The Pandemic Hits Home

I heard the news today, oh boy....
The coronavirus became a whole lot less abstract to me today. I heard from a close friend, that his son has it, and now probably so does he and his wife.
The irony is that although we live in New York, which the news keeps calling the epicenter of the epidemic, his son got the disease while sitting for the MCAT in Tennessee. He had heard that a couple of friends had come down with it, and my friend had his son and himself tested, just to be safe. By the time he got home and through the door to his wife, they got the news that his son had shown positive for the coronavirus, and so far, my friend had not. Now they all have to quarantine in place, till it's their turn to be tested, which might take up to 4-5 days here in New York since we are now in testing overdrive.
Until today, my 86 year old dad was running out to the Home Depot or doing some shopping despite my sister's and my pleas not to be so cavalier. My hubby was doing the same thing. Each claimed they were being careful. I know my friend and he probably was pretty much like my dad and hubby until this. I mean, how careful can you be in a pandemic? I would say, probably not enough.
These next couple of weeks will probably be like none we will live through and I am sure they will be very trying. My only advice is to not panic but to take whatever you are asked to do seriously, even if it seems extreme with social distancing. If not for yourself, but for someone you care about.
The Chinese have an old curse; May you live in interesting times. They don't get more interesting than these.
Well, now it seems all too real to me. I wish you all good health.
Some people say that 60-100 million Americans will eventually be positive for this virus. Might be now, might be later, might be next year. The only way to avoid this is to test everyone and have those that test positive quarantined until they dont test positive anymore. This would actually work but doesnt seem practical.
We need national leadership that we are not getting. That may sound partisan, but it is the brutal truth.
I have to agree with you that those might be the numbers. I think we might have to have a sitewide voluntary report in to make sure everyone here is OK.
And you as well, Perrie. Stay safe
You too, Trout. Stay safe and stay well.
one of my sons is at the Dr's office now, getting tested. he's been sick with a "cold" for 2 weeks and was in Hawaii 2 weeks earlier. he has a history of asthma and works in hospitals installing computer infrastructure. I'm waiting to hear back from him now, since our entire family has been exposed to him.
Best wishes to you, your son, and the rest of your family........................
I hope he doesn't have it, but if he does, only good wishes to your son and your family.
Best wishes De.
Any news yet?
a severe case of bronchitis was the diagnosis. he got a meds prescription. his Dr. had no covid-19 tests available. son goes back in after the meds run out in 2 weeks if they don't work.
looks like my revenge based killing spree is now on hold until further notice. /s
Hoping for the best.
I never thought I would say this about a severe case of bronchitis, but thank goodness. However, there have been many misdiagnosed cases because a proper test wasn't available. I know he is a big boy and will stay on top of things, but still...
we're not too worried at the moment, besides, his mother is an ultra-hypochondriac.
Best wishes for your friends Perrie! I have a cousin who has be quarantined due to his attendance at a large award ceremony (he actually received an award) in late February where another attendee subsequently tested positive for Covid-19. No word yet on whether he has been tested for the virus, or has any symptoms. All we can do is hope for the best for those already exposed, and be smart and do our part to keep this crap from spreading.
Sorry to hear about your friend. Take solace in the fact that a large majority of people recover, even among those over 60.
Your dad should probably not go out any more, or certainly not as often until this is over.
I'm trying to be philosophical about this, and obviously I am worried about my friends and my parents, for different reasons.
It is a serious inconvenience, but if you are very careful as we have been and not try to be a hero, the problem will eventually subside, which is what has started to happen here.
I'm not sure if that is true. I mean why are you still locked in?
Each day, I have looked at the innocent faces at Home Depot and the grocery story chain I have gone to for years now. They are on the front lines ringing up people with carts loaded down and service product requests and making cash and carry (intimate contacts). Those bright young faces still smiling get in as close as they always have most with a mass. Home Depot still has the large heaters running above the front registers . . . . What are these people ingesting as they work through a shift lifting, smiling, talking, and responding to everything asked of them? And the cash transactions. . . . Exposure is a thing to be admired in them.
I would guess they think because they are young it will be a breeze.
It's innocence. The managers (more experienced staff - owners) are not protecting them. The youth are well, youth. Translation: They think the managers and owners are 'covering' them from danger. Even the informed of youth, were told up until today. . . it's old people, the elderly even, who need to take added precautions. . . .
There are not many youth I can think of in our country who can fathom what it means to come up against a germ "naked." The youth have been through a lot. But again, have they?
