Biden Unveils Vast LGBT Plan Overturning Trump's Religious Liberty Protections
Category: News & Politics
Via: heartland-american • 5 years ago • 111 commentsBy: Michael Foust

This is terrible. Biden plans to strip the religious liberty protections of millions of Americans and sacrifice them on the alter of PC LGBTQ appeasement and revenge. Biden wants to put evangelical Christians in the closet and only let us out to cater their ceremonies that are sinful

Former Vice President Joe Biden unveiled a sweeping plan for the LGBT community last week, pledging to overturn Trump-era religious liberty policies if he becomes president and promoting passage of the Equality Act – a bill opposed by some gay and lesbian Americans because of its negative impact on women’s sports.
Biden’s 7,000-word plan would also ban conversion therapy, guarantee transgender students access to bathrooms and locker rooms of their choosing, and add a “third gender” option on government forms for non-binary individuals.
The plan lists the accomplishments of the Obama-Biden administration for the LGBT community, such as ending Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and promoting the legalization of same-sex marriage.
“But this fight’s not over,” the plan says.
The Biden plan pledges to overturn a 2019 Trump religious liberty proposal that would allow faith-based adoption and foster care agencies to receive federal grants if they don’t place children in same-sex homes. The Trump proposal would reverse an Obama-era rule that prevented federal grants from going to any entity that discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Alliance Defending Freedom senior counsel Zack Pruitt said last year the new Trump rule would end discrimination “against faith-based providers simply because of their beliefs about marriage.”
“As President, Biden will repeal the rule, if implemented,” the Biden plan says.
The Biden plan also pledges support for the Equality Act, which would amend federal laws to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in public accommodations and facilities, education, federal funding, employment, housing, credit and the jury system. Some supporters of the Equality Act have warned women’s sports are in danger if it’s not amended. Doriane Coleman, Martina Navratilova and Sanya Richards-Ross wrote a Washington Post editorial saying the act “would make it unlawful to differentiate among girls and women in sports on the basis of sex for any purpose.”
The Biden plan also pledges to:
- Guarantee that “transgender students have access to facilities based on their gender identity.”
“On his first day in office,” the plan says, “Biden will reinstate the Obama-Biden guidance revoked by the Trump-Pence Administration, which will restore transgender students’ access to sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity.”
- Ban conversion therapy.
“Hundreds of thousands of LGBTQ+ individuals have been subjected to so-called ‘conversion therapy’ during their lifetime, which Biden knows is deeply harmful, highly unscientific, and often leads to trauma.”
- Ensure transgender individuals have access to identification documents that reflect their gender identity.
“Biden believes every transgender or non-binary person should have the option of changing their gender marker to ‘M,’ ‘F,’ or ‘X’ on government identifications, passports, and other documentation,” the plan says. “He will support state and federal efforts to allow for this accurate representation.”
Biden’s 7,000-word plan would also ban conversion therapy, guarantee transgender students access to bathrooms and locker rooms of their choosing, and add a “third gender” option on government forms for non-binary individuals.
The plan lists the accomplishments of the Obama-Biden administration for the LGBT community, such as ending Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and promoting the legalization of same-sex marriage.
“But this fight’s not over,” the plan says.
The Biden plan pledges to overturn a 2019 Trump religious liberty proposal that would allow faith-based adoption and foster care agencies to receive federal grants if they don’t place children in same-sex homes. The Trump proposal would reverse an Obama-era rule that prevented federal grants from going to any entity that discriminates on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. Alliance Defending Freedom senior counsel Zack Pruitt said last year the new Trump rule would end discrimination “against faith-based providers simply because of their beliefs about marriage.”
“As President, Biden will repeal the rule, if implemented,” the Biden plan says.
This is really and truly terrible. Biden plans to strip the religious liberty protections of millions of Americans and sacrifice all our current rights upon the alter of PC LGBTQ appeasement and revenge. Biden really wants to put most evangelical Christians in the closet and only let us out to cater their various ceremonies that we know are sinful according to all that we believe. We believe all that the Bible says about any and all sex outside of a one man one woman husband and wife relationship, the only kind of marriage that is legitimate.
a sizeable percentage of them should feel right at home. care to see some examples?
