55 Percent of Americans Approve of Trump's Response to Wuhan Coronavirus in New Poll
Category: News & Politics
Via: heartland-american • 5 years ago • 34 commentsBy: Ellie Bufkin

It’s good to see bi partisan trust in our government and it’s response to the Chinese import Wuhan virus. The Pence led panel is well informed and reassuring while Trump instills a reasonable optimism to the country. We will get through this.

Source: AP Photo/Evan Vucci
The majority of Americans now approve of President Trump's handling of the Wuhan Coronavirus pandemic, according to a new poll conducted by ABC News/Ipsos .
The poll shows a significant increase in approval for the president with a 12-point uptick from the same round of questions given by the pollster just a week before. Americans surveyed for the poll also reflected a dramatic change in the way they are looking at the virus pandemic, showing that nearly three-quarters of those surveyed feel that the Wuhan Coronavirus has changed their life.
The poll was conducted on Wednesday and Thursday of this week, days that saw the most dramatic increase in confirmed cases of the COVID-19 virus. The polling also coincided with Trump signing the most comprehensive relief package related to the pandemic to date, including guaranteed free testing, paid sick leave, enhances to unemployment relief, and paid emergency leave.
That bill, the second "phase" of legislation designed to relieve hardships suddenly beset on much of America because of isolation and loss of work, sailed through both chambers of Congress with unprecedented bipartisan support. A third phase of financial stimulus is in the works, a measure Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says will be settled and voted on before lawmakers adjourn. The Kentucky Republican noted, however, social distancing and other protocols would be observed.
"What we'll do is have a 30-minute roll call vote. We want to avoid congregating here in the well," McConnell said . "I would encourage our colleagues to come in and vote and depart the chamber so we don't have gaggles of conversation here on the floor. That's particularly important for our staff here and the front of the chamber, so I would encourage everyone to take full advantage of a full 30-minute roll call vote. Come in and vote, and leave."
The actions by the president and congressional members of both parties have seemingly comforted Americans rattled by the economic free fall and threat of illness looming over the entire country, according to the poll. Notably, the partisan split in approval showed a sharp increase in Democrats with faith in the president with doubled numbers from only 15 percent to 30 percent. Democrats who disapprove of the president decreased from 86 percent to just 69 percent. Meanwhile, the GOP overwhelmingly supports Trump with 92 percent of respondents praising his response to the pandemic.
Trump has largely settled into a rhythm as the crisis continues, giving daily briefings from the White House with the Coronavirus Task Force. The briefings give the president the opportunity to address the nation and provide his typically optimistic outlook for the future of the nation while yielding much of his time to a panel of experts. Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, as well as Surgeon General Jerome Adams and even Vice President Pence have proven to be a reasonable balance to Trump during the briefings.
The ABC/Ipsos poll echoes similar results published by Harris that showed 56 percent of Americans supported the president's efforts during the current crisis. During this time, the president also received shocking praise from one of his primary congressional detractors, Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, and CNN anchor Dana Bash.
"Politics aside, this is incredible and the right response in this critical time," Omar said in a Wednesday tweet.
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Trump has largely settled into a rhythm as the crisis continues, giving daily briefings from the White House with the Coronavirus Task Force. The briefings give the president the opportunity to address the nation and provide his typically optimistic outlook for the future of the nation while yielding much of his time to a panel of experts. Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, as well as Surgeon General Jerome Adams and even Vice President Pence have proven to be a reasonable balance to Trump during the briefings.
The ABC/Ipsos poll echoes similar results published by Harris that showed 56 percent of Americans supported the president's efforts during the current crisis. During this time, the president also received shocking praise from one of his primary congressional detractors, Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, and CNN anchor Dana Bash.
"Politics aside, this is incredible and the right response in this critical time,"
In the past week or 10 days Trump has acted more serious, and there is no doubt that accounts for whatever approval he has above and beyond his 35-40% base.
Unfortunately, there have been many cracks in his "seriousness".
People generally want to believe their national leaders are competent and doing a good job in a crisis. They are giving Trump the benefit of the doubt because that is somewhat human nature in a crisis.
Despite the 24/7 Democratic Party and media frenzy to create panic and turn the situation worse.
Still waiting on what the Democrats would do differently. Guess they want us to grant them all of the power to find out.
