The Democratic Party: No more moderates
Category: Op/Ed
Via: heartland-american • 5 years ago • 33 commentsBy: Walker Wildmon

He is right on as to how far left the democrat party has moved in the last 40 years

There is a fundamental flaw in the policies that the Democratic Party promotes. It boils down to whether the government is the solution to our problems ... or whether the free market can provide various solutions to our problems.
With the rise of Senator Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary, I have caught myself calling other Democratic candidates moderates compared to Sanders. The reality is there are no moderates left in the Democratic Party.
The Democratic National Convention published its party platform in 2016 which outlines the party’s position on a wide array of issues.
Multiple times throughout the platform, it is made clear that the murder of a baby should be legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy. The platform is also deceptive by labeling abortion as “safe and legal.” There’s nothing safe about ending the life of a child in the womb.
The 2016 platform claims that those who engage in abnormal sexual behavior such as homosexuality have a “human right” to advance their lifestyle upon other people. Meaning, anyone who disapproves of said behavior is violating their “human rights” and should be rebuked accordingly. We’ve seen this totalitarian mentality on display with various faith-based business owners who have been forced to lend their artistic gifts in favor of this lifestyle or be closed down.
Lastly, the party platform frames healthcare as a human right. Meaning, the government should take over the national healthcare system and operate what has historically been part of the private sector. This would take America from having the best quality healthcare in the developed world to one of the worst in a matter of years.
Overall there is a fundamental flaw in the policies that the Democratic Party promotes. It boils down to whether the government is the solution to our problems or whether the free market can provide various solutions to our problems.
To my original point, the Democratic Party platform no longer allows for moderates. The platform is radical and largely hostile to our country’s founding principles of liberty and limited government. The platform, through the aforementioned support for killing babies in the womb, makes it hard for people of faith to even fathom voting for someone with a D by their name.
Individual liberty and free-market ideals produce the best results for the most amount of people. History proves it.
America is an exceptional nation and our free-market ideals have produced the best quality of life in the world for hundreds of millions of people. We need to focus more on lifting people out of poverty and improving the quality of life through free-market means.
As freedom-loving Americans, we must be careful not to downplay the extreme views of virtually all of the Democratic candidates running for the presidential nomination. There are no moderates. Every elected official, at the local, state, or federal level, who still wears the hat of the Democratic Party must ask themselves whether or not they share the anti-American policies that are being promoted by the national Democratic Party.
Overall there is a fundamental flaw in the policies that the Democratic Party promotes. It boils down to whether the government is the solution to our problems or whether the free market can provide various solutions to our problems.
To my original point, the Democratic Party platform no longer allows for moderates. The platform is radical and largely hostile to our country’s founding principles of liberty and limited government. The platform, through the aforementioned support for killing babies in the womb, makes it hard for people of faith to even fathom voting for someone with a D by their name.
Individual liberty and free-market ideals produce the best results for the most amount of people. History proves it.
America is an exceptional nation and our free-market ideals have produced the best quality of life in the world for hundreds of millions of people. We need to focus more on lifting people out of poverty and improving the quality of life through free-market means.
pure unadulterated hypocrisy and projection
The philosophy that seems to guide the majority of the Democrats, particularly the far left radicals, doesn't represent anything that is positive, good, or decent.
That is personal opinion based upon decades of observing them and their actions, and is not a sweeping generalization.
more projection...
The vast majority of Democrats, keep voting for Biden.
Even DINO Gabbard threw her support to Biden.
What was the ratio in Florida, almost three to one for moderate Biden over socialist Sanders?
That some refer to Biden as a moderate is proof enough of how far left that party is. Biden is clearly and obviously a liberal in every way.
More nonsense?
Yes, and he is an older right handed white man with blue eyes who wears suits and ties which probably qualifies him for the highest office.
Any other brilliant observations today?
Wake up call. Both parties have moved to the extreme, so no one knows when they are looking at moderate. I can list moderates on both sides that everyone else calls RINO's or DINO's which is a damn shame.
Actually, most rational folk have noticed how far right the extreme fringe of the GOP has gone.
... and most everything looks far left from that perspective.
The Democratic Party: No More Moderates
Some people were hoping that one of the more moderate Dems (for example Klobuchar or Biden) would win the nomination.
But now since a far leftist (Bernie Sanders) has been nominated-- its obvious that the Democratic party is now controlled by the Evil Socialists ...just as you said!
Not sure it was necessary, but you did forget the s/ tag.
It seems that watching the primaries is difficult for the author and seeder. The far left (Sanders) is losing to moderate Biden. And the voting is heavily in favor of Biden.
Your state sent Sanders a very clear message. 61.8 to 22.8 ?
Yes we did.
Biden May be “moderate” compared to Sanders but on the ideological scale he’s a left of center liberal.
that's all that matters to people who wont be voting for Trump.
Your ideological scale is tilted to extreme right wing nonsense.
Even Biden says he is the most progressive candidate in history.
If you believe that Dean then I hope that he defeats Trump and raises taxes to at least where they were before Trump's tax cut. That would include corporate taxes.
For a party that has whined about big government, socialism, bailouts, QE, free money they are doing a bang-up job of doing just that. When the rubber hits the road they are nothing more than a group of hypocrites.
Not a bit more than yours is tilted the left.
So you admit your thermometer is tilted Right, and so are your observations of the Left?
This centrist has never seen anybody who has gone so far right as you.
I definitely am center right to libertarian right depending on the issue.
You are no centrist.
Why do you ask? I’ve never been anything but a conservative since Reagan persuaded me how full of crap my old democrat party really was back in the late 1970’s and it has only become ever more so since then.
they had a lot invested in their socialist memes and now all that work was a waste of time and cash.
They won't have near as much fun with a moderate centrist.
Biden is neither centrist or moderate. He is a liberal democrat.
Biden seems to be in control now (unless Coronavirus gets him first), and once the nomination is official, I think we'll see him slide gently back to the middle.
The party and its platform will not allow him to stray from their far left mantra/dogma.
We see more extreme positions taken in the primaries because that's what it takes to get the nomination. Then in the general election, candidates often move to the center to win independents. It makes it hard - for me, at least - to believe anything these people say about what they will really do when they are president.
Biden has always been a moderate centrist. Only a far right winger could think of Biden as being anything but.
Biden was a poser when he was pretending to be a moderate. He’s a senile old fraud