You can believe this all day long, but it won't change the fact that gay marriage is the law of the land.
Well that would make the Adulter-er in Chief Trump a no go, but this article is just the same hyperpartisian hypocrisy bullshit we get everyday here at NT from the alt-right.
There are times the law of the land and Gods law come into conflict. We are to follow God in said circumstances.
Nope, we are to follow the law of the land.
There is no alt right here on NewsTalkers.
You can make that choice. I will obey God each and every time there is a conflict between man made government laws and Gods law. Just like when Daniel prayed to God even though it was against the law to pray to any but the king, or when years earlier his friends refused to worship the kings statue of gold.
Too bad for you god does not make nor have any say in our secular laws.
... he's not a US citizen or a registered voter, so he has no say in our secular gov't.
That too.
If Jesus showed up today in any Red State, he'd be immediately arrested and put in a cage awaiting deportation. If he was on the streets trying to preach most of the locals would be shouting at him "Speak English you dirty homeless immigrant!".
If he were still engaging in such behavior it would be a problem.
But we who believe in Him are permitted by God expected in fact to engage in civil disobedience when men create laws in opposition to His. There may be civil penalties for doing so but by paying them and staying true to God, we are witnessing for Him to the world.
But we His believers are citizens and do have a say in our secular government. Even if our domestic political acts are motivated by our religious beliefs
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
Yes you do have a say, just like everyone else, but you may want to read the actual text above first.
My guess is that like many on the right, you have disdain for the LGBT community and are mad that they now have the same rights as you do. Saying that equality is somehow oppressive is more of a YOU problem. None of your religious rights are being removed. The religious right just wants to be able to use religion as a way to discriminate against people they do not agree with and....not going to happen. Personally, I think they have too many rights as it is, it should be illegal for religious folks to bang on my door any time they want to.
You are 100% free to worship however you like, but religious freedom stop where someone else's civil rights begin. That's not just a saying, that's the law.
The reasons for fundamentalist churches giving Trump its stamp of approval is a problem. Desperately, wanting some one to flaunt the laws of the land; dismiss whole swaths of our society without proper cause, fire people and vindictively leave them hungry with wife and kids, and to lie and compromise the safety of the whole union to medical disasters is a gigantic problem.
Trump has not changed. As you often tell us: 'Trump is just what right-wing fundamentals wanted for forty years running!' Thus, fundamental Christians have not changed either. Both sides: same sides.
So I presume that you spend your days in the halls of the Redding Courthouse 'engaging in civil disobedience' after each and every divorce that wasn't based on infidelity. It must keep your busy and paying a lot of bail...
He has divorced, TWICE, neither time for the ONLY reason allowed in the bible. Therefore, he IS an adulterer, present tense. He has committed adultery with too many women to count.
Trump has stated clearly that he has NEVER asked for forgiveness and therefore NEVER repented for his all too numerous 'sins'.
So just fess up. You support Trump even though he is an unrepentant sinner.
We are all sinners. Hillary was not a better choice and neither is Bernie or Joe.
Yet it's ALL about repentance right Xx?
Your deflecting Xx. You said Trump being an adulterer is a problem but now it seems that it's too SMALL of a problem to keep you from singing his praise. This even though the law against adultery is one of the 10 commandments.
You're pretty fucking quick to pass judgment on same sex couples but give Trump a pass. WHY?
Please tell me how that isn't the exact kind of hypocrisy that Jesus preached against?
Faux Christians want the ability to discriminate against LGBT, and not for religious reasons. When Christians start discriminating against divorced people, we can talk about them following their religious beliefs.
Jesus never said anything against gay people, but he did speak against divorce.
So what? Trump plans to or HAS stripped the civil liberty of millions of Americans.
What Americans lost rights under Trump? None. Trump restores Americans rights and preserves them.