I have to agree with you CB. I feel very sorry for those who have to work and put their health in danger. Then we have dumb kids who are out doing spring break in mass, not giving a damn about if they get infected since they think they are invincible, even if their families are not.
So sorry to hear this Perrie. Hopefully all recover and sooner rather than later. Stay safe.
Thanks Uppy! We are going to check in with them today. You should stay safe also.
Uptown and Perrie and everybody be careful and try to avoid it
You too Charger! I just spoke to my friend and now his son is running a bad fever. It took a while to actually get sick, but that is why this virus is so tricky.
Sorry to hear the news. I'm sure there will be many more stories to share in the coming weeks.
Here you can't get tested unless you are so sick you need hospital admittance. A local van driver had a dry cough and was told he couldn't come come back to work unless he got tested and brought a note back from his doctor proving he was negative. They absolutely won't test unless you have a high fever and are so short of breath you need immediate medical attention.
Also my sister and her husband were 2 of several let go by the company they worked for. Under a special MN law they should be able to apply for unemployment.
It's pretty much the same thing here in NY. In the case of my friend, when you have a family member showing positive then they will test you, but they push you a bit back on the line from others who are running a fever.
As for unemployment, at least they will get money. I think there is going to be more of that to come.
Stay safe EG!
I'm setting up my gf to work from home starting tomorrow. I've volunteered to man the front office while others work from home when they don't have face to face meetings with clients. It's been really slow all week.
My heart goes out to all.
I'm still at work, will be remoting/coming in on a rotating basis starting next week...I get tomorrow off fully compensated by the firm.
3 days in the office, 2 days remote then 3 days remote, 2 days in the office.
I give my firm high praise and especially the IT department, they have been working like crazy getting pcs together for everyone....there are more than 200 employees between Buffalo, Saratoga Springs, NYC, Toronto, Albany, Palm Beach and Rochester.
My daughter is working remotely, but not her boyfriend. They are trying to arrange for that but it hasn't happened yet.
tell him to start coughing and wiping his nose a lot...
I am in Rochester. URMC data nerd.
Hello fellow NYers! Stay safe!
Here's my at home work station
Damn - a USMC flag - Semper Fi Lady - Semper Fi.
My late son was the Marine.
Stay safe everybody!
You too Larry!!
From the team of "Experts" - the CDC -
U.S. Influenza cases 10/1/19 - 3/19/20 - Affected - 36,000,000 - 51,000,000; deaths - 22,000 - 55,000 - and, yes, those are Millions of illnesses and Thousands of deaths.
Coronavirus cases 10/1/19 - 3/19/20 - Affected - 8,317; deaths - 140
Quite a bit of difference, ya think?
Like your Dad, since I've already had the flu for six weeks - I ain't too worried.
Perrie, I wish the best for you and your family. And, yes, these are going to be interesting times.
We really don't know how bad this will get since it really just hit us. The transmission rate is much higher than the flu and the life span of the virus on surfaces is much longer, too. I have been reading the literature on it, and frankly, it's kind of a "Frankenvirus". Some get it mildly while others die.
Perrie - that is pretty much the crux of the situation. We don't know enough about it to be broadcasting good and/or bad shyte as to what to do, what to expect, how to treat, etc., and the general population, with the help of the media, are just running with anything/everything. Having worked in the environmental world for a long time, I've found that I am always suspect of initial findings. I want more evidence/findings to support any of the pillars being built. Right now, we don't have that.
This is not the time to wait. Waiting can kill. Better safe than sorry and there is no taking back our actions once they are in play.
True Perrie, but I'd rather have an axe to cut down a tree than a scalpel and it takes time to determine which is more effective/efficient and for the most good.
It makes a lot of difference when the difference is, you and what you call yours. (Smile.)
My employer, in Western NY, has begun allowing remote working. My supervisor filed my request paperwork as soon as it became available. Because we work at a medical center all workers are considered "essential" and they are being very selective in allowing remote working. My supervisor filed with my reason for needing it is that my daughter is "immune-compromised" and it would be dangerous for her if I brought it home... so today is my first day of remote working.
Glad that you are remotely working. My daughter and her boyfriend are both non-essential health workers, but are still working, which really blows for them.
There is now a confirmed case 2 miles from my parents' home.
Mom's pastor refuses to cancel church services. Their congregation consists of almost entirely senior citizens, many with severe health problems already
Mom promised me she wouldn't go to church. She and Dad are pretty healthy, but still.
My brother is laid off for the time being.