You have to elect them to know what's in them..................
Cut it out, Omar.
Omar is the more moderate one as she has actually praised the President and his response to the crisis.
JR, Trump could tread 6 inches of water and you would still not be satisfied and complain because he did not actually walk on the water! That is the nature of hard core Trump haters.
He should keep his mouth shut and do the right thing. Instead he hosts daily tv shows where he brags about himself and speculates about things he knows nothing about.
He is in over his head and all we can do is hope and pray the virus will be minimized anyway.
I saw the exchange. I didn't have a problem with the question. I think it's a good one. Trump clearly took it as some kind of criticism, but I don't think it was meant that way at all. I would be sad to be wrong.
The kind that will openly side with and promote Chinese propaganda rather than support our President in a national crisis.
that was only one portion that f their dialogue and Trump was right to call out him and his network
Yep, pretty much.
Trump waited too long and did too little. He had already trashed the EPA and CDC because his polluting masters told him to and because Obama set them up to protect us.
He can NEVER make up for NOT taking this serious back in January (yes, he closed down to China, but that's ALL he did)
Still held rallies, still went golfing, still blamed democrats and the media for calling it a hoax (not the virus but the seriousness of it)
And for once can this imbecile stop with the ME, ME, look at ME attitude and act with decorum.
And stop LYING
You forgot the big-ass birthday party at Mar a Lago for his son's girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle. What's worse is that he invited foreign dignitaries, so guess who gets the privilege of paying for the party?
Oops, almost forgot about the guests who tested positive for the virus. But all is fine and dandy. According to WH press advisor Stephanie Grisham, Trump had no interaction with the infected individuals. Well...except for this:
and this:
and this:
Since January 22, Donald Trump has been lying to America about COVID-19. He did so even as the number of cases spread, healthcare professionals raised the alarm, and other countries experienced the coronavirus pandemic. Trump didn’t cause this pandemic. What he did was squander America’s only advantage—a lag time during which to prepare for the crisis—and then make encourage the spread of the disease when it might have been contained. He has, in real and material ways, made this crisis worse. To understand the full breadth of what he has done to America, you have to watch as it happened in real time.
Trump is a great American President.
Um, nope
Many Americans across the country are turning to patriotism to find hope during the coronavirus outbreak.
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) called on his constituents to rally around Old Glory during a Friday press conference.
“We’ve been attacked by this virus. We have to pull together,” DeWine said, according to WOWK . “Fly that flag every single day.”
DeWine told the media about the act of one 7-year-old girl.
The governor said he received an email from the girl’s mother which said, “Mr. DeWine, we do not have an American flag to hang outside our home. Today after your news conference, my 7-year-old daughter made this flag for our house in honor of your request.”
“I would like to thank 7-year-old Elaina in Radnor, Ohio for the beautiful flag,” DeWine said.
Cleveland.com reported there have been “lots of flags” put up around northeast Ohio in response to DeWine’s call.
Others have done similar acts.
The Buffalo (New York) News reported :
“I was just trying to show that we’re unified, we’re all in this together,” 70-year-old Riccio told the paper.
Boy Scouts in Hamilton, Michigan, placed flags in front of area businesses.
“You turn on the TV and people are talking about staying home, things shutting down, people are getting nervous,” scout master David Nevins told Fox 17. “There’s a lot of uncertainty and I think this is a way to make people feel better.”
But not all are finding pride in America at this time.
Slate contributor David Masciotra wrote :
Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News.
Putting America First will defeat the Wuhan virus
This week we saw the nation move to a wartime footing to confront the Chinese coronavirus.
We also saw the end of the prizefight for the Democratic presidential nomination.
The final round of that contest offers insights on who's serious about saving the nation, who's playing political games and who are unwitting fools of a hostile foreign power.
We begin by looking at the last Bernie/Biden debate, a matchup no one would confuse with the Thrilla in Manila.
These two aging fighters missed no opportunity to throw wild punches at the president rather than at each other or the true enemy our country faces. They eagerly blamed the president for the plague the Chinese Communist Party unleashed on the world.
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When he wasn't bashing President Trump, Bernie was swinging at his other favorite shadow-boxing partners, "big money interests," "multi- millionaires," or to be precise, the "crooks running the pharmaceutical industry."
