Scientists treat coronavirus COVID-19 with malaria drug and it worked

As we move forward with dealing with the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak, scientists are working around the clock to look for cures and ways to treat the virus.
A recent study has been published in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents and has discovered that a combination of a popular anti-malaria drug called hydroxychloroquine, or Plaqenuil, and an antibiotic called azithromycin could be extremely effective in treating COVID-19 cases. The researchers conducted the experiment on 30 separate cases of COVID-19 and split the total number of patients in three separate groups.
The groups were split into the following categories: One group who just received hydroxychloroquine, another group that received both hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin and the final group who received neither. What they found was that while hydroxychloroquine was effective on its own, the effects of the treatment grew exponentially when hydroxychloroquine was combined with azithromycin. While this study does have a small sample size, the results in these patients, in particular, are quite promising, and could potentially lead to another avenue for treating COVID-19 globally.
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Now, THAT is some positive news.
Science will solve this issue, but it is going to take focused, and relentlessly dogged effort to make it happen sooner than later. They can't afford to make mistakes by jumping to conclusions. But yes.... this is positive news.
As I said yesterday and the day before, quinine, from the bark of a tree used by the Incas of Peru hundreds of years ago,
is the gift that just keeps giving.
Now maybe, the FDA will reverse it's perverse position on all forms of quinine and make them available over the counter like they were before.
If they can use it for treating malaria, this should be a no brainer.
I used to buy a lemon soda about 20 years ago and it had quinine in it. I don't remember the brand name but it said "with quinine" right on the label as if it was a selling point.
Due to FDA restrictions, even tonic water has negligible amounts of quinine in it now, but the wife drinks as much as she can for night cramps. ( but it has some quinine or they cannot call it tonic water,
The FDA prevents the import of quinine tablets for night cramps from Canada and other countries.
I do the same.
It works for me anyway.
I feel her pain.
Been drinking Hendix Gin & Tonics of late...…
Makes one start to think now doesn't it!
Check the quinine parts per million in the tonic you are using.
The FDA regulates us to 83 here in the states, an almost meaningless amount.
Damn..... Oh well the G&Ts were good!
My Doc "tried" to get me on quinine tabs for my leg cramps. Since he couldn't get the tabs, he put me on high dosage of Potassium Citrate - works like a champ. Wonder if they have thought about putting potassium in as a sub?
Her blood tests indicated that she should take less Potassium and Magnesium.
We keep fresh bars of soap under the topper at the foot of the bed, drink tons of mineral water
and keep small bottles of sports pickle juice on each night stand and in each bathroom.
We've probably reduced the frequency by 80% but the severity by 95%, she used to hobble over to a shower and spend a long time in there.
Now she walks it off before she gets there.
This in not the first time a medication or a test meant for one thing helps with another. I was a lab tech at Letterman Army Medical Center when they found that the blood test for pregnancy (HCG) was effective for detecting some cancers in males. The funny part was explaining to a male soldier why he was getting a blood pregnancy test. I always told them to ask the doctor. If they manage to fight those infected and cure them, it will give us time to come up with a preventative vaccine.
So, how many of the men tested positive
Just Kiddin'.
Stay on topic - has nothing to do with Trump.
Only one did that I can remember.
I know that Wellbutrin was used strictly as an anti-depressant at one time and then medical providers noticed that their patients stopped smoking so now it's used as a smoking cessation drug
When AIDS first came out, the hep test was helpful when testing donated blood until a better test came out.
Viagra was discovered through using it in heart studies. All the male participants where having side effects.
One of the side effects the men didn't mind.
This is a trial test and we do not know the side effects but a positive step. [Deleted]
Since these are drugs that are already approved that means any side effects are also already known. These drugs have been around a long time they just haven't been approved for use against Coronavirus but they are routinely prescribed for other ailments.
So far the FDA has not approved their use for this past the testing phase according to a news report I head.
Well they have to verify that it works, other countries have used it and there were reports that it was working but we must verify that those reports are accurate. Lets hope it works because this is getting old real fast.
Most countries don't have the stringent guidelines for approval set by the FDA like we do.
On Earth 2 . Not FDA Approved. [Deleted]
that roadblock was previously removed by the right to try act.
Quinine and it's family of drugs are not investigational drugs that meet the criteria of the Right Too Try Act.
However if one can believe the President, he ordered the FDA to approve trials using chloroquines
in clinical trials although there is no FDA announcement to this effect. Several other countries are embarking on cllinical trials due to some limited success in France.
Dr. Fauci seemed cynical of the idea that hydroxchloroquine combined with azmithrcycin , which is an anti bacterial, would would be effective against a virus.
Fauci implies that the virus just ran it's course in those particular 16 patients and the use od the anti malarial
may have impacted the fever, but the anto bacterial was useless against a virus.
He has every right to be skeptical.
as a cure for the wuhan flu? yes, those drugs are currently under investigation.
did ya even read the article?
LOL, so what?
Yes, did you?
If the Right to Try Act superseded any other FDA dictates, why would the President say he intervened and ordered FDA to approve the drug for use in new trials? Not the drugs unlimited use, but just the new trials.
As a fever busting drug quinine has been used for hundreds of years.
As Fauci noted, there is no scientific basis for using Azithrymcycin, an anti bacterial against a virus.
it seems to working when combined with hydroxychloroquine, or Plaqenuil
it is funny how in a country of 300 million one can find any opinion they like huh?
only time will tell who is right