get blamed. Democrats dreaming of their party winning the White House in November seem to be hoping that the president’s coronavirus response will be his “Katrina moment” – a reference to the hurricane that hit New Orleans and the surrounding region in 2005 and sparked sharp criticism of President George W. Bush for problems with the federal disaster response. But Trump’s opponents – including their left-wing media allies – don’t realize that the president was made for this crisis. There is nothing he loves more, or is as good at, as taking personal charge of a crisis and bulldozing his way through the bureaucracy to a solution....
Big deal Trump made $400G from the Secret Service by staying in his properties last month alone. This salary thing is a pr stunt for the terminally stupid.
Only the bitter angry left mocks a President who donates his entire salary every year
Trump claims to be worth multiple billions . His salary as president is a pittance of that.
The Washington Post looked for Trump charitable donations while he was running for president. They needed a magnifying glass to find any.
Name calling doesn't make my point false.
So you think that he makes money by spending his time away from the White House at one of his own homes?
Trump is a great communicator. He knows how to reach the American people like few others can do and can get his message to the people around and through the biased democrat left mainstream media and their fact checking lackeys. We The people see what Trump is trying to do and all the awesome things the economy, security, judges, promises kept he has done on our behalf. He is Greatness all around.
Petty envy and jealousy will bring nothing but pain and defeat to the left.
If there is anything I know in this world it is that Donald Trump is not a "great" man in any honorable sense of the word.
But he is a greater and better person than all of his critics across the country.