This is of course the pharmaceutical industry that began developing a rapid coronavirus test in January, that's running clinical trials for potential treatments, vaccines and cures as you read this and is mobilizing all its resources in the war we face.
While bashing private enterprise, Bernie places his faith in a government-run health care system, the same system they have in China where the virus originated and in Italy, currently overwhelmed by the magnitude of the crisis.
One of the challenges President Trump had to overcome was the regulatory sclerosis that held back the CDC, the FDA and prevented the alphabet soup of other agencies in the administrative state from moving quickly in this emergency.
Bernie and Biden both place their faith in the efficacy and infallibility of the bureaucracy President Trump cut through – something he's been doing for three years to bring more drugs to market quickly. Faced with a novel virus and a novel situation, the bureaucracy was paralyzed by rules it follows whether or not the rules get needed results.
In addition to being in thrall to the bureaucracy – "the interagency consensus" – Bernie and Biden are in thrall to decades-old received wisdom of all varieties. Bernie's favorite is pure 180-proof socialism while Joe's is of the watered down variety.
Bernie can't resist heaping praise on any communist regime he can find. After congratulating Castro for teaching kids how to read the government-controlled press and books the regime hadn't banned, Bernie doubled down, regurgitating the old chestnut "China made progress in getting rid of extreme poverty." He forgot that it was western capital that got rid of extreme poverty in China while it increased in places like Flint, Michigan.
In the statement Biden recorded from self-quarantine after winning Tuesday's primaries, he declared, "Senator Sanders and I may disagree on tactics, but we share a common vision." It's one they also share with the Fabian Society.
More disturbing than Biden's soft-core socialism is his susceptibility to the sophisticated propaganda of the Beijing regime.
The Wuhan virus has laid bare the shortcomings of the Chinese Communist Party, which arrested the doctors who first reported the outbreak, and the fallacy of the globalization project, which concentrated global manufacturing in mainland China and left the world dependent on that totalitarian regime.
Globalization is the Trojan horse the CCP is using to take over the world. It portrays itself as the defender of globalization when it's true agenda is "globalism for you, nationalism for us."
Biden has swallowed it hook, line and sinker. He slammed President Trump's cutoff of flights from China as racist and remains true to the globalist catechism, tweeting "a wall will not stop the coronavirus. Banning all travel from Europe or any other part of the world will not stop it."
When Biden promises a return to normalcy, he's promising a return to the globalization that built up the People's Republic of China and impoverished middle America.
And when he blames President Trump for the Wuhan virus, he's doing the work of the Chinese Communist Party, desperate to avoid blame for the plague it unleashed on the world.
Which is more or less everyone but the TDS ridden.
And those who prefer to take the word of the communist Chinese regime over that of their own elected leaders and the team they assembled to protect us.
birds of a feather flock together.
while trying to act as patriots. today's left has a severe communist bent
I don’t think many of the hard left even bother with the act of pretending patriotism anymore. They just condemn everything we stand for as a nation.
And now the media wants to not coverTrumps daily press briefing because his poll numbers are going up.
Doesn’t it just make your day that most of the nation is rallying behind and in support of our President during this crisis. It’s a natural outgrowth of patriotism to rally behind and support our leadership in times of crisis like this.
In what alternate universe are you getting this? In this world, every time Trump makes a public statement, Dr. Fauci (among others) have had to walk back much of what Trump claimed and present the facts of the situation.
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Nice try but you're wasting time and energy here. The hard core Trump haters have been so brainwashed to hate that nothing anybody says that is in anyway construed as a positive action by Trump will ever be accepted by them. I am not really a Trump supporter, and he is not perfect by a longshot, but I refuse to lay all the evils currently going on in this country and the world squarely at his feet like some people here are more than willing to do.
US was more prepared for pandemic than any other country, Johns Hopkins study found
The United States was ranked the best-prepared country in the world to handle a pandemic in late 2019 by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (JHCHS) -- an assessment seemingly at odds with claims by Democrats that the Trump administration left the country vulnerable to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.
The Global Health Security Index was was "developed with guidance from an international panel of experts from 13 countries, with research by the Economist Intelligence Unit" from 2018 to 2019, The Washington Post reported last year. "More than 100 researchers spent a year collecting and validating publicly available data.”