I'm not talking about 'rights' and neither have you Xx. You cited 'liberty' and so did I.
Did you or your side lose liberty when Hillary lost?
EXACTLY what rights were stripped when Trump took office.
Reversed the DOD policy on Transgender service in the military.
Eliminated DOE rules protecting Transgender students.
Removed the LGBT community from 'preferred class' for SBA loans.
As we speak, Trump's DOJ is in court trying to deny the LGBT community equal protections and the GOP is trying to pass legislation that will allow adoption agencies to discriminate against the LGBT community.
Americans did indeed lose liberty when Trump was inaugurated and you have cheered every time.
So you are more upset that somebody is losing a "protected status" than any actual rights.
That's pretty fucking funny when the seed is about religious liberty which is a "protected status".
Oh and BTFW, with 'protected status' come equal protection of the law, which is an 'actual right'.
READ the seed Tex.
Ask Jeremy to help.
They think having the government pay for sex change operations and for men to play sports against women pretending to be one and going into girls and women’s bathrooms and locker rooms as guys are all rights.
Then why mention special groups that have nothing to do with religion?
I'd agree with you but then we'd both be wrong.
WHOOOOSH! Right over your head.
Really Jeremy?
There's these thingys called the Constitution and the 14th Amendment to the Constitution which includes 'equal protection of the laws'. That there is an ACTUAL right.
There's also the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Amended in 1988 that includes protected classes, one of which is religion.
So not only is there a right to equal protection of the laws in the Constitution, there is also a law that ensures that protected classes enjoy those protections of the 14th Amendment, and the rest of the Constitution, without discrimination.
In short, you are the only one that's wrong.
Religious liberty and freedom of religion are foundational original rights granted by God and included in the 1st amendment to the constitution.
God has nothing to do with our constitution. Neither is god mentioned anywhere in the constitution.
at the very end He is mentioned.
Where? Cite it!
So WTF are you whining about? You JUST stated that your religious liberty and freedom are God given and protected by the Constitution. WTF MORE do you want?
done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the SeventeenthDay of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the Twelfth In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,
We want those constitutional rights protected.
They are protected, you haven't lost any rights
You can pray, you can go to church, you can believe in whatever god you want to believe in
You do realize that is just the system of dating commonly used in colonial times, right?
As Lady said, you have those rights and they are protected. You certainly haven't lost any and I defy you to prove otherwise!
They already ARE Xx.
It seems that what YOU want is extra special super duper protection while the rest of us only enjoy the 'garden variety' protections and others enjoy NONE AT ALL.
That is merely a reference to the Gregorian calendar Xx.
Someone actually told me once that the date reference in the Constitution was proof that the Constitution is based on god and therefore meant the Constitution is a religious based document which favors christians only. You can tell whenever someone references the dating method as proof of religious intention that they are generally clueless about the Constitution or the intentions of the Founding Fathers.
I find it ironic that after scouring the Constitution, all they can come up with is a date reference. The desperation is palpable.
Maybe because they are desperate? After all, they neither have nor can find anything else.
Didn't Jesus tell y'all to pray in your closet?
It depends on the motive of the one praying. Praying is not to be used to build up oneself in front of others with their peers.
Where did Jesus say anything about it depending on 'motive' Xx? Chapter and verse please.
I expect silence after this...
Lol you must know by now that he pretends to know gods mind and is his mouthpiece
The funniest thing is that according to the bible, that condemns him to hell. Jesus will not know false prophets.
Really? What novella of the bible are these stipulations listed?
But yet it's used in exactly that fashion constantly.
When he compared the public prayer of the Pharisee and the publican in the temple. What they prayed for and the motivation of the prayer by each is the issue.
LMAO, god you're so predictable
Chapter and verse Xx.
in other words you have nothing to refute what I said.
See 2.5.6
Not in other words, in your words. Your words which were an utterly predictable deflection of my original post
Thanks for giving me my chuckle of the day. You're really gonna have to up your game if you want anyone to take you seriously
Since you didn't answer my question about the comment before, why should I go back and read it again?
