Tucker Carlson breaks from Fox News' coronavirus coverage: ‘It’s definitely not just the flu’
Category: News & Politics
Via: krishna • 5 years ago • 40 commentsBy: SANJANA KARANTH

Fox News host Tucker Carlson broke from his network’s pattern of downplaying the coronavirus outbreak, criticizing on Monday those who “have spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem.”
“‘It’s just partisan politics,’ they say. ‘Calm down. In the end, this is just like the flu,’” Carlson said on his show. “It’s definitely not just the flu.”
“People you trust, people you probably voted for, have spent weeks minimizing what is clearly a very serious problem,” Carlson said. “Though these people have good intentions as they say this, many of them anyway ― they may not know any better, maybe they’re just not paying attention or maybe they believe they’re serving some higher cause by shading reality ― and there’s an election coming up, [think it’s] best not to say anything that might help the other side. We get it, but they’re wrong.”
Fox News has consistently downplayed the severity of the coronavirus , aligning itself with the president’s position on the deadly outbreak that has caused global panic. Fox News host Sean Hannity had Trump on his show last week, when the president said COVID-19 is not a big deal, intentionally understated the World Health Organization’s estimate of the virus’s death rate (3.4%) based on his “hunch” and implied that it’s OK for people infected with the virus to go to work.
The network continued to push misinformation after Hannity’s Trump interview, with news anchor Shannon Bream positioning the president’s lies as a critique of mainstream media and then interviewing Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.), who minimized the outbreak’s severity.
The White House said Monday that there are now more than 500 confirmed coronavirus cases in 35 states and the District of Columbia but stressed that the risk to the American public was low. At a news conference, Trump teased measures meant to ease economic fears that led to Wall Street’s worst day in a decade.
But Carlson said Monday night that “tax cuts and lower rates won’t reopen factories that have shut down to contain the virus.”
WOW.... Not only do we have a home grown virus to tend with, but it looks like we have an invasion of the body snatchers if Carlson said something this logical.
Better check the basement for pods.....!
The White House said Monday that there are now more than 500 confirmed coronavirus cases in 35 states and the District of Columbia but stressed that the risk to the American public was low. At a news conference, Trump teased measures meant to ease economic fears that led to Wall Street’s worst day in a decade.
" . . .stressed that the risk to the American public was low..."
What a friggin' Maroon!
the youngsters are calling it "the boomer remover"
And yet they blame China for not taking the warnings seriously...
Did you actually think Trump would/could EVER admit to ANY of the blame ?
Good one Wally!
I don’t get to see Tucker’s show much, but I caught the end of it the other day. He showed multiple clips of him warning about this virus in February and January. His point was to show how the media was excessively and needlessly focused on things like impeachment (the outcome of which was a foregone conclusion) and election politics, and was ignoring important stories like the developing pandemic - a story he has clearly recognized as worthy of attention from early on. I can’t say he was wrong.
Funny how you don't include trump and his administration paying attention to Tucker. Guess he, his administration and republicans can't walk, talk and chew gum at the same time and the word multi tasking is a foreign word
What's funny about it? I posted something I observed that I thought was relevant to the seed. I have to rip Trump in every comment or I'm up to something?
He downplayed too long.
At the time you think he was downplaying it, did we yet have reason to believe there was such widespread community transmission of the disease? To my recollection, we did not. There was every reason, at first, to think it could be contained. Then we found out it had actually been here already. New information has resulted in a different response - from everyone.
He downplayed too long, thinking it would just go away, but it's not going away...real people are being affected, but he thought it was a democratic hoax to get votes.
My niece, who is pregnant for the first time with twins is affected, someone where she works is in quarantine as we speak.
Dumb fuck in the white house is the WORST president this country has ever had.
He cared more about his STUPID rallies than dealing with this virus.
See my response at 6.14
He dropped the ball and cared more for his fucking rallies and how "good" he looks"
The stock market is in the toilet
I don't think there is anything he could have done about that.
No misdirected anger, dumb fuck in the white house thought it would go away by now and didn't do shit about it, buried his head in his ass.
Just keep excusing his incompetence, keep excusing him disbanding the pandemic team.
His non-response etc. and his insistence that they Fed lower interest rates tanked the market,
I agree the fed move appears to have had that effect, but that's not really Trump's call. Many times, presidents - including Trump - have called on the Fed to do this or that move. They are often frustrated. Obviously more than one educated person thought it was a good idea.
My officemate was sick for much of feb and March. Bronchitis. Also had loss of taste and smell... And pinkeye. Guess what those are all symptoms of? But they only tested her for the flu. She finally got a covid 19 test the other day and is awaiting results. No excuse to not have started testing much earlier.
So sorry about your officemate, here's hoping the test is negative.
At this point she's almost well. And it's been over 3 weeks since we've seen her so I assume we are good. But she may have exposed lots of people because we hadn't ramped up on testing . Luckily we made her stay home even though it was suppsedly just bronchitis
Well.... I thought you'd never ask!
So ask...and ye shall receive!