It's far too late for that.
Lol I'm an optimist
"We believe all that the Bible says about any and all sex outside of a one man one woman husband and wife relationship, the only kind of marriage that is legitimate. "
So do you also believe what the bible says about sex outside of marriage? Women being virgins when they marry?
Obviously you cherry pick what you believe out of the bible or you would be calling for the slaughter on those who have taken part in what I mention.
I swear, in their emotional attachment to their persecution complexes, you'd think they were being forced to marry someone of the same sex, or that their churches were being forced to perform holy matrimony for gay couples.
Not one of them has ever managed to provide any example of how gay marriage impacts them in any away.
Of course he does. How else could he constantly champion a serial adulterer who has cheated on all three of his wives, had affairs with several porn stars that by bible standards would be seen as whores, has been accused of sexual assault by more than two dozen women and in his own words admitted he doesn't "even wait" for consent and just starts kissing women he finds attractive and attempts to "grab them by the pussy" while also admitting he "moved" on an already married woman "like a bitch". For him to now attack Biden for attempting to protect lgtbq Americans rights by claiming "religious liberty" is beyond hypocritical.
The bible is FULL of men with multiple wives and concubines Xx. There is NO 'one man, one woman' mandate in the bible. Seriously, just STOP.
Secondly, marriages between same sex couples are just as legitimate as marriages between opposite sex couples. What YOU think about it is irrelevant.
Same sex marriages are not legitimate or moral or normal. What you think about it is irrelevant.
Same sex marriages are legitimate and the law of the land
Speak for yourself.
Demonstrably and legally false. SSM is the law of the land now and just as valid and recognized as any other marriage. Get used to it!
Actually, it's "holy matrimony" that isn't legitimate. You are confusing holy matrimony and LEGAL marriage.
Get ahold of Kim Davis, let her explain it to you.
You obviously don't have a fucking clue about what 'legitimate' actually MEANS.
Here, let me help:
conforming to the law or to rules
You're welcome.
What I 'think' about it is just as relevant as what you 'think' about it Xx.
What I KNOW about it is obviously MORE relevant since it's fact based.
Joe Biden is the one who is engaging the culture war with his particular initiative to attack the rights of people he doesn’t like. He’s the one on the offensive against other people’s rights.
That's full of it. No one in this country owes the fundamentalist church anything beyond the thresholds of its buildings. The fundamentalists are overstepping their role in our shared society. Religious freedom, specifically "fundies," has a place; it is time it got told (as often as necessary) to get back in it!
Excuse me! We are citizens too and will not be told by others to get in the closet because that’s where our political and religious opposition feels it is our place and they want us back in it
EXCUSE YOU! Don't sell yourselves on being victims here. Victim-hood is unbecoming those who run mega-churches build on a foundation of the prosperity gospel. Fundamentalist churches still have their tax-free statuses, no? I'll answer that one—Yes! Yes! Yes!
Perhaps, it is time for a concerted effort to push all churches out of the tax-free "shelter" business, and then we shall get a real-time experience of just how long mega-churches can be profit-centers and political powerhouses, if they have to be about the business of scrounging for food, clothing, and places to lay their weary heads like the rest of the citizens for who you make life more stressful!
*Yawn. New material will be nice. Please, try to explain to me if you can— if fundamentalist Christians think they are the proper children of God, why do you keep obsessing over what the liberal churches and secularists are doing? Avert your gazes.
Which is EXACTLY what trump has done since he took office. Pot, meet kettle. Also, this isn't taking any of your rights away, so not sure what your complaint is.
What rights is Biden attacking Xx? Be SPECIFIC.
Fundamentals and conservative radio "present" that they are the stewards of this great country, all of its wealth and success is because of them "founding" and directing the nation; thus, its theirs to control.
This is why the two groups above demonize their fellow citizens! No one complains when "demons" are put down and under feet (control)! Greed dictates they be obeyed and propped up for their decisions, judgements, and "wisdom."